General Bibliography for Documents on This Website
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Bibliography 1 THIS IS A DOCUMENT IN PROGRESS! REVISIONS ARE BEING MADE ON A REGULAR BASIS!! Latest Revision Monday, May 19, 2014 AN EXAMINATION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST INTERPRETATION OF TWO TIME PROPHECIES IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL - THE 2300 DAYS OF DANIEL 8 AND THE 70 WEEKS OF DANIEL 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY Absalom, Roger, 1995 Italy since 1800: A Nation in the Balance? London: Longman. Ackroyd, Peter R., 1968 Exile and Restoration: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century B.C., London: SCM Press. Adkins, Lesley, 2003 Empires of the Plain, Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon, London: Harper Collins Publishers. Albrecht-Carrié, René 1950 Italy from Napoleon to Mussolini, New York: Columbia University Press. Allis, Oswald T., 1947 Prophecy and the Church, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co. Bibliography 2 Anderson, A. W., 1932 The World‟s Finale, A Brief Exposition of the Prophecies of the Seven Churches, the Seven Seals, and the Seven Trumpets of Revelation, Warburton, Victoria: Signs Publishing Company. Anderson, Eric, 1993 “The Millerite Use of Prophecy: A Case Study of a „Striking Fulfillment‟”, in The Disappointed: Millerism and Millerianism in the Nineteenth Century, by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler (Eds.), Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. Anderson, John T., 2003 Investigating the Judgment: Patterns of Divine Judgment, Hagerstown, M.D.: Review and Herald Publishing Association. Anderson, Robert A., 1984 ”Signs and Wonders: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel,” in International Theological Commentary, Edited by George A. F. Knight and Carlson Holmgren, Grand Rapids: Wm B. Eerdmans Publ., Co., Edinburgh: The Handel Press Ltd. Anderson, Roy Allan, 1977 The Revelation of Jesus Christ to His People, Keene, Texas: Southwestern Color Graphics. Andreason, M.L., 1969 (1937) The Sanctuary Service, 2nd Edition, Revised, Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association. Andreason, Niels-Erik, 1986 “Translation of Nisdak/Katharisthesetai in Daniel 8:14,” in Symposium on Daniel, Daniel and Revelation Committee Series Volume 2, Frank B. Holbrook (Ed.), Hagerstown, Maryland, USA: Review and Herald Publishing Association. Andrews, J.N., 1852 “The Sanctuary” Review and Herald, Dec 23, 1852, in Paul Gordon, Pioneer Articles on The Sanctuary, Daniel 8: 14, The Judgment, 2300 Days, Year- Day Principle, Atonement: 1846-1905, Ellen G. White Estate, (No Publisher), 1983, pp. 261-268. 1853 “Position of the Advent Herald on the Sanctuary Question,” Review and Herald, May 12, in Paul Gordon, Pioneer Articles on The Sanctuary, Daniel 8: 14, The Judgment, 2300 Days, Year- Day Principle, Atonement: 1846-1905, Ellen G. White Estate, (No Publisher), 1983, pp.291f. 1874 “The Sanctuary of the Bible,” Review and Herald, March 10, in Paul Gordon, Pioneer Articles on The Sanctuary, Daniel 8: 14, The Judgment, 2300 Days, Year- Day Principle, Atonement: 1846-1905, Ellen G. White Estate, (No Publisher), 1983, p. 361. 1970 (1892) Three Messages of Revelation XIV,6-12, Particularly the Third Angel‟s Message, and the Two-Horned Beast, Fifth Edition, Bibliography 3 Revised, Battle Creek, Michigan: Review and Herald Publishing Association, Nashville, Tennessee: Southern Publishing Association. Arasola, Kai, 1989 The End of Historicism: Millerite Hermeneutic of the Time Prophecies in the Old Testament, Sigtuna: Datem Publishing. Archer – Hind, R.D., 1888 ΠΛΑΤΩΝΟΣ ΤΙΜΑΙΟΣ, The Timaeus of Plato, Edited with introduction and Notes, London and New York: Macmillan Co. Armeding, C. E., and Gasque, W.W., 1980 Handbook of Biblical Prophecy, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House. Archer, Gleason, 1985 “Daniel,” in The Expositor‟s Bible Commentary, with the New International Version of the Holy Bible in Twelve Volumes, Volume 7: (Daniel – Minor Prophets), Grand Rapids, Michigan: Regency Reference Library. Aristotle, 1972 (1932) Politics, English Translation by H. Rackham, (Loeb Library Series), Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. Arndt, William and Gingrich, F. Wilbur 1979 A Greek – English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, A translation and adaptation of the fourth revised and augmented edition of WALTER BAUER‟S Griechisch – Deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neues Testaments und der übrigen urchristlichen Literatur. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Arnold, David, 1850 “Daniel‟s Vision, the 2300 Days, and the Shut Door,” The Present Truth, March 1850, in Paul Gordon, Pioneer Articles on The Sanctuary, Daniel 8: 14, The Judgment, 2300 Days, Year- Day Principle, Atonement: 1846-1905, Ellen G. White Estate, (No Publisher), pp.131-134. Arasola, Kai, 1989 The End of Historicism: Millerite Hermeneutic of the Time Prophecies in the Old Testament, Sigtuna: Datem Publishing. Aristotle, 1972 Politics, volume XXI of twenty-three volumes, (Loeb Library Series) with an English Translation by H. Rackham, London: William Heinemann Ltd., Cambridge, Massachussetts: Harvard University Press. Asprey, Robert B., 2000 The Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, Volume 1: The Rise, New York: Little, Brown and Company. Avrin, Leila, 1991 Scribe, Script and Books: The Book Arts from Antiquity to the Renaissance, Chicago: American Library Association. Bibliography 4 Aulus Gellius 1984 The Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius, with an English Translation by John C. Rolfe, in three volumes, (Loeb Library Series), Cambridge, Massachussetts: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. Bacchiocchi, Samuele, 1992 “The Good News of Judgment,”Adventist Affirm, Fall, pp.29-36. Bainbridge, Garth H., From Patmos to Paradise, A Layman‟s Journey Through the Book of Revelation, Normanhurst, NSW: Garth Bainbridge. Baldwin, Joyce, 1978 Daniel, an Introduction and Commentary, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, General Editor, D.J. Wiseman, Leicester, England: Intervarsity Press. Barclay, William, 1976 The Revelation of John, Volume I –chapters 1 to 5, Revised Edition, Edinburgh: The Saint Andrews Press. Barker, John W., 1966 Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, Madison, Milwaukee and London: The University of Wisconsin Press. Barnhouse, Donald Grey, 1971 Revelation: An Expository Commentary: “God‟s Last Word,” Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House. Barr, David L., 1998 Tales of the End: A Narrative Commentary on the Book of Revelation, Santa Rosa, Calif.: Polebridge Press. Barr, James, 1968 Comparative Philology and the Text of the Old Testament, London, UK: SCM Press Ltd. Barrett, C. K., 1994 A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, in two volumes, Edinburgh: T & T Clark. Barton, John, 2002 The Biblical World, London and New York: Routledge. Battistone, Joseph J., 1989 Present Triumph– Future Glory, Adult Sabbath School Lessons, April – June, Warburton, Victoria: Signs Publishing Company. Bates, Joseph, 1970 (1868) The Autobiography of Elder Joseph Bates Battle Creek, Mich.: Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, Tennessee. Baumann, Hans, 1968 The Land of Ur, English translation by Stella Humphries, 1969, London: Oxford University Press. Bibliography 5 Beasley-Murray, G. R., 1974 The Book of Revelation: New Century Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Becker, Gvstavvs, 1967 Isidori Hispalensis De Natvra Rervm Liber, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert. Beckwith, Isbon T., 1979 (1919) The Apocalypse of John: Studies in Introduction with a Critical and Exegetical Commentary. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House. Beckwith, Roger, 1985 The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church, London: SPCK. Bennett, Douglass, 1986 "The Stone Kingdom of Daniel 2" in Symposium on Daniel, Daniel and Revelation Committee Series Volume 2, Frank B. Holbrook (Ed.), Hagerstown, Maryland, USA: Review and Herald Publishing Association. Bible Readings for the Home, Revised, Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1949. Bickerman, E. J., 1968 Chronology of the Ancient World, London: Thames and Hudson. Bingham, Graham (Ed.), 1989. Apocalypse Now: The Book of Revelation. Collegiate Quarterly, April – June, Warburton, Victoria: Signs Publishing Company. 1989 Apocalypse Now: Part 2 The Book of Revelation. Collegiate Quarterly, July – September, Warburton, Victoria: Signs Publishing Company. 1989. Prophet of Unrealized Hope, Collegiate Quarterly, October – December, Warburton, Victoria: Signs Publishing Company. Blanco, Jack J., 1991 “The Historicist Interpretation of Prophecy: Its Present Relevance in the Light of the Holy Spirit,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, Vol.2. No.2, pp.67-80. Bliss, Edwin Munsell 1896 Turkey and the Armenian Atrocities, Edgewood Publishing Company. Bliss, S., 1853 Memoirs of William Miller Generally Known as a Lecturer on the Prophecies and the Second Coming of Christ. Boston: Joshua V. Himes. 1853 “Connection between the 70 Weeks and the 2300 days, From the Memoirs of William Miller Generally Known as a Lecturer on the Prophecies and the Second Coming of Christ. Boston: Joshua V. Himes” Review and Herald, May 26, in Paul Gordon, Pioneer Articles on The Sanctuary, Daniel 8: 14, The Judgment, 2300 Days, Bibliography 6 Year- Day Principle, Atonement: 1846-1905, Ellen G. White Estate, (No Publisher), 1983, p.721. Boice, James Montgomery, 1989 Daniel: An Expositional Commentary, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House. Boring, M. Eugene, 1989 Revelation, Interpretation: