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[email protected] Website: Baptist Joint Committee Development Update Supporting Bodies Religious Liberty Day kits traverse the country! Alliance of Baptists American Baptist Churches USA n the March edition of Baptist General Association of Virginia Report from the Capital, Baptist General Conference we reported on a new Baptist General Convention of I opportunity to order a Missouri Baptist General Convention of Texas Religious Liberty Day kit Cooperative Baptist Fellowship that will help you plan a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of celebration of our first North Carolina freedom at your church. National Baptist Convention of Since that time, the America Baptist Joint Committee National Baptist Convention U.S.A. Inc. received requests from National Missionary Baptist churches and individuals Convention across the country. Kits North American Baptist Conference have been sent to Florida, Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc. Hawaii, Tennessee, Texas, Kansas, Indiana and places So far, individuals and churches in the 14 states colored red have Religious Liberty Council requested Religious Liberty Day kits. Get a kit and highlight Seventh Day Baptist General in between. So far, individ- your state today! Conference uals and churches in 14 states have requested a kit If you have been con- You can also go online to learn more about plan- sidering a focus on reli- to view and print the REPORTfrom the Capital ning a Religious Liberty gious liberty at your resources.