February 2021 Black history month resource sheet

Below are resources to help you get going or continue your education during black history month! Set up a movie night with your roommates, listen to a podcast or music during a workout, or curl up with a good book!

Movies / shows / videos:

Malcolm X, HBO max

Selma, hulu

If beale street could talk, hulu when they see us, netflix becoming, netflix self-made, netflix

13th, netflix

Ma rainey’s black bottom, netflix

Moonlight, netflix

Remember the titans, Disney+

42, YouTube, amazon

One night in Miami, amazon prime

Judas and the black messiah, amazon prime

Radical social justice education through high fives, jen fry


1619, the New York times

Uncivil, gimlet

Black girl in om, Lauren ash

The humanity archive, Jermaine fowler

Historically black, apm reports & the Washington post

School colors, mark Winston Griffith & max freedman

Blackbelt voices, adena j. white, Kara wilkins & Katrina dupins

Black history buff, king kurus

Witness black history, BBC world service

Noire histoir, Natasha mceachron

February 2021 Black history month resource sheet

Books / readings:

1619, the New York times

Year of yes, Shonda rhimes

Expect to win, Carla Harris

Just mercy,

Hidden figures, Margot lee Shetterly

Zami: a new spelling of my name, Audre lorde

Assata: an autobiography, Assata shakur the new Jim crow, Michelle alexander freedom is a constant struggle, Angela y. Davis how we fight for our lives, Saeed jones

I know why the caged bird sings, maya angelou

The warmth of other suns, Isabel Wilkerson

Exiles of Eden, ladan Osman

They were her property, Stephanie e. jones- rogers

The hate u give, angie Thomas

Between the world and me, Ta-Nehisi Coates


Setting the record straight on American music’s black roots

The ‘whitewashing’ of black music: a dark chapter in rock history

I put a spell on you, screamin’ jay Hawkins

Ball and chain, big mama Thornton

Hound dog, big mama Thornton

I shot the sheriff, bob Marley

Tutti frutti, little Richard

Strange fruit, Billie holiday