162nd YEAR • No. 267 20 PAGES • 50¢ CLEVELAND, TN 37311 THE CITY WITH SPIRIT FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2017 A ‘United’ night to shine Jobless rate Mazzolini, Spire, for January Cooke, Grant are takes a hike: honored in annual 5.3 percent banquet for UW By SARALYN NORKUS Seasonal increase
[email protected] Thursday night was one that served to honor a history- making year for the United Way of the Ocoee Region and due to retail drop those who made it possible. Those in attendance for the United Way’s Annual Banquet By RICK NORTON were pleased to learn that the organization had seen its most
[email protected] impressive year yet, having raised over $6.4 million in rev- enue for 2016. Layoffs in the retail trade industry marking the end of the As is tradition, three of the United Way’s most honored Christmas season brought Bradley County’s string of unem- service awards were handed out at its annual report. Banner photo, Daniel Guy ployment drops to an abrupt halt in January as the month’s “These are probably some of the greatest servants in this TANYA MAZZOLINI, left, and Cindy Spires, who was married to the late rate jumped to 5.3 percent. community, and not just for the United Way, but for many Tim Spires, accept the 2017 William F. Johnson award as co-recipients at The original December mark was 4.2, and was later revised organizations and churches in town,” said Matt Ryerson, the United Way Annual Meeting on Thursday. This year was only the third to 4.3.