President General Secretary ANTONIO URSO (ITA) HASAN AKKUS (TUR)

Address: Suleyman Sirri Sok. No:3 Kat:8/805 06140 Kızılay-Ankara, Phone: +90 312 433 01 84 Fax: +90 312 433 01 85 Iban SM55 V032 6209 8000 00000 306184 Code swift: ASTTSMSMXXX (ASSET BANCA S.P.A della Repubblica di San Marino) Covering bank: KREDBEBBXXX (KBC-BANK BRUSSELS)

MINUTES of the EWF CONGRESS 04 April 2014 09:00 am – Tel Aviv-ISR Venue: Marina Hotel in Tel Aviv 1. Delegate Power Control P Alaverdyan (ARM), P Gerhard (AUT), N Vahid (AZE), V Bieke (BEL), A Kurlovich (BLR), N Kolev (BUL), D Offermann (CYP), P Krol (CZE), T Beiter (DEN), J Talts (EST), T Kuoppala (FIN), A March (FRA), G Irakli (GEO), C Baumgatner (GER), A Metcalfe (GBR), R Attila (HUN), L Palsson (ISL), C Buckley (IRL), E Sadres (ISR), M Barbone (ITA), Soerbatims (LAT), G Vladas (LTU), R Eenink (NED), P Mattingsdal (NOR), G Ion (ROU), S Srytsov (RUS), M Milan (SER), M E Casadei (SMR), P Mutafov (SVK), E Estarlik (ESP), E Helgesson (SWE), T Daniel (SUI), G Sanli (TUR), T Kim (UKR), total 34 countries attended the congress.

2. Welcome Seven person sit on the head table; Mr Sadres (President of ISR WF ), Mr Ajan (President of IWF), Mr Urso (President of EWF), Mr Akkus (General Secretary of EWF), Mr Krol (1st Vice President of EWF), Mr Johansson (Chairman of T&S Committee), Mr Steve Cannon (Assistant of T&S Committee). Mr Urso welcomed all delegates and stated that we have been many times in Israel for competitions, meetings and seminars. Mr Urso welcomed especially to Mrs Yochi Barak she is wife of Dr Shimon Barak. He tanked again to Mr Sadres for organizations and hospitality, He specially thanked to Mr Uri Schaeffer, he is from Israel Minister of Culture and Sport and Mr Tamas Ajan President of IWF, Mr Alexander Gerasimenko IWF Vice President, Mrs Moira Lassen IWF EB Member and Mr Christian Baumgartner IWF EB Member, Mr Mariano Lucas Gaitan (AC) He gave the floor to Mr Sadres, Mr Sadres welcomed all delegations and continued his speech to give information about organization that 220 weightlifters joined to the competitions from 36 nations. Israel WF organized Youth, Junior&U23 European WC, now organizes Senior EWC, he wished very successful competitions to all athletes and officials. Mr Uri Schaeffer took the floor and he welcomed every body, he thanked Mr Urso for giving this organization to Israel and special thanked for trusting, he commemorated Mr Shimon Barak he past away few years ago and he devoted his life for weightlifting. He appreciated Dr Shimon for what he did for weightlifting. He wished good luck to all participants on behalf of the Israel Minister of Culture and Sport. Mr Ajan took the floor and stated that he would like to welcome to 45 years for EWF and wished all the best and EWF is growing up and thanked for leadership of EWF. This event is third big competitions in Israel, Israel organized University World WC and European WC in Eilat few years ago and now Senior EWC in Tel Aviv. He mentioned about outstanding personality of Dr Shimon Barak. Sports can contribute alot for peace. He mentioned about the history that he negotiated very close with Mr Barak, Mr Barak served the sport and the peace and his idea was to organized a competition in Eilat which is close to Egypt and Jordan with arabic countries. Mr Barak worked very hard then he was elected IWF EB member and he was chairman of IWF MC and unfortunatell he past away few years ago. His last activity was in London OG, he devoted his life for the e-mail: [email protected] EUROPEAN WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION Affiliated to: INTERNATIONAL WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION

President General Secretary ANTONIO URSO (ITA) HASAN AKKUS (TUR)

Address: Suleyman Sirri Sok. No:3 Kat:8/805 06140 Kızılay-Ankara, Turkey Phone: +90 312 433 01 84 Fax: +90 312 433 01 85 Iban SM55 V032 6209 8000 00000 306184 Code swift: ASTTSMSMXXX (ASSET BANCA S.P.A della Repubblica di San Marino) Covering bank: KREDBEBBXXX (KBC-BANK BRUSSELS)

Weightlifting. Usually saying succesfull men can be realy successfull with a nice lady with standing behind of him, he finished his speech by thanking to Mrs Yochi Barak.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting Delegates of congress unanimously approved the minutes of previous meeting.

4. Information about the Championships and proposals for consideration in further planning Mr Sadres took floor again to give information about championships that 210 weightlifters accredited from 36 nations, Tichonet Sport Hall is competition hall and training area is hangar one. Marina hotel and Grand Beach hotel and Tal hotel are official hotels for team delegations and technical officials. Everything is arranged for transportation, hotel, food. There are fifteen platforms in the training area and nein platforms in the warming-up area.

5. Confirmation of the Technical Officials Mr Johansson took floor and gave informations about Technical Officials and read names of selected TO.

6. Award to well-deserving personalities Mr Akkus gave information that two lifters Mrs Tatiana Kashirina (RUS) and Mr Ruslan Albegov (RUS) from Europe were awarded the 2013 lifter of the Year, President Urso congratulated them and Russian WF with official letter before. Mrs Kashirina and Mr Ruslan were not in Tel Aviv yet, Mr Sergey Syrtsov was invited on behalf of Mrs Kashirina and Mr Albegov to the stage and President Urso conratulated him and presented EWF Gold Collars to Mr Syrtsov.

7. Report of the General Secretary He gave information about visiting to Tbilisi for 2015 Senior EWC and he continued about EWF Competition Entry System (EWFCES) that the EWFCES tested for weeks, all EWF member federations have got ID and Passwords to access the system. And all federation have got user manual of EWFCES. The EWFCES have been used by some countries. He thanked Germany Weightlifting Federation because the federation has been using the system very effective and he used the Germany database to introduce the system. He showed how working the EWFCES. The EWFCES is ready to work for entries, EWF EB made a decision that after that EWFCES is official competition entry system for EWF Competitions and EWF Secretariat doesnt accept any entry forms by e-mail or fax. He summarized how the EWFCES is working on the projector. And he showed EWF Twitter account (@ewfed) and EWF FaceBook account (European Weightlifting Federation) and he invited all delegation to follow EWF Twitter and EWF FaceBook pages. Mr Urso thanked the General Secretary and he invited all Member Federatios to use the new software for entries.

8. Report of the Treasurer Mr Casadei took the floor and said that he gives the report with number 11 “Approval of 2013 financial report” then he continued that delegates can find details of budget 2013 in folders and the budget between 1st January-31st December 2013, 8 February 2014 the auditors came to control e-mail: [email protected] EUROPEAN WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION Affiliated to: INTERNATIONAL WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION

President General Secretary ANTONIO URSO (ITA) HASAN AKKUS (TUR)

Address: Suleyman Sirri Sok. No:3 Kat:8/805 06140 Kızılay-Ankara, Turkey Phone: +90 312 433 01 84 Fax: +90 312 433 01 85 Iban SM55 V032 6209 8000 00000 306184 Code swift: ASTTSMSMXXX (ASSET BANCA S.P.A della Repubblica di San Marino) Covering bank: KREDBEBBXXX (KBC-BANK BRUSSELS)

balance of 2013. He asked Member Federations to pay affiliation fee. Closing budget of last year was 163,255 € and some credits 45,547 €, some countries paid organization fee, some of them will pay, and EWF decided to donate national Federation with barbels and discs and all total expences were 117,653 €. He remainded that all details of expences and budget is in writen report. Please see annex #1. Mr Akkus asked for any question to Treasurer and he ask to accept the Report of Treasurer. Delegates unanimously accepted the Report of Treasurer and Budget of EWF.

9. Report of the Chairman of Technical&Scientific and Medical Committees Mr. Benny Johansson (chairman of T&S Committee) took the floor and stated that they had a fruitful meeting together with Medical Committee yesterday morning which took four and half hours. He pointed out some important titles discussed in the meeting, one of them was EWFCES and this new system is great step forward and also great step in right direction and T&S Committee membes also evaluated last EWC which was held in Tallinn, it was a good competition and he thanked to Mr Talts for organization and hospitality and also it was very good for referees, there were some technical mistakes. Mrs Ion from Romania prepared the report that EWF organizations need more female technical officials. Total numbers of female technical official in Europe is 144 this is good number. 27 of them worked as Technical Officials in EWF events between 2010-2013. According to the years figüre is like 2010 nine female TOs, 2011 nine female TOs, 2012 ten female TOs and 2013 eleven female TOs. Only 30 national Federation have female technical officials in Europe. We must do some thing about it and 30 percent of TOs should be women, nowadays we are working with 4-5 female TOs. T&S Committe will organize coaching seminar and training camping in July under the leadeship of Mr Eduards Andruskevics he is also member of T&S C. And T&S C will organize referee seminar in Lanskrona Sweden and in Tallinn Estonia (fort he Baltic Countries). And T&SC decided that if we don’t have friction discs, small discs should be used inside the collars. Finally he reminded that TOs’ Meeting will be held at 18:00. Please see annex #2 for details of report of the T&S Committee.

10. Report of the President Mr Urso took the floor and yesterday EWF EB had a fruitfully meeting with IWF Secretariat and EB finalized and approved the New EWF Constitution that is new window of EWF for future Weightlifting. He thanked to T&S and MC for their activities. IWF decised to support Continental Federation in 2013, he thanked to Mr Ajan for this historical step. But Money is not solution. Money is for projects. Philosophy of EWF is to use this money for national federations, after receiving the money from IWF, EWF EB immediately decided to buy barbels for 47 countries in Europe. EB will continue through this direction, for 2014 EB decided to invest the money for culture and technical seminars, EB approved for expences of this book which is for beginner coaches. If we don’t have sciences, we can not fight with doping. All rights of the book reserved by EWF. It was big pleasure for him to write this book. In February EWF organized Scientific Seminar in Tel Aviv and he thanked again to Mr Sadres for warm hospitality, EWF paid all expences of the seminar and EWF organized another seminar in Rome and EWF paid all cost of flights tickets and accomodations. He thanked to Mr Colin Buckley because he is very active in this field. In October EWF organized referee seminar in Sweden because referees are important part of our weightlifting. He put his idea on e-mail: [email protected] EUROPEAN WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION Affiliated to: INTERNATIONAL WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION

President General Secretary ANTONIO URSO (ITA) HASAN AKKUS (TUR)

Address: Suleyman Sirri Sok. No:3 Kat:8/805 06140 Kızılay-Ankara, Turkey Phone: +90 312 433 01 84 Fax: +90 312 433 01 85 Iban SM55 V032 6209 8000 00000 306184 Code swift: ASTTSMSMXXX (ASSET BANCA S.P.A della Repubblica di San Marino) Covering bank: KREDBEBBXXX (KBC-BANK BRUSSELS)

the table to found European Union Weightlifting Confederation. Constition of the confederation was registered in international field. President of European Union Confedaration is Mr Marc Andrieux and General Secretary is Mr Denise Offermann, she is first female Secretary. EU accept the law that gives financial support to sports activities for young people. He thanked to Eleiko Company that the company supports ııEWF. He finalized by wishing all the best to lifters and coaches and technical officials.

Mr Akkus invited Mr Marc Andrieux he is President of European Union Weightlifting Confederation and General Secretary Mrs Denise Offermann and EB Member Mr Tina Beiter for introduction of EUWC. Mrs Offermann introduced the EUWC that EUWC founded on 23 November 2013 for promoting young athletes in EU. EUWC has sub committees as TS and Research Committee and its first chairwomen is Mrs Tina Beiter and Medical Committee and Auditors Committee. Mrs Beiter gave information about upcoming championships of EUWC. Mr Andrieux welcomed ever body and he mentioned about his meeting with Mr Ajan. Mr Andreas from Eleiko took the floor, he mentioned relation and cooperation between Eleiko Company and EWF. Relations situation is win win. Lifters made 1000 world records with Eleiko Barbells.

Coffee break at 10:45 AM

Meeting started again at 11:25 AM

Mr Colin Buckley took the floor and he summarized Couching Forum which was held between 17-19 January 2014 in Rome. He mentioned about his meeting with European Motor Cycling Federation he continued that weightlifting is everywhere and for every sports, weightlifting is useful for plot of motor cycle. We should continue to work on weightlifting for every body.

11. Approval of 2013 Financial Report Please see number 8.

12. EWF Constitution 2013-2016 Mr Akkus explained that EWF EB worked on New EWF Constitution since September 2013 and EB finalized and approved the New EWF Constitution yesterday and now its turn to discuss and approve by EWF Congress. Mr Akkus mentioned about the procedure that Mr Steve Cannon projects the New EWF Constitution on the screen and every article will be discussed by delegates. Mr Cannon took the floor and stated that EWF EB had very important meeting with 15 EB members and Mr Ajan and three members of IWF Office yesterday. Mr Cannon continued with EWF Constitution, he projected all articles one by one, he has got all proposals, corrections and editings from delegations and delegates approved one by one through at the end of every articles. e-mail: [email protected] EUROPEAN WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION Affiliated to: INTERNATIONAL WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION

President General Secretary ANTONIO URSO (ITA) HASAN AKKUS (TUR)

Address: Suleyman Sirri Sok. No:3 Kat:8/805 06140 Kızılay-Ankara, Turkey Phone: +90 312 433 01 84 Fax: +90 312 433 01 85 Iban SM55 V032 6209 8000 00000 306184 Code swift: ASTTSMSMXXX (ASSET BANCA S.P.A della Repubblica di San Marino) Covering bank: KREDBEBBXXX (KBC-BANK BRUSSELS)

At the end of the Constitution, Mr Urso thanked to all delegates and specially thanked to Mr Ajan and IWF Secretariat and asked to the delegates to approve and Congress delegates approved all constitution and congress delegates approved and gave power to EB to make editing, correction on misspelling on New EWF Constitution. Please see annex #3 EWF Constitution 2013-2016.

Mr Adamfi took the floor and gave information for Youth Olympic Games (YOG) and its important to understand that YOG is not Summer Olympic Games, it is combination of sport, culture and education. All information is published on IWF web page. He continued with qualification system for Rio 2016 that there are some improvements in the qualification system which is combination of individual and team qualification, athletes from qualified and host countries must participate at least two qualification events. Mr Urso thanked for explanation and improvements on the qualification system.

13. 2014 European Weightlifting Championships a) 27 Apr-4 May, Youth (Olympic Qualification) European Championships Ciechanow POL Mr Kolecki took the floor and he gave information about the competition. b) 20-29 Nov Junior&U23 European Championships Limassol CYPRUS Mr Akkus invited Mr Damianos and Mrs Offermann to give details about the championships. Mr. Damianos congratulated Mr. Elie Sadres for hospitality and continued that triple room is 80 €, Double room is 90 € and Single room is 110 € and 20 € for transportation. 08 November is deadline for final entries.

14. 2015 European Weightlifting Championships a) Senior EWC Tbilisi Georgia Mr Irakli Gugishvili and Mr Kakhi Kakhiasvili from Georgia took the floor and they made a video presentation for 2015 Senior European Weightlifting Championships. Competition city is Tbilisi, competition venue is Sport Palace, hotels are Holiday, Sheraton and Marriot Hotel. Single room is 120 € and double room is 110 €, transportation fee is 20 €. b) U15 and U17 Mr Patric Helgesson made from Sweden took the floor for presentation 2015 U15&U17 European Weightlifting Championships. Competition city is Landskrona. Hotels are Orenas Castle and Hotel Oresuud. Competition date 01-09 August 2015. Landskrona has train in every hour from Copenhagen Airport and organizing committee will provide transportation from railway station to the hotels.

15. 2016 European Championships Senior EWC Norway Mr Stian Grimseth made avpresentation and he gave detail information about competition budget. Competition venue is Forde Cultural House and Sport Hall in Forde, Hotels are Rica Sunnfjord Hotel and Quality Hotel Forde. Double room is 120 € and single room is 150 € and transportation fee is 30€.

16. 2017 European Championships e-mail: [email protected] EUROPEAN WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION Affiliated to: INTERNATIONAL WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION

President General Secretary ANTONIO URSO (ITA) HASAN AKKUS (TUR)

Address: Suleyman Sirri Sok. No:3 Kat:8/805 06140 Kızılay-Ankara, Turkey Phone: +90 312 433 01 84 Fax: +90 312 433 01 85 Iban SM55 V032 6209 8000 00000 306184 Code swift: ASTTSMSMXXX (ASSET BANCA S.P.A della Repubblica di San Marino) Covering bank: KREDBEBBXXX (KBC-BANK BRUSSELS)

Mr Urso asked to delegates to candidate for 2017 European Championships and deadline is end of October to accept official application for 2017 championships and EB will decide in Limassol. 17. Proposal by National Federation and Delegates No proposal.

