B R Ambedkar, W E B Dubois and the Process of Liberation
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Perspectives (violent struggle represented by Malcolm X). Black power movement bordering on B R Ambedkar, separatism and Black Muslim movement were other manifestations of that struggle. As late as 1992 Arthur Schlesinger Jr W E B DuBois and the wrote that “racism has been a great na- tional tragedy”.4 It is not surprising, there- fore, that in India a large number of dalit Process of Liberation writers, particularly in Maharashtra, com- pared their struggle with that of Blacks in B R Ambedkar’s American ‘experience’ helped him hone his America. The Dalit Panther Movement commitment to a pragmatic, flexible democratic system. For most was modelled on Black Panther Move- authors, Ambedkar was not influenced by the Black American ment. V S Naipaul writes in India: A Million Mutinies Now that Namdeo struggle, though his stay in America coincided with an Dhasal’s career was like the career of a efflorescence of Black protest literature. Instead he used his number of Black Power people in the US.5 knowledge of American culture to analyse his own country’s Sharad Kumar Limbale, one of the promi- social situation. This essay analyses the writings of Ambedkar nent dalit writers, has written his PhD dissertation on Negroes and dalits. and W E B DuBois as both sought a way out to liberate their Even if it is conceded that the untouch- long oppressed peoples. ables in India were of the same racial stock as the caste Hindus, although it has not S D KAPOOR Black American reality, that was strug- been conclusively established as yet, it does gling to assert itself. I believe that the not follow that the comparison between n one of the essays, ‘The American Black American component of his Ameri- the two cannot be made. James Baldwin, Experience of B R Ambedkar’ in- can experience has been glossed over or while emphasising the uniqueness of Black Icluded in her book, From Untouch- has not been sufficiently researched. Since experience in America, finds similarities able to Dalit, Eleanor Zelliot writes: “A Black struggle is integral to American between the Blacks and the oppressed direct comparison between the Negroes of experience, it is difficult to keep this part groups in other countries. In a piece on America and Untouchables of India does out of Ambedkar’s experience of America. James Baldwin, Stephen Spender writes: not appear in Ambedkar’s writings.” She The period of Ambedkar’s stay at “If the Negro problem is resolvable, the may be right, in a way, but Ambedkar does Columbia University (1913-16) coincided only useful way of discussing it is to con- make comparison between slaves and with the most crucial period in Black sider American Negroes in a situation com- untouchables, cites parallel cases and also American history. It was the period of parable to that of workers and Negroes shows how Hindus lack social and public Harlem Renaissance when Black Ameri- elsewhere (like dalits in India). To write conscience as against the white Americans.1 can writers and thinkers were trying to as though Negroes do not exist anywhere The reason why Zelliot finds no direct separate those aspects of their existence except in America is to induce despair, to comparison between the two oppressed that made them different from the whites. suggest that in America, white and black, groups is that Ambedkar found no racial In fact, they were struggling to free them- cannot become integrated to the (rather basis for untouchability. From this she selves from the white imagination which limited) extent to which they have been, deduces that Ambedkar was not influ- had defined their existence for them. Their for example, in Brazil. It is in fact playing enced by the struggle of Negroes (they struggle did not end with the Civil War in the hands of black Muslims whose prefer to call themselves African Ameri- and the Fourteenth Amendment of the position is that America – world even – cans or Blacks) in America but used his constitution of the US. It continued long has to choose between having but black “knowledge of American culture to analyse after the period of Reconstruction both in or nothing but white people by which it his own country’s social situation”. Thus, the south and the north. Malcolm X, in is meant that it would be undemocratic to according to her, the American experience the first chapter of his autobiography titled have nothing but the black majority.”6 The of Ambedkar “seems to be chiefly in deve- ‘Nightmare’ mentions the warnings and comparison between the oppressed groups loping his commitment to a pragmatic, threats given by the Ku Klux Klan raiders is natural despite different historical situ- flexible democratic system”. Zelliot seems to his family that they better leave the ations because the process of liberation