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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-28-1908 Albuquerque Citizen, 08-28-1908 Hughes & McCreight

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I P-- m-N- o No. MBsMBSSMsaW 4 5. 50 p. m. Cinir. CjIj., Aug. 28 No. 7 10.5s p. m. FsiriciH. No. 8 p. m. ClTKEN nort!i 6.40 BUQUEEME local showers tonight or Sathrday. No. 9 II 4S P n. WE THE NEWS FIRST" VOLUME 23. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28.' 1908. NUMHEK 207 US REPUBLICANS LINING UP EL PASO SCHOOL GIRL THE WAY SOME OF DO ATLANTIC CITY WILL BE TOWN OF FOLSOM IS

NEW YORK STATE SUICIDES IN LAKE - DRY SAYS GOVERNOR WIPED OUT 5Y FORPARTY mm FORT m. ; Hughes Is Being Discussed by Lost Her Mind Broking over i Stand by My Proclamation Six Persons Are Known to State Executive Commit- Postponed Wed.ig to Unequivocally, 1 Meant Have Lost Their Lives

v tee for Renoml-nation- . Pass City Tra Every Word I and Buildings Are Man. S Ud Washed Away.


ARE AGAINST HIM tul f t ,1 I - IF IMS NtHESSARY FROM THE SAND ANDJWEETHEART 2 Hitchcock Says That New England Too Much Study Said to be Pri New Jersey Magistrate Secured Coffins AreOrdered From Trinidad Will Go for Taft-Fl- ght mary Cause of Insanity-Bo- dy -- Two Were Annihi- States Strong 0M CAN REST WUKSELF Promise of Support of Slate Families WE WILL GO INTO THE A NICE SPOT lNutrJ Conn- Dragged From Water -- on In Vermont and at COUNTRY. HUBBY. FIND THE TREES WHERE WHILE I REM) TO YtV - Legislators Before He Made lated Wires Are AH Down ecticut-Men Who Are ' Fifty sixth Street-Lov- er Threat Ajalnst Wet Atlantic , and Railroads Are 1 Doing the Work. Still In El Paso. City -- People Squelched. Washed Out jt HAVE-reVi- LUNCHING PER I o SiTvP-Ms- Kmitteo 50 New York, Aug. 28. With the Chicago, Ag. 28. It became known '- oth6 Keaglrt, X. J., Aug. 28. Governor Trinidad, Colo., Aug. 28. The - HQ LOUKCrf&S HE LAND ) heads of both national committees today that Miss Field Werne, who i J2 Fort made the following statement heaviest downpour ever known hare engaged In advis- committed suicide by walking Into councils with their frr7 today concerning his proclamation of covering a wide area, prevailed ers, the new executive committee of Lake Michigan at the foot of Fifty- - last New York state Republican commit- sixth street yesterday, was despond esterday 1D defiance of Atlantic City night, resulting ln practically cuttlnsT tee in session considering the govern, ent because of Illness that was large' that he dare not call the mllltla to off all railroad communication. South ' crship question and the officers of the ly Imaginary and prevented her from enforce the Bishop law: of here a number of bridges are out, Republican Congressional committee marrying devoted sweetheart her will on my proclamation and in places) ! centering with President Roosevelt at A search of her room disclosed a 'I stand the track several unequivocally. I mean every word I washed out. The wires are down Oyster Bay. there is decidedly more trlef farewell message to her father people ani In New said. The will learn that I the whereabouts trains) activity In political circles and to the man she had hoped to am not attempting to intimidate of Southern la York today parties or marry, George Mansfield, a traveling them than since the by threats." i unknown. ganlzed for campaign work. salesman of El Paso, Texas. The St girl graduated It was learned today that before Colorado Southern suffered From a point of wide spread in The from a private Issuing his proclamation the governor the most, but the Santa Fe Is als terest the gathering of the New York femlnary In Kl Paso, and broke down th damaged. The Klo Grande reports) committee the from overstudy some months ago, sounded attitude of various lead state executive ranks ers of the legislature and was given a little damage to tracks north. Tha highest, and it Is believed here that a Since the death of her mother, ten assurances special streets of Trinidad are flooded majority of the men present oppose years ago, the young woman, who that if he called a hat session they would stand by him and no great damage was done here. , the nomination of Hughes for anoth bad Just passed her twenty-fir- st birth spent provide whatever assistance he re- It Is reported that the rain waa er term. day, mdst of her time with a quired to enforce the laws at Atlantic heavier south and west of here and. The meeting was called for the sister, Mrs. E. French, at El Paso, City. purpose making up a of years ago, that the town of Folsom. Is greatly the of basis It was there several while Private telegrams from Atlantic damaged. A local undertaker ' re- in senatorial con' a representation the school girl, that she met and fell In City this afternoon gave Informa ceived message asking cof- ventlon In several upstate coun ap-- the a that six of the love with Mansfield. Relatives tion great resort will fins be sent indicating A ties, but there Is no doubt but what prevented THE that the be half there, that I roved of the match, but olosed and half open. Some places number Of people have lost their lives. renom'natlon of Hughes will be wedding ceremony -- rTUr'tT6 the the from taking -- -7 Ci7VWHERe WE CAM will keep open and others will obey Dan 11. Wagner, well known discussed. No announcement on this place last spring because of her men AMD- , here ' EAT A BEEFSTEAK UNOtt governor's proclamation. Is Is reported be among subject is expected, however. aggra fUU' the It to the dead. tal condition. This, it Is said, I t ' evergreen . not believed that a special session of The wires are working so badly vated ailment, and In hope a J Ian trfe that her that the legislature will be necessary, but only meager information can be se-ur- ed, change would Improve her condition. that a special grand Jury will be call- -- NEW ENGLAND IS she was sent to another sister, Mrs. ed that wiU return Indictments against Volney Bryan, Louisville, Ky. clip, a part of his harness gave away tj at the offenders of the city. It Is be- Additional information from Fol- Subsequently she went to another CITY FATHERS SCORED PROMINENT HIGHLAND when he reached a point about halt lieved keepers FOLD way between Copper avenue Cen- that the resort wish to som Indicates that besides Wagner als) SAFE WITHiH sinter In Rlohmond, Va, end" eight and test Jersey ' tral. Ftaring his horse would begin the New blue laws. wife and daughter and Lucy Creigh- - weeks ago her father decided she ton, living Wagners, are) ought to come to Chicago. For kicking, Mr. Clifford leaped from tho with the got BY PROPERTY WOMAN box and attempted to reach the ani- drowned. Portland, Me., Aug. 28. Frank H time she along nicely, hut later IRATE GREAT SUFFERING L- head evaded him and dashed FO- T T. W. Wheeler, wife" and two chil- Hitchcock, chairman of the national began brooding over her postponed mal's It sister-in-la- w down toward avenue. dren and and baby, liv- Republican committee, who Is here wedding. First street tha ing same Ig On striking tho vehicle of Mrs. Seth ln the house, are also miss- attending a meeting of the Main Mansfield paid to be In El Paso. OWNERS LOWS FLOODS IN SOUTH ing. No trace of these people or their state executive committee, says that the horse broke loose from the shay, and, careening toward the west. homes can be found. ; New England states will return their Mrs. ltooke and building, con- usual Republican majorities at the COLFAX COUNTY WILE crossed the street ln front of the Dla her the Douutgo Kxceeds First Many taining the central telephone ofQca presidential election. mond Paluce and ambled down ItcMrt gone, Two Hundred Resolute Men Mrs. Seth Suflers Concussion sidewalk to the State National bank. Are Drowned are with no trace. Many houses As in leas than a week there will Cold Wave Settles were wrecked and the loss is great. be an election In Vermont, and two GIVE ANDREWS MAJORITY Seeing a team across the street. It Sirk'Jten Country. Resolve That They Are of Brain and Many Bad crossed the street again and stood The bodies of Wheeler and wtfa weeks later one in Maine, the situa- were found in in those states was given close quietly beside It, waiting to be caught, the sand this mornln. tion Treated Badly. caught Atlanta, Aug. 28. Call for assist- The cloudburst occurred south OS attention. Traveling Auditor Snfford Says the Bruises. After the horses had been ance loss of were and the excitement was beginning to anl the a million and a Trinidad Just after midnight antl Those to meet Mr. Hitchcock half dollars In Augusta alone and of wrought havoc and destruction, es- National Committeemen Brooker of Voters Want Statehood and disappear, the woman ln the hack Know Who Can Get It, WOULD OFFICER WOMAN TOURIST quietly opened ve one million in other cities of South pecially across the line in New Mex Connecticut; John F. Hill of Maine ABOLISH the door of the Carolina parts Georgia 14 hicle stepped to the ground. and of and ico. W. Murray Crane of Massachusetts OF STREET COMMISSIONER KEPT HER SEAT and lives lost In Georgia, summarizes the News at Ism Vegas. and James W. Brock of Vermont and Las Vegas, N. M., Aug. 28. Polit- flood conditions in the south today. and secretaries of the East Las Vegas, Aug. 28. (Special) the chairmen ical conditions have shown a marked The reports of the damage ln the An awful flood practically wiped state committees. change In Colfax county and Dele- property Two runaway accidents in one day, NEW MEXICO T09 HIGH Carolines are coming ln slowly. Hays Hammond, who has un Two hundred resolute There out the town of Folsom, in the north- John gate Andrews, head of the Repub- owners of the Highlands met at Li- to the same person, the latter of are many rumors of others killed but ern part of the territory, last night dertaken to organize Taft clubs lican ticket, will be elected by a ma- which almost resulted seriously, hap- not by brary hall last night and relieved FOR SON OF E verified. In South Carolina the about midnight. A wall of water fol- throughout the country, assisted jority of least 800 In county. yesterday, unlucky victim loss of life will twenty in reported at that themselves of a large number of pened the reach ami lowing a cloudburst rushed down Bnell Smith, of Washington, That Is the statement made by Ter up being Mrs. 3. 