VolumeVolume 47 50 Number Number 14 |5 August | May 2016 2018 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | WWW.FPCSALINA.ORG Happy New Year FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PG. 1 Personals FPC Staff HAPPY BIRTHDAY! PASTOR Virgil Bowman will celebrate his 91st birthday on May 17. Rev. Dr. Charlie Smith Stan Nelson will celebrate his 93rd birthday on May 19. Lead Pastor/Head of Staff
[email protected] ANNIVERSARY CONGRATULATIONS! SSOCIATE ASTOR A P Helen & John Smutz will celebrate their 72nd wedding anniversary on Rev. Keith Phillips May 12.
[email protected] st Carol & Jerry Exline will celebrate their 61 wedding anniversary on CHILDREN’S CHRISTIAN ED May 25. Shelby Dickson Director of Children’s CE IT’S A GIRL!
[email protected] A daughter, Piper Jean, was born April 12 to Amanda & Brandon Children’s CE Assistant Ewertz. Welcoming Piper is her brother, Brooks, his grandparents, Britton Zuccarelli Sarah & Dave Morris, his aunt, MacKenzie Morris, and his cousin Nursery Caregivers Liam Morris. Debb Homman, Coordinator
[email protected] A daughter, Mariana Leigh, was born April 24 to Britton & Jordan Danielle Hix Zuccarelli. Welcoming Mariana is her brother, Marshall, and sister, Anita Thompson Molly. YOUTH MINISTRY SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED Shelby Dickson Mid-High Youth Leader To Pat, Kathleen, Will & Maria Putzier. Pat’s father, Kenneth Jacob Dickson Putzier, Storm Lake, Iowa, died April 1. Mid-High Youth Assistant To Marj Morrow, whose brother, Fred Dellett, Jr., Shawnee, KS, died Dylan Boyd April 12. Senior-High Youth Assistant MUSIC IN MEMORIAM Richard Koshgarian Phil Krug, a member of the congregation since 1985, died April 7. Director of Music Sympathy is extended to his wife, Rhonda Krug, daughter & family,
[email protected] Katie & Ashley Jarvis, Jack and Charley Sue, his son & family, Alex Angie Koshgarian & Alana Krug, Estelle & Bennett, New York, NY, his stepchildren Organist and step-grandchildren, his brothers and many nieces and nephews.