Shaibal DevRoy North Dakota State University 701.729.1891 English Department
[email protected] Minard 318 E26
[email protected] NDSU—Dept. 2320 P.O. Box 6050 Fargo, ND 58108-6050 Education 2019 M.A. in English North Dakota State University, USA 2006 TESOL Certificate St. Giles International, London, UK 2005 M.A., English University of Chittagong, Bangladesh 2004 B.A., English University of Chittagong, Bangladesh Academic Positions 2017- present Graduate Teaching Assistant North Dakota State University, USA 2012-2017 Assistant Professor Premier University, Bangladesh 2006-2012 Lecturer Premier University, Bangladesh 2006 Trainee Teacher, ESOL St. Giles College, London, UK Publications Peer-Reviewed Articles (United States) “Repetition and Remaking: George Moses Horton’s Inspired Borrowings from The Columbian Orator” [in preparation for submission to J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists ] Peer-Reviewed Articles (Bangladesh) “The Unbearable Lightness of Being: A Chronicle of the Tyranny of the Strong.” Premier Critical Perspectives, Premier University, Bangladesh, Vol 4, Spring 2017. (Accepted for Publication) “Thomas Pynchon’s V.: Site Reading or Representation without Resemblance.” Horizon: A Journal of Letters, Department of English, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. No.5, August 2015. (Accepted for Publication) “Magic Realism and Fantasy: Paradoxes of Reality in One Hundred Years of Solitude of Gabriel DevRoy 2 Garcia Marquez.” Outlooks: VUB Studies in Language, Literature and Culture, A Journal of the Department of English, Victoria University of Bangladesh. Issue 2, October 2014, pp. 125-133. “The Sources of Magic Realism in One Hundred Years of Solitude of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.” Stamford Journal of English, A Journal of the Department of English, Stamford University, Bangladesh.