11. Seth, wife of the North Carolina possibly half a dozen people are taking a lively In harsh things they had stored t'l upon the town, carrying buildings) that the ritorial Travel. ng Auditor C. V. Saf- - present city council. manager of the Star Hay and Grain whites and as many negroes were persons terest in this feature of the campaign. say about the with it. Six are known to ford, who is in Las Vegas to inspect The gathering had all the character- company of West Central avenue. As JM'iMirtitietit of JuMtioo Orders De killed. have lost their lives and the damage; Mr. Hitchcock said many speakers and accounts of San Miguel Mrs. Buildings Augusta. assigned to the books istics of a "tree thinkers' " meeting. tlie result of her misfortune Seth mented Irishman lMMHied to lading in is estimated at thousands of dollars. had already been Ver county, following a trip to Raton, say exactly is now confined to her home at No. Augusta, Aug. 28. The Hood ap- mont, and others would be sent as Kverybody seemed to Just Native Country. Conditions are reported terrible. Dawson, (Springer and other points what he thought and none of the 322 South Arno street, ln a very pre- parently has damaged the foundation Those surviving the storm are with- soon as available. Senator Borah will in the section of New Mex- condition, suffering of a great many buildings ln speeches In northern speakers seemed to care who was hit. carious from a who was the lower out shelter and suffering severely make at least six tha ico. as of the brain and many se- John Flynn, removed part of the city. At 10:30 this morn- state. Senator Burrows several and The city fathers were broadsided from a Santa Fe passenger train at from exposure. "The Democrats may get a few if a body and Dr. Wroth, chairman of vere bruises on the body. ing the Central Grammar school had Leslie M. Shaw one or two. Gallup last December and taken to collapsed, the walls of the National ex the minor ottlces In Colfax county at the street committee, and Street The eventful day started when the asylum The representatives of Vermont says, were the territorial Insane at Las Biscuit company building had fallen pressed the belief that the majority the fall election," Mr. Safford Commissioner Martin Tierney horse driven by Mrs. Seth, while Venus, being declared Insane by BROKE HIS NOSE main offices and the head of gloves. standing their alter and the underpinning of the Port for Mr. Taft this fall will be as large "but the handled without unhitched in front of Judge Ira A. Abbott, has been order Royal bridge away. ago Mr, the ticket will carry the county with residence on the Highlands, became had been washed as it was four years for The meeting was called for the ed deported to his former home In A mass meeting of citizens is called Roosevelt, but several of the New a good margin. purpose of devising ways and means frightened at some passing object and Knockey, Sutton parish. County Wex BOARDING TRAM for town. After madly gal- for this afternoon. England leaders regarded this as too "I find that political conditions are of taking care of the flood waters started ford, Ireland, by the department of Cold Follows Floods. optimistic. The Republican factional better understood up there than in are wont to flow over the High- loping through some of the principal justice. that thoroughfares city attempt Atlanta, Aug. 28. Georgia and the fights In Connecticut and New Hamp the past and the majority of the peo lands every time it rains, but inci of the an W. H. Green, Immigration Inspector Carolines today faced a drop ln tern While on his way to this city to vis- said, would Delegate was nutde by Health Ollicer Thomas shire the leaders not af ple are out for Andrews. dentally many of the speakers took here for the department of commerce perature wmcn cause brother-in-la- Lock-ha- rt Moran to stop the frightened steed, threatened to it his Henry feet the national ticket. They want statehood, and they know ( advantage of the occasion to mention and labor, has received Information, great suffering to w those who have ranch, M. the only way to get it is to elect a the Highlands had been lgnomia-Republica- n but ilhout success. A newsboy that he may be given Instructions to at the Lockhart C that corner of been made homeless by the floods. to Congress. This it' Is lously ignored by the city fahers in slopped the animal at the take the Insane Irishman back to the The mercury reached very near frost McSweeney had the misfortune to CiJ7if;SSI0;l their Intention to do." the way of street and park improve- Third and Gold. The buggy was only Kmerald Isle. stumble while ln the act of boarding WIFt'ii damaged was for point In some sections. Reports from Colfax county through ments. slightly and called Flynn arrived In the United States Fayettevtlle M even- by the owner and taken home. l'ndT Water. his train at Socorro, N. last other sources are to the effect that The Duko City band marched later the latter part of November, and a? Fayetteville, N. C, Aug. 28. This ing from which he received sever KILLING This was in the morning. rea- CMEO Candidate O. A. Larrazolo, who is the through the business section of the a result of the altitude lost his city, a population of 12,000 and lo- body bruises as well as a broken Democratic nominee In opposition to city and up to the Library building Tlie second accident happened son. He became so desperate that cated on Cape Rear river, was almost nose, Mr. McSweeney hails from G con- Mr. Andrews, received anything but J uiaylna martial airs to bolster up the about o'clock in the afternoon when the passengers appealed to the entirely submerged by the floods last Cherryvale, Kan., and claims that Brother VIm Held Spectators at Bay a cordial reception during his recent nerve of the Highlanders and to lend the one-hors- o chaise driven by Oakey ductor, who had him delivered to the night and early today. Three thous- the accident was due to the piling ot into driv- Gallup. He was en Will to Answer us uu ry tour of Colfax county. It is claimed enthusiasm to the glorious occasion. Clifford dashed the vehicle authorities at and are homeless and an appeal has mall pouches near the place wherq ho llao en by Mrs. Seth as she was returning route to San Francisco. to Alleged Crime. that he endeavored to Inflame preju- The meeting was called to order by been Issued for relief. tried to mount the car. The night be- dice and arouse feeling between the Peter Stewart, foreman at the A- from J. Korber & Company's estab- While the department of commerce ing rather dark, he was unable to sea native voters and the other residents foundry and machine lishment, where the buggy damaged and labor, which has Jurisdiction over DRAG them. As the of his fall, he la New Aug. 28. Captain P. C. lbuquerque Immigration of Into POLICE NET result York. of the county and that this effort on works, who is among the leading citi- ln the morning's runaway was left the aliens the GATHERS 146 HOBOES now confined to his bed at tha Halns, Jr., and his brother, T. Jen- for repairs. With such force the I'nited Slates had deported thousands the part of Larraxolo only served to zens of the Second ward. The elec- dd Chicago, Aug. 28, Policemen and Lockhart ranch. His physician re- kins Hams, were held without ball stronger the sentiment against groceryman, teams collide that Mrs. Seth wai of Chinese and Japanese ln the last ports his condition as being very sat- of grand Jury to- make tion of F. G. Piatt, the years special officers today scoured tho for the action the In of Mr. Andrews. well thrown violently to the pavement and few this is the first case of an isfactory considering terrible fall day. Cuptain Halns, who shot and him and favor and L. W. Galles, the known s being ordered deported. freight yards of the Illinois Central the insurance writer, as chairman and rendered unconscious. Mrs. Seth Irishman he had. killed William K. AiinU at Bayside, was to office of and arrested 164 men and boys who secretary, followed and the work be- limp form taken the were empty cars. L. 1., nearly two weeks ago, and his Dr. D. H. Carns, where her wounds CATTLEMAN WITH A found ln box For ns, BRYAN LEAVES T0PEK4 gan by Mr. Stewart reading the fa- M1LLIO.V months the yards have been overrun brother, T. Jenkins Ha writer for were temporarily dressed. Later she SUICIDES FIFTY-ON- charged, mous report