While I have spoken from this platform on a number of occasions almost a decade ago as a Member of the Youth Wing of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, , it is a very familiar environment. Yet, today‟s occasion overwhelms me as I have been invited as a Guest Speaker on the 45th Anniversary of Dharma – Kshetra, literally meaning – the Field of Righteousness. I shall use this opportunity to extol the glory of this land and the good fortune of those associated with it!

The Glory of Dharmakshetra

In the fulcrum year of the Avataric sojourn – 1968, Bhagavan Baba undertook 4 major initiatives. The city of Mumbai was witness to 3 of these. The first among these was the establishment of Dharmakshetra. The other 2 being: the 1st World Conference and the departure for the first overseas visit of Bhagavan.

The foundation stone for Dharmakshetra was laid on the Diwali Day, November 3, 1967 and Bhagavan declared that the Mandir would be ready in 6 months. True to His words, the structure was ready. To enable all associated with the project realize that it was His Divine unseen hand that had made things possible in a short span of time, Bhagavan mentioned on the 1 inauguration day that the structure had been completed in 108 days. When Shri Indulal Shah, then Chairman of the World Council, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations checked with the contractor, he found that it had taken exactly 108 days to complete Sathyadeep (Bhagavan‟s residence and the heart of the Dharmakshetra complex) 108 is the number of times the Japamala is rolled, for it adds to the number 9 – the Brahma Sankhya. Everything associated with Sathyadeep is also in Brahma Sankhya. That was Bhagavan‟s Sankalpa.

Shri Indulal Shah was Bhagavan‟s chosen instrument in the formation of Dharmakshetra. We are lucky to have him and Smt. Sarlaben Shah in our midst this day. Smt. Sarlaben Shah has played a pioneering role in the formatting of the Mahila Vibhag and the Bal Vikas programme of the Organisation. Four and half decades have passed since that day, yet they remain as enthusiastic and full of inspiration in the service of Sai. They are ideal Sai Sevaks.

On that glorious day of May 12, 1968, Bhagavan said, “The campus on which the building Satyadeep (lamp of truth) has been inaugurated today is named Dharmakshetra; it is a very appropriate name, for a place from which the message of Satya, Dharma, Shanti and Prema (truth, righteousness, peace and love) will reach the lands parched with thirst for these pure, pellucid waters.”

Dharmakshetra is more blessed than Kurukshetra

This land of Dharmakshetra is a holy land beyond measure. If Kurukshetra is blessed as Lord was Arjuna‟s charioteer for 18 days delivered the song celestial there, this land has been blessed by Bhagavan‟s visit 41 times in the last 45 years. Yes, between March 1966 and November 2009, Bhagavan has visited the city of Mumbai 41 times! Details of this are given in the book titled Digvijayam released by Bhagavan in March 2011. This land has been witness

2 to Bhagavan delivering over 40 Discourses over the last four decades. Infact, I am currently associated with the compilation of these Discourses given by Bhagavan in Mumbai. This compilation would be brought out as a book very soon.

Landmark events at Dharmakshetra

Dharmakshetra has been witness to landmark events in the Divine Mission whether it is the First World Conference of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in 1968 or the departure for the first and only Divine visit outside to East Africa; whether it is the establishment of the Bal Vikas or the Mahila Vibhag; this land was the chosen Karma Bhoomi, nay Leela Bhoomi of the Lord.

It has been a land of miracles too. On one occasion, there was a public function at this very place and the skies were overcast. It was about to pour. The elders in the Organisation approached Swami saying that with the impending rain, it would not be possible to have the public function and the Divine Discourse. Eye witnesses recount, Bhagavan came out of His residence at Satyadeep, looked at the skies and waved His Divine Hands – as if instructing the clouds to disperse. As if instantly obeying the Divine command, the clouds dispersed and the public function was conducted as planned. After Bhagavan had delivered His Divine Discourse and the entire programme was over, the skies opened up and there was a heavy downpour. In the Dwapara Yuga, Lord Krishna lifted the Govardhan mountain to protect the devotees from rain. In this age of Kali, the Lord instructed the clouds themselves to disperse, and they dispersed in instant obedience! That is the glory of the Lord and the fortune of this holy land.

It is said that Lord Vishnu walks in Vaikuntha with all regal paraphernalia including the royal footwear. But this land of Dharmakshetra is blessed as

3 every inch of it has been treaded by the Lord – barefoot – whether it is the lawns of Satyadeep or the Bhajan Hall in Shantideep, whether it is the seminar hall of Jnanadeep or this Jalan Mandap – all of these have kissed those Lotus Feet. How blessed are we to tread the same land.

