An Approach to Management of in the Southern Indian Volume 2 – Anthropogenic Threats to and Biodiversity

Edited by François Simard and Aurélie Spadone

IUCN GLOBAL MARINE AND POLAR PROGRAMME The designation of geographical entities in this publication, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN.

Published by: IUCN, Gland, Switzerland

Copyright: © 2012 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

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Citation: Simard F., Spadone A. (eds) (2012). An Ecosystem Approach to Management of Seamounts in the Southern Indian Ocean. Volume 2 – Anthropogenic Theats to Seamount Ecosystems and Biodiversity. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. iv+64 pp. This paper is to be read in conjunction with two others: one giving an overview of seamount ecosystems and biodiversity (Volume 1) and one on a legal and instituional gap analysis (Volume 3).

ISBN: 978-2-8317-1563-6

Cover photos: Front: Trawler in the South West Indian Ocean, © Leigthon Rolley Back: Sunset in the South West Indian Ocean, © IUCN/Aurélie Spadone

Layout by: Tim Davis, DJEnvironmental, UK

Available from: IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Publications Services Rue Mauverney 28 1196 Gland Switzerland Tel +41 22 999 0000 Fax +41 22 999 0020 [email protected] An Ecosystem Approach to Management of Seamounts in the Southern Indian Ocean Volume 2 – Anthropogenic Threats to Seamount Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Edited by François Simard and Aurélie Spadone

IUCN SIO Seamount Governance i TABLE OF CONTENTS

Foreword ...... vi

Executive Summary ...... 1

CHAPTER 1–NON- THREATS – by Philomène Verlaan ...... 3

I. Introduction ...... 3 A. Background ...... 3 B. Purpose of the paper ...... 3 C. Scope of the paper ...... 3 D. Ecosystems and biodiversity – context ...... 4 E. Approach ...... 4 F. Acknowledgement of sources and references ...... 5 II. Threats and Effects ...... 6 A. Threats from activities common to all ships ...... 6 1. Accidental and/or deliberate (operational) discharges from vessels of: ...... 6 a. Anti-foulants ...... 6 b. Bilge water, ballast water and associated ...... 6 c. Cargo ...... 7 d. Chemicals and other harmful commercial products and substances ...... 8 e. Exhaust and other gaseous emissions ...... 8 f. ...... 9 g. ...... 9 h. Oil ...... 10 i. Persistent organic (POPs) ...... 12 j. ...... 12 2. Anchoring ...... 13 3. Collisions (ship strikes) with, e.g., marine mammals, , turtles ...... 13 4. Grounding and shipwreck ...... 13 5. Invasive alien species (IAS) ...... 14 6. Noise ...... 15 7. Shading and lighting ...... 17 8. Washes and wakes ...... 17 B. Activities for which the ship serves primarily as a platform ...... 18 1. Archaeology ...... 18 2. Artificial islands and fixed/floating installations ...... 19 3. Bioprospecting ...... 19 4. Dumping ...... 19 5. Marine ...... 20 a. Minerals – fuel ...... 20 i. Oil and gas ...... 20 ii. hydrates ...... 21 b. Minerals – non-fuel ...... 21 i. Ferro- nodules and crusts ...... 21 ii. Polymetallic sulphides ...... 22 iii. Phosphorites, limestone, sand and gravel ...... 23 6. Marine scientific research ...... 23 TABLE OF CONTENTS

7. Military activities ...... 24 8. Ocean-based climate-change mitigation ...... 24 9. Piracy/criminal activities ...... 26 10. Recreation ...... 26 11. Salvage ...... 26 12. Undersea cable- and pipeline-laying ...... 27 a. Cables ...... 27 b. Pipelines ...... 28 C. Threats from activities not involving ships ...... 28 1. Anthropogenic ...... 28 2. Land-based activities ...... 29 3. Marine or ...... 29 4. Overflight ...... 31 5. Radionucleides ...... 31 III. Knowledge Gaps ...... 32

IV. Analytical Summary ...... 33

V. Conclusions ...... 35

VI. References ...... 36

CHAPTER 2 – FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE – by Garry Preston ...... 48 I. Fisheries ...... 48 A. Introduction ...... 48 B. Stock depletion ...... 50 C. Physical damage to benthic ecosystems ...... 50 D. Target species and by-catch ...... 52 E. ...... 53 F. Ghost fishing ...... 53 G. Noise and acoustic devices ...... 54 H. Harvesting of genetically unique resources ...... 54 I. Deep-water corals ...... 55 J. Marine aquarium trade ...... 55 K. Sports/recreational fishing ...... 55 II. Aquaculture ...... 56 A. Introduction ...... 56 B. Feeding and disposal ...... 57 C. Disease ...... 57 D. Escapes ...... 59 E. Endangered and sensitive species ...... 59 III. Ocean Fertilization ...... 60 IV. References ...... 61 V. Other Useful Sources ...... 63 Abbreviations and Acronyms ...... 64 FOREWORD

eamounts, underwater mountains rising As part of the scientific component of the project, from the seafloor, are abundant features of two research expeditions were conducted on Sthe world’s and as such are one of seamounts of the South West Indian Ridge. The the most common oceanic ecosystems in the first one, which took place in 2009 aboard the world. Known to be hotspots of biological activity R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen as part of the EAF-Nansen and diversity, seamounts are globally important for project, studied the pelagic fauna (in the water marine biodiversity and play a vital role in marine column) associated with seamounts, while the food webs. Marine mammals, migratory fish and second expedition, aboard the RRS James Cook , for instance, are largely dependent on (funded by the Research them for food. To date, the limited understanding Council, NERC) in 2011, focused on the benthic we have of the marine fauna associated with realm (on the seafloor). By conducting some of seamounts indicates that many species grow and the very first assessments of seamount reproduce slowly and are thus highly vulnerable to ecosystems, the project created a vital baseline . One of the main barriers to on the environmental status of seamounts from sustainable management of seamount which future trends and impacts can be ecosystems and conservation of marine monitored. One characteristic of deep- biodiversity in the high is a lack of ecosystems is the slow growth rate of the species knowledge about these fragile ecosystems. associated with them; it is likely that these communities will recover only very slowly, if at all, Within the framework of its medium-size UNDP- from ecological damage such as overexploitation GEF Seamounts project (‘Applying an ecosystem- of marine resources or . based approach to fisheries management in the high seas: focus on Seamounts in the southern The ecosystems in ABNJ, including seamounts, Indian Ocean’), IUCN has coordinated the are subject to negative impacts from compilation of a paper examining existing and activities in many sectors. Whereas fishing potential future threats of human activities to activities are widely recognized as the most seamount ecosystems and biodiversity located in significant threat to these ecosystems, the threats Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ). resulting from the complete range of human activities in these areas have to be taken into The present document is to be read in account. The cumulative effects of those threats conjunction with two companion papers: an should be considered so as to be able to improve Overview of Seamount Ecosystems and biodiversity conservation and find ways towards Biodiversity (Volume 1, authored by Alex Rogers), sustainable management of marine ecosystems. and a Legal and Institutional Gap Analysis (Volume 3, authored by Robin Warner, Philomène Verlaan Chapter 1 (by Philomène Verlaan) of this volume and Gail Lugten). These three volumes – which presents the overall context of anthropogenic form the series ‘An Ecosystem Approach to threats to seamount ecosystems and biodiversity, Management of Seamounts in the Southern and examines the non-fisheries threats to Indian Ocean’ – serve as a basis for the seamount ecosystems in ABNJ. Chapter 2 (by development of a road map towards the Garry Preston) then goes on to describe the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in threats from fisheries and aquaculture. the Southern Indian Ocean. François Simard & Aurélie Spadone In addition to being major outcomes of the IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme project, these volumes were used as background papers for two important workshops: a Governance workshop organized jointly with the Disclaimer: Any opinions or views expressed in ASCLME Project in Rhodes University, the following chapters are those of the authors Grahamstown, South Africa, in June 2011, and a and others cited therein as appropriate and do not Management workshop that took place in Rome, imply any opinion or views whatsoever by or on , in July 2012. the part of IUCN. iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

he individual and cumulative threats to and The activities posing actual or potential threats to effects of the full range of human activities seamount biodiversity and ecosystems are T on marine ecosystems and biodiversity in grouped into three categories. All activities general, and seamounts in particular, in areas physically conducted here will involve ships. beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) are still largely Activities common to the use of all ships (category unknown. These threats and their effects must be 1) are distinguished from activities for which the taken into account in order to be able to develop ship serves primarily as a platform (category 2). a robust, holistic ecosystem-based management Category 3 covers activities that do not involve scheme. This paper compiles and examines ships but that actually or potentially affect existing and potential future threats to seamount seamount biodiversity and ecosystems, including ecosystems and biodiversity located in ABNJ of land-based activities. the Indian Ocean. It is also intended to serve as a template for anthropogenic threat analyses of From an ecosystem-based standpoint, categories other seamount ecosystems elsewhere. Hence 1 and 3 represent an underlying chronic set of the scope of the present study includes actual threats, superimposed on which are acute, and and imminent threats to these areas as well. An potentially chronic, threats from category 2. institutional and legal gap analysis complements None of the activities operate in an otherwise this paper. The reader is referred to this unstressed (threat- and effect-free) environment. companion paper as appropriate. Anthropogenic threats and their effects can and often do interact, with cumulative and synergistic Ecosystems and biodiversity must not be adverse consequences for seamount biodiversity conflated. They play interactive but distinct roles in and ecosystems. Therefore none of the activities the marine environment. Biodiversity is the should be considered in isolation in assessing its fundamental component of ecosystems, and a implications for seamount biodiversity and variety of ecosystems is included in the concept ecosystem health. of biodiversity. Biodiversity provides options for organisms to respond to environmental The threats to seamount biodiversity and challenges – such as those posed by the ecosystems fall into one or more of the following activities addressed in this paper – by maintaining four overarching categories: their variability. To function best, biodiversity requires healthy ecosystems and vice-versa . 1. Maintenance of biodiversity is essential to 2. Habitat destruction, degradation and ecosystem stability. Loss of biodiversity can fragmentation temporarily or permanently move an ecosystem 3. Overexploitation into a different set of biogeochemical conditions, 4. Invasive alien species (IAS). and to – at best – changes and – at worst – disruption of or reduction in the ecosystem's Although the detailed interaction – feedback effective operation. loops – among this quartet of fundamental threats is poorly understood, they also usually overlap in Many different mechanisms and ecosystems are and exacerbate their individual deleterious effects responsible for the origin and maintenance of on seamount ecosystems and biodiversity. It is different aspects of biodiversity. They are all highly likely that their detrimental effects are also important to one or more species at one or more synergistic and cumulative. The ultimate results of points in their life cycle. Marine ecosystems are pollution, overexploitation and IAS are to degrade, numerous and varied, they operate on several fragment and eventually destroy seamount temporal and spatial scales, and they are all habitats, and thus their biodiversity and eco- crucial to marine biodiversity. systems on an oceanic, i.e., basin-wide, scale.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Ecosystem change in response to threats is often Seamount ecosystems are particularly fragile and neither linear nor gradual. It tends to occur vulnerable to anthropogenic threats. Any abruptly or accelerates once a threshold is additional or new activity, or the intensification of crossed. This threshold is called the tipping point. an ongoing activity, could become the tipping After the tipping point has occurred, recovery or point for the collapse of a seamount ecosystem. rehabilitation of the ecosystem is virtually At present an objective comparator of the threats impossible. Even if it were possible, it would be and effects associated with the activities in this prohibitively expensive. The occurrence of tipping regard is lacking. This fundamental knowledge points in the marine environment is at present gap would be filled by a mechanism to improve unpredictable. the predictability of the tipping point trigger(s) and to improve the quantification of the risks thereof for seamount ecosystems.

Inside a bluefin tuna cage. © Marco-Carè/Marine Photobank

2 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats CHAPTER 1 –NON -F ISHERIES THREATS Author: Philomène Verlaan


A. Background B. Purpose of the paper The International Union for Conservation of Nature activities are widely recognized as the (IUCN) and its members have a long-standing most significant threat to marine ecosystems and commitment to achieving effective protection, biodiversity, including seamounts, in areas beyond restoration and sustainable use of biological national jurisdiction (ABNJ), which include the high diversity and ecosystem processes on the high seas and the beyond either 200 or up to seas. This commitment was reiterated at the ~350 nautical miles (nm) (depending in the latter 2008 IUCN World Conservation Congress. case on the extent of the outer ). Through Resolution 4.031 ‘Achieving conservation However, the individual and cumulative threats to of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national and effects of the full range of human activities in jurisdiction’, IUCN members called, inter alia , for ABNJ in general and seamounts in particular are the promotion of arrangements, processes and not yet well characterized. These threats and their agreements that ensure the consistent, effects must be taken into account in order to be coordinated and coherent application of the best able to develop a robust, holistic ecosystem- conservation and governance principles and based management scheme. Therefore one of approaches, including integrated ecosystem- the planned activities under this project is the based management and the precautionary preparation of a paper compiling and examining approach. existing and potential future threats of human activities to seamount ecosystems and As part of this mandate, IUCN, in partnership with biodiversity located in ABNJ. the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), developed a medium-size project entitled C. Scope of the paper ‘Applying an ecosystem-based approach to Although the initial purpose of this paper is to fisheries management: focus on seamounts in the address the requirements of the GEF SIO project, southern Indian Ocean’, which was approved by it is also intended to serve as a template for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in December anthropogenic threat analyses of other seamount 2008. The overarching project objective is to help ecosystems elsewhere. Hence the scope of the improve marine resources conservation and present study includes actual and imminent management in the high seas. Biodiversity-rich threats to these areas as well as to the specific areas, centred on seamounts, of the southern GEF SIO project area. It is hoped that this more Indian Ocean (SIO) have been chosen to serve as comprehensive approach will contribute to efforts a test case. The GEF SIO project has four main underway to develop regulatory mechanisms to components: integrate and coordinate the environmentally responsible management of all human activities in 1. Improve scientific understanding of seamounts ABNJ. This paper complements another in the SIO (two research expeditions, one commissioned for the GEF SIO project: an each in 2009 and 2011); institutional and legal gap analysis. The reader is 2. Improve the governance framework (the main referred to this companion paper as appropriate. activity will be to undertake a legal gap analysis for the Indian Ocean and propose This paper does not address the potential or options for improvement); actual (il)legality of the activities causing the threats, or any regulatory mechanisms either in 3. Develop a model ecosystem-based place or proposed to deal with them. Nor does it management framework for the area; and propose any such mechanisms. Insofar as 4. Communications and outreach. international law, including treaty law, provides definitions for the concepts and activities

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 3 INTRODUCTION

considered here, it will be adduced only to invoke constituent communities and their interactions to those definitions. operate effectively, which includes the ability for ecosystems to respond constructively to With regard to activities that are at present still environmental challenges and changes. considered to be imminent, this paper does not Maintenance of biodiversity is essential to address the likelihood of those activities and their ecosystem stability. Loss of biodiversity can concomitant threats materializing. The variables temporarily or permanently move an ecosystem relevant to such an assessment are too susceptible into a different set of biogeochemical conditions, to unpredictable shifts in politics and economics. and lead to – at best – changes and – at worst – Finally, this paper does not address the merits of disruption of or reduction in the optimal operation the activities; it concerns itself only with the of the ecosystem. potential threats to seamount ecosystems and biodiversity posed by these activities and their Marine ecosystems can be broadly divided into effects. Whether the merits outweigh the threats is 'static', i.e., more or less fixed to or closely a different exercise, to which this paper hopes to associated with a solid surface, and 'mobile', i.e., contribute one set of considerations to be borne found in the water-column as a functioning unit in mind when that exercise is undertaken. This unattached to any fixed substrate. Seamounts paper sets out to present a baseline against host both types of ecosystems. Seamounts also which proposals for the coordinated management serve as essential focal areas for maintenance of of seamount ecosystems and biodiversity can be healthy biodiversity and of ecosystems that do not developed and evaluated. fall neatly within either of those two overarching categories or the static-vs.-mobile ecosystem D. Ecosystems and biodiversity – context dichotomy. These include areas where species aggregate to breed, , feed, rest, seek Ecosystems and biodiversity must not be refuge, just normally live in large numbers (school), conflated. They play interactive but distinct roles in and migrate. They also include "ocean triad" the marine environment. The Convention on areas, where physical processes combine to Biological Diversity (CBD) defines biodiversity as "enrich, concentrate and retain" (Wurtz, 2007) "the variability among living organisms from all various species and communities. Most – if not sources including, inter alia , terrestrial, marine and all – of these seamount ecosystems not only have other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological highly localized species, they are also high in complexes of which they are part; this includes endemics, i.e., they have species found only at diversity between species, among species and of one restricted location. ecosystems" (Art. 2). The CBD defines ecosystem as "a dynamic complex of plant, and It is becoming increasingly clear that many micro-organism communities and their non-living different mechanisms and ecosystems are environment interacting as a functional unit" (Art. 2). required for the origin and maintenance of While not ideal, these definitions suffice for different aspects of marine biodiversity. They present purposes: for biodiversity it highlights operate on several temporal and spatial scales variability , i.e., active change, and for ecosystems and are all important to one or more species at it emphasizes dynamic interactions. one or more points in their life cycle. All are essential for marine biodiversity. Biodiversity is the fundamental component of ecosystems, and a variety of ecosystems is E. Approach included in the concept of biodiversity. Biodiversity provides options for organisms to respond to To minimize overlap between the effects of the environmental challenges – such as those posed threats and facilitate both the present analysis and by the activities addressed in this paper – by the eventual broader utility of this study, the maintaining their variability. To function best, activities posing actual or potential threats to biodiversity requires healthy ecosystems and vice- seamount biodiversity and ecosystems are versa . Ecosystems too require biodiversity for their grouped into three categories.

4 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats INTRODUCTION

Trawler and seabirds interaction, Western Cape, South Africa. © LucyKemp/MarinePhotobank

All activities physically conducted in and around be considered in isolation in assessing its seamounts will involve ships. Threats from and potential consequences for seamount biodiversity effects of activities common to the use of all ships and ecosystem health. Thus, for example, the (category 1) are distinguished from those threats companion institutional and legal gap analysis and effects deriving from activities for which the should consider the effects of these activities in ship serves primarily as a platform (category 2). light of the three categories of threats analysed However, not all activities that actually or here. potentially affect seamount biodiversity and ecosystems involve ships. Category 3 covers F. Acknowledgement of sources and threats and effects from this last group, which references includes land-based activities. I am indebted to all the authors listed in the references (Part VI). They have not, because of In taking an ecosystem-based view, the first and the particular requirements and constraints of the third categories represent an underlying chronic present paper, other than for direct quotes, been set of threats, superimposed on which are the individually credited at the point(s) where their acute – and potentially chronic – threats from the work has been referred to or their ideas invoked. second category. None of the activities operate in Any errors in my interpretation of the excellent and an otherwise unstressed (threat- and effect-free) extensive work listed in Part VI are entirely my own. environment. Hence, none of the activities should

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 5 II. THREATS AND EFFECTS

A. Threats from activities common to all Organic booster biocides, often based on ships metal oxides, are now being used as alternatives to organotin compounds in antifouling products, 1. Accidental and/or deliberate (operational) after restrictions were imposed on TBT use. discharges from vessels of: However, one of the most commonly used a. Anti-foulants biocides, Irgarol 1051, is known to inhibit Fouling involves small, sedentary, burrow-dwelling photosynthesis and growth in marine at very or clinging organisms, such as algae, barnacles, low concentrations, and adversely affect primary and molluscs adhering to surfaces immersed in . Evidence of their to other . Anti-foulants are comprised within the non-target organisms, including concept of anti-fouling systems (AFS) under and corals, is mounting, and these new anti- international law, which are defined in the fouling compounds present an emerging threat International Convention on the Control of Harmful to seamount biodiversity and ecosystems. Anti-fouling Systems on Ships (AFS Convention) as “a coating, paint, surface treatment, surface or b. Bilge water, ballast water and associated device that is used on a ship to control or prevent sediments attachment of unwanted organisms”. Annex 1 to Bilge water is a combination of rain-water, the AFS Convention lists AFS to be prohibited or seawater, waste matter and oil seeping into lower controlled, including organotin compounds and interior spaces below deck. Ballast water is other anti-foulants that act as biocides, to be usually coastal water taken on board a ship in updated as necessary. Anti-foulants leach into the port, to stabilize an unladen or a lightly laden seawater, where they persist and probably vessel during her voyage. Ballast water is bioaccumulate, causing adverse immune discharged and exchanged for cargo at the responses, and neurotoxic and deleterious genetic destination port. Ballast water is used to maintain effects in non-target marine species, as well as the essential operational and safety parameters killing them outright. Dissolved organotins and for overall trim, stability, and hull integrity of the organotins adsorbed onto particles also accumulate ship. It is dangerous for a ship to be either too low in sediments, where they can contaminate and be or too high in the water. Ballast water may be toxic to benthic organisms and, on resuspension carried in either dedicated or ‘segregated’ ballast from the sediments into the , further tanks, used exclusively for that purpose, or in the contaminate the water column. cargo tanks of tankers. Ballasting cargo tanks is now less common and usually found only when One of the most effective anti-foulants contains the vessel is putting on extra ‘heavy ballast’ or the organotin tributylin (TBT), shown to cause ‘storm ballast’ in order to deal with especially deformations in and sex changes heavy seas. The principal difference between (imposex) in whelks (see also Section A (1) (g) bilge water and ballast water is that ballast water on heavy metals). Imposex is associated with contains living organisms, whereas bilge water reduced reproductive potential and altered does not, because it usually contains too many population structure in several species. Imposex contaminants. Bilge water represents a threat is even found on the high seas; its incidence whose effects are similar to those of liquids there is correlated with high-density shipping contaminated with garbage, heavy metals, oil and lanes. Bioaccumulating up the , TBT oily , persistent organic pollutants (POPs) reaches very high concentrations in top predators, and sewage (see also Section A (1) (d, f-i)). such as , tuna and sharks. Described by Dr Laurence Mee as "probably the most toxic Ballast water can contain if it is taken substance ever introduced deliberately into the onboard in water that contains suspended marine environment" (Mee and Fowler, 1991), TBT sediment. The sediment settles on the bottom of degrades slowly (in sediments under oligotrophic the tanks and is physically shovelled over the side water, degradation can take up to 87 years) and of the ship directly into the ocean when the ballast even its degradation products can harm a wide water is discharged. These sediments and ballast range of marine organisms. water can contain a wide range of live marine and

6 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

estuarine flora and fauna. Their larvae, spores and can be 20 feet to 40 feet long and 8 feet high. juveniles can survive the long distances they are Modern container ships stack much of their load transported on board vessels. Ballast water and high on the open deck. Despite stringent loading the associated sediments are important vectors and fastening regulations, it is estimated that for the transfer around the world of harmful 2,000-10,000 containers are lost overboard every aquatic organisms and pathogens, known year, usually during storms. Overall, fewer generally as invasive alien species (IAS) – see incidents of loss occur, but when one does, more Section A (5). Ballast water remains of the containers are lost because ships are much greatest concern because of the huge quantity of bigger and the load is stowed wider and higher. water transported and the wide variety of It can take only one container to break free, or to organisms carried. collapse, to trigger a cascade of containers over the side. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) states that "the problem of is The length of time a container will float depends largely due to the expanded trade and traffic on the type of cargo, and the type, permeability, volume over the last few decades. The effects in and durability of the container. Some containers many areas of the world have been devastating. and cargoes sink immediately, while others may Quantitative data show the rate of bio-invasions is float for months or years. Empty freight containers continuing to increase at an alarming rate, in many are not watertight and will quickly sink. Containers cases exponentially, and new areas are being filled with lightweight, low-density and buoyant invaded all the time. Volumes of seaborne trade cargoes can float for years – even when holed and continue overall to increase and the problem may waterlogged. A reefer may float until it is broken not yet have reached its peak. Examples include up by and wave action. A low-density the introduction of the European zebra cargo may float until the doors are damaged and (Dreissena polymorpha ) in the Great Lakes opened by sea action. While afloat, containers between Canada and the , resulting lost at sea may not be easily visible and could in expenses of billions of dollars for pollution constitute a shipping hazard. Container and cargo control and cleaning of fouled underwater losses are not systematically monitored. structures and waterpipes; and the introduction of the American comb jelly ( leidyi ) to the The threats posed by and the effects of cargo on Black and Azov Seas, causing the near extinction seamount biodiversity and ecosystems depend of and fisheries" (IMO, 2010). on the nature of the cargo. (See also discussion of cargo residues and cargoes containing The International Convention for the Control and hazardous substances under Section A (1) (d) on Management of Ships' Ballast Water and chemicals, and of spoilt cargo under Section A Sediments sets out to "prevent, minimize and (1) (f) on garbage). The threats and effects of ultimately eliminate" this transfer. Although it is not substances and materials introduced deliberately yet in force, guidelines for its implementation have or accidentally into the marine environment already been promulgated and are steadily discussed in this paper are unlikely to differ gaining acceptance. At present, the primary substantially if the materials or substances find defence against IAS in all current ballast-water their way into the ocean as components of a regimes, both voluntary and regulatory, is the vessel's cargo lost overboard rather than by requirement for an open-ocean exchange of direct discharge (or dumping). With regard to ballast water. This constitutes a threat if it occurs containers and other cargo assemblages that near seamounts. See also Section A (1) (5) on remain afloat for long periods, they can also IAS. serve as vectors for IAS (see also Section A (5)). One positive effect is that floating containers and c. Cargo cargo provide oceanographers with useful Of primary concern here is the accidental loss at empirical information in their work on tracking sea of cargo, and particularly of containers, which global ocean currents.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 7 THREATS AND EFFECTS

d. Chemicals and other harmful commercial terms of the degree of hazard each individual products and substances cargo poses to marine resources or human Some 250,000 anthropogenic chemicals are health. According to this categorization, Annex II present in the marine environment, and every year prohibits, limits or permits the discharge into the new chemicals are introduced to the market, marine environment of NLS substances whence many of them eventually enter the sea. depending on the degree of hazard to either These substances have properties or produce marine resources, or human health, or amenities. effects that are environmentally hazardous, such See also, with regard to chemical munitions and as flammability, acute and chronic toxicity, , Section B (4) and (7) on corrosivity, reactivity, bio-accumulative propensity, dumping and military activities, respectively. and resistance to degradation. They can kill organisms directly, but equally – if not more – Even in the open sea, as with garbage, oil, POPs detrimental in the long run is the undermining of and sewage (see Section A (1) (f, h-j) ecosystem integrity due to the effects of chronic respectively), when vessels congregate or pass exposure of organisms to these chemicals, which regularly or often through or over a particular can impair immune systems, cause cancer and biologically diverse area, such as a seamount, developmental problems, and reduce even operational discharges of chemicals, let reproductive success. alone accidental spills, cannot be assumed to be environmentally benign. The risk to seamounts of They fall under the category of ‘harmful ship-source chemical pollution is exacerbated by substances’ defined in Article 2 of the International atmospheric deposition of chemicals; this airborne Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from source has been estimated at ~33% of chemical Ships (MARPOL) as “any substance which, if inputs to the ocean. The surface micro-layer of introduced into the sea, is liable to create hazards the open ocean also concentrates pollutants, to human health, to harm living resources and often many times higher than in the underlying , to damage amenities or to interfere water column. Larvae collect in the micro-layer, with other legitimate uses of the sea, and includes and they are more sensitive to pollutants than any substance subject to control by the present adults. Convention”. They are governed by Annexes II and III of MARPOL. e. Exhaust and other gaseous emissions

Ship emissions include CO 2*, hydro- Within this group and governed by MARPOL chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydrofluorocarbons

Annex II are also included three categories of (HFCs)*, methane (CH 4)*, oxides (NOx) wastes: washings of tanks containing noxious including N 2O (nitrous oxide)*, -depleting liquid substances (NLS); cargo residues of NLS; substances (e.g., halons, chlorofluorocarbons and dirty ballast. The term NLS encompasses any (CFCs)), particulate matter, perfluorocarbons bulk liquid chemical that does not meet the (PFCs)*, sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6)*, sulphur definition for oil as defined in MARPOL Annex I oxides (SOx) and volatile organic compounds (see Section A (1) (h) on oil) and includes (VOCs) such as industrial solvents. (The asterisk petrochemicals, solvents, waxes, lubrication oil (*) identifies major greenhouse gases (GHGs) additives, vegetable oils and animal fats. Of these under the , a supplement to the three categories, washings of tanks containing Framework Convention on Climate Change, an NLS often occur, whereas cargo residues and international treaty to regulate emissions of dirty ballast occur rarely. Cargo residues usually GHGs). By 2020, emissions of SOx from consist of a single NLS. Dirty ballast contains very international shipping are estimated to increase by low concentrations of NLS, but as most chemical 42% and of NOx by 66%. At present, ship ships have segregated ballast tanks or double hull emissions are most evident in the northern spaces, ballast water contaminated with NLS is hemisphere, where the majority of shipping traffic very rare (see also Section A (1) (b) on bilge water occurs, especially along the main shipping lanes, and ballast water). NLS cargoes are categorized and within 400 km of the , where about by the International Bulk Chemical (IBC) Code in 70-80% of the emissions occur.

8 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

The type and volume of ship emissions are original specifications, is no longer marketable and governed by engine age and type, weather usually consists of agricultural products or raw conditions, fuel quantity and type, ship operational materials from mining or quarrying. Unless it is mode, and use of any emission reduction considered to be garbage generated during technology. Though not negligible, shipping normal ship operations, it is subject to the ocean accounts for about 2% of CO 2 production, which dumping rules (see Section B (4)). is ~three to five times less CO 2 than road and rail produce and between twenty and thirty The threats posed by and the effects of garbage times less than air transport produces in and spoilt cargo on seamount biodiversity and transporting one tonne of cargo over one ecosystems depend on the nature of the cargo – kilometre. Annex VI of MARPOL addresses see also discussion of cargo above under Section emissions to the air from ships. A (1) (c) and of the threats and effects of the other substances and materials introduced deliberately Vessel emissions exacerbate climate change or accidentally into the marine environment through CO 2 and other GHG production, discussed in this paper. The threats and effects of decrease ambient air quality and, by increasing these materials and substances are unlikely to cloudiness through sulphur production, differ significantly whether they find their way into can alter solar radiation energy. Chemical the ocean as spoilt or lost cargo or by direct reactions in the atmosphere can convert discharge. Even in the open sea, as with emissions of NOx and SOx into, respectively, chemicals, oil, POPs and sewage (see Section A nitric and sulphuric acids. This process can take (1) (d, h, i, j) respectively), when vessels regularly several days, during which these pollutants can or often congregate in or pass through or over a travel thousands of kilometres from their original particular biologically diverse area, such as a sources. Both NOx and SOx are more water- seamount, operational and accidental discharges soluble than CO 2 and thus contribute significantly of garbage there cannot be assumed to be to increasing the acidity of rainwater. Where this environmentally benign. falls on the ocean, it exacerbates the ocean acidification caused there by excessive Garbage is also a subset of marine litter or marine production of CO 2 from a variety of mostly debris, which is addressed in Section C (3). anthropogenic, land-based sources. (See also Annex V of MARPOL also applies to , the Section C (1) on anthropogenic climate change, disposal of which anywhere at sea is prohibited. which addresses, inter alia , ocean acidification.) Of the various garbage categories, plastic poses the greatest danger to seamount biodiversity and f. Garbage ecosystems (see Section C (3) on / Annex V of the MARPOL Convention defines litter for discussion of threats posed by ). garbage as including all kinds of food, domestic and operational waste, excluding fresh fish, g. Heavy metals generated during the normal operation of the The term 'heavy metal' is often used vessel and liable to be disposed of continuously interchangeably with 'trace metal'. Although or periodically. Garbage also includes cargo neither term is entirely descriptively or scientifically residues and cargo-associated wastes. The correct, both refer to a group of elements that guidelines to MARPOL Annex V provide further exhibit metallic properties, and include biologically details on what constitutes garbage. essential and non-essential trace/heavy metals. All are potentially toxic to living organisms if Discharge into the sea of spoilt cargo is an biologically available (this depends on their environmental problem, but spoilt cargo is not speciation, which varies with the element defined in the relevant Conventions or the concerned) at concentrations above a certain guidelines. Circular Letter 2074 of 20 July 1998 level, which varies depending on the organisms by IMO (available at: ) notes that it involved. The principal essential trace metals, in could be described as cargo which has changed approximate order of biological importance, are during the voyage such that it no longer meets its the transition elements Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu>Co>Ni.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 9 THREATS AND EFFECTS

Primary producers extract them from seawater, are likely to be most at risk, with larvae being where they are soluble, and biologically available, especially vulnerable. Photosynthesis can be as divalent cations. The most important non- inhibited in phytoplankton. For the effects of tin essential elements in this context, for which – so (Sn) in particular, see also Section A (1) (a) above, far – only properties toxic to marine organisms on antifoulants (TBT). For heavy metals in general, have been observed, include (As, a see also under Section B (4) on ocean dumping, metalloid), (Cd), lead (Pb), (Hg), and tin (Sn). h. Oil This short word covers a large and complex Marine ecosystems and biodiversity are especially group of harmful liquid, gaseous and solid susceptible to the harmful effects of heavy/trace hydrocarbon compounds, including polycyclic metals. Marine organisms are in close and aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, the most toxic, prolonged contact with the soluble forms of the whose toxicity also varies with the bioavailability of metals throughout the water column and in the the different PAH species). This group is interstitial water of sediments. Once introduced addressed by MARPOL Annex I and includes into the , these metals can crude oil, refined products (e.g., bioaccumulate and biomagnify up the food chain, gasoline, diesel fuel) and by-products, ships' increasing the organism's exposure risk by bunkers, oily refuse, oil mixed in waste, and six ingestion. They also accumulate in sediments, categories of waste generated in ships’ engine whence they can be resuspended, thereby rooms and cargo spaces, i.e., oily bilge water, oily re-entering and re-polluting the water column. residues (sludge), oily tank washings (slops), dirty ballast water, scale and sludge from tanker In marine organisms heavy metals can inhibit cleaning, and oily mixtures containing chemicals. growth, cause disease, developmental The first two of the latter six categories of oily aberrations and death, change biochemical and wastes are found in all vessels; the next three are physiological functions and behaviour, impair found in cargo spaces of oil and oil product immune systems and adversely affect tankers, and all involve cargo residues. Oily tank reproduction. Benthic and near-surface organisms washings and recovered cargo residues (slops)

Oil and gas tankers. © Wolcott Henry/Marine Photobank

10 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

are the most common of the six. The ‘dirty ballast Oil discharged into the sea adversely affects the water’ category comes from the now almost marine environment and marine organisms extinct non-segregated ballast tankers, as well as throughout the food web, from phytoplankton to on the very rare occasions when tankers must marine mammals. The specific effects of oil will take on additional ballast water to increase their vary, depending on the form(s) in which it enters draft in particularly severe weather (see also the ocean, the location of the discharge, and the Section A (b) above on bilges and ballast water), weather conditions. For example, when oil floats and when tankers of a particular design conduct on top of the sea, less light penetrates into the operations under certain established exceptional water, limiting photosynthesis by phytoplankton, conditions. The category ‘scale and sludge from the base of the marine food web. Eggs, larvae, tanker cleaning’ arises from cleaning operations fish and invertebrates in the water column, prior to surveys or repairs. The sixth category, ‘oily especially near the surface, can also be adversely mixtures containing chemicals’, arises either from affected. Larvae are more vulnerable as they are cleaning of engine room machinery and spaces, less able to detect and avoid the oil than adult fish or from washing tanks for oil or for products with and invertebrates. Eggs floating just under the sea water mixed with chemical substances. See also surface are particularly susceptible to Section A (1) (b-d) above. .

Although accidental discharges – usually in the Exposure to oil reduces the insulation of form of oil spills from foundering or wrecked plumage and fur, increasing their tankers – capture the most attention, they are vulnerability to temperature fluctuations and rare. Operational discharges are the most hypothermia. Birds become less buoyant and important chronic and continuous sources from their flight is impaired, making it difficult or shipping of oil to the oceans. Illegal operational impossible to forage and escape from predators. discharges are a worldwide problem, especially Oil ingestion in seabirds and marine mammals on the high seas, where surveillance and (e.g., through preening by birds, consumption of detection are generally absent. contaminated prey) can damage kidneys, alter liver function and irritate the digestive tract, Oil can evaporate, dissolve, emulsify into small leading to dehydration and metabolic and drops, and form tar balls. Made up of the heavy hormonal imbalances. Prolonged exposure to low viscous fraction of the oil, tar balls float in the sea levels of oil can adversely affect survival and and drift with currents and . Dissolution of oil reproduction of seabirds, marine turtles and compounds, particularly of PAHs, results in their marine mammals. incorporation into water-soluble fractions, which are taken up by marine organisms and constitute Sub-lethal toxicity is a pernicious effect of oil a primary source of toxic exposure, especially at contamination; for example, PAHs appear to lower levels of the food web. by induce genetic damage, even at environmentally filter feeders and biomagnification up the food low concentrations. The water-soluble fraction of chain intensifies the toxic effects of oil on PAHs accumulates in membrane lipids, where it organisms that concentrate these contaminants in disrupts membrane-associated biochemical, their tissues or on their predators. The densest oil physiological and immunological functions. fractions can sink to the bottom and contaminate Chronic exposure to oil pollutants can increase the and sediments. production of free radicals, leading to oxidative stress. Impaired behavioural responses, such as Sediments can constitute a particularly long-lived lower feeding rates and delayed escape source of oil-based contaminants, and especially manoeuvers, are also observed. These effects of PAHs, where their concentration can be 100 can all lead to changes in vital functions that affect times higher than in the overlying water column. the survival and ability to reproduce of the They adsorb easily onto particles because of their affected organisms and culminate in damaging hydrophobicity, and in this form are even more their populations, communities and eventually the resistant to degradation than dissolved PAHs. ecosystem as a whole.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 11 THREATS AND EFFECTS

Accidental oil spills and chronic discharges can beta hexachlorocyclohexane, lindane, adversely affect open-ocean oceanographic pentachlorobenzene; features where biological activity is concentrated, such as seamounts, as well as convergence m Industrial chemicals: hexachlorobenzene, zones, gyres and eddies, which can concentrate polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pollutants (see also Section C (3) on marine hexabromobiphenyl, hexabromodiphenyl ether debris/litter). As with chemicals, garbage, POPs and heptabromodiphenyl ether, and sewage (see Section A (1) (d, f, i, j) pentachlorobenzene, perfluorooctane sulfonic respectively), even in the open sea, when vessels acid (PFOS), its salts and perfluorooctane congregate regularly and often in a particular sulfonyl fluoride (PFOS-F), tetrabromodiphenyl biologically diverse area such as over a ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether; and seamount, operational discharges there cannot be assumed to be environmentally benign. m By-products: polychlorinated dibenzo-p- dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans i. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (PCDD/PCDF), and by-products from the two These are carbon-based (hence ‘organic’), semi- other categories. volatile, high-molecular-weight (especially They have acute and chronic toxic effects on dangerous at >236 g/mol) and low-water-soluble marine organisms. , predatory birds and chemical substances that become widely marine mammals are high up the food chain and distributed throughout the marine environment, far so absorb the greatest concentrations. Low PCB from their point of origin, and then persist there for levels have also been found in Mediterranean many years. For example, one POP (PFOS, see loggerhead turtles ( Caretta caretta ), suggesting list below) has shown no degradation under any that POPS may also affect at least one of the six environmental condition tested. POPs resist endangered species of marine turtle. In marine degradation and bioaccumulate, especially in fatty mammals, certain POPs (especially BFRs), once tissue (a consequence of their high lipid solubility), absorbed, may be passed from mother to young where their concentrations can magnify through through the placenta and milk. Specific adverse the food web up to 70,000 times background effects of POPs can include cancer, allergies and levels. POPs are frequently halogenated, usually hypersensitivity, damage to the central and with chlorine. The more chlorine groups a POP peripheral nervous systems, reproductive has, the more resistant it is to degradation. They disorders, and disruption of the immune system. tend to volatilize in hot regions and accumulate in Some POPs are endocrine disrupters, which, by cold regions, where they condense and remain, altering the hormonal system, can damage the exacerbating their noxious effects on these fragile reproductive and immune systems of exposed marine environments because degradation individuals and their offspring, as well as have processes are slower at low temperatures. Deep- developmental and carcinogenic effects. They sea oceanic food webs may be contaminated by can kill organisms directly and undermine POPs as well, as deduced from the presence of ecosystem integrity. Although POPs are only a brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in sperm small part of the approximately 250,000 , which feed in deep offshore waters. anthropogenic chemicals present in the marine environment, they add substantial stress to The Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ecosystems already compromised by other governs the following POPs, which are usually pollutants. See also Section A (1) (d) above on divided into the following three categories: chemicals and other harmful commercial products and substances. m : aldrin, chlordane, dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT), j. Sewage dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, The discharge of raw sewage into the sea can hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene, create a health hazard from pathogens in the chlordecone, alpha hexachlorocyclohexane, sewage, lead to changes in local microbial, phyto-

12 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

and zoo- communities, cause localized depletion () because of its elevated content (especially N and P), and be visually unpleasant. If the hypoxic area intersects the ocean floor, benthic organisms, especially less mobile ones, may die. It is still generally considered that the open oceans are capable of assimilating and dealing with raw sewage through natural bacterial action. Annex IV of MARPOL, which deals with sewage, prohibits ships from discharging sewage within a specified distance (usually 12 nm) from the nearest land, unless they have in operation an approved treatment plant. However, as with chemicals, garbage, oil and POPs (see Section A (1) (d, f, h, i), respectively), even in the open sea, when vessels regularly or often congregate in or pass Anchors physically destroy and alter seafloor through or over a particular biologically diverse habitat. © Daniel Sasse/Marine Photobank area, such as over a seamount, disposal of sewage there cannot be assumed to be substrata, the especial vulnerability of environmentally benign. communities to anchoring must not be forgotten, as some seamount summits may be sufficiently 2. Anchoring shallow to permit their presence. Anchoring physically destroys and alters habitat 3. Collisions (ship strikes) with, e.g., marine and habitat structure on the seafloor and harms or mammals, sharks, turtles kills sessile, fixed and less mobile organisms in the anchor's path, through direct physical Ship strikes are regularly reported from all the destruction by the anchor and its chain and oceans. For the groups mentioned in the through sediment clouds raised by anchoring that subheading above in particular, all of which are can smother such organisms nearby. If the more or less endangered, ship strikes are a seafloor is shallow enough, increased source not only of individual fatalities but also of from the sediment clouds can reduce primary an increased threat to the species as a whole. production, with all the concomitant adverse Insofar as members of these groups are known to effects further up the food chain, for which congregate around seamounts, ship strikes there phytoplankton form the base. The type and exacerbate their precarious survival status, which magnitude of the effects depend on size and type is already under stress from other threats of anchor and the length of chain used, and addressed in this chapter (e.g., noise, pollutants, whether the anchor and chain ‘’, i.e., move prey depletion) and in Chapter 2 on fisheries. sideways in response to the vessel's movement (see also Section A (6)) may also under differing wind and sea states. Crabbing increase the propensity for members of these exacerbates the adverse environmental effects on groups to collide with ships; the may not the benthic communities and their habitat be able to detect the noise of an approaching because a much larger area is affected. ship due to masking by other noise, or to distinguish between ship noise and other noises. Anchoring destroys both hard and soft substrata, and thereby the habitatof the organisms and 4. Grounding and shipwreck communities that can only live in association with Grounding is a threat in shallow water and could one or the other. Vulnerable hard substrata therefore be a problem where seamount summits include, in particular, coral and associated are near the surface. Its effects are similar to ecosystems. With regard to soft (sediment) those described in Section A (2) above for

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 13 THREATS AND EFFECTS

anchoring, namely to physically destroy habitats which a community can re-establish itself, offers and their communities. Propeller scarring and potential for reconstitution of the community abrasion by ships' hulls of the habitat are shallow- originally destroyed by the wreck. water physical threats that are also included in this category. Grounding is temporary, in that the Although not yet in force, the 2007 International vessel is able to free itself; however, the activities Convention on the Removal of Wrecks provides necessary to free the vessel will usually further the legal basis for States to remove, or have destroy the benthic environment. Permanent removed, shipwrecks that may have the potential grounding is treated as a shipwreck, and is to adversely affect the marine environment, and to discussed below. hold the ship owners responsible. Environmental criteria such as damage likely to result from the Shipwrecks occur worldwide and it is estimated release into the marine environment of cargo or oil that since 1914 more than 10,000 ships have are also included. 'Removal' is defined as any sunk to the seafloor through war and accidents. form of prevention, mitigation or elimination of the The locations of many of the vessels lost at sea hazard created by a wreck (Art. 1 (7)) and 'hazard' are not known, especially of military vessels during is defined as "any condition or threat that … may World War II that were carrying radioactive or other reasonably be expected to result in major harmful hazardous materials. Where their locations are consequences to the marine environment" (Art. 1 known, their propensity to be a source of, in (5)). The wreck will have to be disposed of in an particular, radioactive, chemical and heavy metal environmentally responsible manner (see also pollution is usually not investigated (see also Section B (11) on salvage). The Wreck Removal Section B (7) on military activities). Convention applies to stranded (i.e., grounded, see above) ships (Art. 4 (a)) and to ships that are The nature, scale and duration of the "about, or may reasonably be expected, to sink or environmental effects of shipwrecks, especially in to strand, where effective measures to assist the the and on seamounts, have not yet ship or any property in danger are not already been extensively studied. Effects will to a certain being taken" (Art. 4 (d)). extent vary with, and may be reasonably predicted from, the type of ship, her size and 5. Invasive alien species (IAS) cargo, and the depth and latitude of the wreck (e.g., tropical or temperate or polar seas). An alien species is "an organism, inclusive of parts, gametes or propagules, that may survive A ship foundered on a seamount will likely be a and subsequently reproduce, occurring outside source of oil and other pollutants described in its known ... native range, as documented in Section A (1) (a-j) above, as well as potentially a scientific publications … [and] whose population source of IAS (see also Section A (5)). A wreck has undergone an exponential growth stage and can cause substantial benthic habitat and is rapidly extending its range" (Galil et al., 2008). A community destruction similar to that described vector is "any living or non-living carrier that for anchoring (see Section A (2) above and living organisms intentionally or grounding in this sub-section). In the fullness of unintentionally" (ICES, 2005). time, however, when all the pollutants have decayed, dissolved, become diluted or otherwise Ships are important IAS vectors. The variety of rendered harmless, and if IAS have not means by which ships can spread IAS include: overwhelmed the native community, a wreck may end up serving as a useful source of hard – albeit m fouling on the outside of the hull; different from the original – substratum, essentially m poorly maintained marine sanitation devices; becoming an artificial reef. This can be a valuable water on decks; ecological contribution, because hard substrata m are at a premium in the deep sea, where m water in anchor lockers; sediments dominate, even on seamounts. The m lost cargo and cargo containers (see Section hard substratum provided by the wreck, around A (1) (c) on cargo, above);

14 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

m garbage (especially plastics (see Section A (1) plankton from communities to the IAS (f) above on garbage and Section C (3) on ctenophore (comb jelly) Mnemiopsis leidyi . This marine debris/litter and derelict fishing gear); changed the fish communities feeding on the m fouling on anchors and chains; and plankton, and eventually, together with pollution and overfishing, caused the fisheries to collapse. m ballast water. The effects of IAS are felt in the water column and Bilge water, commonly confused with ballast on the seafloor, on both hard and soft substrata. water, is not a significant IAS threat because it is Competition for space on hard substrata, always usually too contaminated. Ballast water is of the at a premium in the sea, is a particular threat, to greatest environmental concern because of the which seamounts are likely to be especially huge quantity of water transported and the wide vulnerable. variety of organisms (protists, phyto- and zoo- plankton, invertebrates and fish) it carries (see also 6. Noise Section A (1) (b) above on bilge water and ballast water). Noise, as a form of energy, can constitute marine pollution within the definition of pollution set by the These non-indigenous plants and animals can United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea adversely affect the habitats they invade in (LOSC). Given the steadily growing increase in numerous, often interactive ways. Adverse effects anthropogenic noise levels in the ocean and the of IAS, depending on the species, include: observed adverse effects on marine organisms, noise probably already meets the LOSC's criteria m rapid reproduction (can spawn multiple times for pollution (see Part IV, Analytical Summary). per season) to form very large populations that dominate the local community, altering food Anthropogenic noise in the ocean derives from webs, habitat and ecosystem function; activities such as: m competition for food and habitat with, and preying on, native fish and invertebrate m shipping (propellers, engines, machinery, and species, including their eggs and young, water flow over the hull of ships); causing local extinctions during population m oil and gas exploration (explosives, drilling, outbreaks; seismic air guns) and exploitation (drilling m formation of harmful algal blooms (HABs); platforms); m cause of massive kills of marine life through m scientific research (, seismic air guns, oxygen depletion, release of and/or drill ships); mucus; m military operations (sonar, weapons testing, m contamination of filter-feeders, such as explosives); shellfish; and m offshore construction of facilities and their m cause of severe fouling problems on operation; infrastructure and vessels. m dredging to lay pipelines and maintain shipping lanes; and The adverse effects on biodiversity can be widespread and affect entire ecosystems. The m acoustic deterrence and harassment devices. establishment of IAS tends to homogenize species composition and lower the number of These devices are so far most often used in a species, such that a few common species end fisheries context and are probably the principal up dominating a given community, with the loss of example of deliberate marine noise pollution. They unique and distinctive species and traits that are targeted at marine mammals but also made up the original and particular biodiversity at adversely affect non-target species. that location. A well-known and sobering example of such a change in species dominance and then In some ocean basins, such as the North Atlantic, in the whole ecosystem is the shift in the level of ocean noise is estimated to be

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 15 THREATS AND EFFECTS

doubling every decade. In the northern balaenopteridae (e.g., fin )), communicate hemisphere, overall ship noise at low frequencies and orient acoustically over thousands of (below 1,000 Hz) has increased by about 3 kilometres in the ocean. They are able to detect decibels (dB) per decade over the past 60 years. topographic features more than 500 km away. It now seems to be growing at 3-5 dBs/decade. The larger the ship, the noisier it will be, and ship Increasing levels of anthropogenic noise in the size (tripling) and numbers (doubling within the oceans act like for acoustically sensitive next 20-30 years) are steadily increasing, species, obscuring signals potentially critical to principally in the commercial ship sector (cargo migration, feeding and reproduction. The masking vessels, super tankers and cruise liners). effect of the increased ambient anthropogenic noise has already impaired long-range Sound travels about five times faster and over communication for mysticetes (baleen whales). larger distances in the sea than in the atmosphere, Shipping noise, derived largely from propulsion, especially at low frequencies and when channeled operates in the 20-200 Hz band, the dominant by temperature and pressure gradients. The frequency used by baleen whales for effects of underwater noise can extend much communication. The communication difficulties further than similar noise levels produced on land. caused for mysticetes by anthropogenic noise are Particularly disruptive are the low-frequency exacerbated by their severe numerical depletion sounds emitted during seismic surveys and sonar due to . To reach their few remaining activity, as well as from distant shipping and counterparts, they are obliged to communicate construction, which radiate over very large areas over much longer distances than their over long periods of time, resulting in chronic communication apparatus originally evolved to exposure by marine organisms to noise pollution. accommodate. Moreover, any hearing loss they might be suffering will further jeopardize their ability The most powerful noises (explosives, air guns, to function acoustically. sonar) can injure (including causing temporary or permanent hearing loss) or kill organisms that are Other observed adverse effects of noise pollution close enough to the source of the noise. Noise include stranding and displacement from their from other activities is not usually as loud, but it is normal habitat, tissue damage and mortality. more constant, and the resultant continuous and Collisions with vessels (see also Section A (3) increasing background noise pollution of the above) may be another consequence of noise ocean adversely affects marine organisms just as pollution. Noise pollution may also adversely affect continuous and increasing background airborne mating, feeding (e.g., ability to locate and capture noise pollution adversely affects terrestrial prey), mother-young bonding, ability to detect and organisms, including . Continuous noise avoid predators and ships, growth and successful is a source of stress which has been shown to reproduction, and, ultimately, longevity. For marine cause chemical changes that adversely affect mammals, at least, hearing is their primary sense growth, reproduction and resistance to disease in underwater, as sight is ours on land. Their hearing human and other terrestrial animals. It is unlikely to plays a huge variety of crucial roles throughout leave marine animals unaffected. their lifetime and an acoustically unpolluted environment is essential to their well-being and Marine animals, such as cetaceans, often have survival. weak eyesight. Their world transmits light poorly and is largely defined by acoustic information, as it Although the effects of noise on marine mammals is for many deep-sea fish, which live in a world of have been the focus of most research so far, darkness. They must rely on sound to other marine organisms are increasingly being communicate, coordinate their movements, shown to be not dissimilarly adversely affected by navigate, investigate and use their environment, this form of pollution; they include sea turtles, fish, find prey and avoid hazards such as obstacles seabirds and some invertebrates, e.g., shrimp, and predators. Under natural conditions, large lobster, giant squid ( Architeuthis dux ) and . cetaceans (including endangered species of Over 50 families of fish use sound to

16 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

communicate and obtain information from and by stationary vessels can adversely affect the about their environment, as well as for defence, benthos underneath. The effects would depend protection of territory and reproduction. Unique to on the size and number of the stationary vessels fish is the lateral line, a band of sensory cells and the duration of their stay. As far as this author running the length of their body on both sides that is aware, there are no studies of these effects can pick up and amplify low-frequency sound. caused by stationary vessels at sea. Extrapolation Fish suffer noise-induced hearing loss and from near-shore studies comparing under-bridge damage to eggs and larvae, they abandon noisy with bridge-free reference sites suggests that areas, and those with swim bladders passively reduction in local photosynthesis, and therefore in receive unwanted noise that is amplified through the phyto- and zoo-plankton communities and these organs. thus in the food available to the benthic community under the shaded area, with the Noise pollution also makes species communicate attendant community and ecological changes, more loudly, thereby further increasing overall might reasonably be expected. ambient noise levels in the ocean. Whale songs are longer when submarine detectors are on. If The obverse of abnormal shading during the day cetaceans don't ‘speak’ loudly enough, their voice is excessive light at night. Long-term stationary can be masked by anthropogenic sounds. These ships at sea that are lit up at night, especially unheard voices might be warnings, finding of prey during lunar dark periods, can disrupt the light- or preparations for net-bubbling. When one dark cycles that condition many physiological species begins to speak more loudly, it will mask mechanisms and ecological responses. the voices of other species, eventually raising the Ecologically inappropriate lighting may have volume of noise across the whole ecosystem. adverse effects on the pelagic communities that migrate towards the surface at night and return to Noise has adverse cumulative and synergistic depth during the day, on predator-prey effects on marine biodiversity and ecosystems, interactions, and on the benthic community, all of including seamounts and other habitats far from which are found in association with seamounts. and shipping lanes. Ocean acidification, one of the consequences of global warming due 8. Washes and wakes to excessive CO emissions, can exacerbate 2 In general, washes and wakes must be noise pollution: it makes noise louder, especially considered in waters where the wake and wash for frequencies below about 10 kHz, as does the generated are greater than the natural warming of the ocean itself, also in the lower background wave conditions. The effect of frequency range. See also Section C (1) on washes and wakes on marine ecosystems and anthropogenic climate change. biodiversity will vary with the type of habitat and ecosystem involved and on how the wash and The effects of noise were eloquently summarized wake regime differs from the natural wave climate by Dr (2005): "Undersea noise at a given habitat or ecosystem. This regime will pollution is like the death of a thousand cuts. Each also depend on the number, size, speed and sound in itself may not be a matter of critical type of vessels, including propeller and hull concern, but taken all together, the noise from shape, and the transit frequency. Boat design shipping, seismic surveys, and military activity is can reduce boat wake, particularly bow design creating a totally different environment than and the hull profile under water. Different types of existed even 50 years ago. That high level of vessel create different magnitudes of wash with noise is bound to have a hard, sweeping impact different wave energy levels. Damage caused by on life in the sea." a wake is directly related to its height: for example, a wave that is 25 cm high causes five 7. Shading and lighting times more damage than one of only 12.5 cm. Shading occurs when vessels spend a long time Ship wakes may cause unusually high near- in one position at sea. Prolonged light reduction bottom velocities at depths of 5-30 m. At such

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 17 THREATS AND EFFECTS

velocities, the impact of a typical ship wake on B. Activities for which the ship serves bottom sediments and aquatic wildlife at these primarily as a platform depths is comparable with or can even exceed the impact of wind waves whipped up by violent 1. Archaeology storms, and considerably exceeds the effect of Archaeological activities relevant to this paper are local currents. usually conducted on shipwrecks. Insofar as these shipwrecks are found on or near Where the local ecosystem is adjusted to low seamounts, the environmental threats are those near-bottom velocities, fast ship-induced waves listed in Section A above from all ships. The can become a new environmental threat at certain nature of their effects will be similar, and their depths. An abrupt intensification of sediment actual occurrence and extent will depend on the transport processes at those depths may change sensitivity of the archaeological team to the the existing balance of sediment distribution. environmental threats posed by the presence of Mobilization of larger sediments can result in rapid their ship over the site and the efforts made to changes to biological communities. Sedentary reduce and preferably eliminate them. organisms may be relocated, crushed and damaged as the rocks and boulders on which As for the activity itself, defined by Dr Keith they are attached are rolled around. Muckelroy as "the scientific study of the material Resuspension of finer sediments can create an remains of man and his activities upon the sea" abrasive environment that may damage soft- (quoted in Verlaan, 1989), marine archaeology, bodied animals and algae and prevent spores when conducted to the highest professional from settling. When sediments do settle out, they standards, is not likely to pose substantial threats can potentially smother benthic organisms and to the marine environment, biodiversity and cover fish eggs and spawning grounds. Aquatic ecosystems of the seamount. This is because the plants can be physiologically impaired if their archaeological value rests with the wreck in situ , surfaces are covered with silt. Resuspension of unaltered by anthropogenic intervention since the sediments also increases the turbidity of the water vessel sank to the seafloor. Removal of any and, by blocking the light that reaches the remains, even if only for further study, "without bottom, can adversely affect benthic organisms. painstaking recording...of their archaeological Another potential mechanical effect of ship waves, context in situ , destroys the scientific value of the if the bottom is shallow enough, is enhancement removed object and diminishes the value for the of vertical mixing along the ship's path. Due to the site as a whole for archaeologists, historians, transport of from sediments and the oceanographers, and other scientists" ( Ibid .). lower water column into the euphotic layer, Hence archaeological investigations of deep-sea phytoplankton production may intensify but also wrecks focus on non-invasive and non-extractive promote and HABs. examination. Technology makes it possible to do so. Nevertheless, the noise, light and other Environmental studies of washes and wakes disruption associated with the presence of have, to the best of the author's knowledge, so researchers, either indirectly via various remotely far only been conducted in shallow, confined operated vehicles (ROVs), or directly in various waters. In open waters, the effect of washes and submersible human-occupied systems, cannot wakes compared to the natural wave processes be neglected as a source of potentially adverse is generally much less and is not usually a matter environmental effects. See also Section B (11), on of concern. For seamounts in the open ocean salvage, which includes a discussion of ‘treasure- with no nearby shores, extrapolation from the hunting’ at sea, which must not be confused with near-shore studies suggests that any archaeology. environmental effects are likely to be primarily a function of the depth of the seamount summit, The 2001 International Convention on the especially if that summit is shallower than about Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 40 m. (UCH Convention) strengthens in international law the preference for itu preservation (Art. 2(5)), and

18 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

sets out, in its Annex 36, rules for the responsible 3. Bioprospecting management of marine archaeology, including the There is as yet no definition of bioprospecting in marine environment. Article 3 specifically invokes international law. The CBD Secretariat has defined the UCH Convention's consistency with and bioprospecting as ‘‘the process of gathering emphasizes the primacy of the LOSC, which information from the biosphere on the molecular reinforces the applicability of the marine composition of genetic resources for the environmental provisions of the LOSC to marine development of new commercial products’’ archaeological activities. (quoted in Warner, 2008), which suffices for present purposes. Information from the marine In ABNJ, LOSC Article 149 provides that objects part of the biosphere is the focus here, and of of an archaeological and historical nature found in particular interest are the genetic resources of the Area "shall be preserved or disposed of for marine macro- and micro-organisms, the latter the benefit of mankind as a whole", which is not including archaea, bacteria, fungi and viruses. inconsistent with the foregoing analysis. As all activities under the LOSC must be conducted Seamount ecosystems, with their often high levels according to the rules governing the protection of endemism and biodiversity, and, depending on and preservation of the marine environment, their depth and location, their situation in areas of seamounts in the high seas with archaeological comparatively extreme ambient conditions (e.g., attractions must also be protected from the high pressure, low temperatures), are likely to be environmental threats and effects caused by attractive sites for bioprospecting. As such, they these investigations. are vulnerable to the threats and their effects on marine biodiversity and ecosystems associated 2. Artificial islands and fixed/floating with shipping activities (see Section A above). installations They are also vulnerable to excessive sampling by Construction and operation of such facilities ever different groups interested in the same further out in the open ocean for such purposes organism(s), which can result in alteration or loss as marine mining (see also Section B (5)), ocean- of habitat, and, depending on the organism, based energy generation from, e.g., currents, endanger its own survival as a population or even nuclear, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), an entire species, or that of groups and species solar, waves), mariculture, and recreation (see dependent on it. Repeated visits to the same also Section B (10)) are likely to become more seamount site directly and proximately exposes common as suitable coastal space becomes these ecosystems to abnormal light, noise, increasingly rare. extraneous biological matter and other disturbances. See also Section B (6) on marine Any construction and operation of such facilities in scientific research, from which bioprospecting the vicinity of, or directly over, seamounts will cannot easily be distinguished. The two activities involve threats to marine biodiversity and are often conducted simultaneously. ecosystems. The degree of threat and actual impacts will vary according to facility siting and 4. Dumping design, construction methods and materials, and Dumping is distinguished from 'discharge' as operational requirements, but include effects defined under MARPOL, which specifically associated with shipping (see Section A above), excludes dumping. 'Operational discharges' are as well as those arising from construction and excluded from the definition of dumping (see operation, including many of those addressed in Section A (1). Dumping under LOSC Art.1(5) and the present Section B (e.g., (4) dumping; (9) the 1972 London Convention Art. III is defined as piracy/criminal activities; (10) recreation; (12) "any deliberate disposal at sea of wastes or other undersea cable- and pipeline-laying). Moreover, matter from vessels, aircraft, platforms or other such facilities may interfere with migratory and man-made structures" and of "vessels, aircraft, species dispersal routes, species distribution, and platforms or other man-made structures current flow patterns. themselves". The 1996 London Protocol adds to

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the definition of dumping, "any storage of wastes contaminated cooling water from reactors, or other matter in the seabed and the subsoil conventional and chemical munitions, nerve and thereof from vessels, aircraft, platforms or other mustard gas, live bombs and other explosives, man-made structures at sea; and any and whole ships, often still carrying munitions. abandonment or toppling at site of platforms or Military dumping sites are not known to be other man-made structures at sea, for the sole monitored for their release of radioactivity, or for purpose of deliberate disposal" (Art. 1(4)(.1)(.3-.4). other noxious materials, such as nerve gases. These sources of radioactive, chemical and heavy ‘Wastes or other matter' that may still be dumped metal pollution can still constitute a threat to under the London Protocol, albeit with permit, seamounts in the open ocean, due to transport currently includes: dredged material; sewage by currents. See also Section B (7) on military sludge; fish waste, or material resulting from activities and Section C (5) on radionucleides. industrial fish processing operations; inert, inorganic geological material; organic material of 5. Marine mining natural origin; bulky items primarily comprising a. Minerals – fuel iron, steel, concrete and similar harmless i. Oil and gas materials, for which the concern is physical impact, and limited to those circumstances where Seamounts themselves and their immediate such wastes are generated at locations, such as surroundings are unlikely to be of interest for oil small islands with isolated communities, having no and gas prospecting and exploitation because of practicable access to disposal options other than the very different geological conditions governing the formation of seamounts on the one hand and dumping; and (since 2008) storage of CO 2 under the seabed in sub-seabed geological formations oil and gas deposits on the other. However, as oil (SSGFs). However, the disposal or storage of and gas activities move ever further offshore and wastes or other matter directly arising from, or ever deeper into the sea, some seamounts may related to the exploration, exploitation and be located near enough to or directly under the associated offshore processing of seabed mineral shipping route to and from areas with such resources is not covered under the dumping potential that these activities could adversely treaties (see Section B (5) for threats and effects affect seamount ecosystems. The shipping in association with marine mining). threats and their effects (Section A, above) will be relevant here, as will many of the threats and Insofar as any of these materials, even with permit, are dumped in or near seamounts, the adverse effects will include alteration, degradation and destruction of habitat, both on the seafloor and in the overlying water column, and destruction of and injury to marine organisms, especially sessile and slow-moving ones, by, e.g., smothering, increased local sedimentation and turbidity, oxygen depletion, and pollution from dumped waste that is contaminated by substances such as those described in Section A (1) above.

Although the dumping of radioactive wastes was banned in 1993, these have been dumped as recently as 1993, and perhaps thereafter as well – especially in the North Atlantic, the Arctic Ocean, the north Pacific, and the Sea of /East Sea. Also dumped in the oceans were nuclear Oil pipeline. submarines, their reactors and warheads, © Subsea World News

20 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

effects in the present Section B (e.g., (4) Furthermore, the released gas will eventually enter dumping; (9) piracy/criminal activities; (10) the atmosphere, where, as it is 20 times more recreation; (12) undersea cable- and pipeline- potent a GHG than CO 2, it will exacerbate global laying). warming, with the attendant deleterious effects thereof on the marine environment and thus also Prospecting and exploitation involve such on seamount ecosystems (see also Section C (1) environmental threats and their effects as: noise on anthropogenic climate change). A slope (from air guns, sonar, machinery, drilling); pollution collapse may also generate a , but the from drilling muds and drill cutting piles, which can effects of the latter are unlikely to be felt on be contaminated by hydrocarbons and seamounts unless they are very shallow and close chemicals, including drilling fluids; leaks and spills to a coast. Even during controlled drilling, the of oil and gas; and destruction of benthic habitat environmental effects of any accidental excessive and sessile organisms. If installations (e.g., rigs, release of gas to the water column and the platforms) are constructed or brought in and atmosphere must be considered. Finally, methane placed, the effects associated with those activities hydrates do not occur in discrete formations – must be considered (see also Section B (2) above they are dispersed throughout the sediments, on the construction of offshore installations and such that mining them will require large-scale artificial islands). removal of sediments, entailing concomitant destruction and disruption of their fauna and ii. Methane hydrates associated ecosystems, with all the environmental This potential fuel source is composed of a consequences thereof in addition to those of methane held in a lattice of ice, i.e., deriving from the creation of additional turbidity frozen of water. In the ocean it is found and sediment suspension. Their presence may at up to 2,000 m depth under polar seas and on also present a risk, especially of explosive gas continental slopes. As with oil and gas deposits, release, to oil and gas operations, with all the methane hydrates are unlikely to be found on or attendant environmental consequences. near seamounts, but, as also with oil and gas deposits, seamounts may be located in the path b. Minerals – non-fuel of their eventual exploitation, with similar potentially i. Ferro-manganese nodules and crusts adverse environmental consequences. These deposits are rich in economically important However, should methane extraction take place metals, including, in particular, Mn, Ni, Cu and Co on a commercial scale, the following threats in both, and Pt in crusts. The deposits of resource specific to this activity that are relevant to interest are not associated with seamount biodiversity and ecosystems must be processes or ecosystems. Depth-wise, the most considered. These hydrates are important to the economically attractive crusts and nodules are maintenance of slope stability. Their removal could found, respectively, on hard, sediment-free trigger massive underwater slides of sediments surfaces of seamounts at about 1,000-2,500 m down into the deep sea, generating extreme and and in sediments at about 4,000-5,500 m. Both prolonged turbidity, smothering the benthos and deposits are sources of hard surfaces in the deep destroying habitats, communities and sea, with their own communities of organisms ecosystems, as well as releasing the gas into the dependent on hard surfaces – i.e., they cannot sea where its effects are not well studied; as live on sediments. Mining entails removal of these methane is generally associated with anaerobic or hard surfaces in the case of both deposits, and, hypoxic processes, it is unlikely to be benign in in the case of nodules, massive disruption of the waters that are normally oxic. An example is associated sediments as well. provided by the Storegga Slides off Norway, of which the latest – so far – occurred around 6100 Consequently, in addition to the destruction of the BCE, when a 290-km stretch of coast slumped communities themselves, crust and nodule mining into the sea and some 3,500 km 3 of material also destroys their habitat. Nodules and crusts of cascaded into the deep sea. interest here form extremely slowly, at most, for

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 21 THREATS AND EFFECTS

nodules, a few mm every million years, while concentration of potentially toxic metals in the crusts form even more slowly. These are not water, but this possibility should not be easily renewable substrata – or resources. In the overlooked. Sediment plumes ejected near the case of the communities dependent on the surface could interfere with light penetration and, nodules themselves, it is unlikely that hence, photosynthesis, and disrupt the local food recolonization can occur at all, given that the web. It is also possible that the nutrients brought requisite hard surface represented by nodules has up from deeper water with the sediments and been removed. In the case of crusts, the new ejected near the surface may cause productivity surface exposed after crust removal (and with blooms which the local environment cannot current technology, the top part of the underlying assimilate, causing eutrophication, HABs, hypoxia substratum will be removed as well), even though and ecosystem disruption. Finally, the it is hard, may not be suitable for recolonization by environmental threats and their effects associated crust-associated organisms. The only deep-sea with shipping (see Section A above), and also to seamount crust colonization experiment carried some extent with oil and gas recovery (see out in situ known to (and conducted by) this Section B (5) (a) (i) above) are applicable here. author (Verlaan, 1992) suggests that some Because of their seamount location, crust mining species may require crust for recruitment. presents a particularly important threat to seamount ecosystems. Recolonization of the sediment-associated communities may occur, but it is not known how ii. Polymetallic sulphides long it will take. It is known that deep-sea These deposits form by hydrothermal processes colonization processes are extremely slow. and are found associated with hydrothermal vents Furthermore, given the lack of knowledge on the and their ecosystems in volcanically active degree of endemism in the sediment communities submarine areas. They are rich in economically associated with nodule deposits, it is unknown important metals, including, in particular, Au, Ag, whether the same communities would – or Cu and Zn. Mining is likely to occur, at least could – in fact regenerate in areas where nodules initially, at inactive vent sites, which pose fewer have been removed. Finally, it is not only sessile technological challenges in terms of dealing with and less mobile organisms that are potentially the extremely hot, corrosive fluids emitted from affected by nodule and crust mining. The effects active vents. The profuse communities (tube of the removal of these deposits on associated worms, clams, etc.) so characteristic of active demersal and other mobile organisms are vents vanish when the vents become inactive; unknown: they may have been able to escape hence these communities are unlikely to be at risk destruction by the mining operation itself, but their from mining activities unless the inactive vent requirements for these deposits in situ (e.g., to mining sites are near enough to active sites to attach eggs, to provide refuge for juveniles) will affect the latter, e.g., by sedimentation or not be met. shipping-related threats.

The potential adverse environmental effects are The inactive vent sites have their own unlikely to remain confined to the mine site. In communities, about which little is known, both cases, but particularly with sediment-hosted including how dependent they are on the metal- nodules, mining can generate massive sediment rich substratum of the vents themselves and of plumes in the water column that can smother and the surrounding sediments. Mining will remove the suffocate sessile and less mobile benthic and former and disrupt the latter, with environmental demersal organisms at and downstream of the effects that are unknown but which can mine site, as well as increasing the turbidity of the reasonably be surmised. Based on knowledge of water, which interferes with processes dependent deep-sea ecology in general, and of on visibility, such as . It is ferromanganese nodule and crust work in unknown whether resuspension of metal-rich particular, the effects are likely to take a very long sediments will also render the ambient water time to dissipate where the sediment-associated column toxic because of the enhanced communities are concerned, and not at all for the

22 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

communities actually living in or on or otherwise refers to hydrographic surveys, as well as simply dependent on the mined polymetallic sulphide to 'surveys' and to 'research', albeit much less deposit itself, as that will have been removed. frequently than it refers to MSR. These differences are important – particularly in terms of the Habitat degradation and destruction, the latter conditions governing the right to conduct the irremediable in the case of the deposit itself, are activity, which vary according to whether it is (or likely to be the result of polymetallic sulphide can be argued to be) MSR or not – but they will mining. Furthermore, it is unknown whether and to not be addressed further here. what extent the organisms associated with inactive vent sites are endemic. Adverse For the purposes of this paper, MSR is construed environmental effects of mining on seamount as encompassing all activities designed to obtain ecology and biodiversity, if any, will be a function information about the ocean in the broadest of the proximity of seamount communities to the possible sense. These will include , mine sites and the scale of the mining operation, mapping and surveying, regardless of whether the and are likely to be similar to those discussed activity has a military or industrial/commercial above (Section 5 (a) (i) and (b) (i) above for Fe-Mn objective. Bioprospecting (see also Section B (3) deposits and oil and gas). Again, sediment above) can fall into the MSR category as defined plumes, if uncontrolled, are likely to be a major here as well. It is the potential for environmental threat. threats posed by this information-gathering to seamount biodiversity and ecology that is iii. Phosphorites, limestone, sand and gravel examined here. Depending on their location, depth and geological history, seamounts can be a source of supply for Information-gathering can be either passive, i.e., these mineral resources. Each resource is as minimally intrusive as possible, or active. It is associated with a particular habitat and a the active form that is likely to have adverse distinctive community. Mining of the resource will environmental effects. It includes drilling, destroy the immediate habitat and its associated sampling (e.g., cores, dredges, trawls and nets, community of sessile and less mobile organisms, all of various sizes and designs), acoustic as well as making it unavailable to demersal and emissions, such as , at various frequencies, as well as seismic air guns, other mobile organisms. The surrounding explosions, deployment of light, and in situ unmined habitat and its communities will be experiments. Industrial/commercial and military degraded by environmental effects similar to information-gathering activities are likely to be those described above (see Section 5 (a) (i) oil more environmentally problematic because they and gas, (b) (i) for Fe-Mn deposits, and b (ii) for are usually much more intrusive in terms of polymetallic sulphides). duration, intensity and scale than scientific ones. In particular the use of sound (sonar and seismic) 6. Marine scientific research by industry and the military for their information- Marine scientific research (MSR) is as yet gathering is a grave cause of concern (see also undefined in international law. The LOSC devotes Section A (6) above on noise). all of Part XII to MSR, and addresses it elsewhere in the body of the text as well. In practice, MSR Information-gathering by scientists is usually done can overlap with surveys and mapping, which are in a context that involves hypothesis-testing, essential for a variety of ocean activities, including whereby it is usually necessary to leave the fuel and non-fuel mineral development and environment about which and wherein the exploitation, cable and pipeline laying, installation hypothesis is being tested as undisturbed as of equipment and structures offshore, military possible for the observations made to be operations, exploration for resources, and accurate and the conclusions drawn to be conducting MSR itself. The LOSC also recognizes meaningful. This context generally entails scientific the existence of a distinction between MSR and intrusions on scales that are unlikely to have other forms of information-gathering at sea, as it environmentally adverse effects. However, recent

