Robroyston/ Community Growth Area Masterplan (Wards 20 and 21) approved – Dissent – Instruction to Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services.

5 Councillor Braat, Deputy Executive Member for Business and the Economy, presented a report regarding the Robroyston/Millerston Community Growth Area Masterplan (Wards 20 and 21), advising that

(1) the concept of Community Growth Areas (CGAs) was introduced in the 2006 update of the and Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan and was aimed at expanding the city’s suburbs in a manner which retained environmentally important areas and which linked new residential areas into the existing urban fabric;

(2) the Structure Plan required that proposals for CGAs be the subject of a masterplan in advance of planning applications being submitted and the City Plan 2 had confirmed this approach for the 3 CGAs within the city boundary at Robroyston/Millerston, / and Broomhouse//, with each having the potential to contribute around 1,500 houses to the housing land supply;

(3) the masterplan for the Robroyston/Millerston CGA had been prepared by consultants and had involved a number of stages as detailed in the report and presented a vision which sought to promote a community growth development to meet the criteria set out in the Joint Structure Plan and City Plan and the aspirations of the developer;

(4) a contribution from developers would be required to deliver new facilities and services due to the impact of new housing and it was proposed that a community infrastructure benefits fund be established to allocate resources for facilities to complement development of the housing sites and the fund would be held by the Council and ring-fenced to deliver and/or contribute to projects aimed at realising the opportunities identified in the masterplan; and

(5) a masterplan for Robroyston/Millerston, as a supplementary planning guidance, would enable the CGA process to move towards the submission of applications for planning permission.

After consideration, Councillor Wardrop dissenting, the committee

(a) approved the Robroyston/Millerston Masterplan as supplementary guidance to aid consideration of an Environmental Impact Assessment and future planning applications; and

(b) instructed the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to

(i) establish a Robroyston/Millerston CGA trust fund to hold developer contributions aimed at delivering community infrastructure benefits; and

(ii) prepare a mechanism for acquiring financial contributions from developers to deliver community infrastructure benefits, which would be the subject of a Section 75 legal agreement between the Council and developers seeking planning permission.

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU