Assembly language programming for processors pdf

Continue The x86, 7e collection language is for use in undergraduate programming courses in a speaking language and introductory courses in computer systems and computer architecture. This name is also suitable for built-in systems of programmers and engineers, communications specialists, game programmers and graphic programmers. It is recommended to know another programming language, preferably Java, C or C. Written specifically for the 32- and 64-bit /Windows platform, this complete and complete learning of the acoustics language teaches students to write and fine-tune programs at the machine level. This text simplifies and demystiifies concepts that students need to understand before they laugh at more advanced courses in computer architecture and operating systems. Students practice theory using machine-level software, creating an unforgettable experience that gives them confidence to work in any OS/machine-oriented environment. Additional learning and learning tools are available on the author's website in where both teachers and students can access chapter goals, debugging tools, additional files, starting work with the MASM and Visual Studio 2012 tutorial, and more. Learning and Learning Experience This program represents the best learning and learning experience for you and your students. This will help: Teach Effective Design Techniques: Top-Down Demonstration Design Program and Explanation allows students to apply techniques for multiple programming courses. Put Theory into practice: Students will write software at machine level, preparing them to work in any OS/machine oriented environment. Tailor text to fit your course: Instructors can cover additional chapter themes in different order and depth. Support instructors and students: Visit the author's website for chapter purposes, debugging tools, additional files, starting work with the MASM and Visual Studio 2012 tutorial, and more. Assembly language for x86, 6/e processors is ideal for undergraduate courses in au speech programming and introductory courses in computer systems and computer architecture. Written specifically for the Intel/Windows/DOS platform, this complete and fully updated learning of the acoustics language teaches students to write and fine-tune programs at the machine level. Based on the Intel family of processors, the text simplifies and demystifies concepts that students need to understand before they laugh at more advanced courses in computer architecture and operating systems. Students practice theory using software to write software at machine level, creating an unforgettable experience that gives them confidence in any OS/machine-oriented environment. It is recommended to know another programming language, preferably Java, C or C. Assembly language for x86 x86 7e is designed for use in undergraduate programming courses in the language of a speech and introductory courses in computer systems and computer architecture. This name is also suitable for built-in systems of programmers and engineers, communications specialists, game programmers and graphic programmers. It is recommended to know another programming language, preferably Java, C or C. Written specifically for the 32- and 64-bit Intel/Windows platform, this complete and complete learning of the acoustics language teaches students to write and fine-tune programs at the machine level. This text simplifies and demystiifies concepts that students need to understand before they laugh at more advanced courses in computer architecture and operating systems. Students practice theory using machine-level software, creating an unforgettable experience that gives them confidence to work in any OS/machine-oriented environment. Additional learning and learning tools are available on the author's website in where both teachers and students can access chapter goals, debugging tools, additional files, starting work with the MASM and Visual Studio 2012 tutorial, and more. Teaching and Learning Experience This program represents the best learning and learning experience - for you and your students. This will help: Teach Effective Design Techniques: Top-Down Demonstration Design Program and Explanation allows students to apply techniques for multiple programming courses. Put Theory into practice: Students will write software at machine level, preparing them to work in any OS/machine oriented environment. Tailor text to fit your course: Instructors can cover additional chapter themes in different order and depth. Support instructors and students: Visit the author's website for chapter purposes, debugging tools, additional files, starting work with the MASM and Visual Studio 2012 tutorial, and more. The x86 processor assembly language, Seventh Edition, teaches programming and au assembly language architecture for x86 and Intel64 processors. This is the appropriate text for the following types of college courses: Assembly Language Basics of