Hurling World No 16
TTiippppeerraarryy TTrroouunnccee LLuucckklleessss LLiimmeerriicckk Issue 16 17th Aug 2009 MMaarrttiinn TThhee WWhhiittee MMccNNaammeeee iinntteerrvviieeww AAwwaarrddss PPaarrtt ttwwoo Limerick goalkeeper Brian Murray after Lar Corbett scored Tipperary's fourth goal of the game in the Hurling All Ireland Senior Championship Semi-Final, Tipperary v Limerick, Croke Park, Dublin. Photo; Pat Murphy/ SPORTSFILE EDITOR’S COMMENT ISSUE 16 Aug 17th 2009 2 Dear Hurling Fans, Lar Corbett, Tipperary, shoots to score his side's fifth goal despite the attention of Damien Reale, Limerick. GAA Hurling All-Ireland Senior After a dissappointing second semi-final, Tip - Championship Semi-Final, Picture: Ray Ryan / SPORTSFILE perary are back in the All Ireland final after an eight year gap. They will meet old rivals Kilkenny on the 6th of Septemeber. Justice has been done with the 2 best hurling teams over the last 2 years rising to the top. It is back to the drawing board for Limerick with the same old sporting story - Promise and Dissapointment - They have failed miserably to build on their 3-in-row U-21 successes at the start of the decade. Presumably it is a combina - tion of player dedication and board mis-man - agement. No doubt legends from the 30’s are turning in their graves again and the stars of the 70’s must be totally disgusted with the cur - rent situation. But back to this year’s final - in association with Etihad Airways we have 2 All Ireland tickets to give away over the next two weeks. Keep an eye on our website for the competition. You will also find an increased level of hurling news daily at as we go into the second stage of the site developement.
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