Books by D. H. Lawrence

Title Publisher Date Notes Aa d Secker 1922 Aa d Seltzer, New York 1922 US edition Amores, poems Duckworth 1916 W.E. H 1916 homemade binding Amores, poems Duckworth 1916 F. S C 1920 Amores, poems Duckworth 1916 Apocalypse; Secker 1932 Secker 1932 Apocalypse G. Orioli., Florence 1931 Limited edition, no. 55 of 750 Apocalypse G. Orioli., Florence 1931 Binder paper edition, no. 472 of 950 A propos of Lady Mandrake Press 1930 Chaee e Assorted articles Secker 1930 F L A 1930 Assorted articles Secker 1930 Bay, a book of poems Beaumont Press 1919 Birds, beasts and flowers, Secker 1923 W.E. H poems E Secker 1924 The Caai d Secker 1926 Hopkin caricature stamp A cie Fida igh Secker 1934 Hopkin caricature stamp David, a play Knopf, New York 1926 US edition England, my England Secker 1924 England, my England Secker 1924 Eastwood and Greasley Artizans and M I Etruscan places Viking Press, New York 1932 T W H F Fantasia of the unconscious Secker 1923

Glad ghosts Ernest Benn 1926 Secker 1923 W. E. H E N , , the Secker 1923 W. E. H Caai d Lad Chaee e Privately printed, Florence 1928 No. 1 of 500

Laca f D G. Orioli, Florence 1929 Manente Last poems; Heinemann Heinemann 1935 1935 P H from Millicent Aug 1938 Life Ark Press 1954 Look! We have come Chatto and Windus 1917 Inscription with through birthday greetings Love among the haystacks Nonsuch Press 1930 Wm Ed Hopkin E N Love poems and others Duckworth & Co. 1913 Inscription to Sallie Hopkin The lovely lady Viking Press, New York 1933 US edition The man who died Secker 1935 The man who died Heinemann 1935 Hopkin caricature stamp The manuscripts of D.H. Los Angeles Public Library 1937 T W H Lawrence very best wishes from H M A modern lover Secker 1934

The William Hopkin Collection is available at Eastwood Library. Secker 1927 W.E. H 1929 Movements in European OUP 1925 W.E. H history Nettles Faber 1930 New poems by D. H. Secker 1918 Inscription to Willie Lawrence Hopkin Pansies Secker 1929 Pansies Secker 1930 Phoenix; Heinemann Heinemann 1936 Phoenix; Heinemann Heinemann 1961 Secker 1926 W.E. H

The plumed serpent Heinemann 1948 Pornography and obscenity Faber 1929 Paperback

Pornography and obscenity Faber 1929 Cloth and paper

A prelude Merle Press 1949 The Prussian officer Duckworth 1914 Psychoanalysis and the Secker 1923 unconscious Methuen 1915

The rainbow Heinemann 1935 Rad f Elkin Mathews & Marrot 1928 W. E. H E N Reflections on the death of Centaur Press, 1925 W. E. H a porcupine Philadelphia E N Sea and Sardinia Secker 1923 W. E. H E N The ship of death and other Secker 1933 poems The ship of death Faber 1941 St. Mawr Secker 1925 W. E. H E inscription St. Mawr Secker 1925 M W bookplate Duckworth 1913 Inscription Sons and Lovers Duckworth 1913 H C M 14 Tales of D.H. Lawrence Heinemann 1934 W.E. H B Tortoises Thomas Seltzer, New York 1921 W. E. H caricature stamp Touch & go C.W. Daniel 1920 Inscription Touch & go C.W. Daniel 1920 Duckworth 1912 W.E. H E Triumph of the machine Faber 1930 W. E. H Colin Young Sept 1949 Twenty tales: full score Reprint Society 1943 Twilight in Italy Duckworth 1916 The virgin and the gipsy G. Orioli, Florence 1930 Heinemann 1911 The widowing of Mrs Duckworth 1914 Holroyd Secker 1928 W.E. H E Secker 1925 W.E. H E

The William Hopkin Collection is available at Eastwood Library. Books by other authors

Author Title Publisher Date Notes Aldington, Richard D.H. Lawrence Chatto and Windus 1930

Aldington, Richard D.H. Lawrence, a complete Heinemann 1935 list of his works together with a critical appreciation Aldington, Richard D.H. Lawrence, an Penguin 1950 appreciation Aldington, Richard Poai of a geni b Heinemann 1950 W. Ed. H the life of D.H. Lawrence Eastwood Notts April 1885 1930 1950 Aldington, Richard The spirit of place, an Heinemann 1935 [ed] anthology compiled from the prose of D.H. Lawrence Armin, Arnold D.H. Lawrence and German Heinemann 1963 literature Brett, Dorothy Lawrence and Brett Secker 1933 Brewster, E. and A. D.H. Lawrence, Secker 1934 reminiscences and correspondence Bynner, Witter Journey with genius, Peter Neville 1953 recollections and reflections concerning the D.H. Lawrences Carswell, The savage pilgrimage, a Secker 1932 W.E. H Catherine narrative of D.H. Lawrence Carter, Frederick D.H. Lawrence and the Denis Archer 1932 body mystical Corke, Helen: D.H. Laence pince, a Merle Press 1951 No.s 7 and 8 of 200 memory of Jessie Chambers Corke, Helen Lawrence and apocalypse Heinemann 1933 Author inscription Corke, Helen Neutral ground Arthur Barker 1933 W.E. H Dahlberg, Edward Bottom Dogs, introduction G.P. Pa S 1930 by D.H. Lawrence Dobie, J. Coonado childen Texas Southwest Press 1930 Inscription E.T. [.. J D. H. Lawrence, a personal Jonathan Cape 1935 Author inscription Chambers record; Fabes, Gilbert H D.H. Lawrence, his first W. and G. Foyle Ltd. 1933 edition points and values Fay, Eliot Lorenzo in search of the Vision 1935 sun, D.H. Lawrence in Italy, Mexico and the American South-West Freeman, Mary D.H. Lawrence, a basic University of Florida Press 1955 study of his ideas; Goodman, Footnote to Lawrence White Owl Press 1932 Richard Gray, Cecil Peter Warlock Jonathan Cape 1938 Gregory, Horace Pilgrim of the Apocalypse, Martin Secker 1934 a critical study of D.H. Lawrence Harrison, A.W. Liberal Puritanism Epworth Press 1936 Hopkin, William Glades and lovers Stone & Cox, Nottingham 1951? Edward Huxley, Aldous The letters of D.H. Lawrence Heinemann 1932 [ed.] Keynes, J.M Two memoirs Rupert Hart-Davis 1949 Inscription by A.L. Rowse Kingsmill, Hugh D.H. Lawrence Methuen 1938 Lawrence, Ada The early life of D.H. G. Orioli, Florence 1931 Inscription by Ada and Gelder, G. Lawrence Lawrence Stuart

The William Hopkin Collection is available at Eastwood Library. Lawrence, Ada The early life of D.H. Martin Secker 1932 Inscription by Ada and Gelder, G. Lawrence Lawrence Stuart Lawrence, Frieda The memoirs and Heinemann 1961 correspondence edited by E.W. Tedlock Lawrence, Frieda Not I, but the wind Viking Press, New York 1934 Hopkin caricature stamp Leavis, F.R. D.H. Lawrence Gd Fa a S. J 1930 College, Cambridge

The London Includes: Lawrence the Vol 4, no. 6, June 1957 Magazine vol. 4 traveller by Michael Swan no. 6, June 1957; Luhan, Mabel Lorenzo in Taos Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1932 Dodge: Middleton, Richard The day before yesterday T. Fisher Unwin 1912 Inscription

Middleton, Richard The ghost ship and other T. Fisher Unwin 1912 stories Middleton, Richard Poems and songs T. Fisher Unwin 1912

Middleton, Poems and songs. Second T. Fisher Unwin 1912 Inscription Richard: series Moore, Harry T. [ed D. H. Laence lee o Gotham Book Mart 1948 W.E. H Ead Bertrand Russell N S. 1950

Moore, Harry T. A D.H. Lawrence Heinemann 1961 [ed.] miscellany Moore, Harry T. The intelligent heart, the Heinemann 1955 story of D.H. Lawrence Moore, Harry T. The life and works of D.H. Twayne, New York 1951 Signed by author [ed] Lawrence Moore, Harry T. Poste Restante, a Lawrence University of California 1956 travel calendar Press Murry, John Son of woman, the story of Jonathan Cape 1931 Middleton D. H. Lawrence Nehls, Edward D.H. Lawrence, a University of Wisconsin 1958 [ed.] composite biography . 1 1885 1919 . 2 1919 1925 . 3 1925 1930 Nin, Anaïs D. H. Lawrence, an Edward W. Titus, Paris 1932 N. 279 550. W E unprofessional study Hopkin Eastwood N Potter, Stephen D.H. Lawrence, a first study Jonathan Cape 1930

Savage, Henry Richard Middleton, the man Cecil Palmer 1922 and his work Tedlock, E.W The University of New Mexico 1948 W Ed H collection of D.H. Lawrence Press manuscripts, a descriptive bibliography Tiverton, Father D.H. Lawrence and human Rockliff 1951 William existence West, Anthony D.H. Lawrence Arthur Barker Ltd 1950 West, Rebecca D.H. Lawrence Martin Secker 1930 Wickham, Harvey The Impuritans George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1929 Ca a ac D.H. Lawrence W.E. H

The William Hopkin Collection is available at Eastwood Library. Journals

Journal Date Notes The Alephi [John Oct-23 v.1 no. 5 Middleton Murry ed] November 1930 v.1 no. 2 Jan-31 v. 1 no. 4 Arena v.1 no.4 The Calendar of Mar-25 Icd DHL T modern letters c (1) The Christian May-36 community The Enemy Sep-27 no.2 [Wyndham Lewis ed.] Horizon Jul-47 London Magazine May-55 New Adelph J A 1930 The New Coterie Autumn 1926 cd D.H. Lac S Purpose Quarterly A J 1930 Review of English Oct-62 v.III Literature Scb May-30 Scb Jun-30 The Signature Ocb Nb 1915 No.s 1-3. Includes D.H.Lac T C Texas Quarterly Spring 1963 v. VI no. 1. Includes D.H. Lac bd W L


Author Title Publisher Date Notes Richard Aldington D.H. Lawrence in Rowohlt, Berlin 1961 selbszeugnissen und bilddokumenten dargestellt von Richard Aldington

English Studies The birth of expressionism in N da offprint the work of D.H. Lawrence 1937?

Poetry, a December magazine of verse 1914 v. V no. III

Swinburne, Atalanta in Caleydon and Tauchnitz 1901 W.E. H D.H. Algernon Charles lyrical poems Lac The paintings of D.H. Mandrake Press 1929 Hopkin caricature Lawrence stamp University of New D.H. Lawrence Fellowship Apr-60 Mexico Fund Manuscript Collection

Beardsley W.E. Hopkin E., 1862 Auction Sale By order of Mrs O. Theobolds 1951 Friday H Auctions February 6th contents of her house 1987 at Eastwood

The William Hopkin Collection is available at Eastwood Library.