Ahane Supporters Cha'ir Their Capt-Airy D
COAT{TYHURLIIIG CHAMPIONS firo falned Ahano hurling team yhio^h recaptured. the County Ilunling Championship by ilefeating Geraldines at tho Ga.elic Grounds last Sunda,y, It is scven yeais s!.nce Afiane lasdwon tlie tible. Bo'btorfi (le$t -row t-o right)-P. 4plly, {. Poyle, t. Byrnes, I}. Leunard (Ca,pt.), S, Herbert, J. Graham, D. Houli- hen Standi:rg -$ef! tp ris_ht)-Peddy McMahon (traiuer); James Conwiy (treasurer), John P<iwer, Tom ga,sey 9_?3gV Endght, Mick Iferbert (Committee), Micha,el IIelly, Fhil ahern (Vioe.Capta.in),'John Mclrarron'F-y31t'- Wil4amsecretarv' _I{e,ane, Seen, Leona,rd, Very Rev. J. Fogerty, P.1?., Castleconneli lPresitlent)'; John .TIAIRING oF TIIE cAprAIN Enthusiastic Ahane supporters cha'ir their Capt-airy D. Leonard, following the presentation of the coveted trophy, -1-- - I ri llirl[tl fIIE ,Iaok ffilffi#r ChampionHurlers & ChampionFoo$t$**u By defeating Abbeyfeale the Ahane Club becorne Football Champions of County Limerick. They are also County H-url-ing Champions. Included in the photograph of the football tuu* *rii, of the farnous county hurling tearn, All-Ireland champions. ""u "i'E- AHANE- 1937Linurick. SeniorHurling Chtmpions. - .lt-' il tl ft'3 lly Opinion-Jaekie Power JACKIE POIVEB-rvho lvon arr all-Ireland hurllng meda,l with Limerick ln 1940, wa6 ono of their moat ver8a,tile players. He pla,yd ln diferent poei- STOPPTAYING MEN tlons ran,ging from the went iD more for trrst-time back-llns to the fonrards ground hurllng and ov€rhead for hls cnrmty and pro- striking. The lesult wa.s, the ball l'lnce.
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