THE KEYWORTH DIARY Please Note: The Parish Council compiles the Keyworth Diary only. Items for inclusion in the NOVEMBER 2018 issue should be sent to [email protected] or posted to, Diary Entries, Village Hall, Elm Avenue, Keyworth by: 12.00 NOON 10th OCTOBER 2018 OTHERWISE INSERTION IN THE DIARY CANNOT BE GUARANTEED. Due to increased number of entries and limited space available, please keep wording to a minimum. It may be necessary to limit entries to a maximum of 3 lines (approx. 30 words). OCTOBER 2018 No. 503 Tuesday 2nd BINGO AT THE TAVERN - 2.15pm Keyworth Tavern Public House. Adm. Free. Tel. 937 6501 for details, raffle - money raised goes to a chosen charity. Wednesday 3rd KEYWORTH 8 O’CLOCK GROUP - Outing to the ‘Little Mouse Pottery’, Keyworth. Time T.B.C, this is an outing for members of our group only. Wednesday 3rd KEYWORTH GUITAR CLUB - venue to be confirmed 7.30pm. Beginners, improvers, advanced. Thursday 4th KEYWORTH & DISTRICT FOOTPATHS ASSN. - Guided Walk 9.30am Keyworth Square - Straws Bridge, Kirk Hallam, Dale Abbey, Stanley, West Hallam, Straws Bridge. About 9 miles. Leader, Phil 07950 274 014. Bring waterproofs, drink & packed lunch, non-members welcome. Sorry no dogs. Thursday 4th COMMUNITY CLEAN UP - Join members of the Rotary Club for a litter pick around the village. Meet at the Village Hall car park at 10am. Equipment provided. Thursday 4th KEYWORTH CAMERA CLUB - ‘Performing for the Camera’, speaker Maria Falconer, a professional dance and theatre photographer will take you on a photographic journey that will surprise and intrigue! 7.30pm for 7.45pm at Parochial Church Hall. Visitors welcome £3. Friday 5th KEYWORTH AND DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY (K&DLHS) - 7.30pm Centenary Lounge. ‘Bygone medicines kill or cure’ by Chris Weir. All welcome, non-mem £2, refresh. avail. Saturday 6th PLAY FORUM - 11am-3pm. Bungalow next to Keyworth Primary School, Road. Shop selling discounted arts and crafts materials. Monday 8th SOUTH NOTTS FLOWER CLUB - ‘Floral Foraging’ held by Caroline Jackson from Broughton. 7.30pm, Burnside Hall. Visitors £6. Please note, subs will be due on this occasion. Tuesday 9th WEBSTER HALL LADIES - 1.45pm with Dick Durance and his trip to Perilous Peru. Tuesday 9th ROYAL BRITISH LEGION - 7.30pm at Village Hall. The Keyworth Branch meets to conduct formal business and also a mix of events such as presentations, items of interest and sharing of common themes in a relaxed social atmosphere. New members are encouraged or just come along and see what we are about. Contact David Smith 846 0098 for more details. Tuesday 9th KEYWORTH UKULELE STRUMMERS (a K&D U3A Activity Group). Methodist Church Hall, 10am-12noon. Beginners and Improvers welcome. Call Jacki on 0115 937 2953 or or [email protected] for more information. Wednesday 10th KEYWORTH & DISTRICT LABOUR PARTY - 7.30pm The Salutation, Main Street. Members, new members and supporters welcome. Thursday 11th THE ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION (RAFA) - 7pm for 7.15pm - Stanton-on-the- Wolds Golf Club. Adm. free - donation to the 'Wings Appeal' appreciated. Bar facilities avail. Raffle towards Branch funds. Guest Speaker. We welcome all serving/past members and those who wish to become a member. We are looking to appoint a Secretary & Fund Raising Organiser - RAF membership is not essential. Thursday 11th KEYWORTH CAMERA CLUB - Members evening, Presentations by some members covering a wide diversity of subject matter. 7.30pm for 7.45pm at Parochial Church Hall, visitors welcome £3. Thursday 11th KEYWORTH & DISTRICT FOOTPATHS ASSN. - Guided Walks A Walk: 9.30am Keyworth Square - Osmaston, Wyaston, Cliffton, Ashbourne, Sturston, Yeldersley, Osmaston. About 11 miles (hilly). Leader, Geoff M 07954 952 233. B Walk: 9.30am Keyworth Square - Collingham, River Trent, Cromwell Weir Lock, Lagoons, Collingham. About 6 miles. Leader: Inder, 07751 820 316. Bring waterproofs, drink & packed lunch, non-members welcome. Sorry no dogs. Thursday 11th PLUMTREE WI - 7.30pm, Burnside Hall. Introductory visit free, a warm welcome awaits any new visitors. For more info call Lorraine 07539 112 229. Saturday 13th ST CECILIA CONCERT - 7.15 pm All Saints Church, Browns Lane, Stanton on the Wolds. Adults £7.50, children free. Delicious refreshments too. Sunday 14th FEARGUS THE MUSICAL - songs preview, The Plough, Normanton-on-the-Wolds 7.30-9pm. Monday 15th KEYWORTH DISTRICT GARDENING ASSC. 7.30pm Centenary lounge ‘The AGM’ A short annual meeting will be followed by a gardening quiz. This year we are having a ‘Faith Supper’ so please bring along a small contribution of food to share. Refreshments will be served. Members £2 non-mem. £3, all welcome. Tuesday 16th BINGO AT THE TAVERN - 2.15pm Keyworth Tavern Public House. Adm. Free. Tel. 937 6501 for details, raffle - money raised goes to a chosen charity. Wednesday 17th KEYWORTH 8 O’CLOCK GROUP - AGM/Harvest Supper. 8pm Parochial Church Hall. £2.00 at door to include refreshments & raffle ticket. For members only. Wednesday 17th KEYWORTH GUITAR CLUB - The Salutation. Beginners, improvers, advanced. Performers offer all genres of music. Call Brian on 937 4079. Anyone welcome to come along to watch and/or participate. Thursday 18th KEYWORTH CARER SUPPORT GROUP - 10.30am-12.30pm, Feignies Room, Village Hall. Free Carer Support Group - come & listen to guest speakers and meet other carers. Contact Sally Charles, Support Worker, Carers Hub 0115 824 8824. Thursday 18th KEYWORTH CAMERA CLUB - ‘A genre too far’, speaker Les Forrester will show us images covering various photographic subjects covering something for everyone. 7.30pm for 7.45pm at Parochial Church Hall, Selby Lane, Visitors welcome £3. Thursday 18th KEYWORTH & DISTRICT FOOTPATHS ASSN. - Guided Walk 9.30am Keyworth Square - Nether Broughton, Holwell Mouth, Holwell, Ab Kettleby, Broughton Hill, Nether Broughton. About 9½ miles. Leader, Roger 07913 559 337. Bring waterproofs, drink & packed lunch, non-members welcome. Sorry no dogs. Thursday 18th KEYWORTH MEMORY CAFé - 10am-noon, new venue, Parochial Hall (corner of Elm Avenue). (Relocated from the Pear Tree Inn, whom we thank for their tremendous welcome). We cater for the needs of people living with Dementia & carers. Serving free coffees, teas & cakes, supported by Home Instead & the Parish Church.Tel: Diana 0115 846 0053. Sunday 21st MUSIC GIG - Folk, blues & pop at The Plough, Normanton-on-the-Wolds with Frank, Brian & Rich 8-9.30pm. Tuesday 23rd KEYWORTH AND DISTRICT U3A - Members Meeting. 2pm for refreshments, talk to start at 2.30pm. Methodist Church, Selby Lane. Information re speakers is on the U3A website. Tuesday 23rd WEBSTER HALL LADIES - 1.45pm Speaker AndrewTuckwell ‘The future plans for the Keyworth District Concern’. Tuesday 23rd KEYWORTH UKULELE STRUMMERS (a K&D U3A Activity Group). Methodist Church Hall, 10am-12noon. Beginners and Improvers welcome. Call Jacki on 0115 937 2953 or or [email protected] for more information. Thursday 25th KEYWORTH WOMAN'S INSTITUTE - 7.15pm Fashion Show by SOS in Keyworth Village Hall. Treat yourself or get Christmas shopping done early! Non mem. welcome Entrance £3. Thursday 25th KEYWORTH CAMERA CLUB - ‘Internal competition, round 2’, Judge Steve Roper. Prints only in four sections. Monochrome, Colour, Nature and the theme of architecture. 