24 Hours Rockin' Rockwoods 53K/20K 50K October 8, 2016 Men Wildwood, MO
MAGAZINE FEATURES ULTRARUNNING CALENDAR RACE SERIES SHOP ABOUT YOU ARE AT: Home » Featured » UltraRunning Magazine All-Time Lists UltraRunning Magazine All-Time Lists 7 FEATURED RACES BY ULTRARUNNING MAGAZINE ON 12/12/2013 FEATURED, REFERENCE Trans-Pecos Ultra Updated 9/26/2016, this is a reference of best times recorded for the following distances. 163M October 23, 2016 Presidio, TX This is a listing of the all-time best performances by North American residents. We list these as best times, not records, because many of these times have not been ocially sanctioned or certiąed by USATF or any Dead Horse governing body. Nonetheless, the times are believed to be accurate. A ‘t’ next to the time indicates that the 50K mark was set in a trail race, where the distance is believed to be accurate. November 19, 2016 Moab, UT 24 Hours Rockin' Rockwoods 53K/20K 50K October 8, 2016 Men Wildwood, MO Hellcat 50km Endurance Run Name Age State Year Result 50K Mike Morton 41 FL 2012 172.457 miles January 21, 2017 Green Cove Springs, FL Jon Olsen 38 CA 2013 167.568 Scott Jurek 36 WA 2010 165.705 RECENT RESULTS Rae Clark 38 CA 1990 165.243 Pete Kostelnick 28 NE 2015 163.54 John Dennis 32 MD 2013 163.255 Death Before DNF Ultra 100 Miles Mark Godale 29 OH 1998 162.46 Beaver Flat 50 50 KM Park Barner 35 PA 1979 162.305 Flagline Trail Fest 50 KM Joseph Gaebler 36 CO 2003 162.2 Run Rabbit Run 100 Miles Kevin Setnes, 39, WI, 1993 39 WI 1993 160.426 SLO Ultra at Wild Cherry Canyon 50 Miles (World best) Yiannis Kouros 41 GRE/AUS 1997 188.589 Hideaway Hundred
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