An Economic Analysis of Coral Reefs in the Andaman Sea of Thailand Udomsak Seenprachawong June, 2001 Comments should be sent to the author, Udomsak Seenprachawong, at the School of Economics, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Chaeng Watana Road, Park Ket, Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand. E-mail:
[email protected] Research Reports are the outputs of research projects supported by the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA). They have been peer reviewed and edited. In some cases, longer versions are available from the authors. A Policy Brief is available for each Research Report. EEPSEA also issues a Special Papers series, consisting of commissioned papers emphasising research methodology. EEPSEA was established in May 1993 to support research and training in environmental and resource economics. Its objective is to enhance local capacity to undertake the economic analysis of environmental problems and policies. It uses a networking approach, involving courses, meetings, technical support, access to literature and opportunities for comparative research. Member countries are Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, China, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka. EEPSEA is supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC); the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA); the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (SIDA); the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands; the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); the MacArthur Foundation; and the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD). EEPSEA is supported by a consortium of donors and administered by the IDRC. Tanglin PO Box 101, Singapore 912404 • Visiting address: 7th Storey RELC Building, 30 Orange Grove Road • Tel: +65 235 1344 • Fax: +65 235 1849 • E-mail:
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[email protected] • Website: // ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project was generously funded by the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA).