1966 Annual Index
INDEX FRIENDS JOURNAL 1966-VOLUME 12 A Jerry, We Walked To Moscow, 397; Linton, Erica, World in a 175 Grain of Sand, 423; Lippitt, Gordon L., Quest For Dialogue, 469; ABC: A Better Chance-James Eo Achterberg ... 0.000 ••• o. 0 0 286 Lorenz, Konrad Z., On Aggression, 542; Lotspeich, William D., African Education: What Can We Do?-John B. Emerson 489 How Scientists Find Out, 61; Luder, William Fay, A New Ap• Aggression Against Cambodia-Russell Johnson 00 •• 00.00.00 287 proach to Sex, 262; Mark, Max, Beyond Sovereignty, 339; Martin, Are We Seekers After Truth?-Elizabeth Moak Skorpen .. 000 0 90 Bernard, If God Does Not Die, 206; Marts, Arnaud C., The Australia Yearly Meeting-Ron Darvell 0.00 ••••••• 0 ••••• 0 •• Generosity of Americans, 261; Mascall, E. L., The Secularization of Christianity, 470; Mayer, Peter, The Pacifist Conscience, 396; B Mead, Margaret, and Frances Balgley Kaplan, eds., American Women, 35; Meader, Stephen W., A Blow For Liberty, 397; Baltimore Yearly Meetings-Edna P. Legg . 0 •••••••• 0 ••••••• 491 Mehta, Ved, The New Theologian, 595; Mendelsohn, Jack, The Books Reviewed: Martyrs, 469; Miller, William Robert, Nonviolence: A Christian American Friends Service Committee, Peace in Vietnam, 205; Interpretation, 569; Moomaw, I. W., Crusade Against Hunger, Andres, Stefan, The Bible Story, 262; Ausubel, ~e~man, John 261; Mullen, Thomas J., The Ghetto of Indifference, 421; Bright: Victorian Reformer, 594; Bach, Marcus, SplTltual !3reak• Musurillo, M. A., The Fathers of the Primitive Church, 569; throughs for Our Time, 35; Back Benchers, The, Quakensm: A Myers, Jacob M., Invitation to the Old Testament, 621; Myers, View from the Back Benches, 421; Bainton, ~oland H:, Christian Katie Lea, The Church Secretary, 13; O'Donnell, John A., and Attitudes Toward War And Peace, 423; Ballm, Carohne, Search John C.
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