2010 Annual Report

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2010 Annual Report 2010 annual report Opening the door to greater educational opportunities since 1963. L e t t e R f R o m t h e p R e s i d e n t & B o ar d C h A i R thelackofqualityeducationalopportunitiestookcenterstageindiscussionsabout America’sfuturewiththereleaseoffilmslikeWaiting for SupermanandThe Lotteryin2010. thesefilmsillustratedhowmanytalentedstudentsarenotrealizingtheirfullpotentialatatime whenournationneedsallofitsresourcestoremaincompetitive. Thesefilmsignitedacritical dialogueaboutthetypesofeffortsneededtopreparefuturegenerationsforsuccess. ABetterChanceishelpingtoaddressthatneed.Wehavebeenopeningthedoortogreater educationalopportunitiesandlaunchingtalentedstudentsofcoloronthepathtoleadership fornearly50years. Thispastyear,ABetterChancehelpedplacemorethan450studentsin anationalnetworkofover300ofthemostrigorousboarding,dayandpublicschools.We supportedapproximately1,900enrolled Scholarswithacademicandenrichmentprogramming, includinganationalcollegetour;careerawarenessworkshops;andinternationaltraveland studyabroadopportunitiesthroughpartnershipswiththe Experimentin InternationalLiving Sandra E. Timmons andtheCambridgeCollege Programme. itwouldbeimpossibleforustocreateeducationalandleadershipopportunitiesforstudents withoutthecontinuedcommitmentandengagementofourmanypartners,supportersand friends.ourAlumnilaunchedanewPass It Forwardfundtoincreaseparticipationamongthose whohavebenefitedfromtheprogram,andthefirstcampaignsurpasseditsinitial$250,000 goal.WestrengthenedouroutreachtoABetterChanceAlumniwitheventsinWashington,d.C., newYork,LosAngelesandsanfrancisco.ABetterChancealsocontinuestobuilditsnational AdvisoryCouncil,avolunteergroupcomposedofAlumniandotheremergingyoungleaderswho arecommittedtostrengtheningABetterChance’snationalpresenceandfundraising. Asweapproachour50thAnniversaryin2013,werecognizethecontinuedurgencyof ourmission. Tobesure,ournationhasexperiencedconsiderableprogressindiversityand inclusioninthepast50years.Butwemustmaintainthefocusandkeepthemomentumgoing. Weneedthecontributionsofallofourtalentedyoungpeople. Thereisstillmuchworktodo, buttogetherwecanaccomplishgreatthings.Wewillstrengthenthepipelineofdiverseleaders Ronald R. Pressman byincreasingthenumberofABetterChance Scholarsandbyprovidinggreatersupporttothem inschool,collegeandcareer. Thanksforyourcontinuedinvestmentinourfuture. sandrae.timmons RonaldR.pressman President Chair A Better Chance 2010AnnualReport|1 p R o g ra m U p d A t e Current Scholars Finding Talent Often Overlooked Collegepreparatory schoolsprogram: • ABetterChanceistheoldestandonlynationalorganizationofitskindserving approximately totalenrollment–1,891 1,900 studentschosenfortheirmotivation,academicstrengthandpotentialwhoareenrolled inmorethan300ofthenation’smostrigorous,prestigiousboarding,dayandpublicschools throughitsCollegepreparatoryschoolsprogram. • 55% of2010incomingscholars’familiesmakelessthanthenationalhousehold medianincome. • Nearly 50%ofourscholarsliveinsingle-parenthouseholds. • Approximately 500 studentsannuallyarerecruitedandplacedinoutstanding educationalopportunities. 66%AfricanAmerican 19% Hispanic/Latino • 96%ofABetterChancegraduatingseniorsimmediatelyenrollincollege. 6%AsianAmerican 5% Multiracial 4% Other <1% NativeAmerican Affiliated Colleges Program WewouldliketothankourAffiliatedCollegesprogrampartners.thesecollegesanduniversities havepartneredwithABetterChancetodemonstratetheircommitmenttodiversity. AmericanUniversity emoryUniversity skidmoreCollege AmherstCollege georgeWashington smithCollege 60% Female BabsonCollege University thesophiedavisschoolof 40% Male BarnardCollege grinnellCollege Biomedicaleducationof BostonUniversity hamiltonCollege theCityCollegeofCUnY BowdoinCollege harveymuddCollege stanfordUniversity BucknellCollege hopeCollege templeUniversity CarletonCollege LafayetteCollege tuftsUniversity CaseWesternReserve LoyolamarymountUniversity Universityofpennsylvania University newYorkUniversity UniversityofRichmond ClaremontmcKennaCollege northwesternUniversity UniversityofRochester ColgateUniversity occidentalCollege Universityofsouthern 61% Independent CollegeoftheholyCross pomonaCollege California dayschools CollegeofWilliam&mary RiceUniversity Universityoftampa 31% Independent ConnecticutCollege saintLawrenceUniversity UniversityofVirginia Boardingschools davidsonCollege st.thomasAquinasCollege VassarCollege 8%Community denisonUniversity santaClaraUniversity WesleyanUniversity schoolprograms drexelUniversity sarahLawrenceCollege Worcesterpolytechnic emersonCollege scrippsCollege institute A Better Chance 2010AnnualReport|2 AllBoys School | All Girls School | *5-dayBoarding School | founding School | Over 35 Year History m e m B e R s C h o o L s Member Schools In the past 48 years, A Better Chance has partnered