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2013Mvb Mg Bw.Pdf Jan. 4 at BYU 7:00 p.m. MAR. 1 CAL STATE NORTHRIDGE* 7:00 P.M. Jan. 5 at BYU 7:00 p.m. MAR. 3 CAL STATE NORTHRIDGE* 5:00 P.M. OUTRIGGER HOTELS AND RESORTS INVITATIONAL MAR. 8 USC* 7:00 P.M. JAN. 10 UCLA vs. Penn State 4:00 p.m. MAR. 10 USC* 5:00 P.M. OHIO STATE 7:00 P.M. Mar. 15 at Cal Baptist* 7:00 p.m. JAN. 11 Ohio State vs. UCLA 4:00 p.m. Mar. 16 at Cal Baptist* 7:00 p.m. PENN STATE 7:00 P.M. MAR. 22 PACIFIC* 7:00 P.M. JAN. 12 Ohio State vs. Penn State 4:00 p.m. MAR. 23 PACIFIC* 7:00 P.M. UCLA 7:00 P.M. MAR. 29 UC SANTA BARBARA* 7:00 P.M. Jan. 18 at Long Beach State* 7:00 p.m. MAR. 30 UC SANTA BARBARA* 7:00 P.M. Jan. 19 at Long Beach State* 8:00 p.m. APR. 7 ALUMNI 5:00 P.M. JAN. 25 PEPPERDINE* 7:00 P.M. Apr. 12 at UC San Diego* 7:00 p.m. JAN. 27 PEPPERDINE* 5:00 P.M. Apr. 13 at UC San Diego* 7:00 p.m. FEB. 1 STANFORD* 7:00 P.M. Apr. 20 MPSF 1st Round (TBD) TBD FEB. 2 STANFORD* 7:00 P.M. Apr. 26 MPSF Semifinals (TBD) TBD Feb. 15 at UCLA* 7:00 p.m. Apr. 27 MPSF Championship (TBD) TBD May 2 NCAA Semifinals (Los Angeles, CA) TBD Feb. 16 at UCLA* 7:00 p.m. May 4 NCAA Finals (Los Angeles, CA) TBD Feb. 18 at UC Irvine* 7:00 p.m. BOLD CAPS = Home games played at Stan Sheriff Center 8 * = Denotes a Feb. 19 at UC Irvine* 7:00 p.m. Mountain Pacific Sports Federal contest 8 All times local to site & subject to change WHAT’S INSIDE QUICK FACTS Location _________________ Honolulu, O‘ahu Founded ___________________________1907 Enrollment _______________________ 20,000 Nickname ______________________ Warriors Colors _______ Green, Black, Silver and White Chancellor ________________ Dr. Tom Apple Athletics Director __________________Ben Jay Conference __Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Home Facility _____Stan Sheriff Center/10,300 SPORTS MEDIA RELATIONS Director/Volleyball Contact ____ Derek Inouchi E-Mail ________________ [email protected] MEDIA INFORMATION Office Phone ______________ (808) 956-4478 Media Information ___________________________ 2 Cell Phone ________________ (808) 954-0234 Media Outlets ______________________________ 3 Office Fax ________________ (808) 956-4470 Stan Sheriff Center ___________________________ 4 Press Row Phone ___________ (808) 956-9408 Web Site _______ HawaiiAthletics.com 2013 WARRIOR VOLLEYBALL Address __________ 1337 Lower Campus Rd., Season Outlook ___________________________ 6-7 Honolulu, HI 96822 Head Coach Charlie Wade _____________________ 8 Assistant Coaches ____________________________ 9 COACHING STAFF Support Staff ______________________________ 10 Head Coach _________________Charlie Wade Rosters ___________________________________ 11 Alma Mater (year) __ Cal State Fullerton (1991) Warrior Player Bios ______________________ 12-23 Record at UH (Years) ____________ 41-43 (3) Returnees ____________________________12-20 Career (Years) _______________________Same Newcomers __________________________21-23 Mountain Pacifi c Sports Federation _____________ 24 Office Phone ______________ (808) 956-4505 All-Time Opponents ________________________ 25 Best Time to Call ________ Weekday Mornings Outrigger Hotels Invitational _______________ 26-27 Associate Coach ______ Jeff Hall (Pacific, 1999) Assistant Coach __ Sean Carney (Hawai‘i, 2011) A LOOK BACK AT 2012 Season Review _____________________________ 28 TEAM INFORMATION Final Statistics __________________________ 29-31 2012 Overall Record _________________ 7-20 2012 MPSF Record _____________4-18 (12th) WARRIOR HISTORY 2012 Postseason ____________________ None National Awards and Honors __________________ 32 2012 Final AVCA Ranking _____________ NR All-Americans ______________________________ 33 Letterwinners Returning/Lost ___________ 9/9 Conference Awards and Honors _____________ 34-35 Starters Returning/Lost ___________3/3+libero National Team _____________________________ 35 Year-by-Year Statistical Leaders _________________ 36 CREDITS: Th e Individual & Team Records ___________________ 37 2013 University Single-Season Leaders ____________________ 38-39 of Hawai‘i War- Career Leaders __________________________ 40-41 rior Volleyball Postseason History/NCAA Championship Teams _ 42-43 Media Guide All-Time Letterwinners ___________________ 44-45 was produced by All-Time Coaches ___________________________45 the University of Hawai‘i Sports Year-by-Year Records ________________________ 46 Media Relations All-Time Results _________________________ 47-56 Offi ce. All rights reserved. UH-MANOA POLICY ON GENDER EQUITY IN INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Derek Inouchi, Director; Neal Gender equity in athletics extends the doctrine of fairness to all areas of athletic activity at the University level. It is Iwamoto, Kara activated by a sense of moral obligation that exceeds any specifi c duty to comply with legal requirements, although it Nishimura, and also recognizes the necessity of observing the tenets of Title IX, Patsy Mink Act. John Barry, Assis- Its desired eff ect is to off er women and men equal opportunities to participate in sports for which there is tant Directors; Jay Metzger, Multimedia Specialist; Troy demonstrated interest among athletes in Hawai‘i and to provide equitable levels of support for coaching, travel, Yamamoto, Internet Specialist; Kainoa Andrade, Kau‘i scholarships, operating expenses and facilities used. Beyond these specifi c goals, gender equity also fosters an at- Awong, Sam Martin, Ryan Rose, Student Assistants. titude and establishes an environment in which men’s and women’s sports are encouraged in comparable ways. Layout and design by Derek Inouchi. Cover designs Th ose who support gender equity are willing to cooperate in frequent self-evaluations and to implement change so by Kainoa Andrade. Edited by Sherri Yoshioka. A .pdf that all student-athletes can have the same opportunity to realize the highest level of their abilities. version of this media guide is also available online at A copy of the plan titled, “Believe It, Achieve It,” is available in the Senior Woman Administrator’s Offi ce. HawaiiAthletics.com. 2013 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI‘I MEN’S VOLLEYBALL 1 MEDIA INFORMATION SPORTS MEDIA RELATIONS This publication has been provided to enhance of the game. Arrangements for use of the media 1337 Lower Campus Rd. fan participation and assist the media in the cov- work room copy and fax machines should be made Honolulu, HI 96822 erage of Warrior volleyball. The Sports Media through the Sports Media Relations Office. Main Office Number: (808) 956-7523 Relations Office will follow up with weekly Fax Number: (808) 956-4470 releases during the season to keep the media POST-GAME INTERVIEWS E-mail: [email protected] informed about the Warrior volleyball team. UH coaches and players will be available for Website: HawaiiAthletics.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/HawaiiAthletics interviews following a 10-minute cooling-off Facebook: www.facebook.com/HawaiiAthletics MEDIA CREDENTIALS period after each game. All media members YouTube: www.youtube.com/HawaiiAthletics Requests for working press, photo and broadcast should notify a Sports Media Relations represen- credentials for 2013 home volleyball matches tative with their request for interviews. should be made in writing on company letter- DEREK INOUCHI head at least two weeks prior to the game. Please INTERNET SERVICES Media Relations Director direct all requests to: Ethernet lines are available in the media work Work: (808) 956-4478 Derek Inouchi Cell: (808) 954-0234 room. A limited amount of wireless accounts are Sports Media Relations Director E-mail: [email protected] available in the arena. Please contact men’s vol- 1337 Lower Campus Rd. Alma Mater: Hawai‘i, 1996 leyball SID Derek Inouchi for an account. Due Sport Assignments: Football, Honolulu, HI 96822-2370 to the limited amount of accounts, those news CCCross Country/Track /T & Field, M/W Golf, Men’s Credentials will be available on game day at the outlets covering the Warriors or their opponents Volleyball pass gate of the Stan Sheriff Center. A picture on a regular basis will receive top priority. All