Dr. Wroth made at the Aug. 28. with "hoboes," and petty depreda- E GO DOWN magazines, who, it is held as was removed to her residence, where Lafayette, Ind., John spectators at bay wh.le the captain last meeting of the city council Henry Brlggs, aged 63, a millionaire tions constantly recurring prompted fOft LINCOLN, NEB. chairman of tha street committee. It was found that her wounds were did the killing, were arraigned In the more serious than at first expected. cattle raiser, shot and killed himself wholesale arrests. x WITH STEAMSHIP magistrate's court at Long Island City After reading the report Mr. Stewart today at his home ln Attica. De- proceeded to dissect it, pointing out Seven stitches were required to be today un the charge of murder. T. severe scalp wound. The spondency due to 111 health was the MACK CLAIMS THE Topeka, Aug. 28. Bryan left To- -' the weak parts. Mr. Stewart did not taken ln a Jenkins llains is accused of being an patient was all of last night cause. BTATE Olr NEW YORK at 7:30 this morning for Lincoln spare Dr. Wroth In the hast In those delirious New Aug. 28. Toklo, Aug. 28. News of sink- aocissory to the murder, while the reka but was reported much better this York, National the t he Is to 6:45 parts of the report that referred lo MAN SHOT ON ing ot steamship captain is alleged be the principal. where due arrive at this morning. BOARD Chairman Mack and State Chairman the British Dunearn It U announced that counsel for evening. i iron avenue and the acequla which WALK MAY RECOVER Conners of the Democratlo party held and the loss of all but two ot fifty-thr- ee captain will plead insanity as a Off For Dakota. I traverses the eastern part of the cUy. Mrs. Seth's second runaway was Atlantic City, Aug. 28. Though an Important conference here today members of the crew In a ty- the trou-jasse- defens.-- , together with sensational Kansas City, Aug. J 8. W. J. Bryan Dr. Wroth's report saM that the d the result of another runaway lu Charles B. Roberts, the financier and over the situation In New York state. phoon, which raged August 2th off for one-hor- charges w hit h the captain made through Kansas City this hie on Iron avenue had existed which Mr. Clifford and h i clubman of Baltimore, who was the Mack has been trying to arrange a port of Goto, Island of Kluhlu, has sa d con- again.-- 1 his wife, involving an alleged morning en route to Lincoln. While fifteen years and it also that the shay and a tourist figured very victim of the mysterious shooting on settlement of the differences between reached here. The two survivors. new speak- - had existed since the rate spicuously. Mr. was driving the board walk Wednesday night. Is Charles Murphy, Tammany leader, William Phillips, engineer, and confession by her of Improper friend- here he announced some j trouble Clifford F. John said the In condition, physi- Landon, seaman, were picked up by ship for Annis. It is expected that ing dates. Following his speech ln St. . washout. It further that mare near the woolen mills when she still a critical and State Senator VcCarren, and tha counsel for the brother will endeavor Paul Aug. II he will go to Fargo and acequla had been cut. letting the decided very suddenly that she must cians have some hope for his reouv-rr- y. Democratlo leaders hope he will suc- the Japanese steamship Sakyo Marti. to have the charges against him dis- Grand Forks, North Dakota, speaking water Into the railroad yards, and be at th hotel by t o'clock. Looking He has sufficiently revived to ceed In effecting a truce until after Itoth are prostrated from exposure. missed on the ground that he took at these cities Sept. 1. On Sept. 2 he at his watch Mr. Clifford found that tell the police something of the man the election, at least Mack said to- The Dunearn was a steel screw steam, part In killing and will speak at Sioux City and at Lin- - he had ten minutes to make the trip. who shot him and the police are now day he was confident Hryan would er of 2020 tons, commanded by Cap- no actual the what - he did was to protect his brother. I coin Sept. 3. ( (Continued on Page Four.) Coming down Flr- t street at a lively acting on a faint clenr. ctri-- tha state by 100,000. tain J. Graham. PAGE TWO. riTTZi:N. 4 AT'nroTT'norT' nui,r, AtrorsT , moa. THE ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN NEW PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY AROUND MEXICO By the Citizen Publishing Company of Albuquerque, New Mexico. pros Between four and five thousand , on the property will be actively W voters have already been registered ecuted. Gtfoss S. STRICKLER WILLIAM F. BROGAN Co elec- 8l county fa.l Kelly in Cochise for the PRESIDENT MANAGING EDITOR tion. Precott will ce'ebrate Labor day September 7 a series of amuse- exchange Is the name ments, Huch as baseball, tug of war, (Incorporated) 81'llM. llllTION ItATKS. The Builders' of a new organization recently per- etc., and will procure excursion rate among thu building to the Mile High CHy. A grand pa- On yer hy mall In advance $5.00 fected ut ltisbeo trades contractors. rade, speaking and band concerts will UM month hy mall , f0 be umotig the attractions. I south by carrier within Htj limit 00 Figured from the territorial audi- oflice show that the public Benson baa the distinction of hav- Enirrol a womil cta mailer At tlie ltofTloe. of Albuquerque, N. M., tor's i. .Is over $700,000 ing king In the per- Act or CongrcwH of Mureli 3, 1879. sch. of Arizona cost the sweet pulato last year. son of L. It. Wh.te, who has a ranch city. He TIms only dally ad- a short distance from that illustrated nesiiMT in New Mexico and the best dollars has been al- potatoes In vertising medium of houiliweKt. Six thousand raises sweet abundance tlie ready raised toward the fund for the and they never fall to take a prize. Wholesale f c erection of the Warren District Coun- iwirgtKngiK citizf.n is: try are even 800 children In Co- leading Hm club house. There ' he Republican daily and weekly iicvtpnpT of Southwest. county of school age, accord- - Tike advocate of Republican principle the "Square Deal." conino and It Is reported that there have been ing to the school census taken June fewer case of typhoid fever In Blsbee 30, 190S. The total amount expend- TILE l"K Q K CITIZF.N HAS: h's-toi- y Grocers AliRI'Q It I' tliis year than ever before in the ed for schools In this county during Tlie linewt cqiilpjwd Job department In New Mexico. city. year was $22,673.59, and by Auxiliary of that the there The latest rvKrt Associated lress and Ntoi Service. was on June 30 a balance in the treas- member of the territorial leg- ury due the district of $15,- - "WE GET THE NEWS FIRST." Each various islature Is empowered to appoint one MUG. 31. STATEHOOD FOR NEW MEXICO" pupil in his county to a membership free of tuition li the territorial nor- The Pima and Maricopa Indians We favor the ImmMlate admission of the territories of New Mexico and day on Vrlaona as separate Union. Republican mal school. celebrated Old Folks' the Wool Hide and Pelt states in the National Platform. of Lehl. The swollen bet- north St e .Kin, a Clifton Chinaman, condition of the river interfered 10 ter known as "Skinny," developed a county a certain extent with the attendance, cave of violent Insanity at the but as most of the tribes reside on the Dealers hospital and was Bent to the asylum Mesa side of the river the event was at 1'hoenlx. fairly well attended. The arrange- Picture Service Gppreciated Globe Oun club Is In receipt ments were under the direction 'f The Bishop Isaac Rogers and Elijah Al- Las Cruces, N. M., Aug. 25, 1S0S. of an invitation from the El Paso Gun organization to len. Citizen, club, aking the local Editor tournament to bo held at El enter a A Phoenix raised a Albuquerque, X. M. 13. 14 and 16. check artist at Fao October $2!) a Albuquerque Las Dear Sir: Eulogies are too often forgotten and criticisms are too often to $129 but did such bad Job and Consolidated Transfer that he detected It himself, and then spoken, but I take pleasure In presenting a and an eulogy the The Pioneer criticism at company of Phoenix has been award- wrote a letter purporting to be from Vegas same time. We have often wondered where The Citizen secured the excel- ed the contract for furnishing 33,000 the man who wrote the check and lent picture service with which it Is illustrated. The cartoons have been barrels of fuel oil to the reclamation which explained why the check had to particularly entertaining and appropriate. No other paper In the southwen service at Roosevelt. been raised. The cashier whom he presented both check and letter has come to our attention, has any such an illustrated service as your that The American Girl mine, In Yuma that a man who would write paper. The Citizen's pictures are equal to those of a number of the large county, ha been taken over by a a letter to explain an error would be dallies and are a credit to it. I wish The Citizen success and desire to tell newly organized holding company particular enough to write another you that we enjoy every Issue and especially enjoy the clever cartoons. with a capital of $1,000,000, and work check, so refused to cash the check. Tours sincerely, A. B. II. of standing still, Glue Bones began sjsjjis)aWiaj)Jaj swaying of the body, and , The Citizen acknowledges receipt of the above