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 23 THREATS AND EFFECTS

years have seen the development of information- of society. In many cases the military may be gathering by scientists that must – by the very formally exempted from such rules by national and nature of the underlying hypothesis to be tested – international law. It is not unlikely that military intentionally perturb or manipulate the marine activities at sea will pose the threats and cause environment on scales that not only will have the effects outlined in Section A above, as well as environmental effects but effects that cannot be in Section B (2) on construction of artificial islands guaranteed to be benign. and fixed/floating installations, Section B (4) on dumping and Section B (6) on MSR/information- One such experiment involved periodic gathering. In addition to munitions disposal (see underwater release, over several years, of low- Section B (4) above under dumping), military frequency acoustic signals that could be received exercises and weapons testing, which often at distances of 18,000 km from their source, and include bombing and shelling of islands, thus across entire ocean basins, to investigate deleterious effects also involve concentrated, whether global ocean temperatures were albeit intermittent, sources of extreme noise (see increasing. An increasing number of experiments Section A (6) above) and more intense inputs of (a dozen at the time of writing) are seeding up to the environmental stresses already described (so far) 100 km 2 in the equatorial and sub-Arctic above. Pacific and the Southern Ocean with iron, an essential micronutrient, in order to determine A potential threat to seamounts specifically is the whether the low level of phytoplankton productivity possible prolonged presence of submarines, observed in these regions is related to a possible which find seamounts to be convenient locations insufficient availability of iron (see also Section B to conceal themselves. Noise is probably not the (8) on ocean-based climate-change mitigation). principal threat here because submarines place a Placement on the seafloor of a network of ocean premium on silent operations and movement. observatories linked by cables to the land is Collisions with marine mammals, grounding and ongoing in the Atlantic and the Pacific; the IAS (see Section A (3-5) above) are possible European Seafloor Observatory Network threats, as well as operational or accidental (ESONET) is projecting some 5,000 km of cables discharges of the substances listed in Section A (see also Section B (12) (a) on cables). (1), whose effects might be exacerbated by the proximity of the submarine to the seamount In conclusion, the extent to which this information- should any of these threats materialize from that gathering is likely to cause adverse environmental source. effects on seamount biodiversity and ecosystems will depend on the spatial and temporal scale of 8. Ocean-based climate-change mitigation the activity, and its nature and intensity. The Ocean-based climate-change mitigation activities environmental effects discussed elsewhere in this fall into one of two broad categories: section in relation to specific underwater activities, and the general shipping-related environmental a) Lowering atmospheric CO by accelerating its threats and their effects set out in Section A, cover 2 removal from and delaying its return to the the scope of the threats and effects that may be atmosphere; expected from MSR/information-gathering. b) Lessening incoming solar light and heat by 7. Military activities deflecting it directly or by increasing the The environmental effects of military activities at planet's albedo (reflectivity), thereby offsetting sea are difficult to assess; national security warming caused by rising CO 2 (and other arguments tend to trump all other considerations, GHG emissions). including environmental ones. The military is not necessarily subject to the same national and In category (a), atmospheric CO 2 is captured and international marine environmental rules applicable placed in the oceans for long-term 'storage' away to marine activities conducted by other segments from the atmosphere. This category includes:

24 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

i) capture of CO 2 from point sources of If these activities really are able to effectively emission, and its transfer (by ship or pipeline) mitigate anthropogenic climate change, they must to and storage (CCS) in SSGFs. These be conducted on long temporal scales (several SSGFs include depleted offshore oil and gas decades) and on huge spatial scales (multiple fields and sub-seabed saline aquifers; they large sites in all oceans). Should this indeed exist worldwide and are said to be able to occur, the threats to and effects on marine

store quantities of CO 2 equivalent to some biodiversity, marine ecosystems and marine decades of global emissions. At the time of environment as a whole are likely to be sufficiently writing, CCS in SSGFs has begun on a adverse that it would be futile to single out modest scale off Norway. seamounts as subjects of particular environmental concern. A highly qualified exception to this ii) capture of atmospheric CO 2 by ocean dismal scenario might perhaps be made, at least fertilization. This involves increasing initially, for CCS in SSGFs. But this must be

phytoplankton productivity through targeted properly carried out; i.e., no escape of CO 2 from specific nutrient addition (e.g., iron, , the SSGFs must occur, because if it does, ocean , urea) or general nutrient acidification, already a problem in the upper water enhancement (by artificially inducing column (see also Section C (1)) will be of nutrient-rich ) to surface exacerbated at depth. seawater, thereby increasing the concomitant transport of fixed carbon to depths from Consequently, for the purposes of this paper, the which, it is hoped, this carbon would be principal immediate threat to seamount

unlikely to re-enter the atmosphere as CO 2 for biodiversity and ecosystems from ocean-based a century. See also above under Section B (6) climate-change mitigation activities derives from on MSR) their testing in the vicinity of seamounts, where proximity and/or the effect of local and regional In category (b), the effect of sunlight is reduced by circulation and productivity patterns operate to increasing the albedo and cover of marine clouds concentrate their effects on these seamounts. through injection from ships of composed The effects will include all the generic shipping- of seawater droplets and dissolved salts into the based effects set out above in Section A, and the atmosphere at 300 m altitude. As the droplets effects associated with artificial islands and evaporate, their salt crystals reflect sunlight and floating installations, dumping and MSR in Section become condensation nuclei for new droplets, B (2), (4) and (6) respectively. thereby increasing marine cloud cover and reflecting even more sunlight. To the best of this Effects specifically associated with ocean author's knowledge, this planetary shading option fertilization are not as yet fully characterized, but has not yet been tried at sea. Furthermore, ocean enough is already known about the processes fertilization and planetary shading may be mutually involved to predict that these will include changes incompatible, as the latter will reduce the light in species and community composition, as well needed for photosynthesis in the former, without as in the productivity of the phyto- and zoo- which less carbon will be fixed from CO 2 and less plankton, in the benthic, demersal and pelagic carbon will therefore be available to sink to depth communities, and the food web as a whole. (see also Section A (7) above on shading). Immobile benthic communities, which are ultimately dependent on surface productivity, are Basic technical feasibility, if not actual likely to be especially vulnerable to these effectiveness, has been demonstrated for the changes. Furthermore, ocean acidification (see methods proposed. Economic feasibility is not also Section C (1) on anthropogenic climate addressed here, other than to offer the view that it change) may be exacerbated by the increased is unlikely to be an issue, because financing will dissolution of CO 2, and hypoxic or anoxic zones be(come) available if the motivation (which need may develop as a result of increased not be environmental) to engage in one or more of decomposition of organic matter in the water these activities is great enough. column where circulation is such that oxygen is

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 25 THREATS AND EFFECTS

either not or only inadequately replenished. In yachting (motor and sail) and sports fishing (this summary, the effects of ocean fertilization on final item is addressed in Chapter 2). seamount communities are unlikely to be benign. All the threats and their effects covered in Section 9. Piracy/criminal activities A are likely to be involved to a greater or lesser extent if seamounts become a recreational site, Arts. 100-107 of the LOSC deal with piracy, as are, in particular, the threats and effects under underlining its importance as an issue of global Section B (2) construction of artificial islands and concern. The definition of piracy in LOSC Art. 101 fixed/floating installations, (4) dumping and (9) is complex, but essentially it requires the use of a piracy. Tourist submersibles can introduce light ship or aircraft to commit any illegal act of violence pollution at depth, as can cruise ships at night in or detention, or any act of depredation directed the upper water column if they remain on station. against another ship or aircraft or against persons Both are a source of proximate noise, as are the or property aboard same, in ABNJ. The support vessels for swimming, snorkeling, diving Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts and sports fishing. Other adverse effects include Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, 1988 removal of shells, corals and other marine (SUA Convention) and its two Protocols, organisms as souvenirs, as well as the potential promulgated under the auspices of IMO, elaborate for disturbance of seamount sites important for on the piracy provisions of the LOSC, and, with scientific research, monitoring, biodiversity particular relevance to the purposes of this paper, conservation, and their historical and requires that the measures taken by a State archaeological value. against these offences are environmentally sound. 11. Salvage With regard to threats posed to seamount ecology and biodiversity by piracy and other Salvage is defined in the 1989 International criminal activities at sea, the threats and effects Convention on Salvage as "any act or activity discussed in Section A above are implicated to a undertaken to assist a vessel or any other greater or lesser extent, depending in particular on property in danger in navigable waters or in any the fate of the pirate vessel and the victim vessel, other waters whatsoever” (Art.1(a)). The concept especially if these vessels are damaged or of salvage is designed to promote the voluntary wrecked near a seamount. Since pirates are rescue of goods and vessels imperiled at sea. ranging further and further out to sea, up to The Salvage Convention provides for an hundreds of kilometres from shore, the remote enhanced salvage award that takes into account location of seamounts is not likely to be the skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or substantially shielded from their attentions, minimizing damage to the environment. It also especially if the seamount itself or waters nearby provides for ‘special compensation’ to be paid to attract ships for legitimate activities such as those salvors who have failed to earn a reward in the enumerated elsewhere in this section. normal way (i.e., by salving the ship and cargo) but who have prevented or minimized damage to the environment. Damage to the environment is 10. Recreation defined as "substantial physical damage to human Ocean-based recreation is a major global growth health or to marine life or resources in coastal or sector in which the remoteness, inaccessibility inland waters or areas adjacent thereto, caused and ecological fragility and uniqueness of sites are by pollution, contamination, fire, explosion or a particularly potent inducement to visit. similar major incidents"(Art.1(d)). However, if the Seamounts, with their enhanced biodiversity, are salvor fails to prevent or minimize environmental likely to be attractive marine recreational sites, damage, special compensation may be denied or offering a variety of opportunities, depending on reduced. Therefore, although the salvage process depth, for surface and sub-surface marine tourism can entail risks to the environment, the salvage by cruise ships and submersibles, respectively, as reward system provides a strong incentive to well as for swimming, snorkeling and diving, minimize environmental damage.

26 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

For ships or goods imperiled near or over Newfoundland via the seafloor of the North seamounts, salvage operations are most likely to Atlantic. Some 100,000 km of submarine cable be conducted by specialized salvage tugs or are now being laid every year. Most international vessels, which may also include diving facilities. telephone and internet communications travel via Rapid action is especially necessary offshore in submarine cables. Although most cables are still exposed waters because sea state and weather being laid in the North Atlantic, they are now conditions can deteriorate quickly, such that found in all the oceans, and cable-laying is salving is not possible until conditions improve, by increasing in particular in the Indian and Pacific which time the vessel, its cargo, and the Oceans. As cables are best placed on smooth flat environment may all be beyond help. Under such seafloor, the likelihood of their placement directly circumstances, saving the vessel's cargo and on topographically complex seamounts, and thus equipment is often a higher priority than saving the of their ability to directly affect seamount vessel herself. The cargo may pose an biodiversity and ecosystems, is low. environmental hazard or include expensive items and materials; the equipment may include Insofar as cables are placed on the seafloor near valuable machinery. In this case, salvors will focus seamounts, the process of their placement, on rapidly removing the goods of interest, and maintenance and repair may adversely affect although they may deliberately destroy the hull to adjacent seamount ecosystems, depending on do so most efficiently, it is in their financial interest their proximity to the cable-related activities. to do so in an environmentally responsible Because bottom-trawling is the main threat to manner. Although it will never be environmentally submarine cables, they are generally buried 1-3 m beneficial to seamount ecosystems and below the seabed where the seabed is at depths biodiversity to have a vessel come to grief nearby still accessible to bottom trawls (1,500-2,000 m or on it, modern salvage operations are not likely water depth). Burial involves digging a narrow to exacerbate the environmental consequences trench (cables, when armoured, are about 50 mm unduly, and they may even mitigate or prevent them. in diameter), inserting the cable and covering it up. In addition to the effects of the presence of This sanguine assessment is unlikely to be the ship as outlined in Section A above, and the applicable to marine treasure-hunting. Often physical destruction of the seafloor itself and any confused with both marine archaeology (see also organisms that were unable to escape the Section B (1) above) and salvage – a confusion trenching, the other principal environmental effect which is not necessarily scrupulously cleared up of this process is the creation of sediment by treasure-hunters – marine treasure-hunting is plumes. These can spread far from the site, if driven by profit motives to retrieve items with currents and seafloor conditions are conducive market value from wrecks at minimum cost to the thereto, with the associated well-known treasure-hunters. Environmental concerns are not smothering and turbidity effects described usually uppermost in their calculations. Seamount elsewhere in this paper (e.g., Section B (5) on ecosystems bearing wrecks of interest to marine mining). treasure-hunters are therefore likely to be more at risk from their attentions than from those of salvors In deep water where bottom-trawling is not a risk or marine archaeologists. For both salvage and and the seabed is not rough, cables are not treasure-hunting, however, the threats and effects armoured (and are thinner, ~17-21 mm in described above in Section A remain applicable; diameter) and are placed directly on the seabed. see in particular Section A (4) on grounding and Under these circumstances the environmental shipwreck. effects are likely to be minimal.

12. Undersea cable- and pipeline-laying The increasing use of seabed ocean observatories in MSR projects, which by their very a. Cables purpose may require their placement in Submarine cable-laying began in 1858, when the environmentally sensitive areas, such as first undersea cable linked Britain and seamounts, necessitates cabling to connect the

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 27 THREATS AND EFFECTS

observatories to their land-based stations, and temperature, salinity, storm patterns and paths, should be considered an emerging potential threat. and can be expected. Adverse effects on marine ecosystems and biodiversity include b. Pipelines ocean acidification, ocean warming, ocean Pipelines are so far only used for transporting oil oxygen content reduction, eutrophication, HABs, turbidity, noise amplification and methane leakage. and gas, although CO 2 could join them in the future (see also Section B (8) above on ocean- These all contribute to marine habitat degradation. based climate-change mitigation activities). Migration routes, nutrient supplies, food web Pipelines are much bigger (up to 900 mm in structures, species and community composition diameter) and require more construction work for could change such that entire groups of their placement than cables, as well as more organisms and ecosystems might disappear. The environmentally intrusive maintenance and repair. joint, several and cumulative effects of warm, They are not often buried, but more usually placed acidic, hypoxic, cloudy, noisy, methane-rich directly on the seafloor, where again, as with waters on marine ecosystems, benthic and cables, smooth topography is preferred. Pipelines pelagic communities, and the physiology, can also leak or break, releasing their contents to behaviour and reproduction of biota the marine environment, with effects that will unaccustomed to such stressful conditions are depend on the quantity, type of substance, and likely, at best, to reduce their resilience to and the local temperature and pressure, as well as the potential for them to recover from or adjust to the nature and proximity of marine organisms, effects of the threats derived from activities such communities and ecosystems. As with cables, as those outlined in Sections A and B above. pipelines are unlikely to be placed directly on seamounts, but they may prove to be a threat to From this sad litany of adverse effects of seamount ecosystems if they are placed on the anthropogenic climate change, ocean warming seafloor nearby. and ocean acidification may be singled out as likely to have the most immediately evident effects C. Threats from activities not involving on seamount ecosystems and biodiversity. Many ships marine organisms live at temperatures near their physiological maximum tolerance, or their This final section briefly highlights some of the distribution and functioning are conditioned by most important overarching anthropogenic threats temperature; even an apparently minor increase in to which seamount biodiversity and ecosystems the ambient temperature of their waters ('thermal are all vulnerable. They constitute a set of chronic, shock') can have disproportionately large negative growing stresses that must be considered in effects on them. Thermal shock may also provide assessing the possible effects of the specific opportunities for thermophilic IAS to colonize additional threats to seamount ecosystems and areas whose keystone native species (e.g., biodiversity described in Sections A and B. gorgonian corals for seamounts) are weakened by increased temperatures. 1. Anthropogenic climate change

The oceans and the atmosphere are closely Carbonic acid forms when CO 2 dissolves in linked; between them they account for the bulk of seawater, which lowers the pH. Under normal heat and gas circulation on the planet. circumstances, this acid is buffered with Anthropogenic climate change is caused by the carbonate and bicarbonate. However, the excess excessive accumulation of GHG in and hence the anthropogenic production of CO 2 is causing it to excessive warming of the atmosphere by activities enter the ocean at a rate which is greater than the such as fossil fuel burning, ability of the ocean to neutralize it. The oceans are (especially trees and ) and cattle naturally alkaline, with a pH of approximately 8.2, production. This warming will alter the pattern of which can vary by up to 0.3 points depending on heat and gas distribution on the planet. Changes season and location. At present the pH of the in precipitation (rain and snow), ocean circulation oceans is down by 0.1 points, and is predicted to (e.g., currents, up- and down-welling), drop – and thus increase acidity – by at least a

28 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

further 0.4 units, which exceeds the greatest pollution. There is certainly room for improvement natural variation in pH observed so far. As with with shipping, but the elephant in that particular temperature, most marine organisms can tolerate room is LBS, for which no land-based, global, pH changes within only a narrow band. legally binding treaty exists. The only legally binding global treaty addressing LBS is the LOSC. Ocean acidification will adversely affect the wide variety of organisms (including phytoplankton, Marine debris or litter, of which again the bulk , molluscs, corals, sponges and (80%) is derived from LBS, represents the major echinoderms) that need calcium carbonate for threat from LBS to seamounts; its effects are their skeletons, shells and other structures discussed in the following section. essential to their survival. Not only will the increasing acidity of ocean waters make it more 3. Marine debris or litter difficult for these organisms to build them, these Marine debris, also known as marine litter, is structures are also likely to disintegrate, as anthropogenic waste that has deliberately or calcium carbonate dissolves under acidic accidentally entered the ocean. Oceanic debris is conditions. Entire ecosystems that depend on a the focus of this section, as it is most relevant to calcium carbonate substratum can be placed at seamount ecosystems. About 20% of marine risk. Living in increasingly acid waters is not debris is derived from marine activities; the rest healthy for non-calcifying organisms either; in fish, comes from LBS. Plastics and other synthetic squid and shrimp, for example, respiratory materials are the most common components – processes can be impaired. some 60-80% – of marine debris, and they also cause the most problems for marine organisms, Finally, and ironically, recent research indicates especially marine mammals, seabirds and sea that lower pH may hamper the ability of turtles. As pointed out in Section A (1) (f) above on phytoplankton to photosynthesize, by reducing garbage, the disposal of plastic at sea from ships the bioavailability of Fe, an essential nutrient is prohibited under MARPOL Annex V. The need present in limited amounts in large parts of the for such a prohibition – and for its extension to open ocean (see also Section B (8) above, on LBS of plastic, for which it is the principal source, ocean-based climate-change mitigation). Initial is evident when its adverse effects on the marine research indicates that increasing acidity (lower environment, biodiversity and ecosystems are pH) is likely to affect the speciation, and hence considered. the bioavailability, as well as the potential toxicity, of other essential trace metals (see also Section A Plastic degrades very slowly and can float for (1) (g) above on heavy metals). As pointed out in years. It accumulates in open-ocean Section A (6) above, low pH also amplifies noise oceanographic features such as convergence in the sea. zones, gyres and eddies, as well as fishing grounds, which are also biologically diverse areas; 2. Land-based activities it also concentrates along shipping lanes. The Land-based activities (including GHG emissions) mass of plastic in the oceans may be as high as constitute by far the most important (at least 80%) one hundred million metric tons. The Great Pacific sources of marine pollution. Land-based sources in the north Pacific gyre has a very (LBS) of pollution are the principal threat to the high level of plastic suspended in the marine environment as a whole. Once in the sea upper water column. In samples taken in 1999, most pollutants, through currents and gravity, the mass of plastic exceeded that of eventually find their way to the deep-seafloor, with by a factor of six. It has been estimated that over the potential to damage seamount ecosystems 13,000 pieces of plastic litter are floating on every and biodiversity en route and on arrival. Despite square kilometre of ocean surface. the attention given to shipping in this paper, because of its seamount focus, shipping only Plastic provides vectors for the spread of IAS that represents ~10% of all sources of marine are then transported to new areas via ballast

