FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Ashley Sherrick Koopman Ostbo Marketing Communications Direct: 503.517.6955 Mobile: 503.515.6244 [email protected]

Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods to Debut New Line of Ancient at Natural Products Expo West 2013 Grains of Discovery™ Products Provide Passport to Whole Adventure

Portland, Oregon – March 5, 2013 – Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, the leading provider of and gluten-free foods, announces the availability of a unique and exciting new product line made up of ancient grains and seeds sourced from around the world. The new line, which the company will formally unveil this week at Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, California, will consist of nine products under the name Bob’s Red Mill Grains of Discovery™ and will feature distinctive new packaging intended to transport consumers back to the ancient lands and cultures that are credited with introducing to the world the various grains.

Bob’s Red Mill created the line after seeing increasing demand among mainstream consumers for products such as and chia seed, as well as an overall heightened interest in ancient grains and other heirloom foods. The line is made up of two new offerings from Bob’s Red Mill and seven existing products, and five of the line's nine products are gluten free. The line offers a variety of versatile, great tasting and easy-to-use whole grain products for both food enthusiasts and health-conscious consumers.

“We built Bob’s Red Mill on the very notion of moving back to basics, and what better way to do that than by educating people about grains that have been providing nourishment for literally thousands of years,” said Bob Moore, founder, president and CEO of employee-owned Bob’s Red Mill. “Our Grains of Discovery line not only offers healthy and delicious whole grain products, but it also provides a little window into the lives of civilizations long gone by.”

The new Bob’s Red Mill Grains of Discovery line consists of the following products: • Organic (MSRP $7.89/24-oz. bag) – A staple food of the ancient Aztecs, amaranth was first cultivated in Mesoamerica nearly 8,000 years ago. Naturally gluten free, this tiny seed is a complete protein, containing all of the essential amino acids, as well as high levels of dietary fiber, iron and magnesium. Amaranth works well in porridges, polenta and quick breads.

• Chia (MSRP $11.67/16-oz. bag) – A traditional of Mesoamerica, thousands of years ago Chia was a staple in the diets of ancient Mayans and Aztecs, especially warriors who relied on it for strength and stamina. Still a favorite among athletes today, chia seed inherently contains essential minerals, dietary fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. Chia seed can easily be added to puddings and smoothies, or sprinkled on top of porridge and salads for an added nutritional boost. • Organic (New!) (MSRP $6.17/24-oz. bag) – Brand new to the company’s family of more than 400 whole grain products, farro is a traditional grain of the Mediterranean. Considered by some the original ancestor of all other species, farro today has expanded beyond its Mediterranean roots and widely is used in the culinary industry. The nutty flavor and chewy texture makes this grain ideal in stews, casseroles and salads. • Organic Kamut® (MSRP $3.19/24-oz. bag) - Also known as , kamut is an ancient variety of wheat first discovered around 6,000 B.C. Today, whole grain kamut berries are a traditional grain of Egypt and a nutritious source of protein, iron and fiber. The firm texture and nutty flavor lends a tasty addition to pilafs, soups and cold salads. • (MSRP $2.89/28-oz. bag) – First cultivated nearly 10,000 years ago, millet was known as one of five sacred in ancient China and today is a traditional grain of Asia. Easily digested and naturally gluten free, this ancient grain has a mild, sweet flavor and is a unique alternative to in salads, stir-fries and porridge. • Organic Quinoa (MSRP $10.29/26-oz. bag) – First discovered around 2,000 B.C., quinoa is a pseudo-grain -- a seed that is used in cooking like a grain – native to South America. One of the few crops that could survive the high altitudes of the Andes Mountains, it was revered a sacred by the ancient Incas for its high nutritional values. Naturally gluten free, quinoa is a good source of iron and protein and can be used as a replacement in any recipe calling for whole grains. • (New!) (MSRP $3.30/24-oz. bag) – The second new product in the line, whole grain, naturally gluten free sorghum originated in Africa thousands of years ago and spread throughout the Middle East and Asia along ancient trade routes, including the Silk Road. It remains today a staple grain in India and Africa. Its hearty texture makes it a perfect grain to use in pilafs and cold salads. • Organic (MSRP $4.07/24-oz. bag) – An ancient relative of modern-day wheat, spelt originated in the Near East more than 8,000 years ago. After its cultivation, the grain spread throughout Europe becoming what is now a traditional grain of Germany. Over the centuries, spelt never has been hybridized, so it retains its complex flavor and inherent nutritional content. Spelt can be used in place of rice for pilaf or added to soups and cold salads. • (MSRP $6.29/24-oz. bag) – Naturally gluten free and the smallest grain in the world, Teff originated in Ethiopia thousands of years ago. It has long been an important food for Highland Ethiopians who use to it to make everything from bread to beer. Inherently containing high amounts of fiber, protein, iron and calcium, it has a mild, nutty flavor that makes it a great addition to porridge, stews, pilaf or baked goods.

The new line joins the company’s family of more than 400 natural, organic and gluten free flours, mixes, and whole grains. The gluten free Grains of Discovery products – like all Bob’s Red Mill gluten free foods -- are milled separately in a dedicated 100% gluten free

manufacturing facility, which employs strict protocols and dedication to meeting the highest food safety standards in the country. All of Bob’s Red Mill gluten free ingredients and products are batch tested in the company’s quality control laboratory with an R5 ELISA Gluten Assay test to ensure the absence of gluten.

The Grains of Discovery feature distinctive bags with a look and feel that is consistent across the line, yet specific to each product. The bold and colorful design is intended to convey the uniqueness of the both the line and the heirloom grains it offers, while suggesting the products provide a “passport to whole grain adventure.”

“We really wanted this new line to stand out on store shelves and for the individual packages to evoke the ancient civilizations from which the products came,” said Matthew Cox, marketing director at Bob’s Red Mill. “Not only will they attract consumer attention, but they will also serve as a fun introduction to the products. The idea is for each bag to provide a mini exotic adventure for the consumer.”

The entire Bob’s Red Mill’s Grains of Discovery line is now available to retailers in cases of four. Twenty-five pound bulk bags are also available. To inquire about carrying the products, please contact the Bob’s Red Mill sales team at 800-553-2258 or [email protected].

Those interested in learning more can also visit Bob’s Red Mill at Natural Products Expo West, booth #3546, in Anaheim, California, March 8-10, 2013, where the company will formally debut its Grains of Discovery. Information about the entire Bob’s Red Mill product line can also be found at

About Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, a distinctive stone-grinding miller of whole grains, was founded in 1978 with the mission of moving people back to the basics with healthy whole grains, high-fiber and complex carbohydrates. Bob’s Red Mill, an employee-owned company, offers a diverse line of more than 400 all natural, organic and gluten free flours, cereals, meals and mixes for pancakes, breads and soups that are available throughout the U.S. and the world. With its dedicated gluten free manufacturing facility, strict organic protocols and dedication to meeting the highest food safety standards in the country, the company has obtained its HACCP certification and is a leader in providing safe and delicious natural, organic and gluten free products. For more information, please visit Additional information is available at, and