Computer Systems Basics of Computer Architecture Students use Intel or AMD processors and programs with Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM), running on the latest versions of . Although this book was originally developed as a programming textbook for college students, it serves as an effective complement to computer architecture courses. As evidence of its popularity, previous editions have been translated into many languages. Accent Topics This edition includes themes that cite naturally in subsequent courses in Architecture, Operating Systems and Writing Compiler: Virtual Virtual Concept Instruction Set Architecture Elementary Boolean Operations Instruction Of the Cycle of Memory Access cycle and handshake Interruption and Poll Equipment-based I/O Floating Points binary representation Other topics apply specifically to x86 and Intel64 Architecture: Protected Memory and paging segmentation of memory in real address 16-Bit interruption processing MS-DOS and BIOS system calls (interrupts) Encoding some of the examples presented in the book lend themselves to courses that will later enter the computer science curriculum: algorithms for finding and sorting high-level language structures Finite-state machines Code optimization examples For a specific list of instructions on the language of auffliers x86 see. This article needs additional quotes to verify. Please help improve this article by adding quotes to reliable sources. Non-sources of materials can be challenged and removed. Find sources: X86 language caucuses - news newspaper book scientist JSTOR (May 2017) (Learn how and when to delete this template message) is a family of reverse- compatible build languages that provide some level of compatibility on the way to Intel 8008, introduced in April 1972. X86 build languages are used to create object code for x86 processors. Like all assembly languages, it uses short mnimoniks to present basic instructions that the processor in the computer can understand and follow. Compilers sometimes produce assembly code as an intermediate step when a high-level program is translated into machine code. Considered as a programming language, assembly coding is machine and low. Build languages are more commonly used for detailed and critical applications, such as small built-in real-time systems or operating system cores and device drivers. Mnemonics and opcodes Additional information: x86 instructions listing Each x86 assembly instruction presented by the mnemonic, which, often combined with one or more operands, translates as one or more called opcode; The NOP instruction translates to 0x90, for example, and the HLT instruction translates to 0xF4. There are potential non- documentary mnemonic op codes that different processors can interpret differently, forcing the program, using them, behaving inconsistently or even generating an exception on some processors. These opcodes often turn up in code writing competitions as a way to make the code smaller, faster, more elegant or just show the author's prowess. The x86 assembly language has two main syntax branches: The Intel syntax originally used for x86 documentation, and the ATT syntax. Intel syntax dominates the world of DOS and Windows, and att syntax dominates the Unix world since Unix was created by AT'T Bell Labs. Here's a rundown of the main differences between Intel's syntax and the ATT syntax: the source of Intel's ATST order at your destination. movl $5, % eax Direction to source. mov eax, 5 Size Mnemonics parameter are suffixed with a letter indicating the size of operands: q for qword, L for length (dword), w for word, and b for . The addition of $4, %esp comes from the name of the register used (e.g. rax, eax, ax, al imply q, l, w, b, respectively). add esp, 4 Sigils Immediate values, crammed with $, registers pasted by %. The collector automatically detects the type of characters; i.e., whether they are registers, constants or something else. Effective addresses General Syntax DISP (BASE,INDEX,SCALE). Example: movl mem_location (%ebx,%ecx,4), % eax arithmetic expressions in brackets; In addition, the size of keywords like byte, word, or dword should be used if size cannot be determined from operands. Example: mov eax, ebx ecx4 and mem_location Many x86 collectors use Intel syntax, including NASM, FASM, MASM, TASM and YASM. GAS, which originally used the ATT syntax, supports both syntaxes with version 2.10 using .intel_syntax directive. The quirk in the ATST syntax for x86 is that the x87s are reversed, an inherited error from the original ATST assessor. Registers additional information: The X86 No x86 architecture records that x86 processors have a collection of registers available for use as storage data. Collectively, data and address registers are called common registers. Each register has a special purpose in addition to what they can all do: AX multiply/split, load line and BX index register move CX rely on a string of transactions - shifts DX port address for IN and OUT SP points to the top of the BP stack points to the base of the stack frame SI points to the source in the flow of operations DI points to the destination in the transaction stream Along with the common registers there are additional DS ES, FS, GS, SS), which determine where the 64k segment starts (without FS and GS in 80286 earlier) additional extension registers (MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, etc.) (Pentium - only later). The IP register indicates that the next instruction in the code segment is shifting (it indicates the first paragraph of the instruction). The IP registry may not be accessed directly by the programmer. X86 registers can be used using MOV instructions. For example, in Intel syntax: mov ax, 1234h; copies 1234hex (4660d) to the AX mov bx register, ax; copies the value The AX Register in the BX Register Segmented address the x86 architecture in real and uses a process known as segmentation to address memory, rather than the used in many other environments. Segmentation includes a two-part, segment, and offset ; Segment indicates the beginning of 64 KB of the address group and the bias determines how far from that start the address of the desired address. Segmented addresses require two registers for a full memory address. One to hold the segment, the other to hold the bias. In order to translate back to a flat address, the value of the segment shifts four bits to the left (equivalent to multiplying by 24 or 16) and then added to the offset to form a full address, allowing you to break the 64k barrier through a smart choice of addresses, although this makes programming much more complex. In /protected only, for example, if the DS contains the hexDEAD and DX contains the number 0xCAFE, they together point to the 0xDEAD - 0x10 - 0xCAFE - 0xEB5CE memory address. Thus, the processor can address up to 1,048,576 bytes (1MB) in real mode. By combining segment values and offsets, we find a 20-bit address. The original IBM PC programs limited to 640 KB, but the extended memory specification was used to implement a bank switching scheme that fell out of use when later operating systems such as Windows used large ranges of new processor addresses and implemented their own schemes. The secure mode, starting with the , was used by OS/2. Some drawbacks, such as the inability to access BIOS and the inability to return to real mode without resetting the processor, prevented widespread use. The 80286 was also still limited to solving the memory problem in 16-bit segments, meaning only 216 bytes (64 kilobytes) could be accessed at the same time. To access the advanced 80286 functionality, the operating system will install the processor in secure mode, allowing a 24-bit address and thus 224 bytes of memory (16 megabytes). In secure mode, the segment selector can be broken down into three parts: a 13-bit index, a bit of a table indicator that determines whether there is a record in GDT or LDT, and a 2-bit requested level of privilege; see x86 . When you access a segment address and bias, you use segment notation: offset, so in the example above, a flat 0xEB5CE address can be written as 0xDEAD:0xCAFE or as a segment and offset pair of registers; DS:DX. There are several special combinations of segment registers and common registers that indicate important addresses: CS:IP (CS is a code segment, IP is the instruction pointer) indicates the address where the processor will be next line of code. SS:SP (SS is a segment stack, SP is a stack pointer) pointer) at the address of the top of the stack, i.e. most recently pushed byte. DS:SI (DS is a segment of data, SI is Source Index) is often used to point to the lines of data that are about to be copied in ES:DI.ES:DI (ES is an additional segment, DI is an destination index) is commonly used to indicate the destination for a copy of the line as mentioned above. Intel 80386 had three modes of operation: real mode, secure mode, and virtual mode. , which debuted in 80286 was expanded to allow 80386 to address up to 4GB of memory, the all-new virtual 8086 mode (VM86) allowed the launch of one or more real mode programs in a secure environment that largely emulated the real mode, although some programs were not compatible (usually as a result of memory solution tricks solutions or using unspecified op-eds). The 32-bit flat 80386 extended protected memory model may be the most important feature change for the x86 family of processors until AMD released x86-64 in 2003, as it helped manage the large-scale adoption of Windows 3.1 (which relied on secure mode) as Windows can now run many apps simultaneously, including DOS applications, using virtual memory and simple multi-tasking. Execution Modes Additional information: X86 Architecture x86 processors support five modes of operation for x86 code, real mode, protected mode, long mode, virtual mode 86, and system management mode, in which some instructions are available and others