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 29 THREATS AND EFFECTS

Plastic pollution on a beach. © Maleen/Marine Photobank water (see also Section A (1) (b) above on bilge environmental effects grows. There is increasing water and ballast water). As they weather, plastics evidence that such particles are ingested by break up into ever smaller pieces down to the size marine organisms, with the potential for: physical of sand grains. These minute particles are found disruption and abrasion; toxicity of chemicals in in sediments and in suspension in seawater, the plastic; and toxicity of adsorbed POPs. The where they resemble edible plankton, leading filter IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/ WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/ feeders and other organisms to consume them, UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific by which they enter the ocean food chain. Their Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection ingestion can concentrate any plastic-associated (GESAMP) at their 36 th meeting agreed to further toxicants and/or adversely affect the consumers explore the scope of this issue through an expert themselves. Plastics adsorb and concentrate workshop, focused on the occurrence and POPs (e.g., DDT, PCBs) and PAHs. potential impact of micro-plastics, both due to their intrinsic properties (size, shape, composition) Nurdles – also known as mermaids' tears or but especially as a vector for contaminants. micro-plastics – are plastic pellets typically under 5 mm in diameter and are a major component of Fish, marine mammals, sea turtles and seabirds marine debris. They form, inter alia , by the can mistake plastics for food. Plastic bags in physical weathering of larger plastic debris. particular resemble jellyfish and squid, which are Nurdles strongly resemble fish eggs, a food major food items for these groups. Ingestion of source for many organisms. The existence of plastic eventually kills them by causing internal micro-plastics and their potential impact on the injuries if the plastic is sharp, or by starvation marine environment is receiving increasing through restricting the movement of food, or by attention as evidence of their adverse filling the stomach and tricking the animal into

30 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats THREATS AND EFFECTS

thinking it is full. Sub-lethal effects include focused on shipping, the threats from and effects malnutrition, which can affect reproductive fitness of the substances and activities described therein and long-term survival of the population. They can remain applicable even when the vector is an also become trapped in, among others, plastic aircraft rather than a vessel.) ropes, nets, bags, bait box bands, ‘six-pack’ and other rings used to hold cans together, where 5. Radionucleides they will soon die from strangulation, suffocation These substances have very long half-lives and or starvation, or by being eaten by predators can be carcinogenic and mutagenic. Plutonium- taking advantage of their inability to escape. 239, used in reactor fuel and atomic weapons, has a half-life of some 24,000 years and is the Some 70% of marine debris will eventually sink to most toxic. Cesium and strontium are also found. the seafloor, where it is regularly observed in Nuclear weapons-testing has been the largest benthic surveys at all depths. Plastic is also source of radionucleides to the sea, mostly increasingly found on the seabed, at all depths, through fallout from the atmosphere. Other often in the form of plastic bags. Here they form a sources include operational discharges from barrier to the movement of benthic organisms, nuclear power facilities and reprocessing plants, nutrients and gases in and out of the remobilization of contaminated sediments, and seafloor/water column interface, and, where radioactive waste dumping. Long-distance present, sediments. They can also cover hard transport by currents has placed radionucleides and soft substrata and make them unsuitable for everywhere in the marine environment. They can settlement, by for example sessile filter feeders, adsorb on particles that settle on the seabed and and for foraging by deposit feeders. See also accumulate in the sediments there, which can Section A (1) (c, f) on cargo and garbage, and become 50 times as radioactive as the overlying Chapter 2 on fisheries threats. water column, with particularly adverse effects on benthic species. (See also Section B (4) above on 4. Overflight dumping.) Aircraft emissions can directly and indirectly pollute marine ABNJ and harm marine A number of phytoplankton species can ecosystems through their contribution to global concentrate radionucleides to levels that can climate change. Dumping of certain wastes is still exceed those in the water column up to 200,000 allowed from aircraft and this can place seamount times. In both cases they can enter the food ecosystems at risk if done over their location (see chain. Radionucleide contamination has been Section B (4) above on dumping for associated detected in the tissues of marine mammals, threats and effects). Noise from low-altitude flights seaweed, oysters and . In addition to its can have harmful effects on seamount-associated deleterious effects on the viability of the species and their habitats (see also Section A (6) contaminated organism, radionucleides can on noise). Increasing global air traffic heightens cause genetic damage and thus also affect later the risk of pollution and contamination from plane generations. wrecks. (See also Section A (1), (3-5); although

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 31 III. KNOWLEDGE GAPS

t is not fully appreciated how much knowledge The existence of uncertainty and risk in other is already available about the effects of human sectors is not treated as a reason for not Iactivities on marine ecosystems and marine developing responsible actions accordingly. biodiversity, including those of seamounts. Neither Indeed the opposite is more usually the case, of should the extent of our knowledge be which the insurance and re-insurance sectors underestimated, especially when assessing the and, in the shipping sector specifically, P&I clubs, threats, and their effects, to which human are well-known examples. Uncertainty is an event activities subject them. The preceding with unknown probability. Risk has been defined discussions and the list of references in Section VI as statistical uncertainty, that is, an event with a represent only an illustrative sampling of this known probability. Most environmental problems knowledge, limited in this paper by space, time suffer from both. At present, and despite the and scoping constraints. That knowledge already growing use of the , the suffices to reasonably conclude that human inability to characterize risk and uncertainty in the activities are likely to have adverse effects on environmental context has hampered efforts to seamounts and their associated ecosystems and protect the environment. Obtaining more biodiversity. Although it is not certain when and to knowledge of seamount ecosystems and what extent these activities will have these biodiversity will not remedy this situation. adverse effects, absence of certainty does not imply absence of knowledge. There will always be The priority knowledge gap in this context is the so-called ‘scientific uncertainty’, and rightly so, need for a robust mechanism to improve the because knowledge can – and should – always determination and quantification of uncertainty and be tested, improved and augmented. risk attendant on activities in or affecting the Nevertheless, for the purposes of this paper's marine environment, such that commercially and focus on anthropogenic threats and their effects, environmentally responsible actions to address and in the context of contributing to the the threats of these activities to marine biodiversity development of a robust ecosystem-based and ecosystems can be developed. An open- management plan for seamounts, it is suggested ocean seamount ecosystem would provide a that more research on seamounts and their promising initial framework within which to design associated ecosystems and biodiversity per se is and test such a mechanism (see also Part IV). not, in this instance, the first priority.

32 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats IV. ANALYTICAL SUMMARY

he threats set out in Part II to seamount Overexploitation entails over-extraction or overuse biodiversity and ecosystems fall into one or of any marine living or non-living resource, service, T more of the following four overarching function or amenity that can thereby be categories: diminished in quantity or quality such that the resource, service, function or amenity becomes 1. Pollution; unusable or disappears altogether. It is the 2. Habitat destruction, degradation and overarching threat of overexploitation to seamount fragmentation; ecosystems and biodiversity that is posed by the activities described in the present paper, should 3. Overexploitation; and any of them occur to excess – the definition of 4. IAS. excess varying with the activity. Overexploitation covers the unsustainable extraction of living As it does with the concepts of ecosystems and resources, and in that context it is the principal biodiversity (see Part I D above), international law overarching threat to seamount ecosystems and provides definitions of or conceptual approaches biodiversity. to these overarching threats that are helpful in assessing the potential of the activities listed in The LOSC (including the implementing agreement Part II above to harm seamount biodiversity and on straddling and highly migratory fish stocks) ecosystems. does not define overexploitation, but LOSC Art. 61 (2), for example, treats it specifically as a threat The definition of pollution in the LOSC is that "endanger[s]" the "maintenance of living particularly useful in that it applies to the marine resources". Overexploitation in ABNJ is environment as a whole, including ABNJ, and is addressed, inter alia , by LOSC Arts. 116-120, both comprehensive and precautionary: "[T]he which require conservation and management of introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of high-seas living resources and marine mammals, substances or energy into the marine and by LOSC Art. 145, which requires protection environment, including , which results or of the marine environment in the Area, i.e., the is likely to result in such deleterious effects as seabed in ABNJ. harm to living resources and marine life, hazards to human health, hindrance to marine activities, The LOSC distinguishes between but does not including fishing and other legitimate uses of the define ecosystem or habitat. It provides sea, impairment of quality for use of seawater and specifically for the protection and preservation of reduction of amenities” (Part I, Art. 1 1. (4)). The "rare or fragile ecosystems as well as the habitat LOSC usefully distinguishes between pollution of depleted, threatened or endangered species and the other three overarching threats, but does and other forms of marine life" (Art. 194(5)). The not define any of the latter. CBD defines habitat as "the place or type of site where an organism or population naturally occurs" Nevertheless, Art. 196 of the LOSC brings the (Art. 2; the CBD's definition of ecosystem is use of technologies and the intentional or provided and discussed above in Part I D). accidental introduction of IAS (i.e., ‘alien or new Habitats form part of ecosystems; thus species’) within the concept of marine pollution, degradation of the former inevitably harms the thus complementing LOSC Art. 1 (4). Note the latter (and vice-versa ). It is useful to maintain a rather prescient inclusion of 'new species', which conceptual distinction between adverse effects may become particularly relevant as genetic on habitats caused by materially or tangibly engineering of organisms gathers momentum. physical forms of habitat destruction and The inclusion of 'use of technologies' covers degradation, such as those set out in Part II above activities designed for climate-change mitigation, (e.g., anchoring, cable/pipe-laying, grounding and such as the stimulation of artificial upwelling, shipwreck, mining, shading, washes and wakes, marine cloud formation, and CCS (see Part II B (8) and the adverse effects on habitats of the other above on ocean-based climate-change three overarching threats). However, when it is mitigation), as well as land-based activities. considered that the sheer quantitative removal

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 33 ANALYTICAL SUMMARY

from a habitat even of a single species can also a minor additional stress triggers a whole-scale cause habitat degradation or destruction (as well collapse. The collapse in 1994 of the Grand as overexploitation) – as can debris, light, noise, Banks fishery is an instructive and sobering temperature, particles, pollution, etc. (see Part II example. above) – the distinction becomes difficult to maintain at an operational level. A major conclusion of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment is that the occurrence of tipping Although the detailed interaction – feedback points in the marine environment is at present loops – among this quartet of overarching threats unpredictable. This is another consequence of the is poorly understood, it is apparent from Part II that knowledge gap identified in Part III. All the activities these threats usually overlap in, as well as set out in Part II above already, to a greater or exacerbate, their individual deleterious effects on lesser extent, occur throughout, and marine ecosystems, biodiversity and environment, concomitantly threaten, the oceans. Many of their including seamounts. It is highly likely that their adverse effects (there may be yet more than we detrimental effects are synergistic and cumulative. know) on the marine environment, its ecosystems Moreover, it is becoming increasingly evident that and biodiversity are known and evident. The scale all marine ecosystems and habitats are essential of the cumulative anthropogenic burden now to all marine species at some point in their life being placed on the oceans may already be so cycle. Therefore, at the operational level, marine great that there may no longer be an ecosystems and habitats are no longer usefully ascertainable threshold of human-induced threats distinguishable inter se or separable from the and effects on these ecosystems from which, ocean basin as a whole, if the objective is to once breached, they could still recover. This effectively protect them. Consequently, the situation is likely to be applicable to seamounts as fundamental, cumulative and synergistic effect of well, and even, or perhaps especially, to those the other three overarching threats is to degrade, seamounts that are far from land in ABNJ. fragment and destroy habitats and ecosystems on an oceanic – that is, basin-wide – scale. Seamount ecosystems are considered to be particularly fragile and vulnerable to anthropogenic The concepts of assimilative or carrying or threats. The range of activities set out in Part II is regenerative or absorptive capacity of an extensive enough and their adverse effects on ecosystem, which – at least as far as the ocean is other ecosystems, if not on seamounts concerned – were assumed in human themselves, are sufficiently well known that it expectations to be almost infinite, are obsolete. would be reasonable to surmise that all aspects of Furthermore, ecosystem change in response to the seamount's ecosystems and biodiversity threats is often neither linear nor gradual. It tends could be placed at risk if these activities were to to occur abruptly or accelerates once a threshold occur in the vicinity of seamounts. Any additional is crossed. This threshold is called the tipping or new activity, or the intensification of an ongoing point. After the tipping point has occurred, activity, could even become the tipping point for recovery or rehabilitation of the resource, the the collapse of a seamount ecosystem. At habitat, the ecosystem, is virtually impossible. present an objective comparator of the threats Even if it were possible, it would be prohibitively and effects associated with the activities listed in expensive. The marine environment is particularly Part II in this regard is lacking. This would be susceptible to tipping points. This vulnerability to provided by a mechanism to improve the catastrophic, irreversible changes in structure and predictability of the tipping point trigger(s) or, as function is related to a history of multiple, proposed in Part III above, to improve the interacting anthropogenic threats and their effects quantification of the risks thereof for seamount that may seem to cause ‘only’ ‘small’ incremental ecosystems. changes, but which in fact decrease resilience to environmental changes to such an extent that only

34 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats V. CONCLUSIONS

eamount biodiversity and ecosystems and IAS essentially combine to degrade, if not appear to be "heir to a thousand [un]natural destroy, ecosystems, and they operate on an Sshocks", to paraphrase Hamlet, whose oceanic – that is, basin-wide – scale. gloomy outlook finds some justification when applied to seamounts. They are already subject to Seamount ecosystems are particularly fragile and chronic stresses both from shipping and from vulnerable to anthropogenic threats and hence to non-shipping activities that have global effects. tipping points. Any additional or new activity, or Superimposed on these chronic stresses are the the intensification of an ongoing activity, could stresses from potential, emerging and actual become the tipping point for the collapse of a activities for which shipping serves primarily as a seamount ecosystem. An objective comparator of platform; these additional stresses can be acute the threats, effects and their interactions and become chronic. None of the activities associated with the activities in this regard is operate in an otherwise pristine and unstressed lacking. This fundamental knowledge gap would (threat- and effect-free) environment. They can be filled by a mechanism to improve the and often do interact, with cumulative and predictability of the tipping point triggers and to synergistic adverse effects on the seamount improve the quantification of the interactive risks environment, which is all the more worrying thereof for seamount ecosystems and biodiversity. because the details of the interactions are poorly Otherwise, the sheer multiplexity of the effects of understood. Therefore none of the activities anthropogenic activities on seamount ecosystems should be considered in isolation in assessing its and biodiversity are unlikely to be manageable. As potential consequences for seamount biodiversity Hamlet said: "When sorrows come, they come and ecosystem health. Pollution, overexploitation not single spies, but in battalions."

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SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 47 CHAPTER 2 –FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE Author: Garry Preston


A. Introduction seamounts are unable to reach deep water and instead become prey to pelagic and benthic- Sections II (B) and II (C) of companion Volume 1, feeding seamount-associated predators. Many ‘Overview of Seamount Ecosystems and benthic invertebrates found on seamounts are Biodiversity’, provide descriptive information on suspension- or filter-feeders which are adapted to the deep-water fisheries of Indian Ocean capture this food source; they include stony seamounts. This chapter presents a generalized corals, gorgonians, black corals, sea anemones, account of threats to seamount ecosystems by sea pens, hydroids, sponges, sea squirts these and other types of fishing operations. Some (ascidians) and crinoids. Fish and non-benthic of the information presented here originates from invertebrates also exploit this food source: Rogers studies undertaken or data obtained from outside (2006) notes “…reports of extremely dense the Indian Ocean, but whose findings are relevant shoals of lantern fish, mysid shrimps and squid to the region. that feed above seamounts at night but which live Interactions between seamounts and underwater close to the sides of seamounts during the day. currents, as well as their elevated position in the These species appear to feed on vertically water, attract plankton, corals, fish and marine migrating oceanic plankton that maybe become mammals alike. Seamounts create complex trapped above the seamounts. In turn, they form a current patterns that can influence the behaviour food source for larger, commercially valuable and distribution of the marine life on and above species of pelagic fish such as sharks, rays, tuna them. Interactions between currents and and swordfish”. topography on seamounts include semi-stationary eddies (Taylor columns) 1, reflection, There is thus a regular inflow of prey to seamount tidally induced currents and eddies, trapped areas, although in many cases this is periodic waves, and eddies shed downstream. Isotherms rather than constant. The nutrient and food supply are also uplifted over seamounts, resulting in the allows seamounts to attract and maintain large introduction of nutrients into surface waters where populations of commercially useful fish and other plankton development is often nutrient-limited. Due organisms, some of which may be permanent to these strong localized currents and , and others transitory. Seamounts have been the of plankton, including fish larvae, is shown to concentrate pelagic plankton and to often high over seamounts (Boehlert and Genin, attract aggregations of fish, birds and mammals. 1987). The fish aggregating effects of seamounts have The diurnal movement of planktonic organisms long been noted by the commercial fishing that makes up the deep-scattering layer (DSL) industry, and many seamounts are or have been also contributes to high seamount productivity. extensively exploited. Some 80 fish species are The DSL rises in the water column during the commercially harvested from seamounts, night, during which time it is horizontally including orange roughy, oreos, rockfish and translocated by ocean currents. DSL organisms alfonsino. Lobsters, deep-water corals and other seek to descend again in the early morning, but commercially valuable species are also targeted those that are transported to the vicinity of by specialized fishing operations.

1 A Taylor column is a result of the force, which causes moving objects on the surface of the Earth to appear to veer to the right in the northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern. Rotating fluids that are perturbed tend to form columns parallel to the axis of rotation, called Taylor columns. A rotating fluid has a specific kind of rigidity and no longer acts quite like a fluid. An opposing view holds that open- ocean waters are normally nutrient deficient, and nutrients released from open-ocean aquaculture operations may increase wild production in adjacent areas. See: , , and .