7.30pm for 7.45pm at Parochial Church Hall, Selby Lane, Visitors welcome £3. Thursday 25th KEYWORTH & DISTRICT FOOTPATHS ASSN. - Guided Walk 9.30am Keyworth Square - Edwinstowe, Sherwood Forest, Major Oak, Edwinstowe. About 8 miles. Leaders, Jacquie 07986 614 438, Trevor 07866 755 615. Bring waterproofs, drink & packed lunch, non- members welcome. Sorry no dogs. Friday 26th KEYWORTH BUSINESS GROUP - 8-9am, Village Cafe & Bistro. Informal, friendly networking event, open to all business owners in Keyworth & surrounding area. Buy a cup of coffee/tea & discuss local issues. Call Ian Machan 07780 646 142 or Paul Burrows 07946 619 961. Saturday 27th U3A OPEN MEETING - 10am-12 noon in the Keyworth Village Hall. Are you no longer in full time work? Then come along and find out what the U3A has to offer. Members and Group Leaders will be keen to tell you all about it. Refreshments available. Saturday 27th NOTTINGHAM RUSHCLIFFE ARMED FORCES & VETERAN’S BREAKFAST CLUB - 9.30am onwards at The Goose at Gamston. Monday 29th FEELGOOD FILMS - doors open 1.45pm for 2pm start - Centenary Lounge. Golden Years - Grand Theft Auto, a comedy. Donations (min £3.50) on door, refreshments £1. Pop along for a lovely afternoon, everyone welcome. Details: Hazel 937 3849 or Elaine 937 3336. Lifts can be arranged with prior notice. Tuesday 30th BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP 10.30am-12 noon at Keyworth Health Centre ground floor. Informal friendly group for mutual support, contact Peter 0115 937 3773 for details (phone asks you to give your name and does not accept 'withheld' calls). Wednesday 31st KEYWORTH GUITAR CLUB - The Plough, Normanton-on-the-Wolds from 7.30pm. Beginners, improvers, advanced. Performers offer all genres of music. Call Brian on 937 4079. Wednesday 31st WEBSTER HALL LADIES - Theatre Royal to see ‘Joseph and his Technicolour dream coat’ with the Nottingham Operatic Society. Depart WH at 1.30pm.

REGULAR WEEKLY EVENTS Monday EVERYONE HEALTH 12.30 - 1.45pm. Engage chair based & otago strength and balance exercise sessions for 55+. Free sessions, Village Hall delivered by Everyone Health Nottinghamshire, contact: 07889 305 363 for details. Also at All Hallows Church Hall, on Wednesday, 1-2.15pm. RELAXERCISE - 9.30-10.30am - Webster Hall. Easy going exercise classes. £3.00 pay as you go. Tel. Penny Kimmins 937 7216 for details. KEYWORTH BABY AND TODDLER GROUP - 10.00-11.30am - Parochial Hall (term time). Adm. £1.00 per child with accompanying adult, incl. drink and biscuits. Tel. Claire 07843 204504 for details. YOGA - 11.00am-12.30pm - Platt Lane Pavilion. Suitable for beginner/ intermediate levels. Adm. £7 drop in. Tel. Chris 07811 713677. KEYWORTH BRIDGE CLUB - 1pm Burnside Memorial Hall, Plumtree. Visitors welcome, please tel. Martin Day on 937 6824 for further details. CHILDREN’S DANCE CLASS - 4.30pm. Ballroom and Latin American and fun dances. Tel. Claire Hall 937 5114 or 07812 434698. ROTARY CLUB OF KEYWORTH & - 6.15pm for 6.45pm - Country Cottage Hotel, Easthorpe Street, Ruddington. New members welcome. Tel. John Hooley 921 1832 for details. SLIMMING WORLD - 7pm - Methodist Church Hall, Selby Lane. Tel Naomi 07734 791 608 for details. TOLLERTON LINE DANCE CLASS - 2pm-3pm - Methodist Church Hall, Stanstead Ave. Adm. £4. Beginners welcome. Tel. Renée 9373998. KEYWORTH CHOIR -7.30pm - rehearsals in the Methodist Church. New members welcome, no auditions necessary. We have concerts Christmas, Easter and Summer. For information tel. 989 4883. FITSTEPS - 8pm, Keyworth Primary School. Fitness that’s “Strictly” fun - new dance exercise class for adults. Tel. Claire Hall 07812 434 698 for further details. KICK