Registered Charity No: 272098 ISSN 0585-9980 SURREY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY CASTLE ARCH, GUILDFORD GU1 3SX Tel/ Fax: 01483 532454 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: Bulletin 356 March 2002 Society members at Sllchester Church and Amphitheatre. A MEDIEVAL SITE AT CLIFTON'S LANE, REIGATE David Williams This site was first discovered by Dennis Turner in about 1972 after the removal of a triangular area of woodland and an associated hedge bank (TQ 239514). It lies on the Gault Clay at the foot of the downs, and following the discovery, an excavation was carried out in 1972 by the archaeological group of the Holmesdale Natural History Club under Frank Harvey. Unfortunately no one seems to have assumed responsibility for the work and no account of the site or the excavation has ever appeared. A site notebook, at present unlocated, apparently survives but there appear to be no plans or useful photographs. The excavation, of limited extent, is believed to have uncovered a rectangular stone hearth (which the writer remembers seeing) as well as areas of cobbling. The excavation was discontinued when the hearth was destroyed by ploughing but the finds from this work survive. Since its discovery the site has been mostly under grass and ploughed only occasionally, being visited by the writer at least twice, when finds were collected. In the last two years the site has been cultivated again and the opportunity was taken in the summer of 2001 to undertake a sketch survey as well as some metal detecting. The site borders the east side of Clifton's Lane, which runs north from Reigate Heath and across the downs towards Walton, and which can be shown to of medieval origin.