. Morethan Joli 7 OPPOttjjnjj In help wanted NII_E:s SERVING OUR READER SiNCE1951 J?AT -SpinAT s L%BRA b 0141Y - 73 ,'... __'f_ 1k , a è:». « :-j - .. \\ \. ' 4 .\;: ' . "4 ¿ .. ' .. k1 TheMaineEastHigh School Chorus,under thedfrection ofRit Barnett,rehearsesforitupcoming production ofDisneJs "Beauty andthe Beast," Feb.29through March8.¡'age.5 Ptoo by Day. SNsdsFov Ronuer Aiu HEARTYCOOKING The Hearty Boys new cookbook includes rl a, ¿ * recipes for retro dishes ALL. AT YOURI(NGERTJPS,PHONE OR FACERDQK and comfort foods. iE A PAT OF 7pst »7 t( OF See Food, VISIT YRPli.PliK)I. page 55 i '2008 i; s3U.t4 LCheck outOakton got9.LS ÑO> I r-it,1d fromeveryangle. j.srcJ 3rlEIld irH j.SIQ.Aii8Il E;# . 003*.'..LOl,øoo4:oO .L Many classes begin later this spring. Applyand register online www.oakton.edu Des Plaines Skokie 847.635.1629 I L1rs 14, 2008 A Pioneer Press Publication A Pioneer Press Publication Thr "3maiy14,lO08 I3 NEWS NEIGHBORS Read what local voters had to say . Oscar may live in Hollywood, but hes about the presidential primaries. from Chicago. Pa,. 6 Paie 53 ai £fd. WbW. Now, thousands ofChicagoland { I .-' , Managing Editor:NicoleWagner (847) 696-3248Senior Editor - News: Carol Goddard -- ,.4., Open Houses have one address:
[email protected] ' I
[email protected] I (847) 486-7372 MAKE ROOM FOR GREEN TANGERINES BAIRD&WARNER ornan bai rdwarner.com AROUND TOWN ThIS WEEK LEADI NG IkEAL ESTATE Classes offered critical COMPANIES ts...byERYearealestatecompai* ,y'tIuI WORt I) Courses offered by the Al- liance for Lifelong Learning at after Oakton Community College areS .