CONTENTS Page Notices 2 Reviews and Articles 6 Conferences and Events 19 Affiliated Society Meetings 19 NOTICES Newsletter: Copy Date Please note that the final copy deadline for the September 2019 Newsletter is 19 July 2019. Please send items for inclusion by email preferably (as MS Word attachments) to:
[email protected], or by surface mail to me, Richard Gilpin, Honorary Editor, LAMAS Newsletter, 84 Lock Chase, Blackheath, London SE3 9HA. It would be greatly appreciated if contributors could please ensure that any item sent by mail carries postage that is appropriate for the weight and size of the item. LAMAS History Editor Wanted The position of History Editor of the Society’s Transactions is vacant. This unpaid post will be attractive to a person interested in promoting and assisting the publication of articles about London history in the journal. Full support is given by the Publications Committee, which meets three times a year in central London. If you are interested, please contact the Chair of the Publications Committee, John Schofield, at
[email protected]. LAMAS Lecture Programme 2018-2019 Unless otherwise stated, meetings take place in the Clore Learning Centre at the Museum of London on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm – refreshments from 6pm. Meetings are open to all; members may bring guests. Non- members are welcome and are asked to donate £2 towards lecture expenses. The following is the remaining lecture in the 2018-2019 programme. Details of the 2019-2020 programme will appear in the September Newsletter. 2 14 May 2019 Joint Prehistoric Society and LAMAS lecture: The Battersea Channel – a hidden landscape, Mark Stevenson, Historic England.