with many of the most rigorous and prestigious college preparatory schools across the country. To date, we work with over 300 such institutions committed to educating young people of color who are capable of assuming positions of responsibility and leadership in American society. Approximately a third of our schools have collaborated with us for over 35 years. Further, 16 of our schools are founding schools and have been with us from the very beginning. Our Member Schools are the life blood of our work, steadfast in the idea that a better education leads to a better life, and exemplifying that commitment by accepting approximately 500 new A Better Chance Scholars each year. Northeast Region (NY, Northern NJ, Brunswickschool,greenwich,Ct Kimball Union Academy,meriden, NH ME, CT, NH, MA, RI, VT) Commonwealth School,Boston,mA Lawrence Academy,groton,mA NY & Northern NJ Day Schools: Conventofthe Sacred Heart, Greenwich,Ct The Loomis Chaffee School,Windsor,Ct theBrearleyschool,newYork,nY greensfarmsAcademy,greensfarms,Ct The Masters School,dobbsferry,nY Brooklyn Friends School,Brooklyn,nY hamdenhallCountrydayschool, Middlesex School,Concord,mA theCalhounschool,newYork,nY hamden,Ct Millbrook School,millbrook,nY theCathedralschoolofst.Johnthedivine, theLexingtonChristianAcademy, Milton Academy,milton,mA newYork,nY Lexington,mA Miss Hall’s School,pittsfield,mA theChapinschool,newYork,nY Noble and Greenough School,dedham,mA* Miss Porter’s School,farmington,Ct CityandCountryschool,newYork,nY theRiversschool,Weston,mA Northfield Mount Hermon School, Collegiate School,newYork,nY theRoxburyLatin School,WestRoxbury, MA mt.hermon,mA Conventofthesacredheart,newYork,nY st.Luke’sschool,newCanaan,Ct Phillips Academy,Andover,mA The Dalton School,newYork,nY thayerAcademy,Braintree,mA Phillips Exeter Academy,exeter, NH Delbarton School,morristown,nJ theWaringschool,Beverly,mA Pomfret School,pomfret,Ct the Dwight Englewood School, Englewood, NJ theWinsorschool,Boston,mA Portsmouth Abbey School,portsmouth,Ri Fieldston School,Riverdale,nY Northeast Boarding Schools: Proctor Academy,Andover, NH Friends Seminary,newYork,nY Avon Old Farms School,Avon,Ct The Putney School,putney,Vt Hackley School,tarrytown,nY* Berkshire School,sheffield,mA Saint George’s School,newport,Ri thehewittschool,newYork,nY Blair Academy,Blairstown,nJ Saint Mark’s School,southborough,mA thehudsonschool,hoboken,nJ Brooks School,northAndover,mA Saint Paul’s School,Concord, NH Kentplaceschool,summit,nJ Buxton School,Williamstown,mA Salisbury School,salisbury,Ct theKew-forestschool,foresthills,nY The Cambridge School of Weston,Weston, MA Stoneleigh-Burnham School, Greenfield, MA L.R.e.i.,newYork,nY Canterburyschool,newmilford,Ct Suffield Academy,suffield,Ct newarkAcademy,Livingston,nJ Cardiganmountainschool,Canaan, NH Tabor Academy,marion,mA thenightingale-Bamfordschool, Chapel-Hill-Chauncy Hall School,Waltham, The Taft School,Watertown,Ct newYork,nY mA Tilton School,tilton, NH The Packer Collegiate Institute,Brooklyn,nY Cheshire Academy,Cheshire,Ct Westminster School,simsbury,Ct polyprepCountrydayschool,Brooklyn,nY Choate Rosemary Hall,Wallingford,Ct Westover School,middlebury,Ct Riverdale Country School,Bronx,nY Concord Academy,Concord,mA theWhitemountainschool,Bethlehem, NH Rudolfsteinerschool,newYork,nY Dana Hall School,Wellesley,mA Wilbraham & Monson Academy, RyeCountrydayschool,Rye,nY Deerfield Academy,deerfield,mA Wilbraham,mA st.Bernard’sschool,newYork,nY Dublin School,dublin, NH The Williston Northampton School, st.david’sschool,newYork,nY Emma Willard School,troy,nY easthampton,mA st.Luke’sschool,newYork,nY The Ethel Walker School,simsbury,Ct Worcester Academy,Worcester,mA* schooloftheholyChild,Rye,nY fayschool,southborough,mA Northeast Community School Programs: thespenceschool,newYork,nY The Governor’s Academy,Byfield,mA Amherst A Better Chance,Amherst,mA statenislandAcademy,statenisland,nY Groton School,groton,mA Andover A Better Chance,Andover,mA thetownschool,newYork,nY The Gunnery School,Washington,Ct Clinton A Better Chance,Clinton,nY trevordayschool,newYork,nY Hebron Academy,hebron, ME darienABetterChance,darien,Ct ME, CT, NH, MA, RI, VT Day Schools: hillsideschool,marlborough,mA fayetteville-manliusABetterChance, BeaverCountry Day School,Chestnut Hill, MA The Hotchkiss School,Lakeville,Ct manlius,nY Belmonthillschool,Belmont,mA* Kent School,Kent,Ct glastonburyABetterChance, BostonUniversityAcademy,Boston,mA Kentshillschool,Kentshill, ME glastonbury,Ct A Better Chance 2010AnnualReport|3 AllBoys School | All Girls School | *5-dayBoarding School | founding School | Over 35 Year History m e m B e R s C h o o L s Greylock A Better Chance,Williamstown,mA episcopalhighschool,Alexandria,VA indianspringsschool,indiansprings,AL guilfordABetterChance,guilford,Ct Foxcroft
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