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The Classical : First Movements

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-91)

"Eine Kleine Nachtmusik( in )": Movement#1 Extremely straightforwarddemonstration of the -allegroform. For stringsonly. This is a serenaderather than a true symphony.

"Symphony#40 in minor": Movement#4 Although a final movement,this is also in sonata-allegroform. Scoredfor stings,, French horns, , , etc. Regularform; much of the movementis basedon transformationsof parts of the main theme;a little bit of counterpoint. Simple and dramatic.

Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809),"Symphony #104 in ('London')," Movement#1 .. Sonata-allegroform: slow introduction; form is lessregular and mainstreamthan \i Mozart's; short intensedevelopment; several sections based on 'hammer , blows' taken from secondpart of main theme. Haydn more 'inventive',perhaps less emotional, sensitive. Scoredfor strings,, bassoons, flutes, Frenchhorns, trumpets, , etc. Mood as sunny,relaxed, fun-filled; with a few momentsof intensity.

Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827), "Symphony #5 in ," Movement #1 Sonata-allegrofrom; no introduction; almostentirely monothematic(one theme dominatesthroughout) except for short secondsubject soon drowned out; has extendeddramatic coda. High drama:life's challenges!"Fate knocking at the door!" How structuralrigor becomesRomantic!


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,A!!alvzethe evolution of classical svmphonic m~

Form: What is the organizationalstructure of the movement,based on thematic material,key relationships,etc. Is the piece in song form, sonata-allegro form, form, ritomello form, etc.?

Texture: What doesthe soundlike? How big is the (small in early Classicalperiod or big in Romanticperiod)? What instrunlentsis the . piece scoredfor -- standardclassical symphony or new colorful instrumentsbrought in in the Romanticperiod? What is the c%r of the music? Meaning: To what extentdoes the piece attemptto be dramatic,to be human,tell a story? 1) Is the music abstract(tells no story and its emotive contentis hard to pin down)? 2) Doesit have an identifiable emotionalcontent -- heroic, depressive,celebratory, etc.? 3) Does it actually tell a story?(The last stageaffects only the Romanticperiod.) , c ~: -':,..

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