2003 Weather Trivia Calendar
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nalty I Maslerfile DECEMBER FEBRUARY 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 January 2003 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1999: Nine people died and 1 1955: Workers In Frederlcton, 2 1890: In the Vancouver, BC, 3 1994: Residents 01 Happy 4 25 others were injured when NB, were removing snow from area, a recently completed Valley and Goose Bay, NF, an avalanche swept down on a city streets aller astoon when bridge between lulu and Sea suffered the consequence 01 New Year's celebration in an Ihey discovered thalthe snow Islands collapsed under the a serious water shortage after spewing from their snow blower had a pressure otlce coming down the Inuil village. The avalanche crashed pinkish tinge. They searched through leaving Iheir water running to into a gym in Kangiqsl the snow fearing whalthey might find. Fraser River. local ollicials were prevent pipes tram freezing PQ, 1,500 km north of learned nol unduly upset: the bridge was in -30·C temperatures. Ungava Bay. Villagers immedlalely still under guarantee. began kicking and digging by hi through am of snow in a frantic el1ortlo free dozens ollrapped people. New Year's Day New Moon • Perihelion 00:00 EST Weatller Quiz 1986: The second winler 6 1998: Canada's most 7 1989: The sudden arrival 01 8 2002: Pacific air flooded 9 1997: Extremely cold 10 2000: Awinter thunder 11 storm in 3 days struck New destructive weather event was warm weather, along with weather prompted otticlals In world ranking at the across Western Canada. and lightning show is Brunswick. Monclon gol in its third day. Ice Storm heavy rain and high winds, 10 postpone awinter- 40 costliest insurance 5 Temperatures soared to 16°C unusual In Canada. 91 cm from Ihe slorms. Nova '98 was monstrous: 70 to caused the ice to break up on survival workshop at Ihe loss disasters since 1970, In lethbridge, AB, 10°C in On this night, a loud, Scotia and Prince Edward Island 110 mm ot freezing precipitalion lake Simcoe near Barrie, ON. Delta Marsh University tleld station, where did Ihe 1998 Eastern Regina, SK, and near 6°C in booming thunderstorm could be received lesser amounts followed and 80 hours of Ice rain, nearly Hundreds ice tishers were caught Winnipeg, MB, smashing previous 20 km north 01 Portage la Prairie, Canadian ice storm rank? 01 heard clear across Nova Scolia. by rain or Ireezing rain. Winds double Ihe normal annual duration. by surprise; 14 had to be rescued daily highs. At least 17 communities MB. Organizers were concerned Some houses In Halilax shook, and 113rd across the region blew al above Its wide geographic coverage-from by helicopter. broke records. In BC's Okanagan, that the students arriving tram windows raltled. Many callers to 21 9th 100 km/h. Moncton police had to Onlario 10 New Brunswick-was Ihe warmlh was bad news tor Winnipeg would be stranded on the weather ollice said the noise 31 20th use snowmobiles. At Bathurst, extreme. About 900,000 Quebec ice-wine makers anxiously waiting Ihe Trans-Canada Highway by cold trighlened their children. The light 41 34th 30 cm of snow clogged Ihe streets, households and 100,000 Dnlario for temperatures 10 drop to -9°C and temperalures and blowing snow, ning and racket also senl dogs and 51 40th left unploughed by striking snow homes had no power. Properly slay there lor at leasl4 hours. and in need 01 survival skills belore cats scurrying to corners or under plough operators. damage costs and business losses they had received them. beds. exceeded $5 billion. (Answers on Inside back cover) First Quarter () 1916: Weather was 12 1918: During alerocious 13 2002: Another "wealher 14 1671: Quebec City, PQ, 15 2002: For the second 16 1994: Blinded by blowing 17 2002: lake Simcoe, ON, 18 Indirectly responsible lor snowslorm, strong winds bomb" hit the Maritimes. received the season's time in 3 days, a howling snow, a woman drove her 10 be the ice- one 01 the worst railway hit southwestern OntariO, New Brunswick's Acadian lirst snowfalllhe previous blizzard descended upon small car inlo the back 01 capital ot North accidents in Canadian tanning a huge lire in the Peninsula gol more Ihan day, marking what was Allantic Canada. Cape alransport-trailer near saw the latest history. Across soulhern Manitoba, lown of Ustowel. Anumber 01 trains 36 cm ot snow and wind gusts ot probably ils shortest winter ever. Breton, NS, bore the brunl ol1he Edmonton, AB. The unsuspecting arrival 01 sale ice in years. Some snow blocked roads and slowed were stranded throughout the region 100 km/h. The Contederation Bridge By mid-March, spring was settling storm receiving 20 to 40 cm ot transport driver drove ott wilh the ice-hut operators thought twice trains. In Ihe Brandon rail yards, in monslrous 5-m snowdrifts and had to be closed twice 10 high-sided in. Food spoilage, resulting from snow. Schools, businesses, and vehicle stuck beneath Ihe lanker. aboul opening. Simcoe's Cook's Bay traffic nearly halted when ice tog temperatures cold enough to Ireeze vehicles and tractor-trailers. One the lack ot cold weather, caused every government olllce closed. For 30 minutes, Ihe coupled had aboul13 cm ot ice, but huge enveloped all the locomotives. the wheels to Ihe tracks. Food and Halitax, NS, resident contused the considerable hardship. Marine Atlantic cancelled Ihe lerry vehicles stayed together despile expanses ollhe lake remained Suddenly, a locomotive emerged fuel, cut short by the war, ran out sound 01 live wires sparking on crossing Irom North Sydney, NS, Ihe woman's Irantic attempts 10 open. The lake draws more anglers out ollhe fog and rammed inlo the quickly. Trains and rescue snow dumpsters behind his apartmenl for 10 Newtoundland. break tree. Blowing snow kept In winter than summer, and area caboose of a snow train crowded ploughs were immobilized. gunshots and called police. Winds other drivers trom noticing. The businesses rely on the winter fish with workers. The crash killed 19. reached 165 km/h in Truro, NS. truck driver stopped after he heard ery 10 the tune 01 $28 million a year. the car's tires exploding. The woman sullered only a broken ankle. Full Moon 0 1935: More than 40 cm 19 1999: The big snow 01 2 0 1996: Unusually warm 2 1 1868: Extremely cold 2 2 2000: Two days atter 2 3 2000: Mayor Mel 2002: Three youth al a 2 5 DI snow lell on Vancouver, 24 '99 became the big slop weather In Nova Scotls wealher earlier in Ihe asevere slorm struck lastman 01 Toronto, ON, detention centre in BC, in one 01 its worst 01 '99 as mild weather awakened peeper trogs week formed an ice the Marilimes it was offered Prince Edward Annapolis Valley, NS, storms in history. Strong and rain moved inlo trom winler hibernation, bridge below Nlagara discovered that 2 cotlages Island help to dig out 01 took advantage 01 record- winds whipped snow into 2-m drifts southern Ontario. Toronto's mayor endangering their lives when the Falls. Hundreds of people Iread at Tatamagouche Bay, NS, had been its snowfall, exaclly 1year alter breaking snowtalllo escape by belore 267 mm 01 rain and Ireezing pleaded wilh residenls 10 clear cold wealher returned. The sound 01 along the ice to gel aspeclacular lifted Irom Iheir foundations, turned Islanders had helped Toronto dig building asnowbank high enough 10 rain ov!! 4 dafs ~ashed ~h~!".. ?alc~ b~Si~S, dig.~ul.s~~w.around !h~.p~~per frog. has !radlllon.al~f ~iew of ~iag~ra !lIh il~ ~ce-Io~ded around, and deposiled hundreds of out trom under its worsl snowstorm climb over a.tence in the yard:.~ne ---------,---------------,--~.-------------,---- .. ----------- New Year's Oay New Moon • Perihelion 00:00 EST ............._---1 .............- ... Weather Quiz 1986: The second winter 6 1998: Canada's most 1989: The sudden arrival ot 8 2002: Pacific air tlooded 9 1997: Extremely cold 10 2000: AWinter thunder 11 storm in 3 days struck New destructive weather event warm weather, along with across Western Canada. weather prompted otticials and lightning show Is In world ranking of the Brunswick. Moncton got in its third day. Ice Storm heavy rain and high winds, to postpone awinter- 40 costliest insurance 5 Temperatures soared 10 16°C unusual in Canada. survival workshop at the loss disasters since 1970, 91 cm from the storms. Nova '98 was monstrous: 70 to caused the ice 10 break up on in lethbridge, AB, 10°C in On this night, a loud, ScoUa and Prince Edward Island 110 mm of freezing precipitation lake Simcoe near Barrie, OM. Delta Marsh University field station, where did the 1998 Eastern Regina, SK, and near 6°C in booming thunderstorm could be and 80 hours of ice rain, I 20 km norlh at Portage la Prairie, Canadian ice storm rank? received lesser amounts followed Hundreds of ice fishers were caught Winnipeg, MB, smashing previous heard clear across Nova Scolla. by rain or freezing rain. Winds double the normal annual by surprise; 14 had to be rescued daily highs. At leasl17 communities MB. Organizers were concerned Some houses in Halifax shook, and 1]3rd across the region blew at above Its wide geographic coverage-from by helicopter.