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The California Tech . ~ l; see page 2 Times like these call for a Big Lewbowski. '. THE CALIFORNIA TECH 1999 ASCIT Budget sparks protest BY TtM CROSBY building where the protesters dropped ASCIT membership. ASCIT generally performs Budget questions also domi­ its appointed duties quietly, not nated last week's ASCIT BoD attracting much notice. But last meeting. Over a dozen club sup­ week the tide shifted dramati­ porters and concerned students cally with the publication of the attended the unusually long ASCIT BUdget for the coming meeting. year. The Caltech Caucasion Many stundents and clubs Club again petitioned for fund­ were upset by the allocation of ing after recieving none from the ASCIT funds as published in last last meeting of the BoD. A club week's Tech. Various organiza­ spokesman asked for money to tions, inclUding the Veget3l1ian attend events reflecting "white Club, the Cal tech Caucasion culture" - from monster-truck Club, and the ASCIT movies, rallies to concens. The BoD ex­ demanded budget revisions. pressed reservation about the Many students had questions club's seeming frivolity and its about the new archives project overlap with preexisting organi­ and web project initiative. zations. Margaret Thatcher. Great The most visible of the ob­ The BoD also dealt with the in 's fi rst woman pri me jections to the ASCIT budget ASCIT Movies, for which it ap­ )JlJIlJ st l~r and one of the world's was the Vegetarian Club demon­ propriated funding at requested admired and respected stration during last Friday's club level, $3100 for this third term. fair. The rally, led by Michael Future funding for the ASCIT Mike Pruett takes the battle with ASCIT to the Olive Walk, leader's, will speak at the Pasa­ organizing a rally and rejection of ASCIT last Friday. Civic Auditorium as pan Pruett, involved a megaphone Movies will be decided based on the Di sti nguished Speaker and signs proclaiming ASCIT as th e results of a survey sent to all on Monday, May 3rd at 8 "facist". The rally then marched students. Many of the other is­ . In this rare public appear­ through the houses and to the sues discussed at the BoD meet­ Mark Shields speaks at Tech Lady Thatcher will pro­ Keith Spalding Administration ing are also on thi s survey. a forthright and insightful COURTESY P UBLIC RELATIONS Lehrer each Friday. and CNN's ~ssl~ ssme nt of current world af­ Evans, Novak, HUllt & Shields and reflect on her own re­ Veteran political commenta­ each Sunday. ! " ""~'1Ule life and political ca- tor Mark Shields will discuss a Shields has been described variety of topics during an ex­ by one reviewer as "the wittiest By the time she stepped clusive appearance May 6th at political analyst around. and he in 1990. Lady Thatcher the California Institute of Tech­ is frequently th e most trenchant. become one of her nology. fair-minded and thoughtfuL" ' .. rler;nio>n', outstanding politi­ "An Evening with Mark In all. he has managed po­ leaders. and perhaps the most Shields" is scheduled for 8 p.m. litical campaigns in some 38 hn'vertnl woman in the world. in Beckman Auditorium, on the states. Po,;se,ssing an iron will. she Caltech campus in Pasadena. Shields joined the editorial words with action in The free event will feature an in­ staff of the Washingtoll Post in ~OJlfn)nting the crises of the day terview of Shields by Los Allge­ 1979, and began a column the economic affairs, in the les Time s Washington bureau following year that is now syn­ Palklanrl, War, in Nonhern lre­ chief Doyle McManus, and will dicated weekly by Creators Syn­ in the great twilight include a question-and-answer dicate. He has been a political of the Cold War and in period with the audience. commentator on television and Shields is a nationally radio since the early 1980s, and pe~IlIl!;' with Europe proper. 1975, Thatcher became known columnist and commen­ provided political analysis of tator who regularly appears on both the 1988 and 1992 presi­ nationwide television as mod­ dential elections. erator of CNN's Th e Capital " An Evening with Mark Gang, as well as an analyst on Shields" is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required. After her resignation in the PBS NewsHour lVith Jim Thatcher was awarded the Dnjer ofM,,,it In 1992. she was IN THIS ISSUE Ke:ste',en and later made a mem­ THE THIS WEEK'S of the Most Noble Order of USUAL Ganer. She continues to play STUFF FEATURES active role in the House of and in politics at large. Announcements ....................... 8 All Letters, All the Time ........... 2 Tickets are on sale now - DILBERT .................................. 6 Bookworm ............................... 4 than 700 remain and the box The Outside World ................... 4 Tennis Wrap .. up ....................... 5 anticipate a sell-out. Tick­ fan Shapiro, number 2 above center, won his 1500m heat Adam ......................... 4 Lottery Explained ................... 3 are available through the at the SCIAC preliminaries last Saturday. He ended Dean's Corner. ......................... 7 ra,;adena Civic Box Office. up placing seventh overall in the conference finals. 2 April 23, 1999 OPINIONS Th e California Tech LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor Don 't Let the mind. how mu ch of the Mars year tradition of the movies. You --guidelines-- Society'S 5750 request should have ki ll ed the last cheap, weekJy, payin g dues. we e nable an Directorate ASCIT have gran ted the club? interhouse event th at didn't in­ e lected board to d istribute The question doesn't factor in that volve doughnuts. Yes, the Mov­ money in a more effective way. Please send Control You ASCIT Fres hman Director-at­ ies lose money, but it's an oppor­ First, the student govern­ submissions for letters Dear Ed ilO r, large Derek Shannon and Trea­ tunity to get logether wilh a few ment is a centrali zed organi za­ On Frid ay, 16 April 1999. I surer Dann y Abrams are among friends and run into a few more ti on. New clubs with good ideas to the editor to: participated in a protest against the club's small number of active friends and see something th at but sm all numbers can use The California Tech the directorate of the Associated members. with Ihe former bein g might have merit. or might not, ASCIT for money- and public Caltech 40-58 Students of the Californi a InSli­ Ihe president of the group. The and to joke with the projection­ recogniti on. This gives them a Pasadena, CA 9 1125 lute of Technology. The 20 stu ­ Mars Society'S cl aimed member­ ists. Your proposed repl acement, change to get started. and in time denl s who marched from th e Ol­ shi p is hi ghl y inflated relative to the Video Library, is quite possi­ to become strong contributing ive Wa lk to the Bursar's Office in this core of actual members, but bly not legal (which you reall y members of the communit y. It or by electronic mail to Keith Spalding have all with­ ASCIT's club funding doesn't ought to have checked before vot­ encourages new clubs wiuch [email protected]. drawn their ASCIT membershi p take this considerati on into ac­ ing $2500 to the project.) and will brin g togeth e r peop le wit h as a vehement vote of no confi­ count. discriminate against houses with shared interests and int roduce dence in our current ASCIT lead­ Most student organisalio ns, no DVD player or VCR. It will people 10 interes's Ihey never Deadline for submis­ ership. even th ose which justi fy- by the also encourage small groups of even knew they had. Upon our retum from Keith melric of aClive membership--­ people who wan t to get together Second, st udent govern ­ sions is M onday at Spaldi ng. we distributed over 50 any substantial funding, have li ttle to stay in a small group, instead ment encourages organi zat ions 5 p.m. o n the week. of 'Request for Reversal of Dues' chance of reclaiming the approxi­ of meeting olher people at the to design activites that cater to publication. forms to student s. When we were mately nine doll ars per member movies. It will al so promote many members of the commu­ near 10 running out of these fonns. paid in dues to ASCIT. abuse of 0701060 Moore, which nity. ASCIT is most willing to one student (who was not associ­ As evidenced by ASCIT's is a privelege. not a ri ght. sponsor organi zati ons that give The editors reserve the ated wi th th e acti vit y) offered to 1999-2000 Budget, ASCIT's bud­ This budget suggests to me something back 10 the commu­ right to edit or refuse getary dec isions are clearl y not Ihat, while we ll -i ntentioned, the photocopy the forms to distribute nity; this encourages campus to print any letter for aligned with the needs and con­ current ASClT BoD has not given to hi s house. The march was a wide acti viti es, and everyone any reason. great sUCcess in my opinion since cems of the srudents and instead any thought 10 the wants of the wins. Organi zations receive it has insti gated discussion regard­ serve only to support the narrow students, but instead to itself, a money to operate, and students ing the leadership of our sludent spectrum of interests supported by fact which can also be seen in the are exposed to a great vari etiof " • govemment.
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