Beyond the Blackboard District 24 – Scarborough and East York MA/RW Volume 38 - Number 2 Fall 2019 HAROLYN PANNETA Former District 24 President Honoured by RTO District 24 and the Canadian Federation of University Women HEALTH MATTERS Spotlight on Medical Cannabis - Travel and Insurance Concerns Canada Post Postage Paid Publications Mail 40881027 Help Us Find Newly Retired Educational Professionals Do you know any teachers, school and board administrators, educational assistants, administrative professionals, custodians, university and college faculty and support staff retiring soon? If you do, let us know so that they can be invited to District 24’s New Members’ Brunch in September! What is RTO/ERO? Founded in 1968, we are a full-service voluntary organization providing a strong voice for retired teachers, principals, vice-principals, educational support staff and college and university faculty and support staff. What benefits do I receive? • Access to superior group insurance plans • Pension support • Bilingual services • Member discounts and opportunities • Active peer community • Advocacy on social and political issues • Group travel plan • Connection with member activities and initiatives Who belongs to RTO/ERO? We have over 75,000 members, from age 45 to 109, from "every facet of education. Can I join RTO/ERO? Do you, or will you (or does your spouse) receive a pension from the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP)? Did you work in a school or school board office and will you receive a pension from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), or Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS)? Were you a member of faculty at a University or College and receiving a pension? Then you can be a member! What do Districts do? At the District level, members participate in social, travel and leisure opportunities, political advocacy and District Executive Leadership. Retirement Planning Workshop Depuis 1968 Free Hosted by RTO/ERO Since 1968 Designed for anyone who • works in schools and school boards, • wishes to learn about retirement planning • wants a workshop tailored specially to the education sector Attend and Learn About: Attendees Receive: • preparing a secure financial future • comprehensive retirement planning hand- • healthy, active retirement lifestyle book • health benefits in retirement • deluxe padfolio to organize your retirement • free RTO/ERO membership and member planning documents benefits • chance to win exciting draw prizes Register Online: Questions? [email protected] or 1-800-361-9888 When: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Saturday, November 16, 2019; Registration/refreshments start 9:00 a.m. Where: Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel, 901 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON M9W 1J5 2 | BEYOND THE BLACKBOARD Beyond the Blackboard Contents RTO/ERO Retirement Planning Workshop 2 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Scott Baker District 24 Executive 2019 – 2020 4 President’s Message – District 24 Highlights 5 EDITORIAL BOARD Bonnie Clarke Volunteer Needed – New Newsletter Editor 5 Donna Hubel New Members 6 Annemarie McKee Paula Chambers In Memoriam 6 District 24 Executive Meetings 6 CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Marilyn Tregwin E-News / Webmaster Report 7 RTO Foundation News 8 Beyond the Blackboard is published as a members’ newsletter Health Report – Health Matters 9, 10 by RTO/ERO District 24. The content of this newsletter may or Book Club A 11 may not reflect the position of Book Club B and C 12 RTO/ERO District 24 or the official position of RTO/ERO. Other RTO/ District 24 Member Recognition – Harolyn Panneta 13, 14 ERO districts are welcome to use any material contained in this Nordic Pole Walking Club 14 newsletter providing appropriate attribution is made regarding RTO District 24 2019 Excursions and Events 15 - 19 source. District 24 Fall Luncheon and Craft Sale 17, 19 PRINTING District 24 Christmas Luncheon 18, 19 Mi5 Print and Digital HAVA JAVA 18 Communications Knitters and Crafters Group 18 Canada Post Canadian Publication Mail Sales Product Agreement Glory – Hamilton Family Theatre, Cambridge 20 # 40881027 Billy Elliot: The Musical – Festival Theatre, Stratford 21 Lunenburg – The Showboat Festival Theatre, Port Colborne 22 District 24 Breakfast for Kids Golf Tournament 23 Depuis 1968 2019-2020 RTO/ERO Scholarship Back Cover Upcoming Events Back Cover Change of Address/Contact Information Back Cover On Our Cover: District 24 member Harolyn Panneta at the District 24 Annual General Meeting where she was honoured. Harolyn was also recently honoured by the Canadian Since 1968 Federation of University Women. See her story on page 13. Beyond the Blackboard welcomes submissions from members of RTO/ERO District 24. We accept letters to the editor, article proposals, photos, and artwork. Do you have a story to tell, an experience to share, or a poem that you have written? Consider contributing your work for publication. Articles should be between 400 and 1200 words, and photographs and scanned images should be at least 300 dpi at 5”x7” size (please send photos/images as email attachments and do not reduce size when attaching). Send submissions to: [email protected] We cannot guarantee that submissions will be published or published as received. The editors reserve the right to edit, condense, or reject letters or submissions. Deadline for submissions for the next edition of Beyond the Blackboard is December 7, 2018. FALL 2019 | 3 DISTRICT 24 EXECUTIVE 2019 – 2020 TABLE OFFICERS: PAST PRESIDENT: Bill Sparks SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT: Vacant [email protected] (416) 293-7477 PRESIDENT Paula Chambers TREASURER: Gary Fick [email protected] (416) 208-0202 [email protected] (647) 388-9676 FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: Annemarie McKee SECRETARY: Vacant [email protected] COMMITTEE CHAIRS: ARCHIVES: Gloria Wilson-Forbes AWARDS: Annemarie McKee [email protected] (416) 721-1530 [email protected] BOOK CLUB A: BOOK CLUB B: Gloria Courtney [email protected] Danielle Desmarais [email protected] June Bourdon [email protected] Connie Macdonald [email protected] Bonnie Clarke [email protected] BOOK CLUB C: Danielle Desmarais BRIDGE CLUB: Terry and Dale Smith [email protected][email protected] (416) 438-0430 [email protected] EXCURSIONS: Marilyn Tregwin FOUNDATION LIAISON: Gary Fick [email protected] (647) 970-0531 [email protected] (647) 388-9676 GOLF CONVENER: Les Coombs GOODWILL: Lynne Horvath [email protected] (416) 261-0568 [email protected] (647) 483-7377 HAVA JAVA: Chris Elliot HEALTH: Bonnie Clarke [email protected] (416) 497-6192 [email protected] (416) 609-3635 KNITTERS & CRAFTERS: Chris Elliot MEMBERSHIP: Les Coombs [email protected] (416) 497-6192 [email protected] (416) 261-0568 NEW RETIREES’ BRUNCH: Wendy Hooker NEWSLETTER: Scott Baker [email protected] (416) 266-4682 [email protected] (905) 655-5547 NORDIC POLE WALKING: Paula Chambers PENSIONS: Terry Smith [email protected] (416) 208-0202 [email protected] (416) 438-0430 POLITICAL ADVOCACY: Peter Vanderyagt RECRUITMENT: Wendy Hooker [email protected][email protected] (416) 266-4682 RWTO REP: Linda Jarvis SERVICE TO OTHERS: Carol Nelson [email protected] (416) 293-8689 [email protected] (416) 724-7107 SOCIAL CONVENOR: Susan Watson TRAVELOGUE: Gloria Wilson-Forbes [email protected] (416) 698-3030 [email protected] (416) 721-1530 WEBMASTER: Annemarie McKee [email protected] 4 | BEYOND THE BLACKBOARD PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE DISTRICT 24 HIGHLIGHTS PAULA CHAMBERS – DISTRICT 24 PRESIDENT After our recent Executive Meeting of RTO District 24, two points remain in my thoughts. One member reminded us that we are a very privileged group to have such a good pension plan. Another member informed us that currently, only 7% of Canadians have full benefits in their working lives. Under a previous Ontario government, millions of dollars Federal Election: a universal, public, pharmacare program; were removed from the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan and a national seniors strategy; retirement income security. not repaid. There is real concern that such an event could These issues will definitely be focussed on during the be repeated. Although we are a nonpartisan not-for-profit federal election and will certainly still be relevant into the group, we must remain vigilant as to what is happening both future. For further information, I recommend that you visit provincially and federally to protect our members. With a federal election this year, our Political Advocacy Locally, we are all aware of the recent cutbacks in teaching representative, Peter Vanderyagt, has been very busy staff. Hopefully, many of these young teachers will be recalled meeting with all political parties to connect with them to fill positions as the staffing models are adjusted at the regarding the objectives of RTO’s Vibrant Voices. To quote beginning of the school year. There is a very real possibility Martha Foster, Chair of RTO/ERO Board of Directors, of a strike this fall. Although RTO/ERO is a nonpartisan “We are here to represent the vibrant voices of our active, organization, there is nothing to stop us from visiting our engaged members on issues of importance to all Canadians.” working colleagues at our former schools with chicken soup, Whatever RTO achieves for our members also benefits all coffee, or donuts. seniors. Here are the RTO/ERO issues of concern for the Volunteer Needed RTORTO DistrictDistrict 2424 NewsletterNewsletter EditorEditor District 24 is in need of a new Newsletter Editor. The current editor will be stepping down after publication of the Summer 2020 edition of Beyond the Blackboard. This is an opportunity to use your creative skills and perhaps learn new skills in a rewarding new volunteer role with RTO District 24. By signing on now for this position you will be able to “wet your feet” and apprentice with the current editor on the next two editions of the newsletter. District 24 will provide the appropriate software and hardware to support the important role of Newsletter Editor.