letter from one of its old a rhythmic Qvoss Co, then, as an old familiar tune began & Valley This paper maintained an illus- Kelly subscribers and Mesilla friends.' has DAILY. SHORT STORIES to inspire him more fully, he broke trated news service at a considerable cost and only recently has added to that j into a Bort of barn . The cheer- service and incidentally to the cost The newspaper Illustrations are done ing and clapping from the people was (Incorporated) by newspaper artists and photographers and they represent the very best in terrific and Jacko soon returned wllii newspaper illustrating. The cartoons are products of some very well known DYING IX THE HARNESS. his cap full of coin. That night Giovanni turned Glue newspaper and by a of papers, some of them cartoonists are used number By II. 11. Hudson. Bones over to the best livery, where, published In large cities, though in widely separated fields. This paper be- he found plenty of oats, and received lieves that the picture service It maintains is fully appreciated by Us readers a good currying. He also bought hand r Giovanni Piccinino threw his a new summer vest and a red meetings of their legislature before merce will spend about $50,000 more-fo- and it purposes to keep service fully up to date and to Improve It from ex- Jacko that organ to the roadside and tank cap, to accompany a dress suit and erecting their buildings. the Installation and maintenance time to time. The Citizen Is the only illustrated dally In New Mexico and It hausted beneath a shade tree. Little silk hat, which he rented for his own STATES AREBUSY Assurance has been given the man. I of the exhibit. pays more for its pictures alone than most of the New Mexico daUies pay for Jacko, the monkey, had followed at use. The following evening the peo- aement that at least ten other states! Other cities of the country ar the end of his string, and stood gat- w.ll take part. All of the common- planning for buildings and man their news service. x ple were waiting for their entertain- the ing at hi master with a glance which ment, and were not disappointed, for wealths of the Pacific west will par- agement expects to have many city said, "What next?" Giovanni had procured an automatic ticipate and many states of the mid- buildings ln addition to the larg Giovanni was making his way to- organ, and when Glue Bones came AT SEATTIE dle west and east have signified their number of state structures. StaCfts in Russia ward the great city, whose down the avenue with a pretty "two-steps- ," intention of getting Into line. It Is the Death UlJ-van- ni smoke darkened the sky line. Jacko was kept busy empty- plan of these states to make their MUST BELIEVE IT Reports from St. Petersburg say that the newspapers In the czar's be- was old and alone. He had ing of new cap. The appropriations early In the sessions money the contents his nighted realm no longer print accounts of executions. There Is a peculiar once made good as a marble outfit proved to be a novelty which of their next legislatures which will When Well Known Albuquerque Peo- cutter, and many monuments bore the pleased the audience everywhere, and give them ample time in which to ple Tell So Plainly. reason for this. Under the Russian law in certain provinces newspapers are chisel; was build their building and collect It Impress of his but that Giovanni soon filled his coffers. their When public Is not allowed to circulate If they contain aocounts of official hangings. Inas- when his hands were steady and his displays before the exposition opens. endorsement mad One night, however, Glue Bones Fl by a representative citizen of Albu- as eyes Now traveled from much executions of this character have within recent weeks reached the keen. he didn't respond as usual, and thjre Government Buildings. querque the proof la positive. Yob to as sole ay maximum dally total of 36, it will be seen that the paper might as well go city city, with Jacko his was a far-aw- look in the eyes of Work on the United States govern- must it. of hU fortune. believe Read this testimony. out of business If they continue to print news of capital punishment. companion and sharer the old horse. Giovanni had misgiv- The Government and Each ment buildings at the exposition will Every backache sufferer, every man, "There a n't much for us to live for, begin within the next month, which Most of the latest executions are not, as Americans generally might sup- organ ings, although Glue Bones didn't woman or child with any kidney Is there, Jacko?" mused the seem to be In pain. But Jacko, with Commonwealth Will Erect will give the builders ample time in trouble will find profit ln the read- pose, political in their nature. Men are hanged In Russia this year mainly grinder in his native tongue. "Still, his animal instinct, noted the change. which to finish the structures. The ing. for robbery, attempted murder and various kindred acts of violence not In- you couldn't be anything but a com- Glue Bones couldn't tell what he Handsome Structures. government board which will have Mrs. J. R. Grubb, living mon street beggar anyhow. We are at tlT cluding actual killings. It would appear from this that Russia In civiliza- saw; but he dreamed that he was a cnarge of Uncle Sam's participation, South Broadway, Albuquerque, N. too old to do stunts." again, had been running all tias now been appointed. It consists says: two years my con- tion Is where England was about 300 years ago. Tet Russia has more laws was at- colt and "For about Then Giovanni's attention day In green pasture beside a spark- Seattle, Aug. 28. The different of Jesse E. Wilson, assistant secretary dition was such regulations se- a that whenever I than England, and the penalties for Infractions of minor are tracted by a heavy stamping behind ling brook. Night was coming on; It states of the Union that are going to of the Interior; W. de O. Itavenel, of would move around, pains ho the and sharp England or United States. the fence. As peered between Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- National Museum, W. M. verer than those of the was growing dark; end the birds were participate in the ic the and stitches would take me in my loins. rails a pitiful object met his gaze. Ueddes of the treasury department, Here In America we have learned that goodness cannot be legislated Into giving their last notes from the rust- exposition, which will be Further proof of a disturbed condi- It was old Glue bones, the once fa- played held the latter will act as secretary and kidneys men. The prohibition states of the south prove It and our race troubles ling leaves overhead. He had acre beginning June 1 and ending tion of the was evidenced by mous circus horse. After becoming too very 'hard that day and was tired. He disbursing officer. a too frequent action of the secretion) prove It. Education Is the one way out. St. Louis Times. old for the circus Glue Bones had October 15. 1909, are busily engaged Special agents are beginning to ar- heard his mother's anxious neigh as in getting their buildings and exhib from these organs, as was mostly in turn become too old for the har she came running to his side and bent range for the collection of the exhib- noticeable In the fore part of the day. ness. He 'had been turned out to pas- its ready. its and the supervising architect's of- A The Brooklyn Eagle says sixty people were last year killed by automo- over hint. Yes, It was time to lie Oregon, the first commonwealth to lady who had been similarly trou- In Nassau county. The population of Nassau was 65,000 In 1900. Call- ture at last, and aside from a scant go to sleep. Old Glue Bones fice is busily engaged in finishing the bled, and had been cured by Doan's biles he got from down and begin budding, has its handsome ing it now 60,000 for convenience. Its automobile death-rat- e was one per living and the exercise ank to the pavement dead. He had plans for the government group. Kidney Pills, advised me to use them. shooing flies, there wasn't much left structure nearly completed. The Uncle Sam will spend $60,000 for thousand. In the whole "registration area" of the United States pneumonia died in the harness. Jacko looked on state appropriated $100,000 but the Procuring a box I used only a small consumption together kill yearly but four per thousand. The auto In for him to do. The horse had taken understood. his part of the exposition. Of this sum portion and the benefit I derived wa and how- curiously. Giovanni commission has decided that an addl. one-quart- er scourges hu- a keen Intercut in his visitors, $250 000 will be expended for the fol. so Nassau county Is as deadly as these two great of tional $50,000 will be necessary to pronounced that I was given proof manity combined. Apoplexy and cancer together kill proportionally no ever, especially when Jacko nimbly lowing buildings; main government, of the value of this medicine as sprang to top rail and ran back A Faithful Friend. make the showing It desires, and at Alaska, Hawaii, Philippines, Fisher- more persons In the nation than the auto in Nassau county. Less than half the meeting legislature next cure for backache and all ills arising away age eternity and forth making faces at 'him. This "I have used Chamberlain's Colic. the of tile ies and biograph lecture hall. The deranged kidneys. ' as many peacefully pass In old as the auto hustles Into Remedy since January that sum will be forthcom- from untimely unprepared. Railroad accidents, an appalling total, are yet pleased the quadruped Immensely, Cholera and Diarrhoea remaining $350,000 will be spent for For sale by all dealers. Price 50 and it was first Introduced to the public ing. one-six-th one-tent- h as many. Ty- for he gave a whinny which caused the collection and maintenance of the cents. Foster-Mllbu- rn but this rate. Appendicitis kills less than 1871, have never found one Washington, which made an ap- Co.. Buffalo. phoid fever or meningitis or diphtheria Is far less deadly. For the sordid Jacko to spring to the ground with in and exhibits. New York, sole agents for the United surprise. Then Glue Bone took instance where a cure was not speed- propriation of $400,000 will be ready The government group will have sake of Its saloonkeepers' tills, and to gratify Its "sporty" residents, Nassau , States. ily effected by Its use. I have been a to break ground within a few weeks. on county welcomed the Vanderbllt cup race, Illegally withdrawing its highways turn about the lot to calm his merri- , tne mOHt consplcuous site the Remember the name Doan's and) commercial traveler for eighteen 1 vi JCd lue kuiiiiiiiasii'ii iia.