Suffix Trees for Fast Sensor Data Forwarding Jui-Chieh Wub Hsueh-I Lubc Polly Huangac Department of Electrical Engineeringa Department of Computer Science and Information Engineeringb Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimediac National Taiwan University
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[email protected] Abstract— In data-centric wireless sensor networks, data are alleviates the effort of node addressing and address reconfig- no longer sent by the sink node’s address. Instead, the sink uration in large-scale mobile sensor networks. node sends an explicit interest for a particular type of data. The source and the intermediate nodes then forward the data Forwarding in data-centric sensor networks is particularly according to the routing states set by the corresponding interest. challenging. It involves matching of the data content, i.e., This data-centric style of communication is promising in that it string-based attributes and values, instead of numeric ad- alleviates the effort of node addressing and address reconfigura- dresses. This content-based forwarding problem is well studied tion. However, when the number of interests from different sinks in the domain of publish-subscribe systems. It is estimated increases, the size of the interest table grows. It could take 10s to 100s milliseconds to match an incoming data to a particular in [3] that the time it takes to match an incoming data to a interest, which is orders of mangnitude higher than the typical particular interest ranges from 10s to 100s milliseconds. This transmission and propagation delay in a wireless sensor network. processing delay is several orders of magnitudes higher than The interest table lookup process is the bottleneck of packet the propagation and transmission delay.