Chamberlain Quells \^Te] Over British Actioi
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AVEBAOB-DAILY dRCTLATlOK - t for tha Month of August, .1988 the WEATHER Fotueast et 0. B. Weather Bai«aa Hisrtford 6.026 .. Btauber of the Audit laonaatag clondtateM toMglR Bniean of dreulatlons followed by ahewera SnaAay, atoerty ri^dug tm nperatare. MANCHESTER ~ A CI^V^ OF VILLAGE (^AH M VOL. LVn., NO. 291 (daaalfled Advertising on Page 12^ . J , MANCHESTER, Cp^.^ATUR SEPTEMBER iO. 1938 (FUliKT'EEN PAOES) PRICE THREE CE{ Churchmen Lead ^ n e ra l Procession fo ^ ^ i^ in a l Hayes FAVORS REPEAL iit-" OF POLL TAXES CHAMBERLAIN QUELLS IN AIl^STATES \^TE] Rooserelt Says LeTies Pre- rent Considerable Per- ^ OVER BRITISH ACTIOI - centage Of PopolatiQO WITNE.SS C'ROSB-EXA.'VnNEB From Using Voting Rights CZECHS ASSERT DEWEY; CALLED "FBE.SH' Official Statement S a fi New York. Sept. 10.— (A P ) — A case of a witness, cross-exam- cept Reports Rc President RoaBeveJt*s Ihin’g a district attorney occurred UTMOST DONE Route to Roebeater, Minn., In the trial of James J. Hines. Bept. 10.— (A P ) — President Roose- District Attorney Thomas E. DedsionsCannotBeVIl velt, speeding toward the bedside of Dewey was questioning Herbert TOmPEACE Haring., handwriting expert, on his son, James, threw his Influence his interpretation of the appear- ed As Anthentic: today behind proposals to repeal ance of two endorsements on a disputed 3500 check. .. state poll taxes. Officials Hold Conviction "It is a matter of opinion, is It Also Issued Cemi Tbe President arranged to arrive Sunday morning at the Mayo clinic not?" Dewey asked, — ■ "Are you an expert?” Haring In Rochester, Minn., where Jamee, a They Can Face World And New Program For White House-eecretary, will undergo retorted. ‘ ‘Tm asking . you” ,' Dewey an operation for a gastric ulcer I Monday. No stops were sched- Hitler With Clear Con- snapped. “Is that a matter of opinion?” Ixindon, Sept. 10— (A P )- uled on the trip. Mr. Roosevelt received reports .’That Is my personal opinion” , Mlnlster Neville Chamberlain. I the witness said. late yesterday that James was In science On Sndeten Row. midst of conferences with fine spirits and was responding well "That is what I asked for the m in ist^ , opjxMlUoa lead*i*> to pre-operative treatment. first, time, not Tor you to grt fresh and flippant.” 'critics from his own parQr, Taxes Prevent Voting. Prague, Czechoslovakia,'Sept. 10. brusquely today to quell a Talking with reporters at tbe — ------------------------------------ — (A P )—Czechoslovak officials held summer White House late yesterday excited speculation over whi to the conviction today that they the President said state poU taxes aln Is going to do to "stop could face the world and Adolf Hit- prevent a considerable percentage (sefeond from left) leads the funeral procession Into 8t. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue .An official statement Yrora _ .of ..the. population .from voting. New York City, as last ceremonies of the Roman Catholic church were held for tlis late 'Patrick Cardinal Haves A t tlie extreme i«‘ ler with a clear conscience In their HINES DEFENSE Downing street st 18:35 p.s Previously, Mr. Roosevelt ■ had fight with the Sudeten German said: written to Brook Hays, Arkansas minority over self- government! ■ Democratic National Committeeman This republic, tliey asserted, has "In view of statements, to endorse a proposed tonaUtutional HITS AT CHECK have appeared In tbe laet < done its utmost to. preserve an hon- amendment to abolish the Arkan- orable peace with far-reaching ap- regerdlng reported dedeksMT sas poll tax. ^' peasement plan, beyond, which it mlnlater It can be atated ant Mr. Roosevelt said state) poll taxes HOSPITAL CARE cannot go. lively lUiat no such AS EVIDENCE apparently were an outgrowth of LA TE NEWS STATE LABOR IN FAVOR There was a well-founded pre- should be regarded as auti post-revolutionary voting require- sumption that these points would be Later a Foreign office ; ^ ments, which provided that citixens stressed by President Eduard Benes aald no new note had bMta must own property before they could GROUP OPPOSE In an address tonight before'an er- Sets Up Crime Laboratory In Germany and no new east a baUoL F L AS H ES! OF ‘J^ABY WAGNER ACF pectant -nation and world. had been given to Sir Ne -- Many states have eliminated poll The Prague government published dqraon, the British am b _____ taxes in the last few decades, the ANY TAX PLAN last night 12 terms under which it Court Room; Ca|»haw President said. He commented at.Nurnberg where caumeellorl DENIES ftlASSINO FORCES Is prepared to call off the bitter Hitler o f (Germany la a ti that the poll levy had nothing to do Berlin, Mept. 10.