-- eye upon speed-mania- c. is ment, but soon came back again. ln? iasv grounds. The buildings will stand at take no 34 from public use. It looked with lenient the It years, and never start nut on a trip been busy arranging for displays. The other. reaping the whirlwind. New York World. Giovanni laughed at the fun the the northern end of the Cascade pat- without this, my faithful friend." sayt Washington building, as the Ever- Office Chief Quartermaster, animals were 'having, and after green Court and will tower over the other Denver. ting the horse on the neck he placed H. 8. Nichols of Oakland, Ind. Ter. tate will be the hostess, will exposition structures. Looking direct- Colo., August 1, 190$. Sealed pro- The sultan thinks he should be permitted to retain everything he has ac. When a man has used a remedy for be used mostly for entertaining pur- anything more Jacko on his back. The horse knew ly down the main picture the vista posals ln triplicate will be received cumulated up to date, provided he promises not to accumulate ihlrty-flv- e years he knows Its value, poses. It will be a large structure, by here office of the Quartermas- In accumulating practical- what was expected and gave the will be closed at the southern end and at during his lifetime. As he has already succeeded and is competent to speak of It. For purely classic In style of snow-cappe- monkey a ride about the lot, bring- architecture the majestic d peak of ter at each post below named, until ly everything In sight, however, the Young Turks seem unable to see It his : . will brick, ing wifely clinging to his by all druggists. and be built partly of Mt. The government build- 11 a. m., August 31, 1908, for fur- way. him back will It a permanent Rainier. mane. Then a thought came to Gi- which make ing will be imposing In design and nishing Corn, Oats, Bran, Hay and) I make (mortally of Jobbing la building. largest exposition Straw or bedding Hay, required dur- ovanni. Why not procure this old AngH the dome of the After having fizzled on the presidential business. Yon Yonson of the tall a organ? The l.rlek work or plastering. It. California has broken ground for will crown the main building. ing the fiscal year ending June It. governor Now If some horse to draw street :ardette, brick mason and pbvter--r In building which will be an attrac- wheat country is again running for of Minnesota. addition would make an appealing Chicago's Building. 1909, at Fort Apache, Fort Huachuca one could only tlx up a governatorlal Job fur William J. it might solve the Phone 1491. tive edilice in the old Spanish mission and Wh'pple Barracks, Arizona; combination for the people of the The city of Chicago will have a Fort problem four years hence. sym- style. The Golden State appropriated Logan and Denver, Colorado; Fort great city. It would stir their iu Doctor Nacamull will be back tron $100,000 and It Is likely that this separate building ht the Bayard and Fort Wlngate, New Mex- pathy. Ho went over to the farm b ' exposition which will be A In petitioned courts to change name, Rurope In September and will amount will be supplemented at the ico; and Fort Douglas and Fort Du- young woman New York the her house, and, after stating his desire,, 1 Octo-- to accomplish desire by getting his office In th N T. ArmUo bulldln, next legislative session. A feature of held in Seattle from June to t chesne, Utah. Information furnished but the courts refused and advised her her purchased the animal for a song. Tfce bu'lding er 15, The metropolis of the married. Obviously, this placed the young lady in a most embarrassing at- about September II. 1901. the California will be a semi, li09. on application here or at office of farmer gave them shelter for the tropical gar, leu which will surround midaie west is the first city to defi- titude before her chums and young gcntlenun friend. night, day a new outfit respective post quartermasters. W. and the next rapid In our business it. nitely decide upon a separate struc- Q. struck town. The Increase POPE, Chief M. l due to gtxsl vcork and fair treat- Missouri has selected a site and th ture In which to exploit Itself. While people of the Highlands undoubtedly have a Just grievance y. A. the Giovanni waited until the evening ment of our patron. Ilubbs Iaim-dr- plans of the buildinar have been Recently K. I). Stevens ainlH. NOTirE, against the city administration they would do well to keep in the background when porches were crowd- representatives Chi- , hour, the drawn and approved. The "Show Me" Wheeler, of the one or two chronic kickers, who, by the way, assist,-- In electing that Demo- ed. Ho had also chosen the most state will have haiidsome headquar- cago Association of Commerce, visit-e- l Kuad Tax Now Due. to as able-bodie- cratic city ticket, Just keep their hands in kickers. aristocratic avenue for hisi promen- Should you fall to receive The ters which will cost $25 000. Missouri Seattle and picked out a site on The law requires every d ade. He bravely pulled Into the beau- Evening Citizen, call up the appropriated $10,000. but thts sum the grounds of the exposition for the man between the ages of $1 and t9 " I n ar- ' "Why I would not mairy my husban nirsiln the topic of long tiful thoroughfare, and proceeded to Postal Telegraph Co., telephone wiil be iocre .e I by about JHO.OOO I'h ciico bu lding, which will be erect- - years to annually pay a road tax of ca-- e, we suspect. $3 ticle in a popular magazine. The husb md in the "Jess reel off a tune while Jacko ran to , No. 36, and your papor will be more durini? the early part of the ej at a cust of $2o 000, under tn or. In lieu of sucn sum, to labor laffs;" t knows, and it wouldn't require u page in a nia i.ine tn tell, cither. the nearest veranda. But a queer and delivered by special nnwsenger. 1:m! sess.on of the legislature. Mis-- ! :iu.plcfs "f the Association of Cora-sou- rl on the public road three days. Sec. unforeseen event occurred. Instead h:s a custom of appropriating nierce. The building will be a falth-- a 3 Chapter 13, Acts of the 37th Legis- The Citizen is pleased to c that a number of the business men are fol- preliminary amount for expositions, fui reproduction of old Fort Dear-an- d lative Assembly. lowing its suKuestion and ttiat many buildings are being painted In anticipa- then, at a later date, enlarging' bom, with its stockade and the little The supervisor of road district No. tion of the lrigit on cony! ess. K cp up the good w 'rk. the sum. Missouri will start to bull 1 settlement that was Chicago in its 3. comprising precincts No. 13 and within a few weens. Infancy Just outside. Inside the fort 26, which precincts Include the city building proper it Is planned to Intro, accepts office Dennis Flyi n bursts forth us the Itepubilcan lender of Oklahoma. An New York has selected a be:iutlful of Albuquerque, the overlooking duce a series of stereoptlcon, moving la devoting Irishman in the Republican party is an indication that Ireland may yet be site lake Washington without compensation and upon expo-- s picture general exhibit lectures, energy discharge of saved. the shores of which the and tme and to the ECONOMY IN LUMBER ti o) lior !ers. The p'ans for a hand- to be varie l almost liaily, for the the duties of the office to the end some and imposing structure are now of visiting crowds. The that proper use be made of the road No wonder the German people an- fat, happy and contented. Beer being lliiished. Members of the com- exhibit will show the Chicago of Fort fund that we have good roads. w i and only une-- t as r ma-tcri- entieth much there luie. It mak-- s no diffeifiice t u wiietlp-- our bill uf tl mission visited Seattle recently to Dearborn days in contrast with the Tva character of roads to be built and will next by tie f it a chicken coop or the l;ir. st buildm1; in pick out a location and to inspect the western metropolis as it be the l ne of work are determined One robber in Yellowstone park held up 12 j people In one day. He progress on expos) year. Scenes from great stores we of the work the the the Good Roads association. ought to have e- - a;i l but lie didn't. t e country, arc prepared to furnish the same at Hon Tftev wero n nleased with the stockvards. the big manufacture Mr. 8. M. Porterfield Is authorized lowest prices. Our 'umKr is well seasoned, which they saw It Is probable that lug plants, many of the down town to receive payment of the road tax. St. you get a on Sunday, but you w streets, arid life of In Kansas city and I.ouis can't shave makes it worth 15 per cent more to the building than tuey ill recommend an additional and both club home and for the convenience the public Ret a - which some. pictures will do so tan drink helps . appropriation to the one of $75,000 will be Introduced. The will calls when he can I buy-nj- make the lumber you have een Try us. already made. The Empire State will not on'.y be moving pictures, but they or payment can be made at Porter-fle- lr Vote for Andre and st.itchoo I no; you ran vote for Larrasnlo and do much entertaining In its building will be "talk'ng pictures." By a new and Co.'a. Ill West Gold avenue. nottiing later on. SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL COMPANY during the exposition. recently made successful the Toe law will be strictly enforced. Utah, which will epend $!5.0J. hum of conversation and machinery W. H. OILLENWATER. Horrors! A ineiwrger boy In St. lunula has been arrested for exceeding FIRST STREET, South cf Viaduct, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M, will soon be ready to begin work. Ne- or street traffic Is reproduced with Supervisor. the speed limit. braska and Pennsylvania which made moving pictures by a phonographic a appropriations of $15,000 and $7$. 000 attachment. Srscrlbe for The Evening Otlsea - To d;e President Castro of Venezuela setiiis to hare 'em all bleated. respectively, will wait till the next The Chicago Association of Oom- and at the newa.

V; -' V FRIDAY, AVUliwr 28. I8. ALBrrOTTFROTTF OTTTJ.EW rAGE Timing and state bankers confes that their The Republican platform Is silent ance of the subject, for the plan without referring to the fact that the banks are not secure when they op- on the, subject, and the Republican does not propose the removal of any big bank needs the guaranty as well BRYAN pose a national guaranty system on candidate not only does not advocate safeguards. In fact, it contemplates as the little one, tor big banks fail H"i the ground tht It will draw deposits a compulsory system, but specifically stricter regulations of the banks, and as well as small banks, and the big- sway from state banks. If you want and emphatically opposes It. lie Oklahoma has already made the ger the bank the greater the calam- to find whether banks are absolutely says: banking regulations stricter. ity to the community when It falls. secure, ask the directors to give you "Tho Democratic platform recom- He declares that "the only benefit No bank Is so big as to be absolutely their personal note to secure your de- mends a tax upon national banks and would accrue to the speculator, who beyond danger, and a community POSTAL I posit and you will learn that they upon such state banks as may come would be delighted to enter the bank- needs protection against the big will not bear the risk which they ask In, in the nature of inforced Insur- ing business w hen It was certain that banks' failure even more than against you to bear. ance to raise a guaranty fund to pay he could enjoy any profit that would the failure of the small banks. The experience of Oklaho the depositors of any bank which accrue, while the risk would have to It has objected TONIGHT Fifth: sometimes been ma furnishes conclusive proof that falls.." be assumed by his honest and hard- that the guaranty system would br ng SYSTEM depositors do not feel that their mo- And then he questions the right of working fellow." The present bann- into the banking business a lower ney is safe In unsecured banks. On the government to enact such a law, ing law requires that a certain clas of men and reduce the average the 17th of Decern oer, 1107, the saying: amount of capital shall be Invested lu in character. On the contrary, the Oklahoma legislature enacted a de- "How state banks can be Induced the business, and that law would still guarnaty of deposits, 1 submit, would, After you have finished the day's Favors,, the Guaranty of De positors' guaranty law, which became In such a scheme under the constitu- stand. To enter the banking bu-d-l- if It made any difference in this operative February 4th, 1808. By tion is left In the twilight then fore, a man would eta T bring into tne banking business work, eaten dinner, and settled posits as Being the Correct the provisions of this law, all state of st. le rights and federalism so lune to have the capital himself or a better class of men and 1.. se, if banks, and as many national banks frequ ntly utmmlng the meaning secure the confidence of men who that Is possible, the average o. char- yourself for a pleasant evening at Solution of the Problem. as desire to avail themselves of the and purpose of the promises in the had the capital. And this capital, to- acter, it Is not to a man's u. credit law, are taxed one per cent on their platform. If they come In under gether with loo per cent liability, that he is riot willing thai one if hla home you will need to make the deposits, and the money thus collect- such u system, they must necessarily would be a guaranty that the stock- feliow nun should lose money en his evening'spleasure Topcka, Aug. 18. Bryan delivered ed is put Into a guaranty fund. The be brought within t lie closest national holders would not intentionally select account. Is .t not a mark oi char- complete with a control, and so they hla speech on the guaranty of bank banking board is authorized to make must really careless officials. Why would a acter that a man should be careful of copy of additional assessments from time to cease to be state banks and become "specuiator" bo "delighted to enter his good name and deposits audience which considerate of the before an time to keep the fund up to this national banks." the banking business" under the esteem of his fellow? At present a filled the large auditorium here last amount, and Is directed to take pos- His solicitude for the state bank guaranty system? lie is not relieved successful farmer or business man night. He, mad several speeches session of any insolvent bank, pay will hardly Impress the country, for from pecuniary obligation, nor Is he may be Induced to take stock In a X the depositors in full, he Is quite linl flvrent to states and may C during the day and this served to and reimburse relieved from criminal liab lity. He bank. It be that his name is advertise hU presence In the city and the fund by collecting the assets of their leserVed rights when he deals Would have nothing to y.iin by care- desired give standing and credit to the failed bank. Five hundred and with other subjects. When Congress lessness, nor would bank, .. bring out big crowd to him. the stockholders the but such a man is constant- The,. a hear fifty-fiv- e banks, including fifty-fo- is in tlie control of those who want have anything to by induler-enc- e. ly haunted by the fear a bank He attacked the stand taken by Taft to legislate (an that on the quwlun of guaranty deposits national banks, had come under th for the whole people official may bo guilty of criminal and the ruling made by the attorney provisions of this law on the 14th of than for the few, it will not be dif- The chief cause of bank failures conduct which will bring the balk last May, leaving but 255 unsecured ficult to frame a law under which is making into insolvency. It is even possible general concerning national banks. banks can the of excessive loans to He said: banks (all national) in the state. state avail themselves d. rectors or officials of tho bank. that the bank's assets may be entirely Statements are made by the banks in to the advantages of a federal law Is dissipated, and citi- E Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentle- This the fruitful caue of that the honest vening men: December and May. Between these guaranteeing the deposits of national and it has been impossible to secure zen, who has become a stockholder, bunks, as it was easy In Oklaho- Why not make the depositor se- periods the secured banks gained in Just legislation protecting banks from may either be icompelled to go be- United States govern- deposits 84,237,765.22. while the un- ma to frame a law which permitted own yond his legal ability or meet the bit- cure? The national banks to advantage their officials and directors. ment requires the deposit of specific secured banks, all national, showed take of Why? Because there has been no ter criticism of the depositors who security when it entrusts money to a a decrease In deposits of $1,101,807.-8- 6. the state guiranty system. It will mutual responsibility. have suffered by tlie failure. Would also be easy to enact law When all national bank, although it can ex- A large part of this increase a federal banks become liable for deposits it not be worth something to the Citizen the bank any time; the represented money brought from hid. which will permit national banks to of each, the stockholder, in peace of mind, to amine the at ir.g avail themselves of guaianty stockholders will insist state requires security when it de- or from without the state, but state upon the enactment of law uiakiug know that the maximum of his loss decrease In the systems until a national system can a posits money in a bank; the county iae unsecured banks it a criminal offense for a bank of- would be the value of his stock, and Albuquerque's leading home can only be explained in one way. A be secured. Attorney General Bona- requires security and the city re- ficial to loan more than the pre- the 100 per cent liability, and that newspaper the security; even banks re- large number of depositors withdrew parte's ruling, whether it correctly no depositor could lose anything? I paper that prints quires the money interprets law or not, not scribed amount to one individual. At quire security from the officials who their from the unsecured the would present we have a law prohibiting the anv convinced that the guaranty of all the news of the day imme- banks, and deposited It in the secured bring such consternation as it does if handle money. Why should de- loaning of more one-ten- th deposits would not lead to degenera- the too, Republican a than of diately positor be left to take his chances? banks, and this, in spite of the the candidate favored the capital and surplus to one persoa tion In the personnel of the bankers. after it occurs. Do not fact that in order to prevent with- law allowing national banks to take To Justify a law guaranteeing de- Not only is the depositor without advantage systems or corporation, bub the law is only wait for tomorrow morning's pa- protection, but the security given to drawals, the unsecured banks, in of state for the directory, course, positors, It is not necessary to show protection of depositors, but Mr. of the comptroller nation, state, county and city lessens some instances, offered a higher rate can suspend a bank if it violates the that the advantage to the bankers per to get today's news, but read of interest than the secured banks Tafi's hostility to all guaranty sys- this security. They are preferred law, but the law is not enforced be- would amount to more than the tax. the news tonight, while they mortgage on were permitted to pay; and it must tems is shown in the objection which The examination of banks would it's fresh. creditors; have a he offers: cause the enforcement of such a law the the gilt edged assets and the deposi- be remembered also that the banks would throw the punishment upjn continue to be made at the expense The evening paper covers the must get along as best can which suffered a loss of deposits "The proposition Is to tax the hon- of the banks, even if it were tor he est prudent banker to make up Innocent stockholders and upon the certain field with what remains. Why are the In- were all national banks. And to make and community, that the examination was of no pe- accurately but briefly while it certain that the difference was for the dishonesty and imprudence of since the suspension of a terests of the depositors thus neglect- bank inflicts a great loss upon stock- cuniary advantage to the banks. The it is still news. The morning pa- caused by the guaranty law, the se otiiers. No one can forsee the burden law would continue to require a cer- ed? lm-pos- eu holders and disturb the business of deposits on theory cured national banks gained, while which under this system would be tain amount reserve be per simply elaborates. A hank asks the upon conserva- the city or town ill which the bank Is of to kept depositor re- the unsecured banks lost. While the sound and on hand, even if It were that the is sure of the country by located. certain that turn of his money, and the laws the deposits were Increasing in the tive bankers of the this The such a law brought no pecuniary gain To keep guaranteed of they obligation to make good losses law should make it a criminal posted up to the minute ought to make the facts conform to banks Oklahoma, the offense to more pre- to the bank; and so the banks ought were failing in state banks and caused by the reckless, speculative loan than the read the Evening the theory. The depositor, the com- the scribed amount to one person and we to be compelled to Insure their de- Citizen. The will trust companies of Kansas the de and ulshonest men who would be en- positors against loss, munity and the banker himself would probably be able to secure the even if it could Citizen is printed at 5 o'clock by legislation which will crease being 81.153, 026. 27 between abled to secure deposits under such not be shown and be benefited m pussage of prohibiting that such insurance a sy.-te- a law market give to every depositor assur- March 31st and June 13th. on the faith of the proposed would bring compensating advant- delivered to your home the Insurance; as in its present shape peculation by bank officials. a by the ance that that which is committed No amount of criticism of the tim A age to the bank, Tho bank Uie proposal would remove all safe-guar- The Oklahoma plan is better. charter time you are ready for it, for 60 to the keeping of the bank will be id depositor can change the facts; bank recently failed in Oklahoma; has a value; if it were not valuable available to meet his needs at any the people who deposit money want against recklessness in bank- the bunk would not be organized. The cents a month. If you do ing, and the chief, and in the end, within Xortyeight minutes after toe not read time. Such is not the case today, more security than the laws at pres notice of ttuspension, the In bank charter is a gift from the peo- give They probably the only, benefit would ac- officer The Citizen you are not getting for while all banks are reasonably ent them. will change charge proceeded to collect the as- ple through the law, and the people so. banks to get more security, and, crue the speculator, who would be secure, they are not absolutely if sets of the bank and to prosecute who authorize the establishment of a is coming to you ------necessary, will delighted to enter the banking bus- the This statement can be verified In they send their mo officials criminally. When tho busi- bank have a right to demand, in re- several ways. ney to another state. iness when it was certain that he turn, could enjoy any profit that would ness was closed up, the stockholders that the bank shall keep the First: The president has advo For many years efforts have been pledge give invlle--8 accrue, while the risk would have to passed a resolution thanking the state which it when it Now is the Time to cated a postal savings bank, and his made in Congress and the various board for' its prompt action, ac- deposits, and make good Its prom- Subscribe postmaster general, states to secure a law guaranteeing be assumed by his honest and hard- the in presenting an working tion of the board being a protection ises of security to those who deal argument in its favor, pointed out deposits, but the Influence of great fellow." with it. . DO IT NOIV He even pictures dire disaster and to the stockholders, as well as to the that many millions are sent to Euro- banking institutions has been suffi depositors and to the public gener- - But as a matter of fact the banks pean savings every year by cient to prevent action. Last fall, declares that "if the proposal were banks adopted exactly as the Democratic will, as a rule, gain more from the Americans of foreign birth who pre however, when the banks by a con Compare this law than they will lose by the tax suspended payments on platform suggests, it would bring the failure under the fer to trust the state Institutions of certed action guaranty system with a failure where Imposed by the law. The experience nations beyond the sea. rather checks, the depositors were every- whole banking system of the country the down In ruin." there Is no guaranty. In Oklahoma of the Oklahoma banks shows this. than the' private banking Institutions where brought to a realization of the the bank The Interest collected upon the In- deposits are As an afterthought he suggests commissioner telephoned here. fact that their In tact system the farmers to come in and get creased deposits will far more than Second: Is known a con- loans, payable on demand under or- that a voluntary might be their pay It that tolerated, but as his objections to a money, and the answer was, "I am the losses occasioned by Insol- siderable amount of money Is in dinary circumstances, but payable at busy today with' my crop; vency. But two banks have failed hiding, the amount Increasing with the will of the bank in emergencies. compulsory system apply Just as well I will be to a voluntary system we may fairly in a day or two." and the assets have in both cases the approach of a panic or business Tne depositors suffered a considerable In Cleveland, Ohio, been sufficient to reimburse the fund. AN ENDORSED money Is loss during suspension pay- count him against all legislation a bank failed CHECK depression. This not only the of about the same time, and papers Then, too, the banks must remem- withdrawn from active use, but Is ments, and they have not forgotten which has for its object the guaranty the of depositors. announced: "Twelve hundred infur-iutc- d ber that the question is not merely likely to be withdrawn Just at the the lesson which they learned. The whether