18. Anti-Doping Mr Urso took the floor and stated that Europe has alot of positive cases. He invited every body to be against this situation and this culture. A lot of positive cases is not only because of a lot of doping controls, serious International Federations have to do a lot of doping controls, please control your coaches and doctors, if performance of a lifter improves very fast, please investigate it. Every positive case in the media, bad image for Weightlifting. At the end of his speech Mr Urso thanked for all delegates for attending to the historical and long meeting.

19. Any other matters

EWF Congress finished at 13:20 The minutes prepared by Hasan AKKUS e-mail: [email protected]

Executive Board Tel Aviv 3 April 2014 Treasurer's Report - Point 8) and 11)

Approved expenses 13 39 -220-Account to Marriot Hotel Rome EB 23-11-13 € 3,485.28 39-196 Settlement Hotel Marriot EB € 4,000.00

Income 13 3-234 Eleiko sponsorship settlement € 7,750.00 7-203 IWF Contribution € 37,097.93 7-239 IWF Contribution € 69,220.92 8-245 Ch. Org. fee Georgia € 8,000.00

Expenses 14 Seminar in Rome 17-19 Jan 14 € 6,975.00 bonus travel costs Seminar in Rome 17-19 Jan 14 € 8,940.48 accommodation Eleiko invoice – barbells € 117,653.00 Hego timing system € 21,000 TV graphics for Tel Aviv Calzetti&Mariucci Editore Publisher - € 14,000.00 book The Scientific Basis of sports Training by Antonio Urso EWF Seminar Tel Aviv 14-17 February USD 34,220.00 (euro 24,910.82) Calendar 2014 € 1,250.00 EWF Software for Final entry to the E Ch. € 1,500 Tablet Samsung Galaxy tab3 for the EWF EB €369 each

Income 14 Norway, fee € 8,000 Various ch. income ALB € 17,100.00 EBU TV rights 1 account €36,000

Some additional points regarding finances: a – The NIR Federation debt has been eliminated as the federation has been suspended due to outstanding fees. b – Royalties of the book: “The Scientific basis of sports training” by Antonio Urso. Dr. Urso has announced that all royalties will be given to the EWF. c- The Treasurer reports on the Albanian case in so far as the residual debt has been paid but not the interest due from 1st Jan to 14 March 2014. The Executive Board asks for payment of the interest that amounts to 241.27€. d – Regarding the seminar held in Rome from 17-19 January 2014, the appropriate IWF contribution has been requested but as of today no refund has been received for 15,915.48€. e – 2014 contributions are expected amounting to 175,000 USD as provided for in the IWF circular letters. During their session held on 23 November 2013 in Rome, the Executive Board unanimously agreed on how to spend such funds. This report has been unanimously approved by the EB.



Thursday, 3rd April 2014 The Marina Hotel, Tel Aviv, ISRAEL Start time: 09.00 hrs

Present: Benny Johansson (Chairman) BJ; Taisto Kuoppala TK; Boguslav Mokranowski BM; Suat Gucyener SG; Jan Stefanik JS; Thomas Norlander TN; Giorgetta Ion GI; Per Mattingdal PM; Remco Eenink RE; Daniel Tschan DT, Marat Milman MM; and Eduards Andruskevics AE. Apologies: Jesmond Caruana JC Absent: Nikolay Peshalov NP, Plamen Bratoyhev PB, Ferunaj Perparim FP

Attachment 1: EWF T&S Directory. Att. 1

In attendance: Steve Cannon (Secretary) SC Eli Sadres (President of Israel WL Federation) Hasan Akkus (EWF Secretary General) Colin Buckley (EWF Executive Board Member) Christian Baumgartner (EWF EB Member) Attila Adamfi (IWF Director General) Dominik Dorr (Medical Committee Member) Robert Janik (Medical Committee Member) Lleonart Rubio Dolores (Medical Committee)

(1) Welcome The Chairman of the EWF Technical & Scientific Committee welcomed the President of the Israel Weightlifting Federation and members of the Committee.

The President of Israel Weightlifting Federation, Eli Sadres welcomed the members of the EWF T&S Committee.

The Chairman reported that the EWF T&S Committee was working against its Four Year Plan, and thanked the members for their hard work and commitment.

Attila Adamfi (IWF Director General) and three members of the EWF Medical Committee joined the EWF T&S Committee at 10am.

(2) Minutes of Last Meeting:

The minutes of the last EWF Technical & Scientific Meeting held Closed on 20th September 2013 in Tallinn, Estonia were approved. Attachment 2

(3) Information of European Senior Weightlifting Championships 2014

Information regarding the European Senior Weightlifting Noted Championships were given by Eli Sadres and the following matters noted: (a) The Competition will be held in Hangar One. (b) The Start List publication was in progress, there were 136 Men and 106 Women from 38 countries. (c) The weigh in will be at the venue which is 6 km away from the hotels. (d) There will be a rehearsal from 1445 – 1545 tomorrow (Friday). (e) The Opening Ceremony will be held at 16.00hrs on Saturday.

Hasan Akkus gave a presentation on the new Entry System (web- H Akkus based) developed for Championships. This was a great step forward which has received many positive comments. The Entry System will be reviewed after the European Youth Championships to determine continuous improvements. Technical Officials will be required to submit their travelling details via the system.

4) Start List

The Start List contained 136 men and 106 women entries. There Noted were concerns regarding Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan who have all been suspended by the IWF on the impact of the number of entries.

(5) Officials for European Senior Championships.

A schedule of Technical Officials (EWF T&S 14-1 Technical Attachment 3 Officials, Tel Aviv, Israel) giving the names of officials for the Technical Officials for the European Senior Championships; 03 – 13 April was given. It was noted: (a) There were too few nominations from Member Federation. (b) Insufficient number of Women Technical Officials. (c) Insufficient number of doctors.

The European Youth (U17) Championships due to be held in BJ Ciechanow, at the end of April and the selection of Technical Officials was discussed. According to the IWF TCRR, the Technical Officials need to be Category One. There is a shortage of Women Technical Officials and Category One Technical Officials.

(6) EWF Technical & Scientific Committee Work Plan.

The Chairman thanked the members of the EWF T&S Committee Attachment 4 for their contribution to the Committee Work Plan. The Chairman invited revisions, comments and additions to the 4 Year Plan.

(7) European Championships 2013 – 2014

(a) European Junior and U23 Championships 2013. Attachment 5 SC gave a report on the Junior & U23 Championships which were held in Tallinn, Estonia. The Championships were well organised and lessons from evaluation of the Technical Officials will be included in the Technical Officials Meeting prior to the start of the Senior Championships.

(b) European Senior Championships: This was discussed in Item 3.

(c) Youth Championships: The event will be held in Ciechanow, . There are 241 entries. The selection of Technical Officials was discussed in Item 5.

(d) Junior & U23 Championships: This event will be held in Limasol, Cyprus 20 – 27 November. Attachment 6 A revised timetable with comments from B Mokranowski has been submitted.

(8) Technical Delegate for European Championships 2014

The Technical Delegate for the European Championships of 2015 T&S Comm. will be appointed at the next meeting of the T&S Committee in November 14 November.

(9) IWF Technical Modifications

SC had prepared a summary of the IWF Technical Modifications Attachment 7 made in Baku in 2012. There is a powerpoint presentation prepared by Reiko Chinen which SC would seek permission to circulate for the T&S Members.

There is a revised edition of the IWF TCRR currently on the IWF website updated in August 2013. All Technical Officials should download and use this edition.

Proposals for modifications to the current IWF TCRR should be made to either the Chairman (BJ) or Secretary (SC) for discussion at further meetings and submission of proposals to the IWF Technical Committee. SC mentioned that Eleiko Sport AB manufacture two types of small discs; standard and friction. Friction discs may be placed outside the collars, standard discs must be placed inside the collars. This information needs to be documented within the rules.

10.0 Working sub Groups

(a) Minimum Standards – The Committee received a report (EWF Complete T&S 13-1 Minimum Standards to Organisers) from the Working Group and will be included into the current EWF documentation. (b) Coaching Training Camps / Seminars – Eduards Andruskevics EA / RE gave a report on proposed Training Camp to be held in July. Remco Einink and Taisto Kuoppala to consult and prepare for RE / TK a Coaches Seminar. (c) Technical Official Seminars – BJ / SC to hold Technical BJ / SC Officials Seminar as follows: Landskrona, Sweden 24 – 26 October 2014 Tallinn, Estonia 12 – 14 December 2014 (d) Code of Ethics – The Committee received a report (11d EWF Attachment 8 T&S 13-1 Code of Ethics Draft) at the last meeting. TK has since updated the Code of Ethics and this was circulated to members. The Code of Ethics will be continually updated to reflect current changes. (e) Coach License Scheme – deferred to Item 13. (f) Women Technical Officials. A report from Giorgetta Ion was Attachment 9 given regarding the activity of Women Technical Officials in BJ / SC / GI Europe. The Statistics will be evaluated and an Action Plan developed. It was decided that in future a minimum of 12 women Technical Officials will be selected and any short fall of numbers will be selected according to the IWF TCRR. (g) History of Womens’ Weightlifting: PM had prepared a report Attachment 10 on the History of Womens’ Weightlifting since the 1980’s. (h) Technical Officials Manual –The IWF Technical Officials SC Roles and Responsibilities is being edited and an update will be received in June. SC (i) IWF Technical Officials Uniform – an update will be provided at the IWF Technical Committee in June.

11.0 EWF Constitution

The EWF Constitution will be discussed at the EWF Executive BJ / SC Board meeting later in the day.

13.0 EWF Records

SC / HA to update the EWF Records to reflect current changes and SC / HA anti doping sanctions.

14.0 Coaching Pathway and Coaching License

(a) Colin Buckley gave a brief presentation on the Coaches CB Conference held in Rome in January on the 21st Century Coaching Pathway. The pathway includes development, framework, competencies, QA, Challenges. CB will attend and International Coaches Conference in Koeln in April. (b) Christian Baumgartner gave a presentation on the Coach Noted License Scheme in the German Weightlifting Federation

13.0 Scientific Project

(a) Optimal Age – no further action due to the absence of Ferunaj Noted Perparim (b) World WL – SC circulated the pages of World WL concerning All Technical Corner, Coaching and Anti Doping update. Copies of Attachment 11 World WL can be obtained from Aniko Nemeth Mora at the IWF (c) Articles – BJ to seek collaboration on Articles from Eduards BJ Andruskevics, Petr Poleteav and Frank Mantek. (d) IWF Website. Attila Adamfi gave an update on the IWF website Noted and the page Focus on IWF which includes Reports and Publications regarding the IWF Executive Boad and Committees

14.0 Anti Doping

There will be an Anti-doping Seminar in Ciechanow Poland on 02 02 May 2014 May in conjunction with the European Youth Championships.

15.0 Any Other Business

(a) Dr Dominik Dorr gave a presentation on Nutritional Supplements in Weightlifting. (b) Dr Lleonart Rubio Dolores gave a presentation on the Reasons for Women to practice Weightlifting.

The meeting ended at 13.00 hrs

Minutes prepared by Steve Cannon 07 April 2014.


1 EWF T&S Directory 2 Minutes of the EWF T&S Committee 3rd April Tel Aviv, Israel 3 Technical Officials for European Senior Championships 2014 4 EWF T&S Four Year Plan 5 Report of 2013 European Junior & U23 Championships 6 Timetable for 2014 European Junior & U23 Championships 7 Modifications of IWF TCRR (Baku 2012) 8 Code of Ethics (Revised) 9 Activity of EWF Women Technical Official 10 History of EWF Womens’ Weightlifting 11 IWF World Weightlifting Magazine Articles


EUROPEAN WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION CONSTITUTION 2014 Approved by the Congress held on Friday, 4th April 2014 at the EWF Congress held in Tel Aviv, Israel


1.1 The European Weightlifting Federation (EWF) was founded on 20 September 1969 in Warsaw, Poland. 1.2 Its official name is the European Weightlifting Federation (EWF). 1.3 Its members are the National Weightlifting Federations of Europe which are full members of the International Weightlifting Federation (reference as Member Federation Annex 1). 1.4 The EWF operates under the guidance of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) and accepts the IWF regulations concerning Continental and Regional Federations (refer to article 16 of the 2013-2016 edition of the IWF Constitution).


2.1 To promote and popularize the sport of Weightlifting throughout the Member Federations of Europe. 2.2 To strengthen the friendship and co-operation of all Member Federations and competitors, coaches, officials and delegates. 2.3 To promote the EWF’s Championships and other competitions. 2.4 To conduct the EWF’s Championships and other competitions in accordance with the IWF’s Technical and Competition Rules and Regulations (TCRR) and IWF Anti-Doping Policy. 2.5 To assist Member Federations in their activities. 2.6 To resolve, within the EWF Constitution, any disputes that may arise between Member Federations. 2.7 To authenticate and register all European records. 2.8 To hold conferences and/or symposiums for coaches, athletes, doctors and Technical Officials. 2.9 To promote the fight against doping as well as the application of the Anti-Doping Policy of the IWF and WADA Code.


3.1 The EWF emblem is the letters “EWF” surrounded by laurel of leaves either side and the words “European Weightlifting Federation” underneath on a white background (Annex 2).


4.1 The EWF is recognized by the IWF as being responsible for the sport of Weightlifting within the Member Federations of Europe. 4.2 Political, religious or racial discussions or demonstrations at any EWF Congress, Championship, competitions and/or meetings are forbidden. 4.3 No distinction may be made between countries and/or persons for any reason of race, color, religion or politics. 4.4 The Secretariat of the EWF shall be located in the home town of the EWF General Secretary.


5.1 The official languages of the EWF are English, French, Russian, Spanish and German. 5.2 English shall be the working language of the EWF. 5.3 All representatives of the Member Federations may speak in their native tongue, subject to providing an interpreter capable of translating into the English language. 5.4 All correspondence and publications of the EWF shall be in English language. 5.5 The meetings of the Executive Board and Committees shall be conducted in English language. 5.6 In the event of a disagreement over the interpretation of any articles and/or rules, the English language text shall be binding. 5.7 Organizers of all EWF Electoral Congress shall provide simultaneous translation into the English and Russian languages and the language of the organizing country.



5.8 Organizers of all EWF Congresses may provide simultaneous translation into the English and Russian languages and the language of the organizing country.


6.1 Only Member Federations, who are members of the IWF, may be affiliated to the EWF. 6.2 Member Federations wishing to be affiliated to the EWF must send the following documents to the General Secretary of the EWF: • a written request signed by both their President and General Secretary; • a copy of their Constitution; • a letter from the IWF stating the payment of the membership fee and a written Confirmation of the IWF membership. • proof of their recognition by their National Olympic Committee. 6.3 Applicants shall confirm in writing their complete acceptance and recognition of the Constitution and Rules of the EWF. 6.4 Having provided the EWF General Secretary with the documents described at Article 6.2. above and paid to the EWF the prevailing annual membership fee, the applicant federation will be provisionally affiliated to the EWF by the EWF Executive Board, pending confirmation until the following EWF Congress. 6.5 A Federation affiliated to the EWF may not be a member of another Continental Federation. 6.6 Following the payment of the EWF annual membership fee, competitors, coaches and officials of the affiliated national federations shall be permitted to participate in the EWF’s Championships and other competitions, conferences and all other EWF organized activities. 6.7 The EWF annual membership fee is payable annually on or before 31 January by all Member Federations. 6.8 Affiliated members who fail to pay their annual membership fee by 31 January of each calendar year shall receive one written reminder. In case the fee is not paid within 30 days from the receipt of the first written reminder article 27.1 may apply.


7.1 The Congress 7.2 The Executive Board 7.3 The Committees


8.1 The supreme authority of the EWF is the Congress. 8.2 The EWF Congress shall be held in conjunction with the European Senior Championships. 8.3 The General Congress shall be organized annually in conjunction with the European Junior & Under 23 Championships. 8.4 The Congress is composed of the delegations of the Member Federations. Only the Member Federations that have paid the Membership Fees for the current year and have no arrears may participate and vote at EWF Congress. Each member may be represented by two (2) delegates but is entitled only to one (1) vote. The delegates must be citizens of the country of the Member Federation they represent. Delegates must be of good standing and be able to demonstrate compliance with the IWF Code of Ethics. 8.5 The President and General Secretary of the EWF attend all EWF Congress. 8.6 The EWF President shall control the agenda of the Congress by determining the number and duration of speeches without discrimination and giving to all members equal opportunities. 8.7 Only matters listed on the official Agenda may be discussed during the Congress. 8.8 The Agenda shall consist of the following items: . Approval of the Annual Report on the activities of: . The President . The General Secretary . Treasurer . The Committees . The Commissions . Approval of the Financial Report . Information about the decisions of the Executive Board



