New Signings


Great Available Art from Great Available Artists About Advocate Art

Amanda Hendon Alexina Thielemans Bhavisha Vadgama Harry Bloom Sam Groff William Drayson Atlanta Japp Adolfo Sánchez Natalie Hou Summer Kim

Advocate Art was founded in 1992, with a group of illustrators who liked the idea of having an agent but not the other things that often came with that. We call our ethos four “F.A.C.T.s”: Fairness, Ability, Creativity and Trust. It’s about doing the right thing and being with the right people. We think our principles set us apart from conventional agencies, sticking to them has meant we have attracted the most creative illustrators and artists who in turn attract (with a little help) the best clients.

The people we represent are perfectly able to conduct their own affairs but like working with Advocate Art because we offer value to them in the services we provide. Clients are assured that we represent artists that are like-minded professionals, ® pre-vetted and able not only to get the job done without fuss, but also to surpass expectations.

It’s their choice to be with us, we have a high retention rate - with the most popular NEW SIGNINGS artists in our group being with us from the start!

We were one of the first Agencies to give direct client contact with our illustrators, allowing creativity to flow without being diluted in translation. We were one of the first to offer re-sales as an important secondary income to artists. Now we have gone beyond that too, with the development of an on-line portal - ARTicle which enables artists to have transparency into the back office functions of the business, such as royalty management and credit control, amongst other things.

Business is all about relationships, which is why we have a very high artist to agent ratio, clients often use us as artistic advisors, project managers as well a trend forward resource for pre-qualified talent.

It is for these reasons that Advocate Art has become the largest illustration agency around and I’d like to think one of the most respected but- we understand we didn’t get that way by acting like the biggest. Come and find out for yourself…



Alex Foster is an illustrator based in sunny Margate, UK. He specialises in map illustration and works across a variety of projects from children’s work to editorial and print. In 2015 he won a World Illustration Award, and has worked with clients such as Roald Dahl, English Heritage, American Express, Airbnb, Air Canada, and more. 02 ANGELA WONG

Her real name is Angela but everyone knows her as Bluebean. She lives in Malaysia where the sun and rain are constant extremes. Angela worked as a concept designer before she found her love for illustrations and stories. Drawing nature and creatures with tiny paws using vibrant and fun colours always brings her comfort. She is mostly influenced by her surroundings and loves to get lost in nature every now and then. Angela has worked for books, fashion, music albums, games and advertisements. While she spends most of her time creating she also enjoys to go out to eat and attend social events. Angela loves good movies, music and is a huge book lover! She used to be scared of cats but she conquered her fear and now lives with 3 fur balls. 03 CAROLINA COROA

Carolina was born in Belém, north of Brazil, a city well-known for its exuberating nature and strong native culture. She graduated two times, in Communication and in Fashion. After finishing her master at Istituto Europeo di Design in São Paulo, she worked for 6 years creating prints and patterns for fashion companies, running her own design studio and studying drawing. In 2016 she moved to Berlin and decided to become a full-time illustrator. In the middle of the way she became a mom, a Pictoplasma Academy alumna, discovered her love for characters and children illustration, enriched her work with the aesthetics from her homeland and the other places she traveled around, and learned how to cook a little bit. Her work is mainly digital with a “hand-drawn touch”. Her characters, scenarios and motives can easily live in books, magazines, board games, clothes, animation movies and much more. She thinks it’s never too late to learn things, try something new and make friends. 04 CHLOE DIJON

I am an Illustrator, graphic designer and artistic animator. I live in Bruxelles. I was born in 1990 and lived my childhood in a small village lost in the countryside of Belgium. I grew up surrounded by nature and that influenced my artistic work a lot. After my studies I chose the school Saint-Luc and decided to do a bachelor degree in Illustration, because the thing I love the most since I was a kid is drawing characters. I graduated in 2012. I also hold a teaching certification as well as a graphic design degree. In my work I love mixing up textures, trying new color schemes and drawing everything with the theme of nature, fairy tales, magic creatures and funny characters. When I’m not designing, I enjoy movies, books, the outdoors and traveling. 05 DIAN WANG