48 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats FISHERIES

Figure 1: Circulation around a seamount summit (not to scale). The circular flows run clockwise, decreasing in strength with height off the bottom. There is a strong lateral flow outward near the seamount summit, with weaker inward flows higher up. Vertical currents are strongly downward near the centre and weaker and upward near the periphery. Larvae caught in this flow pattern might easily complete their development near the seamount summit. (From a study on currents and larval settlement at Fieberling , a Pacific seamount, by Mullineaux, L.S. and S.W. Mills (1997), cited at )

Depletion of many inshore and shelf groundfish companion Volume 1 for description), of which 15 stocks in the 1990s encouraged fisheries to are fishable and 24 are too deep to fish using expand into deeper water and, in particular, to current technology. seamounts. Since the 1970s, advanced gear technology has enabled fishing in deeper waters The main types of fishing operation practised on and on small, steep and rough seamount flanks seamounts can be categorized as: that were previously too difficult to fish (Pitcher et al. , 2010). Kitchingman and Lai (2004) used mid- m deep-water fisheries, which involve direct resolution bathymetric data to estimate the contact between the fishing gear and the number of seamounts globally (around 14,000). benthos of the seamount: bottom-trawling, Based on this information, Guinotte (undated) bottom-set gill-netting, bottom longlining, estimated the number of high-seas seamounts in trap-fishing, dropline fishing and coral the Indian Ocean to be 1,203, of which 268 could harvesting; and be fished using currently available technology, the other 935 too deep (over 2,000 m) to fish at the m surface and mid-water fisheries, in which the present time. The same author noted that there gear does not (intentionally, at least) come into are 39 seamounts within the proposed SIODFA physical contact with the seamount benthos: Benthic Protected Areas (see Section II (C) of mid-water trawling, longlining and purse-seining.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 49 FISHERIES

There have been surprisingly few studies on especially those outside the jurisdiction of current deep-water fishing impacts, especially on management agencies, is one of the most seamounts, given the amount of fishing worrying developments in recent years.” conducted on them in recent years (Pitcher et al., Seamount fisheries typically exhibit a boom and 2010). There are nevertheless serious ongoing bust sequence, crashing within about ten years of concerns as to the negative effects of fishing on their initial development. This was the case with seamount ecosystems, which relate primarily to the orange roughy fisheries off New Zealand, the following issues: Australia and in the Atlantic, the pelagic armourhead ( Pseudopentaceros wheeleri ) m Stock depletion. Seamount fisheries are fisheries over seamounts in international waters off usually boom-and-bust fisheries, in which Hawaii, and the blue ling ( Molva dipterygia ) standing stocks are quickly depleted by fisheries in the North Atlantic. As seamounts are intensive fishing, after which the fishing rapidly depleted, the continued existence of the operation moves to a new seamount. There fisheries on them depends upon the discovery of are well-documented cases of stock decline, unexploited seamounts with large fish for example with the orange roughy concentrations. (Hoplostethus atlanticus ); The species targeted by seamount fisheries often m Physical damage to benthic ecosystems have a low overall abundance, but may aggregate caused by trawls and traps dragging across at seamounts as certain stages of their life cycle the seafloor, or by entanglement of nets and strategy, such as for spawning. In many cases lines; they are long-lived, slow-growing, late-maturing (at about 30 years) and have low reproductive m Alteration of pelagic, mesopelagic and benthic potential. If fished out, it could be decades before ecosystems through the selective removal of these localized stocks recover, particularly as they target species and associated by-catch may have limited exchange with other seamounts. species; and Unregulated small-scale fishing can also disturb m Other impacts that may be caused by these sensitive environments, as has been discards of unwanted or excess catch, noise demonstrated by the decline of important disturbance by sonic equipment used in seamount fish stocks exploited by small-scale fishing, ghost fishing by lost or discarded handline and bottom longline fisheries in the fishing gear, and issues specific to certain Azores and in Tonga. However Pitcher et al. fisheries, such as those for deep-water corals. (2010) state: “Small-scale artisanal fisheries using less harmful fishing gear, spatial closures, and low These impacts of fishing operations are discussed catch levels provide an attractive model for in more detail in the following paragraphs. More improved seamount fishery management that generalized impacts caused by fishing vessels could foster the reconstruction of previously themselves are similar to the impacts of shipping, damaged seamount ecosystems.” described in Chapter 1 (Section II (A)). C. Physical damage to benthic B. Stock depletion ecosystems Over-fishing of coastal stocks has created new Bottom-trawling as a fishing method is widely pressures for the fishing industry to locate criticized among the fisheries management and alternative fishing grounds. In particular, conservation communities because of the seamounts are relatively newly targeted damage it causes to benthic ecosystems (see for ecosystems that have become increasingly fished example Jacquet et al. , 2010). Bottom-trawling since the second half of the 20 th century. Watson can damage ecosystems by literally scraping and Morato (2004) state: “Expansion of away sections of seafloor and removing habitat- commercial fisheries into deep-water areas, forming organisms and their associated

50 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats FISHERIES

communities. The ground gear used to protect have significant and perhaps irreversible effects the deep-water trawl nets from damage on the on the habitat and ground cover provided by rough seafloor is large and heavy, and as well as benthic organisms. For example, although trawling the obvious direct impacts caused by physical may not completely remove coral, repeated disruption, there are also indirect effects such as damage to coral colonies over time can reduce sediment re-suspension and mixing (Pitcher et al., their size to a point where sexual reproduction of 2010) and attraction of predators and scavengers. dispersive larvae is no longer possible (Rogers, Seamount topographies, along with navigation 2004). technology, result in a large number of trawl tows over a relatively small area, and with the heavy The wide but discontinuous distribution of trawl gear used in the fisheries this produces seamounts creates unique problems for the intense local disturbances (Smith, 2002). Such dispersal and recruitment of seamount-associated massive removal of natural and structural fish and invertebrates, with potential loss of larvae components of the ecosystem has highly negative and juveniles from the local environment. Different consequences for seamount biodiversity. species have evolved different strategies for dispersal from and recruitment to seamount Sessile fauna such as deep-water corals, which environments. Even amongst the commercially form reef-like structures on the summits and important teleosts, some species, such as upper flanks of deep-water seamounts, are armorhead, alfonsino and oreo, have extensive particularly vulnerable to damage by trawling ocean-wide pelagic juvenile dispersal and recruit operations. The bushy tree-like form of many to distant sea mounts, while orange roughy have seamount invertebrates, which are often adapted limited dispersal with a short larval stage and to filter-feeding, makes them easily prone to assumed benthic juveniles. These different breakage by ground gear. These animals form dispersal patterns are reflected in levels of genetic biogenic habitat for many other species, and may differentiation between populations, with low be slow-growing and hundreds of years old, so differentiation in oreo and higher differentiation in any recovery from impact is slow. Studies of the orange roughy. Species with narrow dispersal capabilities will be more vulnerable to localized by-catch taken in orange roughy fisheries clearly depletion (Smith, 2002). show that habitat-building corals such as Solenosmilia variabilis are removed by trawling Many of the commercially important seamount (Anderson and Clark, 2003). This has been fishes have ocean-wide distributions, but a high quantified in various studies, including a degree of endemism of both invertebrates and comparison of the catch composition of corals in small benthic fishes has been reported among six trawls from unfished seamounts (total coral seamounts. Around 15% of the 597 species, catch 3,000 kg) and 13 trawls on fished mainly megafauna, that occur on seamounts seamounts (5 kg coral) on the northwest Chatham globally are considered to be endemic (Wilson Rise of New Zealand (Clark et al ., 1999). and Kaufman, 1987). Some studies on Australian seamounts indicate much higher levels of On Tasmanian seamounts, Koslow and Gowlett- endemism (United Nations, 2006). For example, Holmes (1998) recorded major impacts on in just one expedition to the Tasman and Coral biodiversity within a few years of the development Seas in the South Pacific, scientists reported that of the orange roughy fishery. On heavily fished 16-36% of the 921 species of fish and other seamounts (more than 1,000 individual trawl benthic macrofauna collected on 24 seamounts operations known to have occurred) reef were new to science (United Nations, 2004). On aggregate had been removed or reduced to 14 seamounts off southern Tasmania 24-43% of rubble, the invertebrate biomass was 83% lower, the species sampled were new to science and and the number of species 59% lower than on 16-33% were endemic (Koslow and Gowlett- lightly fished seamounts (10-100 trawls). Intense Holmes, 1998). Low species overlap was found fishing effort over a sustained period of time is between seamounts in different portions of the clearly deleterious, but even ‘light’ trawling’ can region, suggesting that these seamounts function

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 51 FISHERIES

as islands or chains, with important consequences for speciation (Baker et al., 2001). Given the relatively high levels of endemism of seamount faunas, especially those associated with cold-water coral reefs, coupled with the somewhat limited dispersal ranges of some species, it is likely that trawling activities have already destroyed many benthic seamount communities, with as yet undetected impacts on the wider ocean ecosystem (Rogers, 2004).

The physical impacts of other deep-water fishing methods are less dramatic than those associated with trawling, but still have the potential to cause unwanted impacts. Dropping of traps or pots for lobsters or fish is prospectively a technique that could cause cumulative damage to habitat- forming corals over time, but is not known to be practised to any great degree on seamounts at the present time. Bottom-set gill-nets, demersal longlines and hand-line gear used for bottom fishing all carry lead weights that can cause damage to corals during the setting and hauling operation, or if dragged across the seafloor by currents. If the gear becomes tangled then efforts to free it by brute force can lead to additional breakage of corals and damage to other benthic organisms. However, the practicalities of operating A fish skeleton caught in a ghostnet. these types of fishing gear mean that all but the © Sijmon de Waal/Marine Photobank shallowest seamounts are essentially unfishable at the present time. The UN (2006) states that “while of fish, as well as invertebrates (lobsters, squid, there is some evidence to suggest that bottom- mysid shrimps), some of which may have set longlines, bottom-set gillnets, pots and traps commercial value, others of which will be (including when ‘ghost fishing’) all may be discarded as ‘trash’. In New Zealand, trawl by- impacting the deep-sea, bottom trawling and catch from seamounts included large epibenthic dredging appear to be having the most obvious cnidarians (black corals, true corals and sea fans), disruptive impact due to their widespread use and echinoderms (starfish, sea lilies and brittle-stars), their contact with the bottom”. (stone crabs and true crabs) and molluscs (gastropods, octopus and squid), many D. Target species and by-catch of which were new to science (Smith, 2002). In All fisheries selectively remove certain species the Indian Ocean, trawl by-catch may be from the ecosystem they exploit, and thus by their expected to include a wide range of benthic very existence cause alterations to marine invertebrates and fish, as well as occasional takes community and ecosystem structures. of sensitive or vulnerable species such as benthic sharks. Trawl fisheries in general are notorious for In the case of deep-water trawling, some of the taking and discarding large amounts of by-catch. corals and other benthic organisms that are Shrimp fisheries in particular may have by-catch broken by the physical action of the fishing gear rates which exceed the catch of target species by will be incidentally harvested as part of the catch. up to 20:1, with an overall (global) average of Trawl by-catch also includes various other species 5.7:1 (Clucas, 1997). Trawling for finfish produces

52 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats FISHERIES

lower, but still sometimes significant, volumes of strong calcium chloride solution) in which it has by-catch. been frozen. Discarding may thus involve throwing overboard several tens of tonnes of fresh or Other fishing operations also exert their toll in frozen catch, sometimes along with freezer brine. terms of by-catch. Pelagic and bottom longlines, as well as handlines and baited traps, all take a There is little or no data on the geographical wide variety of fish species, almost invariably apex distribution of discards from fishing operations, predators because of their use of bait. Purse- but it seems likely that discarding must occur seine fishing in the Indian Ocean targets above or in the vicinity of seamounts. Trawlers surface-swimming tuna schools, but there is operating close to seamounts almost certainly usually an of non-target species discard in their vicinity. Because seamounts are that includes other finfish, sharks and, known to act as an aggregation point for tuna occasionally, sea turtles and marine mammals. schools, purse-seiners also regularly search and The selective removal of these species has fish these areas, and may discard in their vicinity. ecosystem impacts through its effects on predator-prey relationships, and possibly other The impacts of discarding on or around mechanisms, which at present are poorly seamounts are unknown, but the practice may be documented. predicted to have consequences similar to those observed in coastal areas: attraction of E. Discards scavengers, putrefaction of decaying fish on the seafloor, and consequent impacts on benthic It is worth making the distinction between ‘by- fauna through deoxygenation, bacterial infection catch’, meaning the incidental capture of and physical burial. In areas of strong currents, non-target species, and ‘discards’, which means the impacts of the discarded product may be catch that is unwanted and usually thrown attenuated to some degree through dispersal, but overboard while at sea. Not all by-catch is discarding still represents a of discarded – some has commercial value and is intense organic pollutants. As many seamounts retained (e.g. crayfish and some large fish species are thought to have current systems which retain sometimes taken in prawn trawls). Conversely, not plankton and fish larvae, it might be expected that all discards are by-catch – sometimes some of pollution and putrefaction products may also be the target species are thrown overboard in order retained in the seamount vicinity rather than being to make space in the fish holds for more valuable rapidly dispersed. catch, or to comply with quota requirements or other management measures. ‘High-grading’ is a F. Ghost fishing particular category of discarding, whereby low- value target species (e.g., small size classes) are Several fishing methods utilize gear and retained at the beginning of the fishing trip but equipment such as gill-nets, traps and pots that may be discarded later if a good catch of larger may continue to fish after being discarded or lost. fish is taken and storage space becomes limited. This results in fish being removed from the population as in a normal fishing operation, Discarding usually takes place at the conclusion although they are not actually harvested. Most of each fishing operation, while the catch is being fishing gears of this type will deteriorate over time, sorted and processed or stowed. However, this is through tangling (in the case of gill-nets) or not always the case – high-grading involves physical breakdown (all types), causing the throwing overboard fish which had previously degree of ghost-fishing to progressively diminish. been retained, but which are now being The degree to which ghost-fishing is an issue on discarded in order to free up storage space for seamounts is not known but is thought to be more recently caught higher-value species or size relatively small. The primary fishing gears used on ranges. High-grading may involve discarding large seamounts – trawls, purse-seines and longlines – volumes of already-frozen catch from freezer involve active or baited gears which do not wells, sometimes along with the brine (usually a continue fishing after being lost or discarded.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 53 FISHERIES

G. Noise and acoustic devices from military sources has been observed to cause physical damage, including internal bleeding, to Most modern fishing vessels employ acoustic cetaceans (Jasney et al ., 2005). devices (echo-sounder and sonar) to monitor water depth, bottom contour and composition, Recent technological advances have seen the and to detect fish biomass, which is then targeted development of sonic deterrent and monitoring using the fishing gear. Sonar devices are also devices for use on longline fishing gear. These deployed on the head-ropes and foot-ropes of include: sonic deflectors (passive devices for trawls to help the operator determine the distance attachment to the longline) which confuse marine of the net from the seafloor and the gape of the mammals and reduce depradation of longline net’s mouth. Acoustic technology has been one catches by pilot whales and other cetaceans; and of the most important driving forces behind the sonic monitoring buoys, which alert the longline development of the modern commercial fisheries. operator to the presence of cetaceans within 80 km of the fishing vessel, so that the vessel can Fish finders and most commercial depth sounders avoid deploying the fishing gear in these areas. operate at high frequencies. Usually, but not While these devices are intended both to reduce always, they project a lower power signal and fishery losses through cetacean depradation and have narrower beam patterns and shorter pulse to avoid interactions between fishing gear and lengths (a fraction of a second) than military marine mammals, their broader effects or impacts sonars. Fish-finding sonars operate at frequencies are unknown (Anon, 2010). typically between 24 and 200 kHz, which is within the hearing frequencies of some marine H. Harvesting of genetically unique mammals, but above that of most fish. Globally resources there are a great many recreational, fishing and commercial vessels, most of which are fitted with Current threats to the genetic diversity of some sort of sonar. Usage occurs throughout the seamount populations are principally from over- year and both by day and night. Some fishing or destructive fishing activities, as horizontally-acting fish-finding sonars work at discussed above (see Sections I (B) stock frequencies at the lower end of the ‘high- depletion and I (C) physical damage to benthic frequency’ range and are relatively powerful. ICES ecosystems). Reduction of population or (2005) states that “the body of data currently ecosystem diversity may result in a corresponding available on the response of fish to sounds is not decrease in genetic diversity in the populations or yet sufficient for developing scientifically ecosystems concerned. supportable guidance on exposure to sound that will not harm fish. Nor is it possible at present to Because of their relatively high levels of propose detailed measures for mitigation of the endemism, as well as the large number of new impact of sound”. species continually being discovered there, seamounts undoubtedly serve as a repository of Active sonar may harm or interfere with the new or unfamiliar genetic material. Prospecting for behaviour of marine animals. Most marine genetic resources on seamounts (for purposes of mammals, such as whales and dolphins, use fish stock improvement, identification of echo-location systems (sometimes called biochemicals with new properties, or genetic biosonar) to locate predators and prey. Active engineering) is not widespread at present, but sonar transmitters can confuse the animals and may increase in the future. Development of such interfere with basic biological functions such as activities needs to take place in a manner that is feeding, mating and migration. Exposure to high- both environmentally responsible and recognizes intensity noise can cause a reduction in hearing the rights and authority of resource owners or, in sensitivity (an upward shift in the threshold of the case of the high seas, broader public interest hearing) but this impact is unlikely from the types in common property resources (Greer and Harvey, of sonar used by fishing vessels. Intense sonar 2004).

54 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats FISHERIES

I. Deep-water corals As far as is known, there is currently no significant collection of ornamental species for the aquarium Small, specialized dredge or ball-and-net fisheries trade from seamounts, due to their depth and for deep-sea corals exist in a small number of relative inaccessibility. In the event that this locales. The fishing methods used break and industry does ultimately develop in seamount capture pieces of pink, black or other deep-water areas, the threats will be similar to those corals that can be used in making jewellery. These experienced in areas where the industry already are generally artisanal or small-scale operations exists, namely: over-fishing, use of destructive situated in areas where there is a well-developed fishing practices and (possibly) population local tourist market that can absorb the product. It modification through sex-selective harvesting of is not known whether fishing operations for key species (Wabnitz et al ., 2003). precious corals take place on Indian Ocean seamounts. If they do they are likely to be small K. Sports/recreational fishing and relatively unimportant. Recreational fishing on seamounts is limited Of far greater concern than targeted fishing for primarily to ‘blue-water’ sports fishing for large precious corals is the incidental damage done by pelagic apex predators such as marlin, tuna, bottom-trawling for fish on seamounts. As noted fish and sharks. These are the same in Section I (C) above, large areas of deep-water species as those targeted by longline fishing corals are known to have been destroyed by operations. Sports fishing is often viewed as a bottom-trawling operations, and this is continuing ‘greener’ way of using this resource, given the in an indiscriminate manner. Clark et al . (2006) large economic multiplier that applies per fish propose measures to improve knowledge and caught: the returns on longline-caught fish may be management of coral populations on seamounts of the order of a few dollars per kilo, whereas through more comprehensive data reporting from sports fishing is often associated with tourist commercial fishing fleets, stronger enforcement of spending on associated services and supplies. compliance requirements, strengthening of Development of locally-based sport-fishing regional fisheries management organizations and industries is a target of many small-island improved dialogue between science, industry and developing States, including those in the Indian civil society. Roberts and Hirshfeld (undated) go Ocean, and sport-fishing clubs exist in all western further, demanding a prohibition of trawling in Indian Ocean countries. Those seamounts within currently untrawled areas potentially containing a few tens of kilometres from the shore are natural coral communities, closure of some areas targets for sport-fishing activities because of their currently damaged by trawling, restoration of fish aggregating effects, described above. damaged areas, and more severe penalties for non-compliance by fishing vessels. The impacts of recreational fisheries on Indian Ocean seamounts are relatively limited: there is J. Marine aquarium trade little or no use of destructive fishing gear or techniques, little or no discarding, and catches Almost all marine aquarium species are taken are orders of magnitude lower than those of from the wild, with few examples of captive commercial or industrial fisheries. Many sports breeding. Tropical coral reefs are the most fishing operations, especially those that target the important source of specimens for the aquarium tourist market, operate a catch-and-release policy, trade – mainly fish, including seahorses, the corals so fishing mortality is limited. Selective removal of themselves, and others such as anemones, apex predators may have unknown ecosystem starfish and giant clams. Collection of ornamental impacts, but this is likely to be minuscule species also occurs in other areas, including compared to those arising from longline fishing temperate oceans and freshwater bodies. In most operations. Even with significant further cases collection of ornamental species is done by development of this industry, it will pose far less of small-scale fishers, often using diving gear, in a threat to seamount ecosystems than labour-intensive fishing operations. commercial fishing.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 55 II. A QUACULTURE