BOXERCISE AT KEYWORTH LEISURE CENTRE - 8.15-9pm. £5.15 per session with loyalty card. Tel. 937 5582 for details. KEYWORTH ARCHERS -8pm onwards at Keyworth Leisure Centre. All Archery GB members welcome. Interested in trying archery? We run beginner’s courses throughout the year. Tel: 0115 9145497. Email: [email protected]. Web: KEYWORTH AND RUDDINGTON ROTARY - 6.15 for 6.45pm - The Country Cottage Hotel, Easthorpe Street, Ruddington. Monday nights (except bank holidays). An interesting programme of speakers & activities, come along, meet new friends & learn about Rotary & the good things we do. Email John Hooley, [email protected] or phone 0115 921 1832. BUMPS TO BABIES GROUP - Activities delivered by the Children’s Centres in Keyworth 1.30- 3pm weekly, Keyworth Health Centre. Ages 0-12 mths. KEYWORTH LEISURE CENTRE - AQUAFIT : 9.30-10.15am. JUNIOR PUMP : 3.30-4.30pm. BUMS TUMS AND THIGHS : 7-7.45pm. All £5.15 per session with loyalty card. Tel. 937 5582 for further details. THE KEY HEALTH CLUB - EXPRESS TOTAL BODY: 8-8.30am. SPIN: 9.15- 10.15am. TAI- CHI: 9.15- 10.15am. LBT & ARMS: 10.15- 10.45am. LINE DANCING: 1.30- 2.30pm. AQUA FIT: 2.30-3.15pm. FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH: 5.30-6pm. SPIN: 6.15-7pm. YOGA: 6.30- 7.30pm. CIRCUITS: 7-7.45pm. Tel: 846 3414 for more information. Tuesday 50+/FUN FITNESS - ZUMBA GOLD/FITSTEPS - 9.15am - Village Hall. Tel. Erika 07967 190 442. Email: [email protected] KEYWORTH ADVICE CENTRE - 1-4pm - Feignies Room, Village Hall. Advice and information on all issues including employment, consumer, benefits, debt and family. Free & confidential. Tel. 07584 843 086 (answered on a Tuesday between 1-4pm only). Email:[email protected]. WEIGHT WATCHERS - 6.15-7.15pm - Village Hall. Tel. Belle 07940 550 213 for details. TOLLERTON LINE DANCE CLASS - 7.15-8.45pm - Methodist Church Hall, Stanstead Ave, Tollerton. Adm. £4.50. Tel. Renée 937 3998. KEYWORTH BRIDGE CLUB - 7pm - Village Hall. Contact Stephen Southorn - 937 4157. Visitors welcome but please ring for further details. KEYWORTH UKULELE STRUMMERS (a K&D U3A Activity Group). 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month. Methodist Church Hall, 10am-12noon. Beginners and Improvers welcome. or Jacki on 0115 937 2953 or [email protected] for info. RUSHCLIFFE PLAY FORUM - 12-5pm. Bungalow next to Keyworth Primary School, Nottingham Road. Shop selling discounted arts & crafts materials, come see what we have to offer. (PLEASE NOTE opening times may vary during the summer. Please like our Facebook page for details.) DAY CENTRE - Centenary Lounge, Elm Avenue. 10.30am-2.30pm. Collection available if required by KDCC Bus. Lunch £5.10 which includes coffee and biscuits. Telephone Mrs Doreen Gee on 937 4429. KEYWORTH TABLE TENNIS CLUB - 2-4pm, Rectory Fields TT Pavilion, Elm Ave. Social table tennis. Tel Richard 937 5830 or just drop in. All ages & abilities welcome. A fun way to keep fit. £1 per session or mem. avail. Bats, balls & tea provided. KEYWORTH LEISURE CENTRE - AQUAFIT/AQUANATAL : 9.30-10.15am. BUMS TUMS AND THIGHS: 6.30-7.15pm. HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING : 7.30-8.15pm. All £5.15 per session with loyalty card. Tel. 937 5582 for further details. THE KEY HEALTH CLUB - COMBAT EXPRESS: 7.45-8.15am. PILATES: 9-10am. SPIN: 9.15- 10.15am. POWERBALL: 10.15-11am & 6.30-7.15pm. AQUA AEROBICS: 2- 2.45pm. DRUMBA: 7.30- 8.30pm. Tel: 846 3414 for more information. YOGA Burnside Hall Plumtree, 7.30 - 8.45pm . Join our friendly local accessible yoga classes, suitable for beginners to yoga. Bookings now being taken for Spring Term. For more information email [email protected] Wednesday PIRATE JIVE - Class every Wednesday 7.45-10.30pm Keyworth Village Hall NG12 5AN. £6 on door, £3 absolute beginners on the first night. You only need two left feet. Tel: Gary Wharton 07939 346 380. SOUTH NOTTS RIDING FOR DISABLED Charity No. 1073742 - 9.30am-2.30pm. Come & join us it’s fun and free. Volunteers urgently required. Tel. Jackie 07784 767 261 or email [email protected] BINGO & LUNCH - 10.30am - Moores Nurseries & Garden Centre, Stanton-on-the-Wolds. Arrival coffee, 2 course set lunch & 2 free games of bingo - just £6 per person. TAI CHI FOR HEALTH AND WELLBEING - 2-3pm - Platt Lane Playing Fields (old building). Gentle exercises to improve your fitness and flexibility. Fully qualified teacher. Tel. Lisa 07854 506 451 for further details. KEYWORTH ART CLUB - 7-9pm - Burnside Hall, Plumtree. £10.00/month. New members welcome, any standard. Tel: Debbie Boote on 937 4644 or Email: [email protected] POSITIVE FUTURES AFTERSCHOOL YOUTH SESSION - 3.30-4.30pm - Keyworth young peoples centre - years 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Adm. free Tel. Danielle Duffy - 07972 669 835. KEYWORTH BRIDGE CLUB - Simple Systems session: 1-4pm - Keyworth Village Hall. No partner needed. Contact: Martin Day 0115 937 6824 CROSSDALE WEDNESDAY CLUB for babies to preschool children. Weekly during term time, 2- 3.15pm. Parent-led play group - Crossdale Primary School. 50p per child, incl. refreshments. Join us for general play, crafts, older children can join reception class for story time at 3pm! KEYWORTH LEISURE CENTRE - PILATES: 9-10am and 10-11am. AQUAFIT : 9.15-10am. YOGAFUSION : 11am-12 noon. JUNIOR PUMP : 3.30-4.30pm. All £5.15 with loyalty card. Tel. 937 5582 for further details. THE KEY HEALTH CLUB - PUMP EXPRESS: 7.45- 8.15am. AQUA FIT: 9.30-10.15am. VICK’S MIX: 9.30-10.30am. STRENGTH AND TONE: 10.30-11.15am. EXPRESS CORE: 5- 5.30pm. HIIT: 6-6.30pm. BODY CONDITIONING: 6.30-7.30pm. BALLET FIT: 7-7.45pm. LINE DANCING: 8-8.45pm. Tel: 846 3414 for more information. PKA KICKBOXING - 7.30pm. A great workout to get fit, lose weight, tone up, build strength or just have some fun and try something new. FREE FIRST SESSION. Give it a try, what have you got to lose? Keyworth Leisure Centre. ‘FINE ART TUITION’ – WATERCOLOUR FOR BEGINNERS , structured classes with Ann Stringer-Paget. 10am-12noon, Keyworth Village Hall. Tel: 07816 118 776 or email [email protected] for more information. Thursday CHILDREN IN DISTRESS COFFEE SHOP - 9-11.30am, Webster Hall. Homemade cakes, toasted teacakes, hot chocolate, tea, coffee and biscuits. Warm friendly atmosphere, children’s mat with toys, everyone welcome. BRIDGE: ENJOY AND IMPROVE - 9.30am-12.30pm - Keyworth Methodist Hall. 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Supervised play for Novices and Improvers. Occasional tutorials. New players welcome. Tel. Chris Close 9372032 for further details or [email protected] LITTLE RASCALS PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP - 1.30-3pm (term time), Keyworth Primary and Nursery School, Nottingham Rd. All welcome from birth to school age. Free entry to all. Tel. 9748005 for details. KEYWORTH FRIENDSHIP CLUB (RVS) - 2-4pm - Centenary Lounge: dominoes, canasta, scrabble, chat, tea & bisicuits. Free transport within Keyworth. Adm. £2.50. Tel 937 4360 for details. SHOPPERS BUS - Keyworth and District Community Concern bus will collect people wishing to visit and use local shops and Post Office, starts at 9am. Telephone Ed Pettipher on 07881 836221. KEYWORTH BRIDGE CLUB - 7pm - See Tuesday’s entry for details. RUSHCLIFFE PLAY FORUM - 10am-4pm. Bungalow next to Keyworth Primary School, Nottingham Road. Shop selling discounted arts and crafts materials, come and see what we have to offer. (PLEASE NOTE opening times may vary during the summer. Please like our Facebook page for details.) MUSICAL TALES - 10-10.45am, Keyworth Library. 2nd & 4th week Term Time only. Ages 0-5. KEYWORTH TABLE TENNIS CLUB - 2-4pm, Rectory Fields TT Pavilion, Elm Ave. Social table tennis. Tel Richard 937 5830 or just drop in. All ages & abilities welcome. A fun way to keep fit. £1 per session or mem. avail. Bats, balls & tea provided. KEYWORTH LEISURE CENTRE - AQUAFIT: 9.30-10.15am. JUNIOR PUMP: 3.30-4.30pm. ZUMBA: 7.30-8.30pm. CIRCUITS: 8.30-9.15pm. All £5.15 per session with loyalty card. Tel. 9375582 for further details. THE KEY HEALTH CLUB - HIIT: 7.45-8.15am. PUMP: 9.15-10.15am. PILATES: 2-2.45pm. FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH: 5.15-5.45pm. BEGINNERS SPIN: 6-6.45pm. AQUA FIT: 6.45- 7.30pm. COMBAT: 6.45-7.45pm. Tel: 846 3414 for more information. Friday YOGA - 10.30am - 12.00 noon. - Platt Lane Pavilion. Suitable for beginner/intermediate levels. Adm. £7 drop in. Tel. Chris 07811713677. KEYWORTH FRIDAY PAINTING CLUB - 1pm-3.30/4pm - term time. Painting/drawing with a friendly group of enthusiasts. New members welcome! Tel. Megan 9374418, Debbie 9376989 or Nicole 9375458. BALLROOM & LATIN AMERICAN DANCING -Village Hall - Children 4.45pm - Adm. from: £3.75 - Adults 8.30pm Adm. £4 - Tel: Valerie 01889 569092. Beginners & experienced dancers welcome - all tuition included. KEYWORTH ARCHERS -8pm onwards at Keyworth Leisure Centre. All Archery GB members welcome. Interested in trying archery? We run beginner’s courses throughout the year. Tel: 0115 9145497. Email: [email protected]. Web: KNITTING AND CRAFT GROUP -1pm-2.30pm - The Salutation on Main Street. All crafters welcome, not just knitters.Tel: Diane/Kathryn on 9376010 KNIT & NATTER PLUS ALL CRAFTS - 2-4pm - Parochial Hall. Adm. £1.00 inc. tea / biscuits all welcome incl. beginners. Tel: 937 3267 for details. ARTISTS - Small group of friendly ‘artists’ meet in the Bowls Pavilion 10-12noon, Oct 6th-April. We draw & paint, what we like, in our chosen medium. New mem. welcome. Call Jean 937 3611 for details. KEYWORTH LEISURE CENTRE - AQUAFIT: 12.15-1pm. £5.15 per session with loyalty card. Tel. 9375582 for further details. THE KEY HEALTH CLUB - EXPRESS TOTAL BODY: 8-8.30am. STEP: 9-10am. AQUA AEROBICS: 9.45-10.30am. LBT & ARMS: 10-10.45am. SPIN: 5.45- 6.30pm. AQUA FIT: 6.45- 7.30pm. Tel: 846 3414 for more information. Saturday BOOTCAMP - 9am on the rec in Keyworth. Adm. £4. KEYWORTH LEISURE CENTRE - BUMS AND TUMS: 9-9.45am. £5.15 with loyalty card. BALLET TOTS: 9.30-10.30am - ages 2-5 years. £3 per session. BALLET AND TAP : 10-11am, ages 5+ £35 for 10 week course. STREET DANCE : 11-11.45am, ages 5+ £35 for 10 week course. CHEERLEADING : 11.45am-12.30pm, ages 5+ £35 for 10 week course. Junior STREET DANCE CLASSES 10.30 -11.30am. £3 per session (or £5 for both if also doing Cheerleading). CHEERLEADING 11.30am-12.30pm. £3 per session (or £5 for both if also doing Street Dance). THE KEY HEALTH CLUB - RISE ‘N’ SHINE: 8.15-9am. FUSION FIT: 9.30-10.30am. 1 MINUTE MUSCLE: 3.45-4.30pm. Tel: 846 3414 for more information. Sunday KEYWORTH LEISURE CENTRE - JUNIOR PUMP : 10.30-11.30am. £5.15 with loyalty card. Tel. 9375582 for further details. THE KEY HEALTH CLUB - SPIN: 9.30-10.15am. CIRCUITS: 10.15-11am. Tel: 846 3414 for info. Newsbits Need a Venue? - The Key Health Club is available to hire for all occasions, for both regular and ad hoc bookings. Tel: 0115 846 3414 for more details. The Keyworth Cricket Club History website has been updated and a printed version is available in the Reference Section of the Keyworth