IMTERPRISE National Honor Society, Science Favorites

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IMTERPRISE National Honor Society, Science Favorites PDor Man's Supper.~fl p/(lce fDr leftovers by Mary Hoefiinger Thursday, Feb. 17, from month for a general meeting Have you ever gone to bed 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Con- to discuss progress made. hungry? Susie did for seven vention Center. Admission is a The meetings are open to the - days. But she was on a diet. two-dollar donation. For this public and everyone interest- Or have you ever gone without you will be served a meal ed in becoming involved. shoes or clothes that fit? which includes a bowl of soup , All funds and proceeds Jimmy didn't get his thirty- a cup of coffee, and a piece raised through the . supper dollar pair of "All-Stars," of bread. After this you will go to the Christian Service but he .did get a pair of tennis be entertained by the youth Program. Last year this pro- shoes. of the area. The purpose is gram was able to · provide It is hard to believe that that you will leave with an food, clothing, and medicine every night there are many empty stomach but a full and for an average of three people in the Shreveport- content heart. hundred families a month in Bossier area who do go to bed The night of Feb. 17 will be the Shreveport-Bossier area . hungry because they don't the finished product of months have any food. Just as many of work for approximately The success of the Poor go without shoes, and clothing seventy people working Man's Supper and the Chris­ or settle for ill-fitting, tattered directly with the planning of tian Service Program de­ remains of a one-time dress the Poor Man's Supper. These pends upon the spirit, brother­ or pair of pants. people include both the youth hood, and desire to give and Each year since 1970, the and their adult advisors. help that is found in many of youth of the Shreveport- Although the success of the the people in our area. Per­ Bossier area come together Poor Man's Supper is the haps if you are one of the promoting brotherhood and result of the help of hundreds Susie's who went to bed raising funds for the needy of people, those working because of her diet, or a 1976-77 CLASS FAVORITES are pictured above: first row, through their annual Poor directly have formed commit­ Jimmy who had to settle for freshmen, Ray Thompson, Kathy Bamburg; second row, sopho­ Man's Supper. This supper tees handling tickets, public­ less than his "All-Stars" mores, Chuck Stadtlander, Danette Faour; third row, senior, is backed by Sister Margaret ity, poster contests, enter­ there is a little extra in your Kelly Waite and junior, Bitty Donner; fourth row, senior, Bill McCaffery, coordinator of the tainment, and communi­ life that you could give to Roby and junior, Billy Kirkikis. Christian Science Program. cations. These committees someone in need. Think This year's Poor Man's meet privately on their own about it. It would surely be Classes elect favorites; Supper is scheduled for and then join together each appreciated. eight receive honors Senior, Junior, Sophomore Stadtlander are 1976-77 Sopho­ and Freshman Class Favorites more Class Favorites, Danette TH,E have recently been elected by is a Key Club sponsor, a mem­ the Captain Shreve student body ber of Gator Bait, and was on for the 1976-77 school year. this year 's Homecoming Court. Bill Roby and Kelly Waite Chuck is in Key Club and plays have been chosen as Senior CS football and baseball . Class Favorites. Bill is Key Club CS freshmen picked Kathy IMTERPRISE vice-president and a member of Bamburg and Ray Thompson as in National Honor Society, Science favorites. /Kathy works Captain Shreve High School Club and Drama Club. Kelly Student Council and as the Astra Club, Drama freshman Girls' Vice-President. is active in Shreveport, Louisiana, January 25, 1977 NumberS Club and Gator Bait. She is also She was also a member of the Volume X a cheerleader and was a member 1976-77 Homecoming Court. of the 1976-77 Homecoming Court. Juniors elected Bitty Donner as their registration and Billy Kirkikis Courses reviewed for CS favorites. Bitty is in Z Club, Because registration for the concerning the study of individ­ Home and Family Living -­ and the makeup of the U.S. Pep Squad and Gator Bait, and 1977-78 school year will begin ual behavior. Offered to seniors year's study of planning a home government. Billy serves as secretary of next month, here is a synopsis only. and family. Ancient History -- full-year Interact, treasurer of the Latin of most of the elective courses Sociology -- half-year course Small Appliance Repair -­ course that studies history Club, and plays on the CS base­ offered at Shreve: concerning the study of man and study teaching the parts of from the beginning of time to ball team. Creative Writing -- half-year how he functions in society. small appliances like toasters, the middle ages. Danette Faour and Chuck course offered to senior students. Offered to seniors only. mixers, blenders, etc. Woodwork teaches the putting wood together. Novels -- another half-year Humanities course for Small Gas Engines -- study of basics of Drawing -- tech­ course offered to seniors in which seniors researching the combin­ mainly boat motors and lawn Mechanical nical course in learning the Courses half-unit the students disCtJss the themes, ation of American History and mower engines. science, and math aspects of drawing. English, manners and styles of approxi­ American Literature. Aerospace Science -- half-year precise among those includ­ -- study of courses are mately ten novels. Business Math -- year's study course that offers the technical General Music a new state mandate different kinds of music such as ed in Journalism -- full-year course of social security, income, aspects of flying a plane. states that students must -- study rock, jazz, classical which which teaches students aspects banking and budgets. American Government folk, country, semesters before ob­ and opera. pass both of news writing and publications. Senior arithmetic ·- full-year of American political behavior credit for a given course. taining Includes units on advertising, course which reviews the basic mandate, effective the The broadcast journalism and news­ fundamantals of math. Closeup draws student interest first semester of the 1976-77 Computer Programming paper makeup. Students enrolled 6-12. school year, includes all courses one-year course for seniors only. by Jeff Willis should be interested in writing. students will Closeup is a program which except Art I through Art IV, Prerequisites are Algebra I & II Thirty-nine Psychology -- half-year course Shreve High provides st\Jdents with a greater Home Economics I through and Geometry. Students should represent Captain program familiarity about the mechanics Home Economics IV, most also be enrolled in Advanced School in the Closeup .C. Feb. of the federal government. business courses, ;:1nd Career Math. held in Washington, D Center. This new requirement Requirements makes it impossible for a Students from CS participatin(}'" student to get full credit for the in the Closeup program are course unless he has received change again Bert Baker, Patty Baski nd , Lori a passing grade for each Beginning next year students Bernat, Melinda Black, Beneta semester. A student who fails will be required to take an B!ake, Jay Bliss, Chris Butts, a semester must return during additional science course and the Joe Carter, Brad Colgin, Becky that semester of the following new Free Enterprise course that Cook, Lynn Curtis, Karen Downs, Font, year to repeat the course. the State Board of Education has Billie Driver, David mandated. Only one year of Stephanie Harrell, Teresa Hea­ science has been required for the cock, Cinde Hodges, Todd past several years, but for the Hughes, Hunter Hynes, John Seniors only! seniors who will graduate in Kincaide, Lee Ann Kincaide, 1978, two years of science will Pat Kirton , Cathy Lewis, Chris be required. Marlar, Lynn McCary, Ronnie The LOG deadline for com­ McMichael, Patricia Merklein, in Free Enterprise, a course that pleting information cards Kathy Muslow, Felicia Nelson, Mrs. Powell's office is tomor­ will also be required for the graduating class of '78, is the Mimi O'Neal, Cheryl Oxen­ row, Jan. 26. If your senior reiter, Jeff Rassmussen, Susan credits are not listed on the study of operating a business in our capitalistic system. It is a half Richardson, Carla Simpson, card by tomorrow, your Scott Sinclair, Susan Summers, the semester course which will be credits will not appear in Benny Van Osdell, Ken Wiley, yearbook in May. taught beginning this semester by Mrs. Eleanor Cameron, MISS GEORGIA LEE, CS AMERICAN HISTORY TEACHER, and Trent Mills. Miss Georgia social studies teacher. and 39 students are part of the 1977 Closeup program. Lee will sponsor the CS group. ' Page Two THE ENTERPRISE January 25, 1977 b6oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo6oo~ijooooooooooo~ Editorial Stflfe 8Dflrd of Educfltion hfls diseflse ~ ~~... ~ I Every year just after the New apparant reason other than, ''Free Enterprise is a required course now. I'm sorry, but you'll have to take it to graduate. '·--high Year's celebrations have fizzled "I can't make it till May. school counselor. ''I'm in the middle of my junior year with 14 credits. I've got six more courses 1 need to out, a strange disease hits even I'll just scream." take, but now they tell me I have to take one more science plus that Free Enterprise course. How am I those usually well-adjusted supposed to take seven and a half courses in one year?'·-- distraught student.
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