Proceedings of the Federated Conference on ISBN 978-83-60810-22-4 Computer Science and Information Systems pp. 991–995 Semantic P2P Search engine Ilya Rudomilov Prof. Ivan Jelínek Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Technical University in Prague Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering Email:
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[email protected] II. P2P BACKGROUND Abstract— This paper discusses the possibility to use Peer-to- Peer-to-Peer networks can be classified by used topology, Peer (P2P) scenario for information-retrieval (IR) systems for from client-server-like centralized P2P to fully-decentralized higher performance and better reliability than classical client- server approach. Our research emphasis has been placed on P2P networks without central coordination and censorship. design intelligent Semantic Peer-to-Peer search engine as multi- For Information-retrieval systems it means indices allocation agent system (MAS). The main idea of the proposed project is indices of nodes content, from one centralized index to use semantic model for P2P overlay network, where peers are (centralized P2P) to distributed indices among all nodes specified as semantic meta-models by the standardized OWL (decentralized P2P). language from The World Wide Web Consortium. Using semantic model improve the quality of communication between A. Centralized P2P intelligent peers in this P2P network. Undoubtedly, proposed semantic P2P network has all advantages of normal P2P Centralized P2P systems apply advantages of the cli- networks and in the first place allow deciding a point with ent-server architecture to P2P networks. There are one or bottle-neck effect (typical problem for client-server more central servers for nodes coordination (Fig.