Address-Space Randomization for Windows Systems∗ Lixin Li and JamesE.Just R.Sekar Global InfoTek, Inc., Reston, VA Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY {nli,jjust}
[email protected] Abstract Wehntrust [21] and Ozone [20]. In addition, Windows Address-space randomization (ASR) is a promising Vista is going to be shipped with a limited implemen- solution to defend against memory corruption attacks tation of ASR [9]. However, these products suffer from that have contributed to about three-quarters of US- one or more of the following drawbacks: CERT advisories in the past few years. Several tech- • Insufficient range of randomization. Windows Vista niques have been proposed for implementing ASR on randomizes base addresses over a range of 256 possi- Linux, but its application to Microsoft Windows, the ble values. This level of randomization is hardly suf- largest monoculture on the Internet, has not received ficient to defeat targeted attacks: the attacker simply as much attention. We address this problem in this pa- needs to try their attack an average of 128 times be- per and describe a solution that provides about 15-bits fore succeeding. This isn’t likely to significantly slow of randomness in the locations of all (code or data) ob- down self-replicating worms either. Wehntrust and jects. Our randomization is applicable to all processes Ozone provide more randomization, but significantly on a Windows box, including all core system services, less than that of DAWSON in some memory regions as well as applications such as web browsers, office ap- such as the stack. plications, and so on.