Friday, November 8, 2019 SCOOP USA M EDIA Celebrating 59 Years of Community News by Adelaide AbSdur-Rcahmoan opUSA Black Historsiynger, waCs borno in Jarmainca, Queeensr NY. by Adelaide Abdur-Rahman 1964
[email protected] Harry Joseph Lennix, actor (The Five Heartbeats),
[email protected] was born in Chicago, IL. SCORPIO - October 23 - November 21 1964 Dwight Eugene Gooden, Major League Baseball player, was born in Tampa, FL. SCORPIO – The Intense One 1967 Craig Marcus Watkins, first African American dis - Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or pos- trict attorney in Texas, was born in Dallas, TX. sessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become ob- 1967 Lisa (Michelle) Bonet (Lilakoi Moon), actor (The sessive or secretive. Holds grudges. Attractive. Cosby Show), was born in San Francisco, CA. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Roman- 1969 Chenoa Maxwell, actor (Hav Plenty) and photog - tic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and emotional. rapher (Introspection: India), was born in New Rochelle, The Topaz is the stone for the month of November NY. In the 19th century topaz was discovered in Russia. It was 1969 Bryan Abrams, singer with Color Me Badd, was so coveted that only the Czar, his family and the persons born in Oklahoma City, OK. he gave it to could possess it. Rubbing or gently heating 1972 Olanda Anderson, Light Heavyweight boxer on the topaz electrifies it, causing it to attract small particles like 2000 Olympic Team, was born in Sumter, SC. bits of hair or paper. It was believed that if you wore topaz 1976 Egypt Sherrod, HGTV host (Property Virgins), was on your left arm or hung it around your neck it could break born in Philadelphia, PA.