Service Order
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o XXXX indicates where information has been redacted under exemptions / exceptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and / or Environmental Information Regulations 2004. SERVICE ORDER This Service Order specifies the requirements necessary for the completion of an agreement for the purchase of Services/Goods. CONTRACT REFERENCE NUMBER: FST19/04/089-24984 (to be quoted on all correspondence relating to this Service Order) DATE: 17 January 2013 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: to follow (When detailed, this number should be quoted on all invoices to ensure payment is made in accordance with the contract) FROM: Natural England TO: Met Office 3rd Floor Touthill Close, City Road, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, Devon Peterborough PE1 1UA EX1 3PB Project Officer: xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx Job Title: Environmental Monitoring Specialist Bids Manager Telephone No: xxxxxxxxxxx Tel: xxxxxxxxx Mob: xxxxxxxxxxxx Mob: xxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED AT: INVOICE ADDRESS: Integrated Monitoring, 3rd Sloor Bridgewater Natural England, DFSSD Accounts House, 60 Whitworth Street, Manchester M1 Payable, PO Box 92, Lion House, 6LT Willowburn Trading Estate, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 9AR SERVICES: Servicing and Maintenance of Automatic Weather Stations on long-term monitoring network sites in England CONTRACT PERIOD: Commencement Date: On receipt of this service order Duration: All site visits completed and reported on by 31.3.13. Natural England may take up the option to extend this contract beyond the initial period for a further 1-2 years. The contract will be reviewed after the initial short term period. CONTRACT PRICE EXCLUDING VAT: CONTRACT PRICE INCLUDING VAT: £14,944.05 plus remedial costs £872 VAT @ 20% = £3,163.21 Service order for the purchase of goods, services, consultancy, R&D by Natural England version August 2011 1 Total £15,816.05 Total payable: £18,979.26 DESRIPTION OF SERVICES and TIMETABLE (specification): See attached specification. Appendix A: Only part 1 and 2 of the ITT specification are to be taken forward as part of this award of contract. Parts 3 and 4 could be part of a contract amendment taking up the option to extend the contract for 1 to 2 years if Natural England chooses to do so. PAYMENT PROFILE, RATES AND CHARGES: Met Office: Service order for the purchase of goods, services, consultancy, R&D by Natural England version August 2011 2 Remedial work: Site Remedial Work Hardware Cost Bure Marshes Re-site soil temperature sensors if a suitable drier location exists at the site Fenn’s, Whixall & Bettisfield Replace rain gauge and Mossess resolve issue with connectors Lindisfarne Re-site raingauge to location with better exposure Old Winchester Hill Replace humidity screen if spare is available Thursley Replace junction box Total POTENTIAL ADDITIONAL COSTS: There may be additional costs for sensors or equipment that may need replacing once maintenance visits have been carried out. These will be agreed with the project officer. Costs should be minimized by recycling like for like sensors. We may take up the option offered by the Met Office tender to provide soil moisture probes linked to the fire severity index to prioritised sites across the network. This will need to be discussed further on commencement of the contract. Service order for the purchase of goods, services, consultancy, R&D by Natural England version August 2011 3 NATURAL ENGLAND RESPONSIBILITIES: Xxxxxxxxx is to be the main point of contact as the project manager and is responsible for the contract management. Xxxxxxxxxxxx will provide data management input to the contract. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION: If requested under clause 15 of the General Terms following action note 06/10 5March 2010 issued by OGC, the Supplier may need to supply management information to Natural England or the GPS (Government Procurement Service) formally OGC. The final scope of these requirements may vary according to the category of spend and will be agreed with the supplier at the time of engagement but may consider the following: line item amount; invoice line descriptions; invoice line number; currency code; order date; VAT inclusion flag; VAT rate; list price; number of items; unit of purchase; unit of purchase quantity; price per unit; supplier product/service code; product description; product/service level (product or service name); UNSPSC code; taxonomy code; taxonomy name; geographical; project code; project description; project start date; project delivery date (estimate and actual); total project cost and project stage. SPECIAL TERMS: NE General Terms & Conditions Special Terms for Services With reference to clause 22.3 the Contractor shall maintain sufficient and audited funding via self insurance for this liability’ SIGNATURE: Signed on behalf of Natural England: Signed on behalf of the Contractor: Authorised Signatory: Authorised Signatory: ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Print name: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Print name: Job title: Procurement Lead Adviser Job title: Date: Date: Service order for the purchase of goods, services, consultancy, R&D by Natural England version August 2011 4 Appendix 1: 1. Specification Requirements There are 4 parts to this specification and potential contractors are invited to tender for one or more of these parts. They are: Part 1: to inspect, adjust, replace and calibrate instruments as necessary to ensure data is being recorded to required ECN and Met Office standards. Part 2: to upgrade dataloggers across the LTMN network to those AWS that need upgrading Part 3: to assess and provide remote downloading capability Part 4: to provide information on real time data management, trend analysis capability options 1.1 Part 1 AWS Maintenance The AWS sensors and data loggers are to be calibrated, serviced and routinely maintained to ensure data collected is reliable, secure and of known quality, so that any conclusions drawn in analytical projects is scientifically robust. Currently 16 AWS stations are installed across the Network. All sites are National Nature Reserves (NNRs) managed by Natural England (apart from Burnham Beeches and Epping Forest which is managed by the City of London Corporation). The other 3 sites North Solent, Kielderhead and Malham Tarn are all Met Office Stations. For each site the company who originally installed each AWS, the data logger model, history and priority level of maintenance visits are listed in Table 1. The priority level is to indicate the urgency for which an AWS is in need of a maintenance visit and should inform the development of a prioritised maintenance programme. Site Make & Data Logger Last Date of Met Priority Level Installation Model Maintained Office Check Date by Campbell Ainsdale Dunes & Sands NNR, Campbell CR10X 30th Oct 2009 1st March 2011 High Lancashire installed 2006 Bure Marshes NNR, Norfolk Campbell CR1000 15th March 2011 Low installed 2009 Burnham Beeches NNR, Delta T DL2e 10th March 2011 High Berkshire Derbyshire Dales NNR, Campbell CR10X 23rd Feb 2010 3rd March 2011 High Derbyshire installed 2006 Service order for the purchase of goods, services, consultancy, R&D by Natural England version August 2011 5 Downton Gorge NNR, Campbell CR1000 Low Herefordshire installed 2012 East Dartmoor Woods & Heaths Campbell CR1000 8th July 2009 11th Feb 2011 Medium NNR, Devon installed 2008 Epping Forest, Essex NNR Campbell CR1000 Low installed 2012 Fenn’s, Whixall and Bettisfield Campbell CR1000 3rd March 2011 Medium Mosses NNR, Shropshire installed 2009 Finglandrigg Woods NNR, Campbell CR1000 16th Feb 2011 Medium/Low Cumbria installed 2008 Ingleborough NNR, Yorkshire Campbell CR10X 3rd Nov 2011 7th March 2011 Medium/Low installed 2005 Lindisfarne NNR, Campbell CR1000 18th Feb 2011 Medium Northumberland installed 2010 Lullington Heath NNR, East Campbell CR10X 1st Dec 2011 1st April 2011 Low Sussex installed 2006 Martin Down NNR, Hampshire Campbell CR1000 20th Nov 2008 24th Feb 2011 Medium installed 2008 Old Winchester Hill NNR, Campbell CR1000 21st Nov 2008 23rd March 2011 Medium Hampshire installed 2008 Stiperstones NNR, Shropshire Campbell CR1000 1st July 2009 16th March 2011 Medium installed 2008 Thursley NNR, Surrey Campbell CR1000 6th Aug 2010 5th April 2011 Medium installed 2008 Table 1 AWS Sites, original installers, data logger model to be maintained in 2012/13 AWS Survey and Standard Check The Met Office visited 14 network sites in 2011 undertaking a site survey and general check of the instrumentation, as described in the table 2. A series of reports were completed containing a site survey report for each site, and a summary with recommendations for future activity. Actions from the Met Office Check Visits should inform the development of a maintenance programme and a schedule of prioritised visits. The reports and a summary table of results of these visits will be provided to the successful suppliers indicating the priority level for each site and should be used to inform the schedule (also see table 1). The supplier should also advise on the frequency of repeat maintenance visits for each AWS over the long term and individual sensors i.e. in terms of need to clean particular sensors susceptible to dirt and litter affecting the accuracy of data. A short guidance note with visual aids should be produced on how these simple maintenance tasks can be carried out targeted at reserve managers for easy understanding. A costed breakdown for each element, unit cost per site and overall cost for Lot 1 or Lot 2 or both Lots as explained in Section 7. Table 2: Met Office Site Survey and Calibration Visit Site Survey and Calibration Visit Service order for the purchase of goods, services, consultancy, R&D by Natural England version August 2011 6 Logger Check Logger Operation, Analogue Channels and Internal Parameters Wind Speed Point Checks with Traceable Standard Hand Held Anemometry Wind Direction Cardinal Checks with Met Office Best Practice & Precision Compass, and adjust is required. Relative Humidity Check against standard Instrument. Air Temperature Check against standard Instrument. Soil Temperatures Make a visual inspection of sensor installation and exposure. Ground Temperature Grass Check against standard Instrument.