Te Italian High Renaisance This assignment asks you to research a specific artist from the Italian High and present your findings to the class. This should be completed by going on line to reputable sites.

It is highly recommended you consult www.KhanAcademy.org. The website has a great search feature and is loaded with videos by art history experts that can walk you through important pieces from these artists.

Obviously, you can run a typical Google search that includes the artist’s name and the title together. With its constant update of high-resolution images, Wikipedia is a great resource, but don’t neglect other search results that may come from museums’ websites. These usually have better information in a more easily accessible format.

Here’s your plan: First: Research your artist and find a quality biography along with information about his philosophy and style. Second: Write notes for yourself about the artist. Do not just print off and highlight a biography. Rewrite this information in your own words. Third: Look up your artist’s works listed on the back of this page. At home, print copies of each work and annotate them. Each image should take up approximately 40% of the page, leaving room for you to annotate. Finally: Write the title of the work and any information about the work you can find. If the painting includes a narrative, note the story, so you can share it with us in your presentation. You might talk about line, light, detail, symbolism, color, etc. when you discuss the pieces with the class.

We will discuss these together in class. Each of you will be assigned one of four High Renaissance artists, and your group will lead the discussion of this artist and his works. YOU ARE TO PREPARE ONLY FOR YOUR ASSIGNED ARTIST. Your grade will be based primarily on your class participation, although your written information will be a part of the grade as well. Michelangelo

Ginevra Basilica of St. Peter Lady with Ermine David Self-portrait Dying Slave Vitruvian Man Doni Tondo scientific sketches Sistine Chapel (in entirety) Last Supper Creation of Adam (Sistine Chapel) Virgin & Child with St. Anne Original Sin: Adam & Eve (Sistine Chapel) Moses Pieta of the Carnation Last Judgment


Alba Madonna Entombment Isabella d’Este Madonna of the Meadows Madonna of the Pinks Three Ages of Man Baldassare Castiglione Self-portrait with a friend of Urbino Cowper Madonna Danae School of Athens Disputa Meeting of and Ariadne