Bioforsk R eport Vol. 3 No. 43 2008 iPOPY discussion paper 4/2008 Organic and conventional public food procurement for youth in Norway Anne-Kristin Løes, Matthias Koesling, Gun Roos, Liv Birkeland, Liv Solemdal Main office Bioforsk Organic Frederik A. Dahls vei 20, Tingvoll gard N-1432 Ås 6630 Tingvoll Tel.: (+47) 40 60 41 00 Tlf: + 047 03 246 Fax: (+47) 63 00 92 10 Faks: + 47 71 53 44 05
[email protected] [email protected] Title: Title: Organic and conventional public food procurement for youth in Norway Author(s): Author(s): Anne-Kristin Løes, Matthias Koesling, Gun Roos, Liv Birkeland, Liv Solemdal Date: Availability: Project No.: Archive No.: 19.02.2008 Open 2010099 Archive no Report No.: ISBN-no.: Number of pages: Number of appendix: 3(43) 2008 978-82-17-00346-5 30 Appendix Employer: Contact person: Bioforsk Organic Anne-Kristin Løes Keywords: Field of work: Organic food, youth, public procurement, health, Food policy and nutrition school meal systems Summary: In Norway, public procurement of food to youth is not well developed in comparison to many other European and Scandinavian countries. School meals are only offered in very few primary schools, and the common school meal is a packed lunch (sandwiches) brought from home, consumed in the class room. Subscription schemes for milk were introduced around 1970, and for fruit around 1995. Organic milk and fruit is offered only in some regions. Since 2007, fruit is served without payment in all schools with a lower secondary level (class 8-10 or 1-10). This effort was introduced as a first step to develop a free school meal in all public schools, which is a goal of one of the political parties in the current government.