A. Introduction some experimentation with offshore shellfish culture on suspended ropes and longlines, and Open-ocean aquaculture (OOA) refers to the offshore seaweed culture may also be considered rearing of marine organisms under controlled (Borgatti and Buck, 2004). conditions in exposed, high-energy ocean environments beyond significant coastal influence. Current research programmes are focussing on Proponents of OOA believe it is the beginning of identifying appropriate farming species and the ‘blue revolution’ – a period of broad advances developing culture techniques, including species in fish culture methods which will lead to selection, egg/larval production systems and increased production, take pressure off wild nutritional/dietary requirements. Species currently stocks, avoid user conflicts, enhance recreational being studied for possible culture include halibut, fishing opportunities and create new jobs. Critics haddock, cod, flounder, blue mussels, black sea raise concerns that such farms could harm the bass, mutton snapper, cobia, yellowtail snapper, environment, put native fish at risk, pollute oceans amberjack, deepwater snappers, corvine, with fish waste and excess food, and have mahimahi, red drum, tuna and striped bass. Other negative impacts on existing commercial fisheries. research topics being investigated include: The economics of many OOA systems have yet to be tested and in some cases it is hard to see m hatchery culture technologies; how they could be profitable or cost-effective designs for automated feeders; given the rigours and challenges presented by the m open-ocean environment. In particular, great m culture of new species; distance from shore significantly increases the m identification and control of diseases; investment requirements and costs of servicing development of cages and husbandry offshore aquaculture platforms (Kite-Powell, technology for rough water environments; 2008). There are also concerns that OOA identification of alternative food sources; activities will threaten existing jobs and livelihoods m based on wild fisheries. Recent US plans to m information on nutrition requirements; permit 5-20 deep-water aquaculture operations in m definition of carrying capacity of offshore the Gulf of Mexico have been criticized by more waters; than 100 environmental and fishing organizations. m development of appropriate systems; These potential environmental and economic impacts and associated controversies have m development of drifting and self-powered probably contributed to slowing the expansion of cages; and this sector. m development of systems and technology (Upton and Buck, The technology for OOA is relatively new and 2010). experimental or, in some cases, yet to move beyond the drawing board. Actual or proposed Proponents of open-ocean aquaculture and many farming systems include cages, net-pens and environmental groups suggest that open-ocean longline arrays that can be free-floating, secured finfish aquaculture systems may encounter similar, to a structure, moored to the ocean bottom or but fewer, environmental concerns than those towed by a vessel. Research and commercial experienced by near-shore aquaculture systems. OOA facilities are in operation or under This is in part due to the assertion that dissolved development in Australia, Chile, China, France, and particulate waste products and excess feed Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway and the may be assimilated and recycled more efficiently USA. Many of these are trialling OOA technology in the open-ocean environment. However, the in shallow or protected coastal waters prior to full- scope of any effects may vary greatly depending scale deployment in an oceanic environment, and on the technique, location, size/scale of most currently operating commercial facilities are operation, and species raised. In addition, OOA in near-shore waters where they use cages involves less control over organisms and the moored to the ocean bottom. There has been surrounding environment than do inshore and

56 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats AQUACULTURE

land-based aquaculture, and may present fewer The degree to which this constant stream of options to rectify environmental problems when waste is absorbed or attenuated by the they do arise. Critics of open-ocean aquaculture surrounding marine environment will depend on hope that regulation of this emerging industry will the composition and health of the ecosystem and be stringent (Bridger and Reid, 2001). on current and water circulation patterns. If waste cannot be readily absorbed or attenuated, then a Essentially, OOA is in its infancy and, although local over-supply may develop of , there are many pipeline projects, there are only a and other chemicals found in few actual operations currently in existence from biological waste products. This may in turn which to draw lessons and information. The promote eutrophication and impact on the potential outcomes of OOA are difficult to availability of food and oxygen within the generalize because of the diverse nature of seamount ecosystem. In addition, solid waste possible operations and the lack of aquaculture products may accumulate on the seafloor and experience in open-ocean areas. Environmental result in harmful effects on the benthos, caused impacts are thus not known with certainty, by deoxygenation, putrefaction and bacterial although based on information from other types of contamination 2. Further local impacts may occur if aquaculture it can be speculated that they will aquaculture operations on seamounts also begin include: the escape of fish, from catching fish locally to provide feed for farmed uneaten feed and waste products, use of species, although this seems unlikely. antibiotics and other animal drugs, alteration of benthic habitat by settling wastes, and the spread Another environmental concern is the use of of waterborne disease from cultured to wild fish pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, growth-enhancing (Bridger and Costa-Pierce, 2003). Another issue, chemicals, other animal drugs, and antifouling specific to OOA, is the potential for impacts on agents used on gear and enclosures in open- marine mammals and other sensitive species. In water environments. Drugs, some of which were the event that OOA facilities ultimately develop in developed and approved for use in a contained or the vicinity of seamounts, in the Indian Ocean or controlled environment, are often introduced to elsewhere, environmental threats or impacts are cultured fish in their feed. The unconsumed feed, likely to fall primarily into these categories, which and the metabolic waste from the fish feeding on are described in more detail below. it, pass through and out of the containment system, where some of the artificial additives they B. Feeding and waste disposal contain may be consumed by wild organisms.

All fish currently proposed for OOA are Open-water culture of molluscan shellfish may be carnivorous, and farming of these species more environmentally benign, as it does not involves daily feeding with compounded feeds usually involve feeding of the farmed animals. containing fishmeal and fish oil. Aquaculture feeds However, high stocking densities of filter-feeding are produced primarily from fish caught from wild molluscs still produce large volumes of faecal stocks, supplemented to some degree with matter which, depending on local current vegetable-based protein or other products. Three conditions, may result in solid waste pollution or more units (by weight) of feed are required to problems similar to those described for finfish. produce one unit of farmed fish; hence there is a large amount of fish feed provided daily, much of C. Disease which is excreted by the fish as waste products. A small amount of feed may go unconsumed and Fish kept under intensive farming conditions are fall through the bottom of the cage or net, OOA more prone to epidemics of diseases or parasites facilities being open to the surrounding than they are in the wild. This is because the fish environment. themselves are usually stressed and prone to

2 An opposing view holds that open-ocean waters are normally nutrient deficient, and nutrients released from open-ocean aquaculture operations may increase wild production in adjacent areas.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 57 AQUACULTURE

infection because of overcrowding and unnatural (sometimes in contravention of aquaculture feeding regimes; and the high stocking densities regulations) to control disease and parasite under which the fish are kept provide ideal infection. Because of the open nature of the conditions for infections to spread. Many cages or pens in which the farmed fish are kept, aquaculture operations use veterinary drugs in the diseases and parasites can easily be transferred fish food or applied directly in the water to fish in the wild, and there are numerous

Open-ocean aquaculture. © Kydd Pollock/Marine Photobank

58 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats AQUACULTURE

well-documented cases of this in regard to the which may adapt and become invasive, out- salmon-farming industry, where sea lice from competing and displacing native species; farmed fish in cages have infested wild populations. (Disease may also spread from wild populations m Escaped fish could interbreed with closely to farmed fish: outbreaks of infectious hemato- related native species, affecting the genetic poietic necrosis virus in farmed salmon have been integrity of the local population; and confirmed to have originated from wild fish). m Genetic anomalies in local fish populations Another concern involves the spread of fish-borne could occur if wild fish interbreed with disease and genetic anomalies that could hatchery-raised fish, especially genetically possibly occur if wild fish are exposed to or modified ones. Critics speculate that, since interbreed with hatchery-raised fish. This issue selectively bred and genetically modified fish might arise if genetically modified or non-native may grow faster and larger than native fish, fish escaped from aquaculture facilities and they could displace native fish in the short interbred with wild fish. Critics speculate that, term (both through competitive displacement since selectively bred and genetically modified fish and interbreeding), but might not be able to may grow faster and larger than native fish, they survive in the wild for the long term. could displace native fish in the short term (both through competitive displacement and There are numerous examples related to coastal interbreeding), but might not be able to survive in and terrestrial aquaculture in regard to each of the wild for the long term. This is especially a these concerns. concern in US states such as California, Maine, Maryland and Washington, where genetically E. Endangered and sensitive species modified fish are banned within state waters but could be grown offshore in federal waters. A Since OOA facilities will be offshore and related concern is the introduction of exotic underwater, possible harm or disturbance to species, such as Atlantic salmon in British marine mammals and other wildlife are a concern. Columbia. Escaped fish could be a problem in Experience has shown that dolphins and other open-ocean facilities battered by storms. The marine mammals do get entangled in fish farms. experience with salmon farming indicates that To address these concerns, current cage designs escaped fish could easily be a problem, either for finfish avoid the use of small-diameter or loose through interbreeding with closely related native lines or loosely hung netting which could lead to species (genetic interactions) or through entanglement of sea turtles and marine mammals competitive displacement of native species. in net-pens and associated gear. Shellfish farms Although management techniques at net-pen have many ropes and longlines, and could be sites are improving and modified cage designs more problematic. better prevent escapes, closed containment systems may be the only way to address this Sonic devices are used by some aquaculture problem. Problems with the transfer of sea lice facilities to keep certain types of nuisance animals from salmon farms to wild salmon have been at bay, and these could harm marine mammals. noted recently. Open-ocean facilities could potentially affect some endangered species, such as whales, as they D. Escapes migrate, or could alter essential habitat for feeding, breeding and calving. There could also Escapes of fish are inevitable from a fish pen or be incidence of killing ‘problem’ animals, as has cage floating in the open ocean, especially during been the case with salmon farmers killing seals periods of storms or rough weather. Concerns and sea lions. This might extend to other regarding escapes are threefold: predatory animals such as sharks; great white sharks, an endangered species, have found their m Escaped fish may be of a species that is non- way into tuna farms in Australia on several native to the seamount environment, but occasions, for instance.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 59 III. O CEAN FERTILIZATION

everal private or quasi-private groups have of the deep ocean. With these drawbacks, proposed large-scale experiments to “societal and political acceptance is likely to be Sfertilize the surface waters of large areas of low” (Royal Society, 2009). ocean in order to promote algal growth in nutrient- limited oceanic waters as a means of A number of university research projects and civil- sequestering carbon from the atmosphere. The society groupings are also investigating ocean theory is that small amounts of nitrogen, fertilization. The Ocean Nutrition Foundation 3 has phosphorous or iron can be added to waters as its mission statement “…to assist the lacking these nutrients, and the subsequent malnourished population of the world by growth and then sinking of algae will carry large enhancing the production of the oceans and amounts of carbon into deep water and remove it facilitating access to these fish by those most in from the atmospheric cycle. Modelling indicates need”, by promoting technology to fertilize open- that one atom of nitrogen, phosphorous and iron ocean waters using urea and other would sequester 6,100 and 10,000 atoms of ammonia-based . The University of carbon respectively; hence most interest has Sydney’s Ocean Technology Group is also focused on iron fertilization (using soluble iron promoting ‘Ocean Nourishment’ technology as a compounds, not iron filings). However, a recent means of “increasing wild fish stocks and review of these ideas, most of which have not sequestering carbon dioxide from the succeeded in getting beyond the proposal stage, atmosphere” 4. A project associated with this finds that: there are numerous untested programme, in Kenya, proposes a large-scale assumptions in regard to the actual fate of the ‘Ocean Nourishment Plant’ on the Kenyan coast carbon removed from surface waters using this which will produce urea from natural gas sourced technology; and the complex trophic structures from Saudi Arabia and use it to fertilize ocean typical of ocean food webs make the ecological waters 5. Urea fertilization of ocean waters does impacts and their consequences for nutrient not yet appear to have been tested on anything cycling and flow hard to predict. Ocean fertilization but a very small scale, so the true impacts can is considered likely to be feasible but not very only be speculated on. The Subsistence Fishing effective; to have low long-term carbon storage Foundation 6, also associated with the University of potential; to not be cost-effective; to require Sydney, is also promoting this technology as a substantial prior research for investigation of way of improving larval fish nutrition and survival, environmental impacts, efficacy and verifiability; which it is assumed will increase fishery yields (Lu and to have high potential for unintended and and Lu, 2009). There appears to be no real undesirable ecological side effects, including substantiation that any of these ocean fertilization possible creation of new anoxic regions of ocean projects are economically or technically feasible, (‘dead zones’) and slightly increased acidification let alone environmentally or socially acceptable.

3 4 5 6

60 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats IV. R EFERENCES

Anderson, O.F. and M.R. Clark (2003) Analysis of Clark, M.R., A.A. Rowden, T. Schlacher, A. in the Fishery for Orange Roughy, Williams, M. Consalvey, K.I. Stocks, A.D. Rogers, Hoplostethus atlanticus , on the South Tasman T.D. O’Hara, M. White, T.M. Shank and J. Hall- Rise. Marine and Freshwater Research 54(5): Spencer (2010) The Ecology of Seamounts: 643-652. Structure, Function and Human Impacts. Annual Review of Marine Science 2: 253-278. Anon (2010) Solve Longline Fishing Problem. Online document: Clark, M.R., D. Tittensor, A.D. Rogers, P. Brewin, T. Schlacher, A. Rowden, K. Stocks and M. tion=com_content&view=article&id=7691:un Consalvey (2006) Seamounts, deep-sea corals derwater-acoustics-solve-longline-fishing- and fisheries: vulnerability of deep-sea corals to problem&catid=75:fisheries&Itemid=68 . fishing on seamounts beyond areas of national jurisdiction . UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK. Baker, C., B. Bett, D. Billett, and A. Roger (2001) An Environmental Perspective. In: WWF/IUCN Clucas, I. (1997) A Study of the Options for (Eds). The Status of Natural Resources on the Utilization of Bycatch and Discards from Marine High Seas . WWF/IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Capture Fisheries . FAO Fisheries Circular C928, Rome, Italy. Boehlert, G. and R. Genin (1987) A review of the effects of seamounts on biological processes. In: Greer, D. and B. Harvey (2004) Blue Genes: Keating, B. H, P. Fryer, R. Batiza and G. Boehlert Sharing and Conserving the World’s Aquatic (Eds), Seamounts, Islands and Atolls . Geophysical Biodiversity . Earthscan and the International monograph #43, American Geophysical Union, Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Washington, DC, USA. Canada.

Borgatti, R. and E. H. Buck (2004) Open ocean Guinotte, J. (undated). Seamount Map of the aquaculture. CRS Report for Congress. Indian Ocean. Online document: www.savethe Congressional Research Service, US Library of map.pdf Congress, Washington DC, USA. ICES (2005) Report of the Ad-hoc Group on the Bridger, C.J. and B.A. Costa-Pierce (Eds) (2003) Impacts of Sonar on Cetaceans and Fish . Open ocean aquaculture: from research to International Council for the Exploration of the commercial reality . World Aquaculture Society, Sea, Copenhagen, Denmark. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. Jacquet, J., D. Pauly, D. Ainley, S. Holt, P. Dayton Bridger, C.J. and T.H. Reid (Eds) (2001) Open and J. Jackson (2010) Seafood Stewardship in Ocean Aquaculture IV, Symposium Program and Crisis. Nature 467: 28-29. Abstracts . June 17-20, 2001. St. Andrews, NB, Canada. Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Jasney, M., J. Reynolds, C. Horowitz and A. Consortium, Ocean Springs, MS, USA. Wetzler (2005) Sounding the Depths II: The Rising Toll of Sonar, Shipping and Industrial Noise on Clark, M.R, S. O’Shea, D. Tracey and B. Glasby Marine Life . Natural Resources Defense Council, (1999) New Zealand Region Seamounts. Aspects New York, NY, USA. of their Biology, Ecology and Fisheries . Report prepared for the Department of Conservation, Kinchingman, A. and S. Lai (2004) Inferences of Wellington. Potential Seamount Locations from Mid- Resolution Bathymetric Data. In: Morato, T. and D. Pauly (Eds), Seamounts: Biodiversity and Fisheries . Fisheries Centre Research Reports, Volume 12, Number 5. University of British Columbia, Canada.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 61 REFERENCES

Kite-Powell, H.L. (2008) Taking Finfish Aquaculture United Nations (2004) Oceans and the Law of the to the Open Ocean: US Experience and Sea: Report of the Secretary General. UN General Prospects . Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Assembly, Fifty-ninth session, Item 50 (a) of the Oceanographic Institution, USA. provisional agenda. August 2004.

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Shotton, R. (Ed.) (2005) Deep Sea 2003: Conference on the Governance and Management of Deep-sea Fisheries. (Part 1: Conference reports / Part 2: Conference poster papers and workshop papers) . Queenstown, New Zealand, 1–5 December 2003. FAO Fisheries Proceedings. No. 3/1. Rome, Italy.

SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats 63 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS

ABNJ Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction mm millimetre(s) AFS Anti-fouling systems Mn manganese Ag MARPOL International Convention for the As arsenic Prevention of Pollution from Ships Au MSR Marine scientific research

BCE Before Current Era N2O nitrous oxide BFRs Brominated flame retardants Ni CBD Convention on Biological Diversity NLS Noxious liquid substances CCS Carbon capture and storage nm nautical miles Cd cadmium NOx nitrogen oxides CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons OOA Open-ocean aquaculture

CH 4 methane OTEC Ocean thermal energy conversion cm centimetre(s) P&I Protection and Indemnity Cn cyanide PAHs Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons CO carbon monoxide Pb lead

CO 2 carbon dioxide PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls dB decibel PCDD Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane PCDF Polychlorinated dibenzofurans DSL Deep-scattering layer PFCs Perfluorocarbons ESONET European Seafloor Observatory PFOS Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid Network PFOS-F Perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (of pH acidity the United Nations) POPs Persistent organic pollutants Fe iron Pt platinum GEF Global Environment Facility ROVs Remotely operated vehicles

GESAMP IMO/FAO/UNESCO- SF 6 sulphur hexafluoride IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint SIO Southern Indian Ocean Group of SIODFA Southern Indian Ocean Fishers’ Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Association Marine Environmental Protection Sn tin GHG SOx sulphur oxides HABs Harmful algal blooms SSGFs Sub-seabed geological formations HCFCs Hydro-chlorofluorocarbons SUA Convention Convention for the Suppression of HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Hg mercury Maritime Navigation Hz hertz TBT IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency UCH Convention Underwater Cultural Heritage IAS Invasive alien species Convention IBC International Bulk Chemical UN United Nations ICES International Council for Exploration of UNDP United Nations Development the Sea Programme IMO International Maritime Organization UNEP United Nations Environment Programme IUCN International Union for Conservation of UNESCO-IOC United Nations Educational, Scientific Nature and Cultural Organization – kHz kilohertz Intergovernmental Oceanic Commission km kilometre(s) VOCs Volatile organic compounds km 2 square kilometres WHO World Health Organization LBS Land-based sources WMO World Meteorological Organization LOSC UN Convention on the Law of the Sea Zn m metre(s)

64 SIO Seamounts – Anthropogenic Threats About IUCN

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