Bad Ischl 2024

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Bad Ischl 2024 bad ischl 2024 european capital of culture candidate city introduction 04 (q01-q04) contribution to the long-term strategy (q05-q09) 09 cultural and artistic content 15 (q10-q13) european dimension (q14-q16) 33 outreach 37 (q17-q19) management bad ischl 2024 (q20-q35) 42 european capital of culture capacity to deliver candidate city 57 (q36-q38) The monarchy is dead! But our yodelling de-dusted and contemporary develop- period desired for its so-called “Som- QUESTION 01 is real! ment for Bad Ischl and the Salzkammer- merfrische”, the summer re-creation, Why does your city wish to take gut. Sustainable positive cultural change where artists and others came to part in the competition for the title We also have an urgent need to deal IS possible. Taking the preceding Aus- encounter an enclave of peace and of European Capital of Culture? with the migration of youth and a well trian ECoC cities as an example, proves inspiration. To become ECoC means to qualified workforce to bigger cities. This how long lasting this cultural change can re-establish those spaces to retreat and brain drain problem we share with other be. Our region can be a similar example to strengthen the power of our counter- European regions. Due to the lack of for other future rural enclaves. In Austria culture. Some of this we have already. PRESENT DAY – Bad Ischl and the Salz- promising future visions and an attrac- and across Europe. Different cultural enclaves, but sepa- kammergut 2018-2019 tive infrastructure many people migrate rate and disconnected. Like enclaves elsewhere. More than 40% of all Austrian THE FUTURE Bad Ischl and the Salz- across Europe. Our region, which many have heard of municipalities are facing substantial kammergut 2019-2030 We will re-create the summer recreation! but few truly know, is at a tipping point. A consequences of this rural exodus. real danger of degenerating into a tour- Bring on the future! The Salzkammergut, as a topographically Our vision for 2024 is that Salzkammer- ist sport and leisure Disneyland looms and historically shaped cultural envi- gut residents, already record-holders in over us. In our villages and cities, this We are confronted with even more chal- ronment, offers a myriad of unusual and the system and membership of societies (Hyper-)Tourism adversely affects the lenges: The Salzkammergut’s topograph- surprising stories, places and people. and associations (the first continental life quality and opportunities of the local ical reality, which is a source of beauty, We are rebellious, mysterious, nature European cooperative movement was population. We witness this phenomenon also makes mobility difficult, as does the loving, curious, hearty and creative! Yes, founded here), shall create a new coop- throughout Europe in various places, poor development of public transport. we are all of these things! erative cultural movement - the Inclave. just look at Amsterdam, Barcelona, The housing and building culture is still Dubrovnik or Venice. underdeveloped compared with contem- The Salzkammergut was for a long Manifold and peculiar as we are, we do At first chance, please turn around! porary standards. In particular we lack wish to open ourselves to Europe and affordable housing for all people. We demonstrate that the gridlocked, dusty Our tourism advertising continues to also lack consumption-free spaces to i image is far away from today’s reality. pursue an idealisation of a perfect world indulge in and cultivate social contacts We owe commitment to tradition, but and a sell off of emperor myths and not only in Bad Ischl but also in the at the same time new traditions arise clichés. This sell off already started in other communities. These deficits are 0.5 % as well! The cultural diversity – ranging the post-war era with film productions equally present throughout Europe. An of their annual salary is what from counterculture and subculture, such as “The White Horse Inn”, “Sissi” or enchanting landscape neither pays the around 80% of salt workers pay pop-culture and traditional culture to “The Sound of Music” and is contributing bills nor does it provide opportunities for voluntarily into the so-called high culture – will appear in new glory, if to an image of our region as backward, a fulfilling career. “Bruderlade”, a solidarity fund we develop those small cultural enclaves conservative and being full of homeland Let us live here! established in 1837 through which into a big inclusive Inclave. aficionados. Tradition in the Salzkam- workers help each other in case We’re IN with the Inclave of culture! And mergut has real depth and meaning but Considering all those challenges, NOW of illness and hardship. we want Europe to be too! so often is sold through merely folk- is precisely the moment to take action loric events. and lay the cultural groundwork for a 04 bad ischl 2024 introduction QUESTION 02 Does your city plan to involve its surrounding area? Explain this choice. QUESTION 03 Explain briefly the overall cultural profile of your city To underline the very essence of our application, which is the fundamental unity of our core city Bad Ischl with its surrounding region of the Salzkam- mergut, we have grouped these two questions together. Bad Ischl, the core city leading the application, is located right in the Artists, aristocrats, entrepreneurs have To guarantee a program of this magnitude their ideas. To shamelessly use a phrase Bad Ischl Daniel Leitner middle of the cultural region called chosen this city as their home. Con- and impact, and to manage our social and from one of the area’s most famous the Salzkammergut, which has in total sequently, the city distinguishes itself cultural challenges, we have established musical depictions1: “our hills are alive” 1. “The Sound of Music” a population of 102,000 people. Our through a unique mixture of historically strong links between Bad Ischl and the with culture. area and Bad Ischl in particular enjoy rooted as