are not. The 16-bit subset of instructions are available on 16-bit x86 processors, which are 8086, 8088, 80186, 80188 and 80286. These instructions are available in real mode on all x86 processors, and additional instructions regarding protected mode are available in 16-bit secure mode (80286). On 80386 and later, 32-bit instructions (including later extensions) are also available in all modes, including real mode; these processors, V86 mode, and 32-bit protected mode add additional instructions to manage their functions in these modes. The SMM, with some of its own special instructions, is available on some Intel i386SL, i486 and later processors. Finally, in long mode (AMD Opteron further), 64-bit instructions, and more registers are also available. The set of instructions is similar in each mode, but the memory of the addresses and the size of the word vary, requiring different programming strategies. The modes in which x86 code can be executed in are: Real Mode (16-bit) 20-bit segmented space memory address (meaning that only 1 MiB memory can be solved- in fact, a little more), direct software access to hardware protection, and not the concept of or multitasking at the hardware level. Computers that use BIOS are launched in this mode. The protected mode (16-bit and 32-bit) extends targeted physical memory to 16MB and targeted virtual memory to 1GB. Provides levels of privilege and memory that prevents programs from corrupting each other. The 16-bit protected mode (used at the end of the DOS era) used a complex multi-stage memory model. The 32-bit protected mode uses a simple, flat memory model. Long mode (64-bit) Basically extending the 32-bit (protected mode) set of instructions, but unlike the 16-to-32-bit transition, many instructions were removed in 64-bit mode. For the first time AMD. Virtual Mode 8086 (16-bit) Special Hybrid Mode, which allows real mode programs and operating systems to operate under the control of the system's secure control system System Management Mode (16-bit) Processes system functions such as power management, system hardware management and proprietary OEM developed code. Designed to be used only by system firmware. All normal performance, including the operating system, has been suspended. An alternative software system (which is usually found in computer firmware, or hardware gger) is then performed with high privileges. The Switch Processor works in real mode immediately after the power is switched on, so the core of the operating system or other program should explicitly switch to a different mode if it wants to work in anything other than real mode. Switching modes is done by changing certain bits of processor control registers after some preparation, and some additional settings may be required after switching. Examples With the computer running the legacy of BIOS, BIOS and the loader running in real mode, the 64-bit core operating system checks and switches the processor in Long mode and then launches new cores of streaming mode running 64-bit code. With a UEFI-controlled computer, UEFI firmware (except CSM and the outdated Option ROM), the UEFI download loader and the UEFI operating system core run in long mode. Types of instructions In general, features a modern set of instructions x86: compact encoding Variable length and alignment independent (coded as little endian, as all data in the architecture x86) Basically one address and two address instructions, that is, the first operand is also the destination. Memory operas of both source and purpose (often used to read/record stack items addressed with small immediate shifts) are supported. Both general and implicit use of registers; although all seven (considering ebp) common registers in 32-bit mode, and all fifteen (rbp account) of general registers in 64-bit mode, can be freely used as accumulators or for solution, most of them are also implicitly used by certain (more or less) special instructions; therefore, the affected registers must be temporarily retained if they are active during such sequences of instructions. Produces conditional flags implicitly through most ALU instructions. Supports various solution modes, including immediate, biased and scalable index, but PC-relative, except for jumps (introduced as an improvement in the architecture of x86-64). Includes a floating point in a stack of registers. Contains special support for atomic instructions on read-modification-recording (xchg, cmpxchg/cmpxchg8b, xadd and integer instructions, which are combined with the locking console) SIMD INSTRUCTION (instructions that perform parallel simultaneous simultaneous single instructions on many operands encoded in adjacent cells of wider registers). The x86 Architecture Stack Instructions has the hardware support of the execution stack mechanism. Instructions such as push, pop, call, and ret are used with a well-configured stack to transmit settings, allocate space for local data, and save and restore call return