Deliverable D7.2 - Organisation of an International Symposium

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Deliverable D7.2 - Organisation of an International Symposium Project acronym: GOTSolar Grant Agreement No.: 687008 Project full title: New technological advances for the third generation of Solar cells Deliverable D7.2 - Organisation of an International Symposium Start date of the project: 01/01/2016 Project coordinator name: Adélio Mendes Duration of the project: 36 months Institution of the Project coordinator: UPORTO Period covered by this report: WP Reference: WP7 from 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2017 WP leader name: Janusz Lewiński Nr. pages: 29 Institution of the WP leader: IChF PAN 1 CONTENTS 1. Executive summary ............................................................................................................................. 3 2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 4 3. General Idea ........................................................................................................................................ 5 4. Organisers ........................................................................................................................................... 6 5. Timeline .............................................................................................................................................. 7 6. Venue .................................................................................................................................................. 8 7. Topics .................................................................................................................................................. 8 8. Website ............................................................................................................................................... 9 9. Participants ....................................................................................................................................... 11 10. Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 12 11. Keynote and Invited Lectures ........................................................................................................ 13 12.1. Keynote speakers and lectures .............................................................................................. 13 12.2. Invited speakers and lectures ................................................................................................ 16 12. Oral Sessions .................................................................................................................................. 19 12.1. Session 1: Towards lead-free PSCs ........................................................................................ 19 12.2. Session 2: Mechanistic and Theoretical approaches to PSCs ................................................ 19 12.3. Session 3 Physicochemical Processes in PSCs........................................................................ 19 12.4. Session 4: Non-perovskite materials for PSCs ....................................................................... 20 12.5. Session 5: Towards high stability PSCs .................................................................................. 20 12.6. Session 6: Solution vs Solid-state processes in PSCs ............................................................. 20 12.7. Session 7: Novel architectures and fabrication techniques .................................................. 21 12.8. Session 8: Perovskite nanocrystals and their applications .................................................... 21 13. Poster Session ................................................................................................................................ 22 14. Discussions and Networking .......................................................................................................... 23 15. Presentation of GOTSolar scientific results ................................................................................... 24 16. Awards ........................................................................................................................................... 25 17. Promotion of the Symposium ........................................................................................................ 26 18. Scientific Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 28 19. Deliverable Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 29 Disclaimer excluding Agency responsibility ............................................................................................... 29 2 1. Executive summary The Perovskite Solar Cells Symposium has been organised within the E-MRS Fall Meeting 2017 as an action previewed in Work Package 7. The event took place at Poland's Warsaw University of Technology between 19 and 21 September 2017, attracting 70+ participating scientists and company delegates from 20+ countries, who gave their insights into the progress made in the research in perovskite photovoltaics. Highlights of the 3 days of the Symposium were the keynote lectures of Prof. Michael Grätzel (EPFL), Prof. Mercouri Kanatzidis (Northwestern University), and Prof. Udo Bach (Monash University Melbourne), and the invited lectures of Prof. Kai Zhu (NREL), Prof. Simone Meloni (University of Rome), and Prof. Jiwon Kim (Yonsei Univeristy). Programme of the symposium was completed by 23 short talks, ca. 30 posters, and a interdisciplinary plenary session. 3 2. Introduction The aim of the GOTSolar project is to give substantial impact to the research on highly efficient, long-lasting and environmentally safe perovskite solar cells as clean and effective next generation energy sources. However, this goal is important for the whole community of photovoltaic scientists. The need to share the efforts for the benefit of the whole community, resulted in organising an event focusing on the recent progress in perovskite photovoltaics. In this report, we present the description of preparation, and conduction of the Perovskite Solar Cells Symposium held within the E-MRS Fall Meeting 2017. We describe organisational as well as scientific issues, and give insight about reasoning between our decisions. This action has been covered by the Work Package 7 (WP7): Project exploitation, Dissemination and communication . The main objective of WP7, as described in the Grant Agreement, is to create consciousness of the project, stimulate dissemination of the project results and organise dissemination actions. In the grant proposal, GOTSolar Consortium stated to organise, in the course of the project, two major international scientific events, a conference and a symposium, one of which could be organised as a part of more complex event. However, basing on our conclusion from the feasibility research, GOTSolar Consortium suggested a slight change in the events nomenclature with retaining the goals and timing of both events. According to this alteration, which was stated in the Deliverable D7.5 ( Dissemination Interim Report submitted in December 2016), in 2017 the GOTSolar consortium organised a symposium held within the European Material Research Society (E-MRS) Fall Meeting. As stated in Deliverable D7.5, the final outcome of the Symposium is now being presented as Deliverable D7.2. Closer to the project end, in 2018 a participation in a conference focusing very specifically on perovskite solar cells will be planned in the series of the well-recognised International Conference on Perovskite Thin Film Photovoltaics (ABXPV). Its outcome will have been presented in Deliverable D7.3 by the end of 2018. 4 3. General Idea The main idea of the Perovskite Solar Cells Symposium was to gather specialists in the field of perovskite photovoltaics to provide an update on the current progress in pushing perovskite- based devices towards the market. The Symposium was also aimed at collecting and sharing information about overcoming the most important constructional, efficiency and stability issues, as well as to express the role of the GOTSolar project in the perovskite world. The organizers perceive searching for the clean energy as an interdisciplinary scientific mission that, in order to be efficient, should be tackled from multiple angles. Therefore we decided to organise the Symposium as a part of a bigger event, in the environment where people as well as their ideas could mix and where the idea of perovskite photovoltaics may be discussed across other branches of science. We believe that by creating such opportunity, the process of searching for solutions concerning the construction of perovskite-based devices has been greatly enhanced. After consideration of several possibilities, the organising committee made a decision to organise the Symposium as a part of the well-established Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). The E-MRS was established in 1983 through the initiative of individual European Materials scientists in order to enhance the links between materials science and industry and to provide a voice for the materials community. Its annual Fall Meeting provides the opportunity to exchange ideas, expand one's knowledge and make new contacts. In 2017, the Meeting consisted of 23 parallel symposia focused on different topics and research fields, and featured also a general plenary session. For its
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