Library. The club are always looking for more information and photographs. Notts Wildlife Trust - Please visit the website for information about Rushcliffe nature reserves, wildlife walks and talks, plus other local related activities & news - Platt Lane Joint Management Committee . Social Room in Platt Lane Pavilion, Keyworth. Available for hire day or evening to approved hirers. Kitchen and tea/coffee making facilities. Telephone Lisa Costall on 07789 775 878 or email [email protected]. Keyworth School of Theatre Dance Classes - all ages in Ballet, Tap, Modern Jazz, Theatre Craft, Commercial Jazz, Street Dancing, Cheerleading, Irish riverdancing. Melody Bear pre-school sessions age 18mths-4yrs & a fun dance club for ages 3-6yrs. Mo n.-Sat. Webster Hall during term- time. Tel: Ann 937 5150 or Kirsty 07914 578440. email - [email protected] Keyworth Dramatic Society New members always welcome. Soon to read for our next production. Phone 914 3450 for details or visit our website Webster Hall Ladies - 1.45pm - Webster Hall. Meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesday - our annual fee is £10, £2 for refreshments and raffle ticket, guests £2 50. Starts September through to August. Tel. Dorothy on 0115 937 5275 for details. The Royal Air Force Association meets at Stanton-on-the-Wolds Golf Club (new venue) at 7.00pm for 7.15pm, dates to be announced. All serving and past members of the Air Forces and their dependants will be made very welcome. Tel. Norman Yates 01636 707 764. Rushcliffe Macmillan Cancer Support Group based in Keyworth always needs new members with fresh ideas and free time to help. Contact Angela 9143450 or Pat 9372470. Keyworth Meadow Please visit the website for further details. Keyworth based Nottingham Riding for the Disabled need volunteers on Thursdays to help with lessons for disabled children 3.30pm and 4.00pm. Also during school hours on Thursdays. No experience necessary, training will be given. Tel. Penny 01509 842685. Keyworth Bridge Club: Simple Systems session: 1-4pm every Wednesday, Keyworth Village Hall. No partner needed. Contact: Martin Day 0115 937 6824. Positive futures afterschool youth session Every Wednesday at Keyworth young peoples centre years 6-10. Free of charge, 3.30-4.30pm. Contact Danielle Duffy - 07972 669 835. Keyworth Library - Visit your refurbished library Mon: 9am-12.30pm, 2-5pm, Tue: 9am-12.30pm, 2-7pm, Wed: Closed, Thu: 9am-12.30pm, 2-7pm, Fri: 9am-12.30pm, Sat: 9am-1pm, Sun: Closed. Last Thursday Book Stall has now closed. Thank you to all who came along to support this 1 venture over the last 4 /2yrs. It has been a pleasure to meet folks from the village & beyond, to offer free home-made cakes/drinks. We raised over £2,300 from book sales & donations, which has helped towards the work, ministry & maintenance of the Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene. Please pop in when the church is open, you will always be welcome. From Diana & the Book Stall Team. Keyworth District Gardening Assc. -19th November. "Chrysanthemums" Talk and presentation by Andrew Ward. More details in Novembers Keyworth News. Keylink Traveller’s Tales - November 3rd, 7pm Keyworth Methodist Church. Come and hear Colin Russell tell us about his trip to Ethiopia. If you’ve heard him before you’ll know what a great time we will have. No charge for admission but donations are invited for the charity Self Help Africa. See you then! For further information please contact 914 7928 or 07811 511 830.

END OF THE KEYWORTH DIARY SECTION Please Note: The Parish Council compRiles the Keyworth Diary. Items for inclusion should be sent to [email protected] by 12.00 NOON, 10th of each month.