points. The ret size instruction is very useful for implementing effective (and fast) space call conventions where the inductee is responsible for restoring the space of the stack occupied by the parameters. There are several options when you set up a stack frame to store local recursive data; High level enter instruction (introduced with 80186) takes the procedure of nesting depth argument, as well as local size argument, and can be faster than more explicit manipulation of registers (such as push bp; mov bp, sp; sub sp, size). Whether it's faster or slower depends on the specific implementation of the x86 processor, as well as on the call convention used by the compiler, programmer, or specific program code; Most x86 code is designed to run on x86 processors from multiple manufacturers and on different technological generation processors, implying very different microarchitectures and microcode solutions, as well as different gate and transistor level design choices. The full range of address modes (including immediate and basic) even for instructions such as push and pop makes direct use of the stack for whole, floating point and address data simple, and makes ABI specifications and mechanisms relatively simple compared to some RISC architectures (require clearer stack details). The Instructions Integer ALU x86 assembly has standard mathematical operations, add, sub, mule, with idiv; logical operators and, or, xor, neg; bit arithmetic and logic, sal/sar, shl/shr; rotate with and without carrying, rcl/rcr, rol/ror, in addition to BCD, aaa, aad, daa and others. The x86 floating instructions include instructions for a floating block (FPU) based on the stack. The FPU was an additional separate coprocessor for the 8086 via 80386, it was a chip option for the 80486 series, and it's a standard feature in every Intel x86 processor with 80486 starting with pentium. FPU instructions include addition, subtraction, denial, multiplication, division, residue, square roots, sullenness surly fractions and scale in power capacity Two. Operations also include conversion instructions that can load or store value from memory in any of the following formats: binary decimal, 32-bit integer, 64-bit integer, 32-bit melting point, 64-bit melting point or 80-bit melting point (when loaded, the value is converted into the current floating point). x86 also includes a number of transcendental functions, including sinus, Cosyn, tangent, arctangent, exponential with base 2 and logarithms to bases 2, 10, or e. Stack stack stack stack format of instructions, usually Fop st, st(n) or fop st(n), st, where st is equivalent st(0), and st(n) is one of 8 stack registers (st(0), st(1), st(7). Like the integrators, the first operand is both the first source of operands and operands. fsubr and fdivr should be singled out as the first replacement of the operands source before subtraction or division. In addition, subtraction, multiplication, separation, storage and comparison instructions include instructions for modes that pop the top of the stack after their work is completed. For example, faddp st(1), st calculates st(1) - st(1) and st(0), then removes st(0) from the top of the stack, thus doing what was the result in st(1) the top of the stack in st(0). SIMD Instructions Modern x86 processors contain SIMD instructions that basically perform the same operation in parallel with many values encoded in a wide SIMD registry. Different training technologies support different operations on different sets of registers, but taken in general (from MMX to SSE4.2) they include general calculations on whole or floating coils arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, shift, minimization, maximization, comparison, division or square root). For example, paddw mm0, mm1 performs 4 parallel 16-bit (indicated w) integer adds (indicated to ups ups) mm0 to mm1 and stores the result in mm0. Streaming extensions SIMD or SSE also includes a floating point mode, which actually changes only the first register value (expanded in SSE2). Some other unusual instructions have been added including the sum of absolute differences (used to estimate movement in video compression, as is done in MPEG) and 16-bit multiplication instructions (useful for alpha-mixing and digital filtering software). SSE (with SSE3) and 3DNow! Extensions include additional instructions and instructions for subtraction to treat paired floating point values such as complex numbers. These sets of instructions also include numerous fixed instructions for shuffling, inserting, and extracting values within registers. In addition, there are instructions for moving data between integer and XMM registers (used in SSE/FPU registers (used in Instructions for manipulating data processor x86 also complex address modes to solve the immediate compensation memory problem, register, offset register, scaled register with or without offset, and additional offset register and other scalable register. For example, you