well as contemporary culture, surrounding municipalities. A total of 23 historical and cultural significance which propels this town to a central municipalities across the Salzkammergut, Alive, through our mountains, which mark within Austria and Europe. The grand position within Austrian tourism. The spanning three different federal states, the beginning of the Alps, alive through history of the Habsburg monarchy, city draws its identity exactly from this have agreed on the first joint cultural our 76 lakes and rivers. Alive as a natural with the Emperor family having their field of tension generating an energy development plan (see Q5). We anticipate paradise and not just a unique selling summer residence here, triggered that is all at once charged, creative, that most, if not all, of these 23 munici- point. Many visitors who come here, state the popular “Sommerfrische tourism” cosmopolitan and Europe focused. palities will play a full part in a Bad Ischl that it is one of the most magic places in (summer re-creation tourism), which Precisely this makes Bad Ischl, as ECoC 2024. the world. together with the tourism industry con- representative for the whole region, the stitutes an important economic factor ideal body as bidder for the ECoC 2024 As early as now, artists and others from Alive, through the history of salt mining and makes this city the indisputable title. A cultural hub, charming, radiating across the entire region have been spanning more than 7,000 years and still metropolis of the Salzkammergut. and open for the “Other”. reaching out to us and putting forward ongoing. Alive also through European bid book one 05 Ateliers Alte Weberei Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg Eggerhaus Galerie 422 Galerie Erlas Galerie Tacheles International Ceramics Symposium Kapuzinerkloster Schoss Ort K-Hof Museen Kino Ebensee Kitzmantelfabrik Moserei Scharnstein Salzkammergut Festwochen Gmunden Stadttheater Gmunden Freies Radio Salzkammergut Zeitgeschichte Museum Kaiservilla Kongress- und Theaterhaus Lehartheater Stadtmuseum Trinkhalle Deutschvilla Strobl Kulturhaus Mozarthaus Ausseer Festsommer Kammerhofmuseum Kurhaus Literaturmuseum Altaussee Hand.Werk.Haus Salzwelten Altaussee Kunstmü Festival Sprudel, Sprudel + Musik Paul Jaeg Galerie Volkshaus Altaussee Salzwelten Hallstatt Welterbemuseum Hallstatt 06 bad ischl 2024 introduction history, the Hallstatt era, the monarchy, the fest (Emperor celebration) and the Léhar agriculture and livestock farming, indus- kammergut. Another idea is to connect world war eras with the infamous National Festival. The city does not lack of contem- trial areas rich in the culture of work, the salt sites, located in Ebensee, Bad Socialism having left its painful mark, up to porary artists and has a persistent alterna- manufacturing and processing, mining Ischl, Hallstatt, Altaussee and Hallein. our contemporary globalised time. tive scene. However, to broaden Bad Ischl’s areas, craftsmanship in wood, metal, Everywhere on those strategic points cultural profile, there is a strong need for ceramics etc. and the more touristic and places of intervention, the local Alive too as a place of retreat, which a clearer strategy for audience develop- resorts, as well as the purely residential. cultural associations - such as art house inspired world famous 19th and 20th ment, including recognising and funding There are bourgeois, fashionable and cinemas, exhibition centers, museums, century artists to live, perform and create less traditional, exclusive forms of culture. artsy, simple as well as socialist areas. music schools and concert halls - here during the original “Sommerfrische”. This could be achieved, for example, with We find areas influenced by Catholicism, including the independent art and media Today this legend continues to attract a stronger focus on pop culture, con- as well as Protestantism. scene, artists as well as the general artists and many others, providing a living temporary arts and the performing arts. public would be included and motivated place and a refuge for creation as well as There is neither a big historical museum in This great terrain has a diversity that to get involved.
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    BAD ISCHL, AUSTRIA APRIL 27 - MAY 1, 2022 15th INTERNATIONAL CHOIR COMPETITION & FESTIVAL BAD ISCHL PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GREETING Welcome, dear guests and participants, Come and be part of this magnificent and matchless international choral music event 2022 in Austria! Set in the charming scenery of the Salzkammergut and breathing the inimitable flair of a spa town made famous by the stays of the Austrian imperial family, every performance of a choir in this city becomes a unique artistic and cultural experience. Bad Ischl is an ideal town to host a festival, impressing with the splendour of historical buildings and so rich in stories like the ones about Sissi and Emperor Franz Joseph, probably Austria’s most legendary imperial couple. In addition to the competitions, everyone is invited to join the cheerful encounters between the choirs and the visitors of Bad Ischl in the form of celebration and friendship concerts as well as church services accompanied by choral music. The city of Bad Ischl and the fascinating landscape and atmosphere of the World Cultural Heritage region of the Salzkammergut offer an abundance of treats for tourists wishing to discover some of the most beautiful lakes, mountains and sites of the world. We are looking forward to seeing you again! Welcome and enjoy your stay! Günter Titsch, President INTERKULTUR 2 Bad Ischl 2022 ORGANIZER INTERKULTUR in cooperation with Bad Ischl Ines Schiller, Mayor Upper Austria – Cultural directorate Salzkammergut Touristik GmbH Brigitte Stumpner - Director Tourismusverband Bad Ischl President INTERKULTUR Günter Titsch (Germany) Artistic Director Bad Ischl 2022 Assoc. Prof. Romāns Vanags (Latvia) INTERKULTUR Artistic Committee Prof.
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