. Information on the preparation of the forthcoming EWF Championships 8.9 The Congress Agenda may include the following items: • Awards, honors, distinctions. • Presentations by sponsors and appointed individuals • Filling of vacancies on the Executive Board and the Committee until the next elections. • Modification to the EWF Constitution • Other proposals, questions and/or subjects submitted by Member Federations. • the affiliation of new members 8.10 All EWF Congress shall require in first call a quorum of 50% plus one of the Member Federations. If a quorum is not present at any EWF Congress, a meeting of the Member Federations may be held, but without the powers of the Congress. 8.11 EWF Congress decisions must be approved by a majority vote of 50% plus one vote of the delegates present. 8.12 EWF Congress decisions to modify the EWF Constitution must be adopted by a majority of sixty seven (67) per cent of the votes cast. 8.13 The sessions of the Congress are private. 8.14 During the Olympic Games Year, the EWF shall hold elections. The Electoral Congress shall be held prior to the European Senior Championships in that year. 8.15 If requested in writing by thirty three (33) per cent or more of the EWF affiliated federations the EWF General Secretary must convene an Extraordinary EWF Congress with agenda to be held within ninety (90) calendar days from such request being received in writing by the EWF General Secretary. 8.16 The credentials of all delegates shall be verified by a three member Commission before access is granted to the Congress and/or General Congress. Voting by proxy is not permitted. The Chairman of the Commission shall be the General Secretary. 8.17 Deadlines to be counted from the day of the EWF Congress and General Congress: • Ninety (90) days prior: EWF shall send invitations to the Member Federations, the Executive Board and Committees. • Sixty (60) days prior: Member Federations and Officers shall send to the EWF proposal for inclusion on the Agenda. No item submitted after that time be included in the agenda. • Thirty (30) days prior: EWF shall send to the Member Federations and the Officers the Agenda, the reports and other relevant documents. 8.18 Deadlines to be counted from the day of the Electoral Congress: • One hundred and twenty days (120) prior, EWF shall send invitations to the Member Federations and calls for candidatures. • Sixty (60) days prior: Candidates must be received by the EWF from the Members Federations. • Thirty (30) days prior: the EWF shall send to the Member Federations the list of candidates.


9.1 The EWF shall be administered by the members of the Executive Board, who are bound to the Constitution and to the decisions taken by the Congress. 9.2 The Executive Board shall consist of: . the President . the General Secretary . the Treasurer . the 1st Vice President . Three (3) Vice Presidents . Six (6) Members. . The IWF President (or his appointed representative) as an observer. 9.3 The Executive Board shall be elected at the Electoral Congress held every four (4) years in the year of the Olympic Games. 9.4 The EWF Executive Board shall meet at least twice a year prior to the European Senior and European Junior & Under 23 Championships. Additional meetings of the Executive Board may be convened. 9.5 The meetings of the EWF Executive Board are exclusive to members of the EWF Executive Board and invited persons. 9.6 Attendance at the meetings are compulsory for its members. Members unable to attend the meeting must inform the EWF President prior to the meeting, and giving adequate and acceptable reasons for their absence.



9.7 The Executive Board has the power to suspend any member of the Executive Board who has failed to attend three (3) consecutive Executive Board meetings. 9.8 Minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board are kept and copies must be sent to all Executive Board Members within thirty (30) days following the meeting. 9.9 The EWF Executive Board shall decide on all urgent matters, instruct the EWF Committees on their work, receive reports and guarantee the orderly preparation of all EWF European Championships. 9.10 The Executive Board has the right to establish and appoint Commission to attend to specific task, within its own powers. 9.11 The quorum required for the meetings and decisions of the Executive Board is the attendance of fifty (50) per cent of the members plus one (1). 9.12 Decisions of the EWF Executive Board shall be determined by a simple majority. 9.13 If requested in writing by seven (7) or more members of the Executive Board an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Board shall be called by the EWF President within thirty days (30) from such request being received in writing by the EWF President.


10.1 The EWF has three standing Committees: . The Technical & Scientific Committee; . The Medical Committee; . The Controlling Committee. 10.2 The Technical & Scientific Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and eight (8) members. 10.3 The Medical Committee shall consists of a Chairperson and six (6) members. 10.4 The Controlling Committee shall consist of three (3) members. 10.5 The Members of the Committees are elected by the Congress. The Chairpersons are appointed by the Executive Board from its membership. 10.6 The President, General Secretary and Treasurer are ex-officio members of the Committees. 10.7 All Committees shall meet at least twice a year on the occasion of the European Senior and Junior & Under 23 Championships. 10.8 Attendance at the meetings are compulsory for its members. Members unable to attend the meeting must inform the Chairman of the Committee prior to the meeting, and giving adequate and acceptable reasons for their absence. 10.9 The Executive Board has the power to suspend any member of the Committees who has failed to attend three (3) consecutive committees meetings. 10.10 Should the Chairman of the Committee be unable to attend a meeting he/she shall appoint another member to act in his/her place. 10.11 The Chairman may appoint a Secretary to assist the organization of the Committee. Minutes of the meetings of the committees are kept and copies must be sent to all Executive Board Members and Committee Members within thirty (30) days following the meeting. The EWF Technical & Scientific Committee cooperate with all IWF, EWF Committees, Continental Federations and National Federations on matters of common interest.


11.1 The Duties of the Technical & Scientific Committee shall include: 11.2 The Technical and Scientific Committee is an advisory and active part of the EWF administration and is responsible to the Executive Board for its activities. 11.3 The Chairman of the Technical and Scientific Committee supervises the selection of Technical Officials for European Weightlifting Championships in accordance with IWF TCRR. 11.4 The Technical and Scientific Committee investigates and reports on methods of improving weightlifting, both in training and in competition. 11.5 The Technical and Scientific Committee investigates the quality and suitability of the equipment and seeks methods and ideas to improve the equipment. 11.6 The Technical and Scientific Committee seeks solutions to any problems in the field of refereeing and technical matters, and investigates on any matter requested by the Executive Board. 11.7 The Technical and Scientific Committee suggests to the Executive Board regarding the financial and other commitments concerning the Technical Officials of the European Championships. 11.8 The promotion of conferences and courses for coaches for Technical Officials.



11.9 To Assist Member Federations in the organization of such events. 11.10 Monitor and evaluate the activities of Technical Officials during the competitions and report to the Executive Board on such matters. 11.11 To organize Technical Officials Meetings during the European Championships. 11.12 Candidates for the Technical & Scientific Committee are required to have at least one of the following: • Holder of an International Category One Technical Official License • Holder of a Physical Education diploma or degree or the equivalent; or have appropriate experience in weightlifting coaching at international level. 11.13 The Technical Officials of the Technical and Scientific Committee shall act as Technical Officials at EWF Senior, Junior & Under 23 and Youth Championships at least ones a year.


12.1 The Duties of the Medical Committee shall include: 12.2 The Medical Committee is an advisory and active part of the EWF administration and is responsible to the Executive Board for all medical matters. 12.3 To be responsible for medical questions on weightlifting. 12.4 To safeguard the health of competitors, coaches and officials. 12.5 To submit proposals and participate in coaching conferences on the medical aspects of weightlifting. 12.6 To organize and participate in medical symposiums and workshops. 12.7 To collect medical data on the effects of weightlifting upon the human body. 12.8 To investigate information on sport injuries for prevention and rehabilitation. 12.9 To publish medical information relevant to weightlifting. 12.10 To prepare promotion material to demonstrate the merits of weightlifting with regard to the improvement of health and fitness. 12.11 To develop educational programs for the sport of weightlifting. 12.12 To cooperate with all EWF Committees and the Medical Committees of the IWF and all other affiliated Continental and Member Federations on matters of mutual concern. 12.13 The doctors of the Medical Committee shall act as ‘Duty Doctors’ at the EWF Senior, Junior & Under 23 and Youth Championships at least once a year. 12.14 At the European Senior and Junior & Under 23 Championships, doctors representing the organizing country and/or federation may attend the meeting(s) of the Medical Committee but shall have no voting rights. 12.15 Candidates for the Medical Committee must be doctors of medicine. 12.16 At EWF Championships Doctors on Duty are defined as the Technical Officials.


13.1 The Controlling Committee, consists of three members, elected by the Congress. The Controlling Committee comprises members who are qualified with accountancy qualifications. The Chairman shall be a qualified accountant who will be appointed by the EWF Executive Board. 13.2 The Controlling Committee is charged with the annual supervision and approval of the EWF’s accounts. 13.3 At the close of year, the Controlling’s Committee shall verify the income and expenditure of the EWF and shall submit an audited balance sheet and report to the Executive Board and then the EWF Congress. 13.4 The Members of the Controlling Committee may attend the Executive Board meeting in an advisory capacity.