is to limit Ambedkar’s interest in America town. Malcolm’s father was a dedicated almost similar. Although the direct com- to the effort made by white American to organiser for Marcus Aurelius Garvey’s parison between the Blacks and untouch- create an egalitarian democracy.2 For Universal Negro Improvement Associa- ables is rather limited in Ambedkar’s her Ambedkar’s experience of Black tion. The incident took place before writings, the influence of America, in- Americans counts for nothing. Malcolm X’s birth.3 The struggle inten- cluding Black America, goes deeper than Apart from the trappings of American sified in the 1950s and the 1960s moving direct comparisons can show. I find marked democracy to which Ambedkar was from civil rights (non-violent struggle of similarities between W E B DuBois and exposed, there was another reality, the Martin Luther King Jr) to human rights B R Ambedkar in the process of liberation 5344 Economic and Political Weekly December 27, 2003 of their people. It is here that the compari- recognise the value of courage and human taken care of casteism and racism, it is son is valid and ought to be considered. dignity”. Rajsekhariah adds: “How could pointless to talk about it. But a single Ambedkar escape the influence of such a incident in Los Angeles or in a remote Slaves and Untouchables silent revolution that was brought about village in Rajasthan or Bihar exposes the by Booker T Washington, about whom he falsity of this argument. Similarly, it is In an essay, ‘Slaves and Untouchables’, had learnt so much while in America.”10 facile to argue that racism and casteism Ambedkar compares the two inhuman Rajsekhariah does not mention DuBois in were invented to deal with a particular systems pointing out the level of segrega- such glowing terms although he was doing historical situation and it was necessary at tion and the degree of psychological dam- much more revolutionary work than that particular point of time. Ambedkar age caused by them. “Slavery was never Washington. DuBois wanted his people to argues that a division of labour eventually obligatory. But untouchability is obliga- educate themselves in the best manner became a division of labourers and became tory. The law of slavery permitted eman- possible – not just for mechanical work the basis of graded inequality. A system cipation. Once a slave always a slave was which was the object of Tuskegee institute thus invented doesn’t suddenly disappear not the fate of the slave. In untouchability – and work for change so that they could with a change in historical situation. It there is no escape. Once an untouchable not only compete with the white on equal acquires association and mythical, even always an untouchable. The other differ- footing but also help raise their unfortu- rational, justification. The power of the ence is that untouchability is an indirect nate brethren. Towards the end of his book privileged whether in India or the US rests form of slavery. A deprivation of a man’s Rajsekhariah mentions DuBois to whom upon lies which are propagated in such a freedom by an open and direct way is a Ambedkar had sent a letter exploring the manner that they get internalised. Even preferable form of enslavement. It makes possibility of taking the question of the after the lie on which the entire structure the slave conscious of his enslavement and untouchables to the newly born United of racism and casteism is based is exposed, to become conscious of slavery is the first Nations Organisation. The letter was sent it continues to exist in the minds of people. and most important step in the battle for to the University of Atlanta, Georgia, US Dalits in India took a long time, as com- freedom. But if a man is deprived of his where DuBois was working as a professor. pared to Blacks in America, in reaching liberty indirectly he has no consciousness The letter was despatched on July 2, 1946.11 the level of awareness of their predicament. of his enslavement. Untouchability is an Ambedkar probably had no time to pursue And even when they did reach that level, indirect form of slavery.”7 the matter as soon after the British govern- their awareness was still enmeshed in the Columbia University, where Ambedkar ment announced that it would hand over complex hierarchy of caste within their was working for his degree, was close to power to Indian leaders by June 1948. I own group. In Laxman Mane’s Outsider Harlem, and it seems unlikely that he had no do not think it was a sudden revelation to the protagonist fights against the strangle- knowledge of the stirrings going on there. Ambedkar that DuBois was a prominent hold of caste throughout his life but ends Besides, there were two prominent Black Black leader and could help him in his up by accepting the same debasing and leaders whose approaches to Black prob- crusade against untouchability.