EOSC for Fermín Serrano, Fundación Ibercivis – Socientize.eu Third Community Workshop on Cloud Amsterdam 7 April 2016 @ferminserrano @ibercivis @socientize #cienciaciudadana #citizenscience

Speech by Commissioner Carlos Moedas in Amsterdam, NL:

"Open science: share and succeed"

Amsterdam, 4 April 2016 “Help us ensure citizen scientists contribute to European Science as valid knowledge producers, by 2020” Citizen science From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Scientific research conducted, in whole or in part, by amateur or nonprofessional scientists.

Scientific work undertaken by members of the general public, often in collaboration with or under the direction of professional scientists and scientific institutions General public engagement in scientific research activities when citizens actively contribute to science either with their intellectual effort or surrounding knowledge or with their tools and resources. INNOVATION any change –not just technological– based on knowledge –not just scientific– which generates value –not just economic

Fundación COTEC www.cotec.es 2015 Citizen Science Pooling of resources Data collection Human sensing GLOBAL CHALLENGES Analysis tasks Serious games DEMOCRACY ENHANCEMENT Participatory experiments Grassroots activities APPROPRIATION EVIDENCE Collective Intelligence CO-CREATION (and more) POLICY SCIENCE INNOVATION LEARNING INFRASTRUCTURES SOCIETY CRITICAL THINKING PARADIGM SHIFT EMPOWERMENT ICT SCALABILITY PARTICIPATION TRANSPARENCY www.socientize.eu Fundación Ibercivis http://www.ibercivis.es Spanish institution devoted to CS

Deployment/support experiments/studies Centralize/share services/resources Hardware computing/storage/backup/monitorization/support Software/middleware development/integration/adaptation Data management/visualization/legal issues Networking/awareness/recruitment/empowerment/events/education Projects/proposals/sustainability/strategy/ Research models/impacts/metrics/technologies 10 years in a nuttshell

2016 Observatories +50.000 volunteers Quality, Challenges

– Focus on non-English speaking countries 2015 CitSci Lab +40 Research experiments Socioeconomics. S&T&Arts – Phsysics, Biotechnology, Human Behaviour, 2014 . Mathematics, Environmental monitoring, Collective Intelligence Biodiversity, Social Sciences, 2013 Serious games Humanites&Arts, ICT, Social innovation Crowdcrafting. Open policy

Education, Exhibitions, Publications 2012 National institution Lgally established Foundation +20 scientific publications analysis Socientize.eu (FP7) 2011 Volunteer sensing Virtual excursions

2010 Participatory expermnts Information dynamics Grupos de investigación: 2009 BOINC multiserver BIFI-Unizar, Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión Int.DesktopGrid 2008 BOINC Umbrella project LNF-CIEMAT, UPV, UPM, UNEX, GEMPPO- IEM-CSIC, IQFR-CSIC, CBM Severo Ochoa, 2007 Volunteer computing UBA, UALP, UFCG, CEAC, Ugranada, CEIT-CSIC, UPB-EHU, UCAM, Umiddlesex, eutema, ZSI , 2006 Desktop Grid BIFI.UNIZAR.ES Computing UB, UCIII, CITA, AEC, FEE… OBSERVATORY OF CITIZEN SCIENCE IN SPAIN www.ciencia-ciudadana.es

Map of agents, places, projects Meta analisis Repositories of resources and tools Workshops, also #CitSciChatES Impact analysis -> data science and social sciences Brochure Sept 2015 #

https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/content/brochure-excellent-science-digital-age Open Science Policy Platform https://ec.europa.eu/research/swafs/pdf/pub_open_science/new_policy_initiative.pdf Green and White Papers on Citizen Science

http://www.socientize.eu/?q=es/content/download-socientize-white-paper http://ecsa.citizen-science.net



Knowledge Skills


Are we able to give to people the idea that #citizenscience tools and methodologies can change their approach to scientific questions? WHAT CAN EOSC DELIVER TO CITIZEN SCIENCE?

Many things. YES. e.g. environment for innovation

Then, can we frame the research space? Each model of CS requires specific services

Ported apps, frameworks Volunteer computing Data management Backup and Load balance Visualization Authentification Volunteer sensing Legal and ethics Automatization tools Guideles and toolkits Repository of resources Volunteer thinking Gamification tips Quality assurance plan Indicators Training and education Grass-roots activities Physical and digital spaces Recruitment, stratification Open innovation labs Funding channels Participatory experiments Access committee ...Governance Public engagement occur in all the phases of the scientific research worflow

Source: opendigitalscience.eu

... capacity building/networking, dissemination/outreach/inreach, enagement strategy ... PROFESSIONALS/ACADEMIA

CS As research Topic itself



Training, data quality assurance, open evaluation, scientific equipment, data, workflows, notepads residencies, accelerators, investment reputation, trust, passion... - Different goals: dissemination outreach empowerment contribution collaboration

- At different scales: Local, regional, international Pop-up experiments, long term

- Different areas of knowledge ( humanities vs biodiversity) - Different technologies (Epiwork vs Twitter) - Different skills/experiences/reputation:


Targeted deployment of CS services by designing open CS VO/WP and/or

Mainstreaming CS methodologies i.e. embeding activities in Lifewatch, DARIAH...) THANKS

DISCUSSIONS e.g. Open calls and open evaluation e.g. Cloud like eduroaming e.g. adaptation of self-evaluation such as RRI-Tools (under development within ECSA) e.g. quality assurance (dagta gathering, access, experiences...) http://ideasquare.web.cern.ch