other ID is required to pick up items at the pass gate. requests are issued on the basis of availability. NEAL IWAMOTO Due to the limited space available on press Assistant Director row, those news outlets covering the Warriors Work: (808) 956-9748 or their opponents on a regular basis will receive Cell: (808) 375-6819 top priority. All other credentials for print media E-mail: [email protected] Alma Maters: Santa Clara, 1995, are issued on the basis of space availability. Hawai‘i, 1998 ESPN 1420, which has the radio rights for UH Sport Assignments: Secondary Football, Women’s men’s volleyball, will be the only local radio sta- Soccer, Men’s Basketball, Sailing, Sand Volleyball, tion to receive season credentials. Local radio Water Polo stations with a full-time sports director conduct- ing a daily sports show of notable length will KARA NISHIMURA receive first consideration. Assistant Director/ Graphic Designer Work: (808) 956-5087 INTERVIEW POLICY Cell: (808) 497-0638 All players and coaches will be available for inter- E-mail: [email protected] views before or after practice during the season. Alma Mater: Purdue, 1993 Although interviews are permitted after practice, HAWAIIATHLETICS.COM SAiSport Assignments: Women’s Basketball, Softball, interviews before practice are recommended. The UH Athletics website Women’s Tennis If you wish to interview a particular player at a (HawaiiAthletics.com) features a video specific time, in person or by telephone, arrange- JOHN BARRY component, photo galleries, and online media ments should be made through the Sports Media Assistant Director guides in addition to the existing player and Work: (808) 956-7506 Relations Office at least 24 hours in advance. coach biographies, press releases, statistics, Cell: (808) 292-1462 schedules and everything else you need to know E-mail: [email protected] PHOTOGRAPHERS about UH Athletics. Alma Mater: Lafayette, 1998 Photo passes are available for accredited news In addition, a .pdf version of every Sport Assignments: Women’s media and should be ordered in the same man- UH media guide will now be available on the VllbllBVolleyball, Baseball, bl M/W Swimming & Diving, ner as press credentials.
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    University of Massachusetts Amherst ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst Masters Theses 1911 - February 2014 2006 Sex, wealth, and power : audience and the real Orange County. Elizabeth K. Krieg University of Massachusetts Amherst Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/theses Krieg, Elizabeth K., "Sex, wealth, and power : audience and the real Orange County." (2006). Masters Theses 1911 - February 2014. 2572. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.umass.edu/theses/2572 This thesis is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses 1911 - February 2014 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SEX, WEALTH, AND POWER: AUDIENCE AND THE REAL ORANGE COUNTY A Thesis Presented by ELIZABETH K. KRIEG Submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts Amherst in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS May 2006 Political Science © Copyright by Elizabeth K. Kneg 2006 All Rights Reserved SEX, WEALTH, AND POWER: AUDIENCE AND THE REAL ORANGE COUNTY A Thesis Presented by ELIZABETH K. KRIEG Approved as to style and content by: Izner, Department Chair Political Science ABSTRACT SEX, WEALTH, AND POWER: AUDIENCE AND THE REAL ORANGE COUNTY MAY 2006 ELIZABETH K. KRIEG, B.A. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON M.A., UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST Directed by: Professor John Brigham This work explores the connections between sex, wealth, and power present in the Haidl gang rape and the two subsequent trials. My focus is the politics of affluence, the female body, notions of public and private space, gender socialization, youth culture and law, and I interpret Orange County and its place in popular culture by means of mass media and personal experience.
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