2000, Auburn, Alabama, U.S.A

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2000, Auburn, Alabama, U.S.A RESUMENES DE LA XXXI REUNION ANUAL DE ONTA ABSTRACTS OF THE XXXI ANNUAL MEETING OF ONTA 16-20 APRIL (ABRIL) 2000, AUBURN, ALABAMA, U.S.A. EVALUACIÓN DE LA TOLERANCIA DE PORTAINJERTOS DE VID AL NEMATODO DE LOS CÍTRICOS, TYLENCHULUS SEMIPENETRANS, EN CHILE [TOLERANCE EVALUATION OF GRAPE ROOSTOCKS TO CITRUS NEMATODE, TYLENCHULUS SEMIPENETRANS, IN CHILE]. E. Aballay y A. Navarro, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Departamento de Sanidad Vegetal, Uni- versidad de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.—El nematodo de los cítricos, Tylenchulus semipene- trans es una especie que se encuentra distribuida en una amplia zona de la superficie cultivada con vides (Vitis vinifera L.), tanto para producción de uva de mesa como para elaboración de vinos. La vid en Chile se cultiva principalmente sobre su propio pie, sin embargo ante la presencia de nematodos fitoparásitos, se han desarrollado programas de evaluación de resistencia de portainjertos a Xiphinema spp. y Meloidogyne spp pricipalmente, con poca atención a otras especies. La investigación se desar- rolló en un predio que presentaba una infestación natural con T. semipenetrans, estableciendo los por- tainjertos Harmony, O 39-16, K 5BB, 420 A, 110 R, C 1613, Ramsey, SO4 y Cabernet Sauvignon, esta última como testigo. Las plantas se establecieron en 1994, en un sector de replante de vides y la eval- uación del desarrollo de las poblaciones de nematodos se realizó durante 1998/1999, observándose diferencias importantes en las tasas de reproducción entre los diferentes tratamientos. THE USE OF HETERORHABDITIS SPP. FOR WHITE GRUB CONTROL [USO DE HETERORHAB- DITIS SPP. PARA EL CONTROL DE GALLINA CIEGA]. R. Alatorre-Rosas, and M. A. Hernández- García, Instituto de Fitosanidad, Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico, Montecillo, Edo Mexico, 56230.—The Scarabaeidae commonly known as white grubs constitute a serious problem for diverse crops of economic importance in Mexico. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effective- ness of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and H. indicus under greenhouse conditions on larvae (1.0 to 1.5 g) of Cyclocephala sp. and Phyllophaga vetula. The tests were carried out in small pots with 88 g of soil (30% sand, 25% silt, 45% clay), two seeds of corn and a white grub larva. Each experimental unit was inoc- ulated with 10 000 or 30 000 infective juveniles (IJ). There were 20 experimental units, four replicates per insect and nematode species, and pots were arranged in a randomized complete block design. Cyclocephala sp. at 10 000 IJ showed high susceptibility to H. bacteriophora (88.8%) and H. indica (93.1%); however, in the case of P. vetula the mortality was low (26.6%). With 30 000 IJ of H. indica, the mortality of P. vetula increased (76.0%). In both species of white grubs, the nematodes were un- able to reproduce. Soil type and the insect species play an important role in the establishment of nem- atodes in the white grub environment. TM-425 (METHYL IODIDE): DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATORY STATUS AS A METHYL BRO- MIDE REPLACEMENT IN STRAWBERRIES AND TOMATOES [TM-425 (IODURO DE METILO): DESARROLLO Y REGULACIÓN COMO SUBSTITUTO DE BROMURO DE METILO EN FRESAS Y TOMATES]. M. A. Allan, and C. T. Schiller, Tomen Agro Inc., 100 First St., Suite 1700, San Fran- cisco, CA 94105, U.S.A.—TM-425 (active ingredient: methyl iodide) is a broad-spectrum fumigant ap- plied to soil for control of various fungal, nematode and weed species in strawberry and fresh market tomato production acreage. Pre-plant applications are made with tractor mounted injection equip- ment on flat ground or into prepared plant beds. Early field efficacy studies conducted in California and Florida support use rates of 120-235 lbs of product per treated acre dependent upon target pest organism(s). Regulatory meetings with Federal EPA and California Department of Pesticide Regula- tions (CDPR) indicate TM-425 as a drop-in replacement for methyl bromide will be given top priority with an accelerated review process pending all toxicological and residue data outcome. Tomen Agro’s target for submission is 1st quarter 2002 with potential Section 3 registration by 1st quarter 2003. BIOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR VARIATION IN POTATO CYST NEMATODE (GLOBODERA PALLIDA) [VARIATIÓN MOLECULAR Y BIOLÓGICA DEL NEMATODO ENQUISTADO DE LA PAPA (GLOBODERA PALLIDA)]. M. R. Armstrong, V. C. Blok, M. S. Phillips, and D. L. Trudgill, Scot- 113 114 NEMATROPICA Vol. 30, No. 2, 2000 tish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5DA, UK.—The white potato cyst nematode (wPCN; Globodera pallida), introduced into the UK from the Andes, now occurs in the majority of ware potato fields. Different “pathotypes” were described in the 1970’s based on virulence differences on potato clones with partial (quantitative) resistance. We postulated in the 1980’s that these virulence differences derived from initial founder effects and/or from genetic drift associated with subsequent spread within the UK. However, virulence tests and RAPD analyses of fragmented (inbred, single cyst lines) and unfragmented populations, and studies on the ITS region of ribosomal DNA, all suggested that UK populations are heterogeneous, possibly due to mixing of the introduced gene pools. To identify possible distinct introductions, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of populations from Eu- rope and South America was analysed. The mtDNA of wPCN was shown to be uniquely organised. In- stead of all the mtDNA genes being grouped on a single, circular molecule of >13 000 bases, they are distributed amongst several small (c. 6000 to 10 000 bases) molecules. Considerable variation in mtD- NA was observed, particularly in South America where pathotype P5A was very different. The majority of UK populations of wPCN appear to derive from a single introduction that became widely spread and fragmented. However, two UK populations that had distinct patterns of virulence were also dis- tinguished by their mtDNA. BIOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN ISO- LATE OF PASTEURIA PARASITIC ON HETERODERA GLYCINES [CARACTERIZACIÓN BIOLÓGI- CA Y MOLECULAR DE UN AISLAMIENTO NORTEAMERICANO DE PASTEURIA QUE PARASITA HETERODERA GLYCINES] N. Atibalentja, and G. R. Noel, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, and USDA, ARS, Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.—The life cycle and ultrastructure of a Pasteuria isolate that parasitizes Heterodera glycines in Illinois was investigated with light and transmis- sion electron microscopy of juveniles, adults, and cysts extracted from soybean roots and rhizosphere. To determine the phylogeny of the Illinois Pasteuria, a 1.5-kb region of the 16S rDNA obtained from endospores was PCR-amplified, sequenced, and compared to homologous sequences of 32 other bac- terial species, including the Daphnia endosymbiont, P. ramosa, and P. penetrans, parasite of Meloidogyne spp. Endospores that adhered to the cuticle of second-stage juveniles (J2) of H. glycines did not germi- nate until the J2 invaded the roots. Then, germ tubes differentiated from the endospores and pene- trated into the body of the J2. The life cycle is completed only in females. Ultrastructure revealed similarities and differences between the Illinois isolate of Pasteuria and P. nishizawae, the only other Pasteuria known to attack H. glycines. Mature endospores were similar, but those of the Pasteuria from Illinois were larger. Also, the laminated mesosome-like bodies observed in earlier stages of the en- dosporogenesis of the Illinois isolate differed in nature and function from the vesicular mesosomes involved in the forespore septum formation in P. nishizawae. Phylogenetic analyses placed the Pasteur- ia at the base of a clade that contained Alicyclobacillus spp., and further showed that P. ramosa diverged before the speciation of nematode- infecting Pasteuria. BIOFUMIGACIÓN Y CULTIVOS EXTENSIVOS [BIOFUMIGATION AND VARIOUS CROPS]. A. Bello,1 M. Arias,1 J. A. López-Pérez,1 L. Díaz-Viruliche,1 R. Sanz,1 J. C. Ferrandiz,2 M. A. Leal3 y A. Mar- tínez,3 Dpto Agroecología, Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, CSIC. Serrano 115 dpdo, 28006 Madrid,1 Cooperativa Agrícola Villena, Ctra del Puerto s/n, 03440 Villena (Alicante)2 y Horfres S. L, camino del Arahal, Villena (Alicante), España.3—Se analiza el uso de la materia orgánica en el control de los organismos patógenos de los vegetales, destacando el interés de la biofumigación, que se define como la acción de los gases producidos por la materia orgánica como fumigantes, que en algunos ca- sos se ha considerado como una solarización con materia orgánica. Se ha diseñado un experimento de biofumigación con residuos de brasicas, estiércol de oveja y residuos de champiñón en un cultivo extensivo de zanahoria bajo las condiciones ambientales de los climas mediterráneos continentales, donde la aplicación de los plásticos utilizados en la solarización no son viables económicamente por la gran extensión del cultivo, y no siempre pueden alcanzarse temperaturas altas, comparándolo con NEMATROPICA Vol. 30, No. 2, 2000 115 un tratamiento químico con carbofurano. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la biofumi- gación es posible en cultivos extensivos, sin aplicar plástico y sin necesidad de temperaturas altas, que la diferencia claramente de la solarización. Se confirma que esta técnica de biofumigación, sin utiliza- ción de plástico ni temperaturas altas, puede aplicarse bajo determinadas condiciones agronómicas en cultivos intensivos. NEMATODES AND SOIL QUALITY AS FOUNDATIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [NEMATODOS Y CALIDAD EDÁFICA COMO BASE PARA DESARROLLO SUSTENTABLE]. G. W. Bird, M. F. Berney, and R. R. Harwood, Dept. of Entomology and Dept. of Crop & Soil Science, Mich- igan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, U.S.A.—Taxa of the phylum Nematoda will be reviewed in relation to their ecosystem functions as bacterivores, fungivores, carnivores, algivores, omnivores and herbivores. This will be followed by an overview of the concept of soil quality: ability to accept, hold and release nutrients and other chemical constituents; accept, hold and release water to plants, streams and groundwater; promote and sustain root growth; maintain suitable soil biotic habitat; respond to management and resist degradation.
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