National Register Nomination Case Report HEARING DATE: JULY 19, 2017 Date: July 19, 2017 Case No.: 2017-006794OTH Project Address: 546-548 Fillmore, 554 Fillmore Street, 735 Fell Street, 660 Oak Street (Sacred Heart Parish Complex) Zoning: RM-3 Residential-Mixed, Medium Density, RM-1 Residential-Mixed, Low Density, 40-X Height and Bulk District Block/Lot: 0828/021, 0828/022, 0828/022A and 0828/012 Project Sponsor: California Office of Historic Preservation 1725 23rd Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95816 Staff Contact: Shannon Ferguson – (415) 575-9074
[email protected] Reviewed By: Timothy Frye – (415) 575-6822
[email protected] Recommendation: Send resolution of findings recommending OHP approve nomination of the subject property to the National Register of Historic Places BACKGROUND In its capacity as a Certified Local Government (CLG), the City and County of San Francisco is given the opportunity to comment on nominations to the National Register of Historic Places (National Register). Listing on the National Register provides recognition by the federal government of a building’s or district’s architectural and historical significance. The nomination materials for the individual listing of the Sacred Heart Parish Complex, consisting of the four buildings located at 546-548 Fillmore (rectory), 554 Fillmore Street (church), 735 Fell Street (school), 660 Oak Street (convent), were prepared by Elaine Brown Stiles for the Historic Preservation Fund Committee. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The Sacred Heart Parish Complex is situated on four contiguous lots on the city block bounded by Fillmore Street to the west, Fell Street to the north, Webster Street to the east, and Oak Street to the south in the Western Addition neighborhood, a largely residential neighborhood characterized by three and four story multi-family buildings.