—-(A P )—ih e offi- Resolution Favoring Sunday argument with the Nazi-supported And Dodge To Testify; Nazi party congrese. with negro voting, because that sit- cial Oerman newv agency, FRANCE WAITS Sudeten Germans. Reputea Two Beport* uation was a separate question. Governor’s Committee Or- issued a denial today that Uermany Onb-Third Unable to Vote. Sale Of liqnoi^ With Or Takes Disciplinary Action The atatament dlapoaed Then It wiped oUt a specific griev- Defense To Take 2 Weeks The” Pj^ldent said that In- Vir- reports widely current In g in one-tblrd of tbe white voting gaoKei Willi Dr. Allen, BRITISH MOVE ance by taking disciplinary action One of'.these reports ___ •ke German frontier regions ore said Withont Meals Rejected against a Czech policeman who al- ^Britain was sending a nota to I population is unable to'vote because of the heavy tax. by Informed quarters to be un- legedly struck a Sudeten deputy on BUEUGTtNI cellor Hitler of Germany the shoulder with a whip at Maeh- ' (Eight states— Alabama, Arkan- Hartford» At Head; Stndy founded,” the statement said. New York. Bept. 10.— (A F )— hliiv. ahe would not stand i By Conn. Federation. TO SWAY NAZIS rlsch-Oqtrau on Wednesday. Be- sas, Georgia, Mississippi, South Lyon Boston. New York Inwyer Oenhan troops marched I I-OYXERV S fE ^ jn N E D cause of that Incident, the Budatena Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Vir- Prepayment Health Plans. nnd once assistant under fenner oalovaktv .. ginia—have poll taxes as prere- New BrttaftriMpf. _____( aj *) — promptly cancelled negotiations with District Attorney -WllUnm Cope- Anothiir-^ waa that Sir quisites to voting. AU except VIr-. Three men pleaded guilty In police Bridgeport, Sept. 10.— (A P )—The tbe govenunent Press Filled Willi Reports The negotiations were scheduled land Dodge, tastlfied today In Hendersmi, - the British ginia and Arkanaaa exempt elderly court today t o violating the lottery Connecticut Federation of Labqr, Its Hartford, Sept. 10— (A P )—Gov. to be resume:^ today, the Sudetens the conspiracy-lottery trial of now at Nurnherg, would be ' voters from pairmsnt ’The taxes law and were fined flOU and costs four-day annual convention at an Janies J. Hines that Dodge new orders to Nixmfer wfth^ range from I I to $3 per year). Wilbur L. Cross’ special committee expressing satisfaction over the apiece and given suspended judg- end, had In the records today a-res- Henderson Aatbonzed To ordered an Investigation of Fuehrer and convince hi™ i He placed voting taxes In the "liquidation of Maehiiscb-Ostrau. on a state-wide plan for hospital ments of 10 days In Jail by Judge Hines In 1984. Boston also testi- no bluff In repeated veiled same 'category as a movement In olution favoring a state "baby W ag- A tense expectation, ^however,. pre- care insurance on a prepayment Stanley J. Traoeskl. They were DeliVer Strong Warning vailed regarding possible weekend fied ttiat he aided Dodge in from London. New Jersey to prevent WPA, work- basis began Its task today after Dr. Patsy SInatro, 40, of 48 New Park ner act,” similar to that of New ers from voting. This movement disturbarfeea and demonstrations in what he described as a reignt- Full Crewe Man BOn*-I Dan'el Sullivan of New iJiondon. 6ne avenue. West Hartford, and Vincent York state, for regulation of Indus- the Sudeten German area. leos drive against policy racke- is known as the Women’s Rebel of the 23 members, termed many Vlgnatl, 44, of 61 Redding street - This speculation waa hei| trial relations in intrastate busl- To German Chancellor. The government’s concessions pro- teers dnrtng the same year.. lion, Inc., be said, and is eponaored hospitals In the state "lire traps.” and Ernest Burgess, 40, of 1484 nesB. by naval orders for full by a group of ladles. He suggest- vide for reorganizing Czechoslovakia man reserve mine-layera n^ Eighteen of tbe membership niet Broad street, both of Hartford. The proposed act would be sub- Into self-governing cartons group- ed that the word "ladles” might well New York, Sept. 10__ (A P)— A tills of nilne-sweeplng sloopa a* I yesterday In the Lieutenant gover- jected to auchi revision as the Amet^ ing various nationalities—German. be put In quotation marks. Paris, SepL 10— (A P )_ F ra n c e defense campaign designed to hack cautionary-measures. nor’s oince at the capitol and nam- FOE BOOMTM LEWIM lean Federation of Labor might rec- Hungarian, Russian, Czech and Mr. Roosevelt talked with report- waited anxiously today for Great While confusing reports ed I>r. WUmar M. Allen, director of Baltimore, Sept. 10. — (A P ) j - ommend. Slovaks— together. to pieces District Attorney Thomas the Hartford hospital, chairman, Britain to make a move that might ed on what Britain' would do < Arthur E. Hungerford, candidate The convention. Just before clos- British 4pnrove Plan E. Dewey‘8 policy racketeering case (UodModmI on Page rwo.) and Dr.