14.1 The EWF Disciplinary Commission, may take measures and sanctions in the case of any violation of the EWF Constitution and associated IWF Constitution, IWF Technical and Competition Rules and Regulations, IWF Anti-Doping Policy and IWF Code of Ethics, but not limited. 14.2 The Disciplinary Commission shall consist of three members which shall be appointed by the EWF Executive Board. The Chairman shall be an attorney with experience in sports law. 14.3 Where misconduct occurs the Commission shall examine and resolve any written complaint addressed to the Commission against a Member of misconduct. The Commission shall hold a hearing and determine any specified allegation of misconduct on the part of a Member. The hearing may be held also by video- conference.



14.4 If the Commission, in its discretion, considers the charge against the Member whom the complaint has been made (“the Respondent”) to be sufficiently serious it will have the power to impose one or more of the following: a) a verbal or written apology; b) a fine; c) referral of counselling; d) suspend the membership of the Respondent for a stated period of time; e) revoke the membership of the Respondent. 14.5 The Respondent which is subject to the one or more of the above mentioned sanctions by the Disciplinary Commission may appeal the said decision within 21 days from the announcement of the decision in front of the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne. 14.6 The Disciplinary Commission shall submit an annual report of its activities to the EWF Executive Board and the EWF Congress and EWF General Congress.


15.1 The Fair Play Commission shall consist of three members which shall be elected by the EWF Executive Board. 15.2 The Commission shall preserve and promote the spirit of fair play in all aspects of sport. This may include the observance of EWF Constitution and associated IWF Constitution, IWF Technical and Competition Rules and Regulations, IWF Anti-Doping Policy and IWF Code of Ethics, but not limited. The Commission shall consider proposals to reflect the necessary changes in modern sport (for example, Equality, Bribery and Betting, Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults). 15.3 The activities that the Commission may carry out include the organization of events of any kind, the distribution of publications, the recommendation to the Executive Board of awards in recognition of sporting conduct demonstrating a spirit of fair play and activities promoting fair play in weightlifting sport. 15.4 The Fair Play Commission shall submit an annual report of its activities to the EWF Executive Board and may make such other reports to the EWF Executive Board as it considers appropriate.


16.1 The Executive Board may honor former Vice Presidents, General Secretaries or Executive Board Members and Committee Members for their work within the EWF by bestowing the following titles upon them: 16.2 “Honorary Life Vice President”, “Honorary General Secretary” or “Honorary Member” of the E.W.F. 16.3 Honorary Vice Presidents, General Secretaries and/or Members may participate in the EWF Congresses by invitation of the EWF Executive Board, and may attend Executive Board meetings in a consultative capacity with no voting rights. 16.4 The outgoing President of the EWF shall automatically become Honorary Life President and may attend the Executive Board meetings with no voting right.


17.1 Election shall take place every four (4) years at the EWF Electoral Congress held prior to the European Senior Championships and Olympic Qualification Event of the Executive Board and other Committees. 17.2 The order of the Election shall be as follows: . The President . The General Secretary . The Treasurer • The 1st Vice President . The three (3) Vice Presidents . The six (6) Executive Board Members . The eight (8) members of the Technical & Scientific Committee . The six (6) members of the Medical Committee . Three (3) members of the Controlling Committee 17.3 The term of office for an elected officers shall be four (4) years. They shall serve until the commencement of the next Electoral Congress. Elected Officers shall be the citizen of the Member Federation which nominated them except for candidates defined under Article 17.6. The candidate must have been



member of the Federation that proposes him/her for the last three (3) years, or subject to agreement between the two Federations concerned. 17.4 Only Member Federations may propose candidates for the various EWF Committees. 17.5 Nominations for the various positions must be made to the office of the EWF General Secretary, by registered letter not less than sixty (60) days prior to the Congress. 17.6 Retiring members are eligible for re-election, subject to being nominated by their respective Federations or in accordance with art. 8.1.5. of the IWF Constitution edition 2013. For the Continental elections, any members of the Executive Board or Committees with a minimum of 12 years service may be a candidate in his/her own right to any position on these bodies provided that his/her nomination is supported by minimum of 20% of the Member Federations affiliated to the Continental Federation concerned. Proof of support by the Member Federations must be confirmed in writing and presented with the candidature. 17.7 Two (2) candidates who are citizens of the same country, as evidenced by official documents issued by such country’s authorities, cannot be elected to the same body (Executive Board or any of the Committees). If, arising from 8.1.5, two (2) candidates who are citizens of the same country are candidates to the Executive Board or to a Committee, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes is elected. The candidate with the lower number of votes will be eliminated from the process. 17.8 A person may be a candidate for a number of positions within the EWF but may only be elected to one (1) position. On being elected, the name of that person will be withdrawn from any further candidature list. Unsuccessful candidates are not automatically eligible for election to another position. Nominations must be made specifically for each position to be contested. 17.9 Each Full Member is entitled to only one (1) vote. 17.10 Elections are carried out by secret ballot. When there is only one (1) candidate for a position such candidate shall be elected tacitly unless otherwise stated in the Constitution. 17.11 To be valid, ballot papers shall carry votes for as many candidates as there are vacancies. 17.12 Election is by simple majority, i.e. the person who has obtained the highest number of votes is elected. 17.13 When two (2) or more candidates obtain an equal number of votes, another ballot is held. If after the second ballot there is still a tie, the President has the right to cast a deciding vote, or decide for further ballots. 17.14 Unsuccessful candidates may run for election in other Committees; however, when two (2) or more citizens of the same country are candidates to a specific office, the Member Federation of that country must give its order of preference so that only one (1) of its candidates is listed on each ballot list (except 17.6). 17.15 The election of the President, General Secretary and Treasurer is elected by majority. In the case of more than two (2) candidates, the candidates with the lowest number of votes will drop out in each round until two (2) candidates remain. The candidate obtaining the higher number of votes is elected. 17.16 Election of 1st Vice President: The candidate receiving the highest number of votes is elected. 17.17 Election of three (3) Vice Presidents: The three (3) candidates receiving the highest number votes are elected. 17.18 Election of Executive Board Members: The six (6) candidates receiving the highest number of votes are elected. 17.19 The EWF encourages the presence of women within the bodies of the Federation. Therefore, if none of the people elected as President, General Secretary, Treasurer, 1st Vice President and Vice Presidents is a woman, the first of the six (6) Executive Board Member positions shall be attributed in preference to a woman. To that effect, only female candidatures shall be admitted to take part in a first round of vote regarding the first of the six (6) positions of the Executive Board. If there is only one (1) female candidate, such candidate shall be tacitly elected. If there is more than one (1) female candidates, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. If there is no women candidate, then the position shall remain vacant. 17.20 Election of Technical & Scientific Committee: The eight (8) candidates receiving the highest number of votes are elected. 17.21 Election of Medical Committee: The six (6) candidates receiving the highest number of votes are elected. 17.22 Election of Controlling Committee: The three (3) candidates receiving the highest number of votes are elected. 17.23 In case two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes for positions in the Executive Board or other EWF Committees, there shall be a second secret ballot. Should two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes after the second ballot, a third ballot shall be held: If after a third secret ballot two or more candidates have an equal number of votes, the position shall be determined by way of a random draw.



17.24 The EWF President shall nominate three scrutinizers to distribute, collect and count the voting papers. 17.25 At all elections, abstentions and blank or spoiled vote are not taken into consideration in the calculation of the required majority.


18.1 Supervises the activities of the EWF, the EWF Secretariat and the administration, in accordance with the decisions of the Congress and the Executive Board. 18.2 The President shall direct the debate, control and keep order during the Congress and meetings of the Executive Board according to the rules and traditions of democratic parliamentary debate. 18.3 The President shall attend the European Senior, Junior & Under 23, and Youth Championships as the official representative of the EWF. 18.4 The President shall represent the EWF in the various organizations and bodies and shall report to the next Executive Board session and/or the EWF Congress. 18.5 The President shall take a leading part in the Opening and Closing ceremonies at the European Championships. 18.6 The President may present medals to the winners in the victory ceremony at the European Championships, or delegate this responsibility. 18.7 The President shall co-operate with the President of the IWF and the other Continental Federations and Member Federations. 18.8 Together with the General Secretary and Treasurer, the President shall negotiate the sale of the EWF’s television rights on behalf of the EWF. 18.9 The President shall have the casting vote in the case of a tie. 18.10 In his absence the President shall be replaced by the first Vice-President. 18.11 Should the President be unable to fulfil his/her duties, the first Vice President shall act as President until the President can resume his/her duties and/or until the next Congress which shall elect new EWF President.