We are very enamoured when we are told that according to one legend, the Dharmakshetra Hill was blessed by Lord Rama on His way to Lanka. Just once is the question I ask and that too many many thousand years ago!! What about the hundreds of occasions when our Lord Sai Rama rested on this very Hill and blessed it with His touch!! Surcharged with those vibrations is the blessed meditation hall in Shanti Deep! How fortunate is this land!

Dharmakshetra – A Love Story

Dharmakshetra has been witness to the stories of transformation of hundreds, nay thousands of people like you and may – where Bhagavan‟s Darshan, Sparshan and Sambhashan has touched them, and they have never been the same again. The story of Dharmakshetra is a Love Story – the Love Story of the Lord‟s Love for His devotees and the devotees‟ longing for the Lord‟s Love.

I would narrate one such story here that has been narrated by none other than Prof. Kasturi of an incident that happened in this very place 40 years ago in the year 1972.

There was a gentleman by the name Gogoi who was in London during the World War II. That was the time when the German planes were bombing London. When such planes were in sight, a siren would be played by the city administration to warn the citizens so that they could run for protection in specially prepared bunkers. Mr. Gogoi was staying in the attic of an apartment. He thought to himself – what‟s the guarantee that there would be a plane attack. What‟s the guarantee that the bomb would fall on this area, on

4 my apartment and on me? Thinking thus, he covered himself with a blanket and was about to sleep. Suddenly he heard footsteps outside his door and a man knocked and shouted, “I am the air raid warden. I know that you are inside, come out immediately.” The air raid warden almost dragged him to the shelter and from there Mr. Gogoi saw his house getting bombarded! He looked for the air raid warden but didn‟t find him around. He thought he too would have died! Expressing his gratitude within, he moved on. After Indian Independence he returned to India and worked in a government organisation. In the year 1972, he came to know of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and heard that he was in Mumbai. Out of inquisitiveness, he came to Dharmakshetra and was standing at the gate. Suddenly a Seva Dal Member accosted him and asked him whether he was Mr. Gogoi and told him that Swami wanted him to sit in the first row. Mr. Gogoi wondered to himself, “I have not even met this Swamiji earlier. How does he know me?!” When Bhagavan came out for Darshan, He went straight to Mr. Gogoi and told him, “It’s now time for you to come to Prasanthi Nilayam”. This man wondered what Swami was saying. Then Swami asked him, “Do you remember that air raid warden who saved your life in London?” Mr. Gogoi said, “Yes.” “Where is he now?”, asked Swami. “He died in that attack”, said Mr. Gogoi. Swami said, “He did not die. I am the Air Raid Warden! I came all the way to London in that heavy costume to protect your life, because it is your destiny to stay in Prasanthi Nilayam in Divine proximity.” Life was never the same for Mr. Gogoi again…

Such are the transformations that this land has witnessed. This is one among the thousands of Gogois and Mistrys, Munshis and Desais, Raos and Sawants, Pandyas and Shahs that have been transformed on this holy land!

Highlighting the role that Dharmakshetra has to play, Bhagavan said on the 1st Anniversary of Dharmakshetra on May 12, 1969:


“Dharmakshetra has a great part to play. It is in Bombay, which is the stomach of Bharat. The Himalayas are the Head, the Kanyakumari is the feet and Prasanthi Nilayam is the heart. When the stomach is inefficient, the entire body suffers the consequences. So, keep the Dharmakshetra efficient and strong. Do not allow it to degenerate into a Kurukshethra; let not friction and faction raise their heads here. Let the high ideals of Dharma (righteousness) be upheld here. This is the real Seva (service) I expect from you and through you. If this is done, our land will have peace and security.”

The Two Dharmakshetras

All this while I have been speaking about one Dharmakshetra. In reality, there are not one, but two Dharmakshetras. The one whose anniversary we are celebrating today is the physical and tangible Dharmakshetra. The other is the Dharmakshetra for cultivating that which this Dharmakshetra was established by Bhagavan. This is the means, that is the end!

What is the real Dharmakshetra? Bhagavan has given a fantastic explanation to that in the Discourse He gave on the 2nd Anniversary of Dharmakshetra on May 12, 1970.

The very first Shloka of the Bhagavad Gita is about Dharmakshetra. The Shloka is about a question which Dhritarashtra asks. Who is this Dhritarashtra? Dhritam Rashtram Iti Dhritarashtram. The word means, he who holds fast to the Rashtra (kingdom). Now, what is the Rashtra (kingdom) for a person? All that is not he are his possessions; that is to say, his body, his senses, his knowledge, his feeling, emotions, besides his house, car, lands, reputation, etc. Dhritarashtra means, any person who treats things not his, as he himself, a person who identifies himself as his body, for example. He asked, Sanjaya to tell him what was happening in Kurukshetra and Dharmakshetra – The fields of action and of virtue. Sanjaya means, one who

6 has won the victory, the victory over the senses and other forces that limit and divert the higher faculties which lead man Godward. He was asked about the progress of the battle that was being fought in Kurukshethra, which was also Dharmakshethra. His answer is summed up in the very last, the 700th Shloka of the Geeta: "Yatra Yogeshwara Krishnah, Yatra Partho Dhanurdharaha, Tatra Shrivijayorbhuti, Dhruva Neetir Matir Mama" – The side that merges in the Yogeeshwara, the Lord of those who seek to merge their identities, to lose their separate names and forms, Lord Krishna, that side will gain the victory. The first Shloka has the question and the last, the answer! The rest of the text is the elaboration of this theme.‟

What is the meaning of all this? The meaning is: This body which is the Kuru Kshetra („Kuru’ means to do) should be used for undertaking Dharma. What is Dharma? Scriptures declare, “Dharayate Iti Dharma” – That which sustains is Dharma; “Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha” – That which protects is Dharma. But for the devotees, following the command of the Lord is true Dharma. Arjuna told Krishna, Karishye Vachanam Tava. Following the command of the Lord is the highest Dharma – that is what the Pandavas did. So when one follows the command of the Lord and puts it into practice – this body becomes Dharmakshetra. But what is the command of the Lord to us? Many of us may say that Bhagavan has not given me any command in person. Even the Bhagavad Gita was not given to us in person. Yet we read it and try to follow it scrupulously. While Lord Krishna gave 1 Bhagavan Gita, Bhagavan Baba has given 3,000 Bhagavad Gitas. All that Bhagavan has said in His 3,000 Discourses over the last 60 years is our Bhagavad Gita. When we follow even a few of those commands, then this Kurukshetra (our body) will become the true Dharmakshetra, for which this Dharmakshetra (the pilgrimage place) has been established.


Bhagavan’s Three Vows

In the penultimate months before Indian Independence, a young lad of 21 years wrote in a letter to His brother:

Akhila Manuvulaku Anand Munagurchi Rakshinchu Chundute Deeksha Naaku

I have a task – To ensure lives full of Ananda (bliss) for all mankind

Sanmargamuna Veedi Cheriyunchu Vaarala Cheyi Patti Kapadute Vratamu Naaku

It is My vow to bring to the path of righteousness, those who have moved away to the wrong path

Beeda Sadalakaina Penubaadha Toliginche, Lemini Bapute Prema Naaku

The work dear to Me is to remove the pain and suffering of the poorest of the poor

Today, 65 years later, we see 150 countries of the globe paying their homage to the life that lived every syllable of that declaration. That life is the life of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

We are often confused about the activities we should take such that Bhagavan would be pleased. When He was physically accessible, we could approach Him directly and ask Him. But now how is that possible? The answer to this is: If we want to judge whether any activity undertaken by us would be acceptable to Bhagavan, the touchstones are these 3 declarations made by Him 65 years ago. If the activity we undertake helps in fulfilling any of these 3 vows of Swami, it is an activity which is dear to Him.

Moorti Sthapana at Dharmakshetra

Today is a doubly-blessed day as the Moorti Pratishtha has been done at the very same spot where Bhagavan used to bless us with His Darshan in the


Brahma Muhurta after the morning Nagar Sankeertana through the Mahakali Caves Road. It is a reminder to all of us of those glorious days of the yore when His fragrance wafted in the cool morning breeze and in the cool moonlight we saw His radiant form!

While the statue reminds us of His mesmerising form, Bhagavan warns us, “Worship the stone as God, but do not treat God as stone!” Let us not limit Him to the idol alone. Let us make Him the Chairman of our hearts – the single-seater sofa within each one of us. Then each one of us will be a moving Dharmakshetra! That would be the greatest tribute we can offer to Him and fulfill the purpose for which He established this Teerth Sthan 45 years ago…