History Wars Memory, Politics, and Dark Chapters in Our Past
Emily M. Keeler on the literature of overwork PAGE 13 $6.50 Vol. 25, No. 7 October 2017 M MM R H History Wars Memory, politics, and dark chapters in our past PLUS A E The jihad economy G F The mytho- constitutional Quebec universe ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: + Dennis Duffy on a sociology of CanLit + Anne Kingston on doctors, patients, and cash Publications Mail Agreement #40032362 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to + Donna Bailey Nurse on the vision of David Chariandy LRC, Circulation Dept. PO Box 8, Station K + Stephen Smith on P.K. Subban and hockey-dad memoirs Toronto, ON M4P 2G1 New from University of Toronto Press The Constitution in a Hall of Mirrors Canada at 150 by David E. Smith Canada’s Odyssey In this book, David E. Smith analyzes A Country Based on Incomplete the interconnectedness of Canada’s Conquests parliamentary institutions and argues by Peter H. Russell that Parliament is a unity comprised of three parts and any reforms made to one In Canada’s Odyssey, renowned scholar branch will, whether intended or not, Peter H. Russell provides an expansive, affect the other branches. accessible account of Canadian history from the pre-Confederation period to the present day. Something’s Got to Give Balancing Work, Childcare and Eldercare by Linda Duxbury and Christopher Making a Global City Higgins How One Toronto School Embraced Something’s Got to Give provides Diversity practical advice to managers and policy- by Robert Vipond makers about how to mitigate the effects of employee work-life conict, Making a Global City celebrates one of retain talent, and improve employee the world’s most multicultural cities and engagement and productivity.
Table of Contents 1979-80 President Lorne Smith ..........................................................161 Forward ...................................................................................................... 2 1980-81 President Con Stoltz..............................................................166 1917 President W.G. Keddie ................................................................... 3 1981-82 President Len Levencrown ...................................................171 1918 President W.G. Keddie ................................................................... 4 1982-83 President Doug Legere .........................................................176 1919 President H. Fitzsimmons .............................................................. 6 1983-84 President Tom Spence...........................................................182 1920 President C. G. Keyes ..................................................................... 7 1984-85 President Tony Fisher ...........................................................187 1921 President C. G. Keyes ..................................................................... 8 1985-86 President Norm Campbell ...................................................191 1922 President C.G. Keyes ...................................................................... 9 1986-87 President Tom Beveridge .....................................................195 1923 President F.H. Plant ...................................................................... 10 1987-88 President Alan
O-Pee-Chee/Hockey Hall of Fame Frank Prazak/Hockey Hall of Fame PRAISE FOR THE GAME “A first-rate discussion of hockey by one of hockey’s first-rate players and first-rate minds …. Essential reading for anyone serious about hockey as an important part of Canadian life.” —Hamilton Spectator “The Game is a beautifully written, insightful, perceptive, revealing look at hockey.” —Toronto Star “We always wondered what he was thinking about whenever the play stopped and he struck his characteristic pose resting his chin on his goal stick. Now we know. He was composing one of the best hockey books ever written …. There is a ‘you are there’ quality to the prose as the author-goalie lets you see everything through his eyes, spicing his vivid descriptions with personal reflections and observations …. The Game succeeds both as an inside look at hockey and a portrait of an articulate athlete who knew when to quit.” —Winnipeg Free Press “The Game is a brilliant adventure into ourselves. It makes all other books about the sport look preliminary.” —Calgary Herald “A book about Ken Dryden, about Quebec, about the rest of Canada, and most of all, a loving book about a special sport.” —New York Times “The best Canadian sports book in years.” —Calgary Sun “An incredible memoir, a poetic journey through the life of Les Canadiens. It rises above being just a book about hockey. It’s a book about people, the fragile, delicate moments on the edge of fame and glory, failure and disillusionment. Dryden’s The Game is the complete hockey book.” —Windsor Star “As Dryden reminisces, we are presented with a portrait, in broad and vivid strokes, of the players who comprised the best team in professional hockey….
{PDF EPUB} Playing the Shots at Both Ends the Story of Ken and Dave Dryden by Murray Dryden Corbett's World '05
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Playing the shots at both ends The story of Ken and Dave Dryden by Murray Dryden Corbett's World '05. Ken Dryden could be Canada's prime minister one day. Some say: "Please, and soon." At the moment, he's the federal Social Development Minister, which doesn't surprise anyone; for he is actually following in his father's footsteps -- that of caring for people. The quiet, articulate former NHL goaltending great, lawyer, best-selling author, filmmaker, hockey executive, turned politician was credited with saving Paul Martin's troubled Liberal government from extinction with some sage advice in recent days. Martin adopted Dryden's words by promising Canadians a federal election once the sponsorship inquiry tabled its report. However, Dryden is much more comfortable behind the scenes; and abhors the loud mouths, which, seemingly roar, daily in the halls of Ottawa's Parliament Buildings. As a CP story points out , Dryden, who has a far-reaching plan for universal child care, is a man of vision with child-care centres eventually becoming community hubs. As for the cost of such an idea, Dryden would sooner leave that to the bean-counters. And as for seeking the PM's job, he told the reporter, in his methodical manner, "I don't know. I didn't know I could write, I didn't know I could play in the NHL . You find out." As for his deep social concerns, Ken, learned those from his father -- D. Murray Dryden. Both the Missus and myself had the privilege of being with the senior Dryden on a number of occasions in his Toronto-area home, where after pointing out where his sons, Ken and Dave, learned their goaltending skills in the small backyard pond, he would take people on a tour of the crowded Sleeping Children Around the World "headquarters." A number of volunteers would always be scurrying around as Mr.
CANADA Debates of the Senate 3rd SESSION . 37th PARLIAMENT . VOLUME 141 . NUMBER 7 OFFICIAL REPORT (HANSARD) Thursday, February 12, 2004 ^ THE HONOURABLE DAN HAYS SPEAKER CONTENTS (Daily index of proceedings appears at back of this issue). Debates and Publications: Chambers Building, Room 943, Tel. 996-0193 Published by the Senate Available from Communication Canada ± Canadian Government Publishing, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S9. Also available on the Internet: 146 THE SENATE Thursday, February 12, 2004 The Senate met at 1:30 p.m., the Speaker in the Chair. Committee where, as Senator Murray put it at her taking leave of this place, ``She was always constructive and showed a deep Prayers. understanding'' of complicated matters. Honourable senators, I could say more but others wish to SENATORS' STATEMENTS speak. Let me end by saying that this dignified, modest person was a sterling example of loyalty. Her work certainly added to the renown of the Senate and also to the Anderson name, not only TRIBUTES in Northumberland—Miramichi, but also throughout New Brunswick and beyond. She was a pillar of strength and a THE LATE HONOURABLE beautiful person to be associated with. MARGARET JEAN ANDERSON The Hon. the Speaker: Honourable senators, I have received a Hon. Noël A. Kinsella (Deputy Leader of the Opposition): letter under our rules requesting that time be provided today as Honourable senators, it is an honour for me to rise as a New added time to Senators' Statements for purposes of paying tribute Brunswicker to pay tribute to a former senator, Margaret Jean to the Honourable Senator Margaret Anderson, who passed away Anderson, who represented our province and the beautiful on December 8.
RTO Magazine Winter 2020 modern family What’s your family story? When grandparents are caregivers EXCLUSIVE 5% OFF FOR RTO MEMBERS when you book with Merit Travel ...for the experience SMALL GROUPS. BIG ADVENTURES. G ADVENTURES CLASSIC TOURS Step off the beaten path and discover the world’s most exotic destinations. Classic Tours give you the best of both worlds: the famous must-see highlights you’ve dreamed about plus authentic, under-the-radar activities and cultural encounters you can only get with a connected local expert. Call 1-877-872-3826 or visit Merit RTO print ad winter 2019 - G adv full page V2.indd 1 2019-10-16 10:35 AM contents 24 On the Cover Photography by Chris Nicholls, Charles Tabone and Pixel-shot forward 5 Contributors 6 Letters 6 Updates 7 From the Chair 20 32 8 From the Editor 9 From the CEO foundation 10 7 surefire tips to staying active health matters 12 Boost your memory 14 Games night 16 Superfoods in your spice cabinet 18 Cross-Canada health challenge features 20 What’s your family story? departments Finding the pieces of the family puzzle 38 Cross-country winter festivals 24 Modern family 42 Hockey night in Aurora The meaning of family is more about love and unbreakable bonds 44 A living inheritance 46 Soup’s on 32 When grandparents are caregivers 50 Living memories Make sure you’re all on the same page 52 Bookshelf winter 2020 1 Welcome to our world of exotic travels in 2020 & 2021! Kenya & Tanzania Hawaii & French Polynesia Best of South Africa Japan - Land of the East Africa great migration 15-day cruises Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe rising sun cruise & tour including stay in Zanzibar Sept.