19.1 The General Secretary shall be responsible for the communication, cooperation and correspondence with the Member Federations, the IWF, Continental Weightlifting Federations and all other weightlifting organizations and individuals. 19.2 Shall attend the European Senior, Junior & Under 23 and Youth Championships, as an official representative of the EWF. 19.3 Ensure that all EWF Championships and competitions are duly organized according to the EWF Constitution and the IWF Constitution, IWF Technical & Competition Rules and Regulations, IWF Anti- Doping Policy and shall take an active part in the organization and conduct of such Championships and competitions. 19.4 Supervise the preparation of the Championships Start List. 19.5 Together with the Chairman of the Technical & Scientific Committee, assist in the preparation of the selection of Technical Officials. 19.6 Authenticate and register all weightlifting records for Europe and report in writing to all Member Federations at the Congress and General Congress or publish on EWF web page. 19.7 Prepare a EWF Ranking for each age group and bodyweight category in Europe and forward his list to all affiliated federations or publish on EWF web page. 19.8 Prepare and distribute invitations for the Congress to the Member Federations not less than ninety (90) days prior to the Congress 19.9 Prepare and distribute the agenda for the Congress to the Member Federations not less than sixty (60) days prior to the Congress. 19.10 Prepare and distribute the agenda for the EWF Executive Board and EWF Committee meetings to the Executive Board and Committee members not less than thirty days prior to the date(s) of the respective meetings. 19.11 Prepare and distribute the minutes of the Congress, the Executive Board and Committee meetings to the Member Federations and members of the Executive Board. 19.12 Control and supervise the work of the EWF Secretariat. 19.13 Together with the President and Treasurer, negotiate the EWF TV rights, and present the agreement to the Executive Board for approval.



19.14 Together with the President and Treasurer, negotiate and sign contracts on behalf of the EWF for European Championships and competitions under the direct supervision of the EWF. 19.15 Present all sponsorship contracts for approval to the Executive Board. 19.16 An Assistant to the General Secretary may be appointed by the General Secretary and he/she may attend the meetings of the Executive Board, but will have no voting rights. 19.17 Should the General Secretary be unable to attend a EWF Executive Board and/ or Congress meeting, the Assistant General Secretary shall have the right to vote in the place of the General Secretary. 19.18 With the exception of the EWF General Secretary and Assistant EWF General Secretary only one member from each country may be elected to the EWF Executive Board. 19.19 The General Secretary shall prepare and distribute the minutes of the EWF Congress, Executive Board, Committees to Member Federations. 19.20 Objections and comments to the minutes shall be made in writing to the General Secretary within 30 days from the distribution of the minutes. 19.21 Should the General Secretary be unable to carry out his/her duties, the Assistant General Secretary shall act as General Secretary until the General Secretary can resume his/her duties or until the next Congress, which shall elect a new General Secretary.


20.1 The Treasurer shall be elected by the Congress and is responsible and accountable for managing the EWF’s finances and prepares the Budget together with the President and General Secretary. 20.2 The EWF Treasurer shall apply General Accounting Policies and Procedures: . issue receipts for all amounts received; . obtain a receipt for all expenses and accounts he/she pays; . keep the cash book updated and present a report on the financial situation at every session of the Executive Board; . annually submit the accounts for auditing to the President, the Executive Board and the Congress; . report at each meeting of the Executive Board as to the current state of the EWF’s finances; . the Treasurer will pay all expenses up to € 2,000 (two thousand) without the consent of the Executive Board; . present the balance sheet to the Executive Board and EWF Congress and General Congress for approval on an annual basis; . inform the Executive Board of the current account number and the name of the bank where EWF funds are deposited; . send all information requested by the Controlling Committee; . prepare one single EWF balance which represents the Federation’s financial situation following General Accounting Policies and Procedures and distribute the EWF balance sheet to all Member Federations and members of the EWF Executive Board. 20.3 Financial transactions shall be made in Euro. 20.4 The Executive Board shall decide on all necessary expenditure and shall give priority in respect of the expenses of the EWF Secretariat including the costs for telephone, fax, email, photocopying, translation, the compilation of the EWF archive and the preparation and publication of the EWF Magazine and Bulletin and stationary and office expenses. 20.5 Financial management is based on the provisional annual balance deliberated by the Executive Board within December 31st of each year. At the closing date of the financial year, a copy will be distributed to the Member Federations and to the members of the EWF Executive Board. The annual balance shall be completed with the President’s, General Secretary, Treasurer’s and Controlling Committee’s report. 20.6 Manage the following income and expenditure on behalf of the EWF: a – any contributions from the IWF and other public or private bodies; b – Membership fee; c – any income and expenditure deriving from sporting events and championships; d – TV rights and sponsorships; e – service management and cession of assets in favor of members; f – donations of any kind from private individuals, bodies or firms approved by the Executive Board; g – any funds from institutional activities, a sole example of which being any fees or sanctions paid by members; h – funding from any other instrumental activity, including sales, deliberated for institutional purposes.




21.1 The Vice-Presidents and Executive Board members shall ensure that the EWF Constitution and IWF Constitution, Technical & Competition Rules and Regulations and Anti-Doping Policy are correctly applied at all EWF Championships, tournaments and competitions and represent the EWF at such events in the absence of the EWF President. 21.2 Participate in the activities of the EWF and carry out all the decisions of the Congress and the Executive Board. 21.3 When the President is unable to attend the duties as listed under Article 18, the 1st Vice President substitutes him/her. 21.4 In case the President’s position becomes vacant for any reason for the remaining part of the term, the 1st Vice President fulfils this function until the next Congress, which may endorse the appointment until the next elections, or determine to have a special election. 21.5 Shall attend the meetings of the Executive Board in their capacity. 21.6 Assist in the running of the Congress when appointed by the President. 21.7 Submit proposals and search for possibilities to improve the finances of the EWF. 21.8 Contribute to the publication of EWF books, magazines and the like by submitting Articles and various materials. 21.9 Give support to the Organizing Committee, according to the EWF Constitution, IWF Constitution, Technical & Competition Rules and Regulations and Anti-Doping Policy. 21.10 Vice Presidents or Members can be appointed by the Executive Board to focus on the following (including and not limited to) subjects and tasks: • Technical & Scientific Committee • Medical Committee • And Commissions. 21.11 Should any member of the Executive Board be unable to fulfil his/her duties, a replacement shall be elected at the next Congress.


22.1 The Chairman of the Technical & Scientific Committee shall: 22.2.1 Be responsible for resolving any technical problems. 22.2.2 Prepare the 4 Year Working Plan for the Technical & Scientific Committee. 22.2.3 Co-ordinate and conduct the activities and meetings of the Technical & Scientific Committee. 22.2.4 Attend and assist the EWF conferences for coaches and Technical Officials. 22.2.5 Submit proposals to the Executive Board on behalf of the Technical & Scientific Committee. 22.2.6 Co-operate with the other Committees of the EWF and IWF Technical Committee. 22.2.7 Preside over Jury ‘A’ during the European Championships, 22.2.8 With support from the General Secretary, prepare the selection of Technical Officials for European Championships. 22.2.9 Organize a Technical Officials conference before and during the European Championships for all Technical Officials officiating at the Championships. 22.2 The Chairman of the Medical Committee shall: 22.2.1 Be responsible for resolving any medical problems. 22.2.2 Prepare a 4 Year Working Plan for the Medical Committee. 22.2.3 Co-ordinate and conduct the activities and meetings of the Medical Committee. 22.2.4 Co-operate with the other Committees of the EWF and IWF Medical Committee. 22.2.5 Submit proposals to the Executive Board on behalf of the Medical Committee together with a list of doctors who will be on duty during the respective European Championships. 22.3 The Chairman of the Disciplinary Commission shall: 22.3.1 Be responsible for resolving any disciplinary issue arising within the EWF in a timely manner. 22.3.2 Co-ordinate and conduct all investigation necessary to resolve any complaint. 22.4 The Chairman of the Fair Play Commission shall: 22.4.1 Submit to the Executive Board any nomination for fair play awards. 22.4.2 Make proposals to the EWF Executive Board on behalf of the Commission on any measure necessary to promote sportsmanship through the establishment of and in adherence to the highest standards of conduct in all EWF Competitions.




23.1 The EWF shall stage annually (but not limited to) the following Championships: • European Senior Championships for Men and Women • European Junior Championships for Men and Women • European U17 Youth Championships for Men and Women

All European Championships will be included in the IWF Calendar and are considered IWF Events. The IWF Constitution, IWF Technical and Competition Rules and Regulations (TCRR) and IWF Anti-Doping Policy must be followed, unless otherwise specified. 23.2 In conjunction with the European Junior Championships, the EWF shall stage the Under 23 Championships. For Technical Rules defining the Under 23 Championships see Annex 3 23.3 In conjunction with the European Youth Championships, the EWF shall stage the U15 Championships annually except for the year of the Olympic Youth Games. For Technical Rules defining the Under 15 Championships see Annex 3.


24.1 Member Federations affiliated to the EWF shall send to the EWF General Secretary copies of the results on completion of their domestic competitions and national championships


25.1 The EWF is the exclusive owner of the TV broadcasting, marketing, internet broadcasting (web casting), post event production of video recordings and advertising rights and all other multimedia coverage of the European Championships and other events organized and controlled by the EWF. 25.2 To obtain these rights or part of these rights, a fee must be paid to the EWF. The President, General Secretary and Treasurer decide the amount in consultation. 25.3 Member Federations wishing to host the European Senior Championships must guarantee and be able to demonstrate in writing within their bid submission that they have secured the host broadcast coverage and origination of the international television signal according to the standards of the EWF as detailed. 25.4 The European Championships may not be held in conjunction with other competitions. 25.5 Should any action of a member federation, association or union of the European Weightlifting Federation (EWF) for whatsoever reason, including doping violations according to the codes, rules and Regulations of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) and/or the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), be a result either directly or indirectly of a financial loss to the EWF including but not limited to its television and/or sponsorship revenues, such member federation, association or union shall reimburse the EWF for all and any such financial loss and associated costs including legal costs. Until the costs equating to the EWF’s financial loss have not been paid in full to the EWF by the chargeable member federation, association or union, the EWF shall have the right to suspend such member federation, association or union including its athletes, coaches and officials from participating in and/or attending any European Weightlifting Championship and competition organized and/or approved by the EWF.


26.1 For special merits sporting awards may be granted to persons affiliated or not to the EWF. See ANNEX 4.


27.1 The EWF Executive Board may suspend Federations who have not paid their membership fee.. 27.2 Should a competitor, coach or official commit a doping violation during any EWF competition, the rules of the IWF shall prevail (please refer to IWF Anti-Doping Policy edition and subsequent modifications and updates). 27.3 Member Federations may only sanction and/or discipline competitors, coaches, official and/or delegates who are members of their own Federations. 27.4 Any rule infringement, offence and/or violation by a competitor, coach, official and/or delegate shall be reported to the EWF General Secretary and will be submitted to the attention of the EWF Disciplinary Commission



27.5 Competitors, coaches and / or team officials may be suspended for: . breaching the IWF Code of Ethics • Participating in a prohibited competition or against a suspended athlete; . unsporting conduct . disobedience towards officials; . dishonesty. 27.6 Discipline and penalties shall be applied according to Article 14.4.


28.1 Member Federations shall pay an annual Membership Fee to the EWF, as determined by the Executive Board. 28.2 The accounting period / fiscal year of the EWF goes from 1st January to 31st December of the year. 28.3 The Executive Board shall appoint an auditor to perform an audit of the financial accounts of the EWF. The auditor shall deliver a report to the Executive Board, which must be submitted to the Congress. 28.4 The auditor shall be an independent professional audit firm, appointed for one (1) fiscal year. 28.5 The EWF Financial Schedule can be found in Annex 5.


28.1 For all matters not detailed within the present EWF Constitution, the Regulations of the IWF shall prevail: for example:

IWF Constitution and By-Laws IWF Technical and Competition Rules & Regulation IWF Anti-Doping Policy


Annex 1 Member Federations Annex 2 EWF Emblem Annex 3 European Under 23 Championships / European Under 15 Championships Technical Rules Annex 4 Sporting Collars Annex 5 Financial Schedule




Temporarily Suspended (*TS): IWF membership can be temporarily suspended in case a Member Federation fails to fulfil the obligations defined in IWF Constitution 3.4.



Annex 2




Annex 3 European Under 23 Championships / European Under 15 Championships Technical Rules



The European U23 Weightlifting Championships are held annually in conjunction with the European Junior Championships.

Only those competitors who will be aged • twenty three (23) years old • twenty (22) years old • twenty one (21) years old During the year of the Championships are held may compete.


The European Youth U15 Championships are held annually in conjunction with the European Youth U17 Championships; except for the year of the Olympic Youth Games:

Only those competitors who will be aged • Fifteen (15) years old • Fourteen (14) years old • Thirteen (13) years old During the year of the Championships are held may compete.

The Bodyweight Categories for Under 15 competitors are:

Men Women

45 40 50 44 56 48 62 53 69 58 77 63 85 63+ 85+

Withdraw from Competition: The jury has the power, after recommendation from the doctor on duty to stop an athlete from further attempts in the competition (because of, for instance, injury, black out).




TITLE I General Provisions Art. 1 These regulations govern the granting of federal sporting honors is favour of National Federations, Officials, Coaches, Athletes and Competition Judges affiliated to the EWF. For special merits acquired, sporting awards may also be granted to persons no affiliated to the EWF or to organizations. Art. 2 The honors granted by the EWF to the person and organizations as per art. 1 of the present Regulations are: “Gold Collar for sporting merit” “Gold Star for sporting merit” “Silver Star for sporting merit” “Bronze Star for sporting merit” Art. 3 a) Procedures for the granting of honors and awards are governed on a case-by-case basis by the EWF executive at the suggestion of the President; b) The recipients of the “Gold Collar for sporting merit” may not receive other honors equal to or below that already awarded.

TITLE II Art. 4 The ‘Gold Collars for sporting merit” may be awarded to a) Athletes that have won an Olympic title; b) Sporting Officials and Coaches that have honored the sport of weightlifting for over forty years, c) National Federations that have been established for at least one hundred years and that are still active when honors is proposed.

Art. 5 In addition to the possibilities of art. 4), the President may propose to the EWF Executive the awarding of the “Gold Collar for sporting merit” to a person or organization, European or otherwise, that has particularly distinguished himself/itself in the promotion and spread of sporting and Olympic ideals. Art. 6 The “Gold Collar for sporting merit” honor may be awarded only once during one’s sporting career. Should the recipients repeat a performance as per Art. 4 letter A) above in future years, they shall receive a special “Honorary Diploma”. Art. 7 In addition to the “Gold collar for sporting merit” honor, the EWF gives the award winner a Diploma with the name, date of issue and Diploma order number. Art. 8 The “Gold Star” honors may awarded to: -EWF Honorary President -Members of the EWF Executive -National Sports Officials and Coaches who have honored the sport of weightlifting for thirty years -Sport federations that have been in existence for at least fifty years and that are still active when honors is proposed -1st category competition judges that have refereed in more than one Olympics. Art. 9 In addition to the “Gold Star” honors, the award winner is given a Diploma with the name, date of issue and Diploma order number. Art. 10 The “Gold Star” honor may be awarded only once during one’s sporting career. Should the recipients repeat a condition as per above in future years, they shall receive a special “Honorary Diploma” Art. 11 The “Silver Star” honors may awarded to: -President of National Federations with at least eight consecutive year in office. -Coaches of athletes that have won an Olympics. -1st category competition officials that have officiated a tan Olympics. Art. 12 In addition to the “Silver Star” honors, the award winner is given a Diploma with the name, date of issue and Diploma order number. Art. 13 The “Bronze Star” honors may awarded to: -The newly elected President of National Federations



-1st category competition judge -Researchers who distinguish themselves with specific studies of the subject of weightlifting -Journalist or media that popularize the sport of weightlifting in an continuous and knowledgeable manner. Art. 14 In addition to the “Bronze Star” honors, the award winner is given a Diploma with the name, date of issue and Diploma order number. TITLE III Art. 15 EWF sporting honors may awarded exclusively during EWF Congresses or European Championships. Art. 16 The granting of sporting Honors may be revoked by EWF Executive upon the grounded proposal of the President if facts emerge that demonstrate an incompatibility between the conduct of the recipient and sporting and common moral principles.



Annex 5 Financial Schedule


Member Federations shall pay an annual membership fee of 400 Euros by 31st January of each year, as determined by the EWF Executive Board.


(a) Tender Bid Fees for Championships:

Member Federation organising the EWF’s European Championships shall pay the following fees determined by EWF Executive Board. European Senior Championships € 9,000 (nine thousand) European Junior & Under 23 Championships € 7,000 (seven thousand) European Youth Championships € 5,000 (five thousand)

(b) Entry Fees for Championships:

The Member Federations of the participating athletes, coaches, officials and delegates shall pay an ‘Entry Fee of 150 Euros per person to the organising federation. The 150 Euros Entry Fee per delegate is divided evenly (75 Euros each) between the host Federation / Organising Committee and the European Weightlifting Federation.