New books for the Catholic library at St. Laurentius , Drammen

Date: 01.12.2013

Title/Series Subtitle Author/Contents Category

Saint Pius X The Farm Boy who became Pope Walter Diethelm, OSB Edith Stein and Companions On the way to Auschwitz Father Paul Hamans Saints Bakhita From Slave to Roberto Italo Zanini Saints Faustina Saint for Our Times Rev. George W. Kosicki, CSB Saints Holy Men and Women Of the Middle Ages and Beyond Pope Benedict XVI Saints Mark Twain Saints Saints Are Not Sad Short Biographies of Joyful Saints Frank J. Sheed Saints A Sense of the Sacred Roman Catholic Worship in the Middle Ages James Monti Mass and Liturgy The Organic Development of the Liturgy Reid, OSB Mass and Liturgy The History and the Future of the Roman Liturgy Denis Crouan. STD Mass and Liturgy The Mass and Modernity Walking to Heaven Backward Jonathan Robinson Mass and Liturgy Divine Love Made Flesh The Holy Eucharist as the Sacrament of Charity Raymond Cardinal Burke Mass and Liturgy The Spirit of the Liturgy Joseph Cardianl Ratzinger Mass and Liturgy Musica Sacra Sacred Music: A Liturgical and Pastoral Challenge Congreagation for Divine Worship and the DisiplineMass and of Liturgy the Sacraments Worthy is the Lamb The Biblical Roots of the Mass Thomas J. Nash Mass and Liturgy A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Understanding What We Say and Do in the Liturgy Edward Sri Mass and Liturgy Heresy of Formlessness The Roman Liturgy and its Enemy Martin Mosebach Mass and Liturgy In Memory of Me A Meditation on the Roman Canon Milton Walsh Mass and Liturgy Benedict XVI's Reform The Liturgy between Innovation and Tradition Nicola Bux Mass and Liturgy Loving and Living the Mass, 2nd Edition Fr. Thomas Kocik Mass and Liturgy The Voice of the Church at Prayer Reflections on Liturgy and Language Uwe Lang Mass and Liturgy Know Him in the Breaking of the Bread A Guide to the Mass Fr. Francis Randolph Mass and Liturgy If Your Mind Wanders at Mass Thomas Howard Mass and Liturgy Pardon and Peace A Sinner's Guide to Confession Fr. Francis Randolph Mass and Liturgy Apostolic Origins of Priestly Celibacy Christian Cochini, SJ Clergy and Ordinations Deaconesses An Historical Study Aime Georges Martimort Clergy and Ordinations Priesthood and Diaconate Gerhard Muller Clergy and Ordinations The Priest is Not His Own Fulton Sheen Clergy and Ordinations The Joy Of Being A Priest Following the Cure of Ars Christoph Cardinal Shonborn Clergy and Ordinations Married Priests? 30 Crucial Questions about Celibacy Arturo Cattaneo Clergy and Ordinations An Exorcist Tells His Story Gabriele Amorth Clergy and Ordinations The Rite The Making of a Modern Exorcist Matt Baglio Clergy and Ordinations Into All Truth What Catholics Believe and Why Milton Walsh Theology Cosmic Liturgy The Universe According to Theology History of the Catholic Church From the Apostolic Age to the Third Millennium James Hitchcock Church History Jesuit Missionaries to North America Spiritual Writings and Biographical Sketches Francois Roustang, SJ Church History Classic Catholic Converts Fr. Charles P. Connor Apologetics Parochial and Plain Sermons Apologetics What to Do When Jesus is Hungry A Practical Guide to the Works of Mercy Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR Reasonable Pleasures The Strange Coherences of Catholicism James V. Schall, SJ The Ratzinger Report An Exclusive Interview on the of the Church Joseph Cardianl Ratzinger American Babylon Notes of a Christian Exile Richard John Neuhaus Christianity, Islam and Atheism The Struggle for the Soul of the West William Kilpatrick Tre Florentinarar Essays og artiklar om religion, kultur og samfunn Arnfinn Haram Literature