I was born in Changsha, a mid city in China in 1987, where I still lives with my family. I don’t have any relatives who do engaged in the art industry so it’s great to be the first! Even though I started my career not early, I still got lots of inspiration from life itself. I graduated from Communication University of China & Tongji University, and got the Master degree for Animation in 2012. After graduated, I travelled to Europe for 1 year from 2012~2013, then back to China. I worked as character designer, and then turned to be professional illustrator, focus on story-book & m agazine illustration for children. I also has a job in Hunan Women University as an art teacher. I now have a harmony family with my husband, my son and a cat. 06 ERIN HUNTING

Erin Hunting is an Australian illustrator who has drawn for most of her adult life, starting when she was just a little girl growing up in her hometown of Melbourne. For the past decade her work has appeared in children’s books and comics and she is known for her fun and quirky style. Starting out illustrating educational books recently she has worked with Little Brown and Co (Hachette, USA) on Ron Bates ‘The Unflushables’ as well as a two book series with Penguin Workshop (Penguin Random House, USA) ‘The Tooth Fairy vs Santa’ and ‘The Tooth Fairy vs The Easter Bunny’ She also created the official Grumpy Cat logo which appeared numerous times onscreen in Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever tv movie and an array of merchandise which included toys, shoes and clothes. Her artwork has appeared on the front covers of Jughead, Grumpy Cat, Rick and Morty and Adventure Time comics as well as in a 10 page Garfield comic strip that she both wrote and drew for BOOM! comics. As well as the publishing world, she has worked with Sesame Workshop and Nickelodeon in visual development with her Abby CaDabby and Rudy character designs being shown on Sesame Street via Abby’s Amazing Adventures. Still residing in Melbourne and when she’s not working she enjoys movies, writing, collecting vinyl toys and playing with her cat Louis.’ 07 FELICIA WHALEY

Felicia was born in Chicago, IL in 1987, where she grew up and now lives in Oak park, IL with her teenage daughter Harmo- nie. Drawing cartoons from cereal boxes and toy packaging at a young age; there was no doubt she would become an artist. As an adult she still enjoyed the whimsie and color of book illustrations. With her love for illustration, she enrolled in The Illinois Art Institute in 2013. One thing she noticed growing up, there was never really a character that she could relate to. While attending Art school she found out that she could be the one to create characters that children could relate to, especially children of color. She graduated in 2017 with a BFA in Illustration and design. She has been freelancing as a Children’s book illustrator since then. Fun facts: She collects dolls,chil- dren’s books; and is a gym addict. 08 KAJA KAJFEZ

I was born in a small but charming city of Varaždin, Croatia in 1992. I developed my love towards drawing as I child - my mum used to draw with me for hours which really sparked my interest in illustration early on. What first started as experimentation in different traditional mediums led me to eventually invest in my first graphics tablet that steered my work into the digital realm. Since then I’m working completely digitally but love to add organic textures and brush strokes to my works that I still develop manually. My artistic passion together with my interest in computer technologies led me to get a degree by finishing ‘Multimedia, Design and Application’ study at University North in Croatia where I oriented towards visual communication. During my college years, I started getting freelance work thanks to which I was able to establish my own Illustration Studio that mainly focuses on illustration, lettering and surface pattern design. Besides doing my dream job, I love to take long walks in nature, explore different historical periods, scroll through old picture books, listen to online concerts and spend time with my dog. 09 KATHRYN INKSON

I’m a pocket sized, tree-hugging illustrator who lives in the green & rural North East England, with my beloved canine companion Primrose the border collie! I have always been head- over-heels in love with the British countryside and love nothing more than celebrating natural themes in my artwork and designs. I love bringing woodland critters to life with whimsy and fun! My early artistic influences include Beatrix Potter, Cicely Mary Barker and Jill Barklem who all play a big role in my artistic interest of countryside imagery and fanciful foliage. When I’m not illustrating at home, I love studying plants, going on woodland adventures with Primrose and brewing my own herbal tea. 10 KRISTEN PAULINE

Kristen is an illustrator living in Orlando, Florida. She studied Graphic Design at the University of Central Florida but illustration has always been her passion. Since 2014 she has been happily creating illustrations for children’s books and board games. She loves crafting visual stories for a variety of subjects from whimsical characters and creatures to adventurous kids to historical settings. You can usually find her in her studio drawing and painting and listening to podcasts or audiobooks. 11 LAURA BORIO

I was born in Turin in 1986. As soon as my parents put pencils in my hands, I decided to try them on the kitchen walls (for my mom and dad’s joy). Now I no longer draw on walls but on any other surface, in fact, in addition to digital I love to draw and paint on wood and paper. In 2008 I attended a comic book course that changed my life and opened my mind, since then I never stopped experimenting and last year I attended a Master in Digital Illustration. Most of my days are full of drawings, but I also like watching fantasy movies, reading children’s books, practicing Tai Chi, eating pancakes with friends and annoying my cat. 12 LILIANA PEREZ

Liliana Perez was raised on her grandparents’ small farm near to Guernica, where she would fill sketchbooks with the curious lives of the animals and people around her. She went on to study Fine Art at UPV Valencia, where she started to trade her pencils and paper for digital canvas. She loves to make art that helps people feel represented, whether in fantastical worlds or stories grounded in reality. She still lives in Valencia, now joined by her partner and their cat, Kiki. 13 MARIA BRZOZOWSKA

Born in 1992 in Poland, Maria, spent most of her childhood growing up in Turkey, where she is currently based. Being raised in a creative household she was always encouraged to look at the world and ask “what if?” A nature lover inspired by the magical landscapes and textures of Turkey, she loves setting out on adventures with her two dogs. Maria’s inspiration comes from artists such as Hieronymus Bosch and Leonora Carrington. In 2010 she graduated from Leeds Arts University with a BA in Visual Communication. In 2016 she completed her MFA in Media and Design at Bilkent University. She is a visual storyteller who enjoys taking a poetic approach to her art creating new, unknown lands. She uses traditional painting techniques aided by digital methods. She has been a finalist in various competitions including: L’Associazione Tapirulan, Cheltenham Illustration Competition, and Applied Arts Competition. Maria has published various illustrations for children’s books and had solo exhibitions in the UK, Turkey and Italy. 14 MARINA PEREZ LUQUE

Drawing was one of my favourite hobbies when I was a child, so when I grew up I studied a degree in Fine Arts in the city of Granada. Since then, I’ve been learning and improving children’s illustration. I have worked mainly with publishers and whenever I can I collaborate in charitable projects. I think it’s important to carry values through the illustration to children, for that reason, I try to reflect them in my work. I like to show kids who are brave and kind, who enjoy nature and respect animals. Also, I like to include diversity within my drawings, show them different realities so they can respect them. 15 MAX RAMBALDI

The first gift my parents gave me has been a pile of sheets along with a yellow pencil, and in some way I think I just never stopped to be that curious little girl, hungry of blank space to fill with her own words and strokes. I remember my childhood surrounded by cats, that I stubbornly include in my artworks when I can. Despite the sun of Italy I’m mostly a vampire person, and I really feel at home when I move in the impalpable world behind the screen. I draw mostly with my graphic tablet, but I miss the freshness of watercolors and the mellowness of the acrylics, so I try to incorporate them in my art using my own textured brushes. What I love the most? Scientific children books. They make me feel that colors can change the future. 16 NICOLA COWDERY

From a young age Nichola kept herself busy constantly drawing and creating. Much to her parents dismay there wasn’t a surface in the house that Nichola didn’t like to draw on. She went on to study Graphic Design at Southampton University. Originally from Wales but now living in London with her family and two cats Nichola works as a full-time illustrator. Before turning to illustration Nichola was a Graphic Designer in children’s publishing. She worked her way up from Junior Designer to Art Editor. A job she truly loved for its fast pace, bursting with creativity and most importantly fun! Nichola loves to push herself creatively. Discovering new techniques, technology and art courses, her favourite being ‘Make Art That Sells’ Sitting at home sketching away, creating quirky, funny and cute illustrations is what makes Nichola truly happy. She pinches herself everyday knowing she is doing something she loves. 17 NYRRYL CADIZ

Nyrryl Cadiz is a Filipina illustrator who was born and raised in small but sunny Bayawan City, Philippines. Nyrryl loved art, reading fairytales, and making up stories since she was a girl. However, no one in her small town did it as a profession so she never thought she could make it her “real” job. During college, she discovered the world of illustration and how it was more than possible to have a career in. Nyrryl then began her journey to learn the craft by teaching herself, watching videos, and joining SVSLearn. She graduated last March 2018 with a degree in Civil Engineering but she chose to go fulltime into illustration. Nyrryl is fond of sharing Filipino folktales and culture. She loves illustrating warm and colorful scenes but does not shy away from somber tones as well. She’s currently living in her hometown where she enjoys biking along the beach, cooking, and sipping iced teas while she paints. 18 PATRICIA PESSOA

I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1990 and moved to England in December 2018. After many years of playing video games and doodling cartoon characters for my school friends, I graduated in Fine Arts at UFRRJ where I learned how to paint with watercolors, oils, gouaches and other traditional methods. It didn’t take me too long to find out what I really wanted to be - a Children’s Book Illustrator - after I was introduced to the work of some of my favorite illustrators, such as Errol Le Cain, Shaun Tan, and Rebecca Dautremer. After graduating I worked as a Graphic Designer at a small company until I decided to quit, learn some digital painting on my own and start my freelance artist adventure time. If I’m not drawing, you can find me chasing after my cat, Blue, or asking my husband to stop wearing my socks. 19 SARAH DEMONTEVERDE

Sarah Demonteverde is a Filipino-American illustrator and designer currently based in the greater Los Angeles Area, and is a graduate of Azusa Pacific University’s Bachelor’s of Fine Arts program, having been a Fine Arts major with an Interdisciplinary emphasis in both graphic design and illustration. Having roots in the multicultural community of Southern California, Sarah grew up loving music and dance, playing classical guitar and performing as a Polynesian dancer throughout her younger years. Sarah’s passion for diverse cultures and history have grown since then, and have inspired her to create narratives as an homage to the past, while also instilling that same passion into those around her and the generations to come. When she’s not illustrating or dancing, you can find her exploring botanical gardens, searching for her next foodie joint, spending time with her big family, or hiking around local trails after a good coffee or matcha fix. 20 SOPHIE ROHRBACH

I was born in Strasbourg in 1978. I began my career after graduating in display design at the Chambre des Commerces. I went on to design displays in many top department stores including Galeries Lafayette. I also studied illustration at Emile Cohl in Lyon, France, learning traditional technics and animated cartoon. Now I live near Paris in a country house where I love to take care of my garden. I am passionate about the colors and patterns that I use in my illustrations. My work is mostly digital but I like to try to mix and match paper and anything that get to my hand. 21 SYLWIA FILIPCZAK

I was born in Lodz, Poland and I still live here with my husband and two kids. I have studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, Poland. Since 2006 I have been working as a Senior Illustrator and Designer for a Polish publishing studio. I have illustrated books based on licensing through the following companies: Walt Disney Company ( ), LEGO Group (Duplo, Friends, Elves, City), Schleich (Horse Club, Farm). My education was based on traditional painting and graphic techniques. In my free time I work on intaglio printing. I like traveling with my husband. I am also a tea lover and I really love animals (specially dogs). O ur Principals, Fairness, Ability, Creativity, Trust and that’s a F.A.C.T.

Our mission, Great available art from Great available artists. MM

Cover art by: Max Rambaldi [email protected]

Advocate Art Ltd. Suite 7, The Sanctuary, 23 Oakhill Grove, Surbiton, KT6 6DU UK +44 (0)208 390 6293

Advocate Art Inc. 33 Irving Place Suite 2070 New York, NY 10003 USA +1 212 946 4792

Advocate Art, S.L. Nuevos Aires, 6ºC C/ Alonso de Bazán, 1 Marbella, 29602 Spain +34 951 503 439