can encode mov eax, Table ebx esi as a single instruction that downloads 32 bits of data from an address calculated as (Table and ebx and esi 4) offset by the ds selector, and stores it in the eax registry. In general, x86 processors can download and use memory comparable to the size of any register it works on. (SIMD instructions also include instructions on half the load.) X86's set of instructions includes string load, shop, move, scan and compare instructions (lods, stos, movs, scas and cmps), which perform each operation up to a certain size (b for 8-bit byte, w for 16-bit word, d for 32-bit double words), then increments/decrements (depending on DF, direction flag) non- indigenous address register (si for lods, di for stos and scas, and both for movs). For downloading, storing and scanning operations, the implicit target/source/comparison register is in the al, ax or eax register (depending on size). Implicit segment registers are used by ds for si and es for di. Register cx or ecx is used as a counter, and the operation stops when the counter reaches zero or (for scanning and comparison) when inequality is detected. The stack is implemented with implicit decrementing (push) and increment (pop) stack pointer. In 16-bit mode, this implicit stack pointer is seen as SS: SP, in 32-bit mode it's SS: ESP and in 64-bit mode it's RSP. The stack pointer actually indicates the last value that has been saved, assuming that its size will correspond to the CPU mode (i.e. 16, 32, or 64 bits) according to the default width of the push/pop/call/ret instructions. Also included are instructions to enter and leave that reserve and remove data from the top of the stack when you set up the stack frame pointer into bp/ebp/rbp. However, direct customization, or adding and subtracting to the sp/esp/rsp register is also supported, so input/exit instructions are generally not needed. This code at the beginning of the feature: click ebp; Save the frame of the call function stack (ebp) mov ebp, esp; Make a new frame stack at the top of our subscriber sub ESP, 4; highlight 4 bytes of stack space for local variables of this feature... Functionally equivalent to simple: Enter 4, 0 Other instructions for manipulating the stack include pushf/popf for storage and extraction (E)FLAGS register. Pusha/popa instructions will store and extract the entire state of the register in and out of the stack. Values to download a SIMD or store are supposed to be packed into adjacent positions for the SIMD register and aligned in little Andian order. Some SSE SSE download and storage requires a 16-row alignment to function properly. SIMD instructions also include prefetch instructions that perform the load but do not target any register used to load the cache. SSE's set of instructions also includes non-temporary store instructions that will run stores directly into memory without singling out the cache if the destination is not yet cached (otherwise it will behave like a regular store). Most general instructions on integrator and floating point (but without SIMD) can use one option as a complex address as the second source setting. Integer instructions can also take one memory option as an operand destination. The x86 Build stream has an unconditional jump operation, jmp, which can take an immediate address, register, or indirect address as a parameter (note that most RISC processors only support a link register or a short immediate jump move). Also supported are several conditional jumps, including jz (jump to zero), jnz (non-zero jump), jg (jump on more than signed), jl (jump on less than signed), ja (jump above/more than unsigned), jb (jump below/less, unsigned). These conditional operations are based on the state of specific bits in the (E)FLAGS register. Many arithmetic and logical operations establish, clear or complement these flags depending on their result. Comparisons (compare) and test instructions set flags as if they had subtracted or slightly and operated accordingly, without changing the values of the operend. There are also instructions such as clc (clear flag carry) and cmc (add to carry the flag) that run on the flags directly. Floating comparisons of tos are performed using fcom or ficom instructions, which eventually need to be converted into more integrative flags. Each jump operation has three different shapes, depending on the size of the opera. The short jump uses an 8-bit signed operand, which is a relative shift away from the current instruction. The nearest jump is similar to a short jump, but uses a 16-bit signed operand (in real or secure mode) or a 32-bit signed operand (only in 32-bit protected mode). Far Jump is the one that uses the full base segment: shifting value as an absolute address. There are also indirect and index forms of each. In addition to simple jump operations, there are call (call routines) and ret (return from routine) instructions. Before handing over control to the routine, the call pushes the offset address of the instruction segment after the call to the stack; ret pops this value out of the stack, and jumps towards it, effectively returning the flow of control to this part In the case of a long-distance call, the segment base is pushed out after displacement; far ret slams the offset and then segment the base for a return. There are also two similar instructions, Int (interrupt), which are the current register value (E)FLAGS in the stack, then makes a distant call, except that instead of the address it uses an interruption vector, the index in the address table of the interrupt handler. Typically, the interruption handler saves all the other CPU registers it uses if they are not used to return the result of the operation to the call program (in software called interruptions). Return matching from an interruption of the iret instruction, which restores the flags upon return. The soft interruptions of the type described above are used by some operating systems for system calls, and can also be used to debug hard-interrupted handlers. Solid interruptions are caused by external hardware events and must preserve all register values, as the status of the program currently executed is unknown. In secure interruption mode, the OS can be configured to start a task switch, which will automatically save all registers of the active task. Examples of this article may have contained original research. Please improve it by checking the claims made and adding links. Applications consisting only of original research must be removed. (March 2013) (Learn how and when to delete this message template) Hello world! The program for DOS in masM style assembly Use interruption 21h for output - other samples use libc in printf to print on thick. .model small .stack 100h .data msg db 'Hello world!$' .code start: mov ah, 09h; Display of message lea dx, msg int 21h mov ax, 4C00h; Stop performing int 21h end start Hello World! A program for Windows in masM style of assembly; requires /coff switch at 6.15 and earlier versions .386 .model small,c .stack 1000h .data msg db Hello world!,0 .code includelib libcmt.liblib libvcruntime.lib include libucrt.lib includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib extrn printf:near extrn exit:near public-main proc push offset msg call printf push 0 call exit main endp endp endp Hello world! Windows program in NASM style assembly Image base - 0x0040000 % identify RVA (x-0x00400000) section .text push dword hello call dword (printf) push byte No0 call dword section .data hello hello db Hello world! section .idata dd RVA (msvcrt_LookupTable) dd -1 dd 0 dd RVA (msvcrt_string) dd RVA (msvcrt_imports) times 5 dd 0; ends with a descriptor table msvcrt_string dd msvcrt.dll, 0 msvcrt_LookupTable: dd RVA (msvcrt_printf) dd RVA (msvcrt_exit) dd 0 msvcrt_imports: printf dd RVA (msvcrt_printf) exit dd RVA (msvcrt_exit) dd 0 msvcrt_printf: DW 1 print DWf, 0 msvcrt_exit: DW 2 DW exit, 0 dd 0 Hello, world! Linux program in NASM style assembly; This program works in a 32-bit secure mode. ; Assembly: nasm-f elf-f blows name.asm; Link: ld-o name.o; In the Long mode can use 64-bit registers (e.g. rax instead of eax, rbx instead of ebx, etc.) Also change the -f elf for -f elf64 in the assembly team. ; Section Section ; section for initialized str data: db 'Hello World!', 0Ah; message string with a new line symbol at the end (10 decimal) str_len: equ$- str ; calcs length string (bytes), subtracting the starting address str; From this section address (symbol $) .text; This is the code of the global _start section. _start is an entry point and needs global reach to be noticed; linker -- the equivalent of the main () in C/C-_start: the definition of _start begins here mov eax, 4 ; Specify the code sys_write (from the OS vector table) mov ebx, 1; specify the handle file is thick - in gnu/linux, everything is treated as a file, ; Even mov ecx hardware, str; Move the beginning of the address of the message line to the ecx register mov edx, str_len; Move the message length (in bytes) Int 80h; interrupt the kernel to perform the we just created -; in gnu/linux services are requested through the mov eax kernel, 1; specify sys_exit functions (from the OS vector table) mov ebx, 0; specify the return code for the OS (zero says the OS went well) Int 80h ; Interrupt the kernel to perform a system call (to the exit) Hello world! Linux program to build NASM style with standard C library; This program works in a 32-bit secure mode. ; gcc connects the standard-C library by default; Assembly: nasm-f elf-f blows name.asm; Link: gcc-o name.o; In a 64-bit long mode, you can use 64-bit registers (e.g. rax instead of eax, rbx instead of ebx, etc.); Also change the -f elf for -f elf64 in the assembly team. ; The global core should be defined as C-Standard Library extern printf ;d determines the use of an external symbol because printf is announced in another object module. ; Linker resolves this symbol later. segment .data ;section for the initialized data line db 'Hello World!', 0Ah, 0h ;message string with a new ball (10 decimal) and Terminator NULL ;string now refers to the original address at which Hello, World is stored. segment .text main: push ;p ush address of the first line character on the stack. This will be an argument for printing a call printf ;calls printf add ESP, 4 ;advances stack-pointer on 4 flushing from pushed string argument ret ;return Hello, world! A program for 64-bit Linux in NASM build style; Assembly: nasm -f elf64 -F dwarf hello.asm; Link: ld-o hello hello.o DEFAULT REL; use the default RIP-relative address modes, so foo (rel foo) SECTION .rodata; Read only data can go in the section .rodata on GNU / Linux as .rdata on Windows Hello: DB Hello, world!,10 ; 10 and '. len_Hello: equ $-Hello ; Get NASM to calculate length as a permanent time assembly;; write () takes a long time, so a 0-terminated C-style string is required. It would be for puts SECTION .text global _start _start: mov 1 ; __NR_write syscall от Linux asm/unistd_64.h (x86_64) mov edi, 1 ; int fd - STDOUT_FILENO леа леа (Rel Hello) ; x86-64 uses RIP-relative LEA to put static addresses in regs mov rdx, len_Hello; size_t a len_Hello siskall count; Write (1, Hello, len_Hello); Call to the core to actually make a system call;; return value in RAX. RCX and R11 also re-recorded syscall mov eax, 60 ; __NR_exit number (x86_64) xor edi, edi; Status No 0 (exit usually) syscall; _exit (0) Run it under strace checks that no additional system calls are made in the process. The printf version would make many more system calls to initiate libc and make dynamic joining. But it's static performing because we're bound by ld without a pie or any common libraries; The only instructions that work in the are the ones you provide. $strace ./hello zgt; /dev/null - without redirection, the thick of your program is a mixed strace's logging on stderr. What is usually fine execve (../hello, ./hello, 0x7ffc8b0b3570 /- 51 vars s/) - 0 write (1, Hello, world!, 13) 13 exit (0) ? Exit with 0 using Flags Register flags are largely used for comparison in the x86 architecture. When the data is compared between the two data, the processor sets the appropriate flag or flags. After that, conditional instructions on jumps can be used to check flags and branch code that should work, such as: cmp eax, ebx jne do_something; ... do_something: ; To do something here flags are also used in the architecture of x86 to turn on and off certain functions or execution modes. For example, you can use an instruction to disable all masked interruptions: you can also access the flag registry directly. Low 8 bits of flag register can be downloaded in using lahf instructions. The entire flag register can also be moved and off the stack using pushf, popf, int (including in) and iret instructions. Using the instruction pointer registration, the instruction pointer is called ip in 16-bit mode, eip in 32-bit mode and rip in 64-bit mode. Register the instruction pointer indicates the address of memory that the processor will perform the next time it attempts. it may not be directly available in 16-bit or 32-bit mode, but the sequence as the following can be written to put the address next_line in eax: call next_line next_line: pop eax This sequence of instructions generates position-independent code because the call takes instruction-pointer-relative direct operand, describing the bias of bytes of the target and instructions from the following instruction (in this case 0). Writing the instruction pointer is simple - the jmp instruction sets the instruction pointer to the target address, so, for example, the sequence is how the next content will deliver in eip: jmp eax In 64-bit mode, instructions can refer to data regarding the instruction pointer, so there is less need to copy the meaning of the instruction pointer to another register. See also the X86 X86 Assembly language listings of the X86 Architecture Processor Design List of Collectors Self-changing code DOS Links - b c d e Narayam, Ram (2007-10-17). Linux Pickers: Gas and NASM comparison. Archive from the original dated October 3, 2013. Received 2008-07-02. Create Unix. Archive from the original on April 2, 2014. Hyde, Randall. Which picker is the best?. Received 2008-05-18. GNU Assembler News, v2.1 supports Intel syntax. 2008-04-04. Received 2008-07-02. -Bugs (use as). Binutils documentation. Received on January 15, 2020. Scott Mueller (March 24, 2006). P2 (286) second-generation processors. PC upgrade and repair, 17th edition (book) (17 ed.). K. ISBN 0-7897-3404-4. Received 2017-12-06. I just started the Assembly. 2008. Further reading of the Intel 64 Guide and IA-32 Software Developer's Guide to AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Guide (volume 1-5) Books by Ed, Jorgensen (May 2018). x86-64 Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu (PDF) (1.0.97 ed.). page 367. 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