depositors shall bo made1 se- money party, being more As Mr. Taft's argument is that Italians stormed the closed time when is most needed Democratic free doors of the cure, but whether tho security shall GIVES in- party to respond presented by the big banks which put busted banking house NO GROUND and when the withdrawal will tnan the Republican of Cortan Diopea be given by the banks themselves or crease financial to the needs of the masses of the peo. their own selfish interests above the on Orange street, i the disturbance. It today. The police drove the crowd by the government through a postal FOR DISPUTE is Impossible to reason with fear; It pie, inserted the following plank In welfare of the depositors and the savings bank. will Its platform: safety of the community, It is worth back." Is futile to tell men that they national An objection is The refusal of the banks to permit The endorsement upon the back of each check is evidence probably get money. mo- "We pledge ourselves to legisla- while to answer the several proposi- sometimes made to that the'r The the guaranty law that a "new bank the passage of a law granting secur- the party received payment. ment the depositors suspect a bank, tion by which the national banks tions which he advances. ity to depositors is responsible guar- .would start up across the street," and, for the This endorsement makes each check they hasten to destroy its solvency. shall be required to establish a Let us take the first sentence, that being growth of the sentiment in favor of an indisputable receipt for ex- prompt payment unable to promise its depositors Distrust, and distrust alone, can antee fund for the "the honest and prudent banker absolute the government Havings bank, and the the amount paid. No need to pay any bill the second time. plain h;din(t of money. of the depositors of any Insolvent be to up security, through the guar- the would taxed make for the anty law could draw the deposits sentiment will continue to grow un- Pay by check it's the safe way. Third: The increase In the issue national bank, under an equitable dishonesty and imprudence of oth- away less something is done to satisfy money orders, payable to order system which shall be available to from conservatively managed the We offer exceptional for of the ers." Is not this true of all restric- banks, by offering higher demands uf tiie people upon this sub- advantages checking: accounts, both of the purchaser, Is another evidence all state banking Institutions wishing on banking? Does hon- a rate of tions not the interest the pay. ject. large and small. that people are seeking greater se- to use It." est prudent banker under exist- than latter could and Thl 'Objection is urged as if were The Republican party proposes the curity for their money. The banks This principle has been applied In ing laws suffer In order that the de- it pay upon deposits, an unanswerable one. But let us see establishment of a postal savings will an interest Oklahoma and the results have been positor may be protected from the how bank system; the Democratlo party THE BANK OF COMMERCE yet who buy money very satisfactory. average an- tas ly it can be met. Since tho and those orders The dishonest and Imprudent? If we had law prefers the guaranteed bank because prefer to lose Interest and, In ad- nual loss to depositors In national makes all of the banks liable for Albuquerque, New Mexico. the no banking laws at all, the banking the obligations it is better for the depositor and bet- dition to that, pay the price of the banks during the last forty years has was done by private individuals, the of each bank, the law CAPITAL AND SURPLUS should prohibit any abuse se- ter for the banker it gives the de- $200,000 money order in order to secure the been less one-tent- h one per of this than of honest and prudent banker would curity by any bank, positor tho security which he needs government's guaranty. cent of the deposits, and the loss to money now pays en- and in Oklahoma s.ive that he for the banking board has already fixed and yet leaves the banking business Fourth: National banks confess the fund In Oklahoma under better forced examinations of his bank, and in the hands of their hanks are not secure when regulations and restrictions has been the rate of Interest that can be paid the banks. But the that he could at times make Interest on to depositors. According Democratic platform declares for 'a they oppose the guaranty of state absolutely nothing during the six a part of the money which he now to the rules is of the banking board no is per- postal savings bank if the guaranteed banks on the ground that It would months In whirh the law has been In r equired to keep as rig. bank In his vault a mitted to pay more per bank cannot be secured," and In No- lessen the deposits in national banks; operation. . hi than three reserve. But because some bank- cent on vember more than ninety per cent of HAVE YOU A ers are not prudent, these laws place short time deposits or more than four per cent on time deposits the voters will by their ballots de- a burden upon the good as well as mand cither the guaranteed bank or upon being to running for six monllis or more. the bad. it difficult the postal savings bank. fi- WILLIE, THE WONDERFUL It has also been urged as ob- Can the distinguish the prudent banker from an nanciers prevent the carrying out of tho imprudent one until a bank ac jection that under the guaranty sys- ROOM this demand? TO RENT? tually fails. tem a big bank would have no ad- The Republican piriform does not In like manner It might be said vantage over a little bank. Even if this argument were sound, It cou.d go Into detail, but it is fair to assume that if all people were careful about that the postal bank plank OR A MOUSE? tire, fire Insurance rates need not not weigh against the advantages of the, hynt.-ni- , for banks are made for U Intended as un end' rai nient of the bo as high as they are, but the careful poslul pay the people, not the people for the savings bank sytleni proposed have to higher rates than they by the president pou, master gen- Do you know that people are almost fighting J !2i ft CAS A'i I vmrm should because some are not careful. banks. While there are advantages ail In having big banks, advantages eral. Under this plan the federal I,ife insurance rales are higher than the government for quarters right here in Albuquerque, and now? necessary are riot sufflc.ent to Justify the Jeop- would Invite the deposit would be to cover the of savings, limit being upon if everybody ardizing of tho depositor or of the a placed like actual risk took care of tlie amount that each person or An ad this his health, and here, too, the cau- business interests of a community. But, as a mutter big famiiy could deposit. According to tious are burdened because some of tact, tho this plan, business man In bank would still ad- the would not are careless of their health. All have several be protected, uses checking Is open vantages over the one. for he a surance to the same objection small In the account of savings account; and yet insurance of all forms is first place. It could make larger loans instead a growing ;n than the small bank. but no one can doubt that the suc- FOR RENT Large, well furnished, popularity more rapidly For instance, a cessful operation of government : f. than any other form of Insurance bank with 81,000,000 capital and sur- a 'well yentllated front room, modern , savings bank would ultimately lead Hi I may plus could, as 8100,-00- 0 and sanitary. OO Blake Bt. r k and, add It yields the largest at present, loan to au extension return on the Investment. to one person, while a bank with of the plan until the dlX 8100,000 capital government bank would Include the Mr. Taft complains that "no one and surplus could only loan 810,000 to one person. ordinary checking account and le can foresee the burden which under This open to deposits without limit. , x . ! " l ..' .41 advantage would In to It ' il ". th a system would be imposed upon ltseif draw would mean a long contest between OWl1 the sound and conservative bankers the large bank the large deposits and placed tlie men doing business upon large the depositors and the bankers, but In The Albuquerque Citizen will secure o, the country by this obligation to a a contest which must in the end be make good the losses caused by the scale, for deposits follow accommoda- tions. decided on the side of the depositors. you a tenant at the small cost of 3LL1E letfhis dimpled 103 reckless, speculative and dishonest The banker must decide, therefore, men," etc. We have the pa.t t" guide Then, too, there is a certain busi- whether he will favor a postal savings "to 4 LsLrn and we have reason to believe ness advantage in depositing with a bank which, in the absence of the 3 35cM 6 h he -- ho In big for "TrLke im one dswv that thy los will less the future bank. It U worth something to guaranty bank, will grow until it ab- limes or times for 50c. than In the past, because when banks be able to nfer to a big bank when sorbs the banking business, or pre- become mutually responsible for each one's financial standing is being in- serve the present system of banking other's depos.ts they will be sufficient- vestigated, and worth still more to by giving to the people, through a ly Interested In each other to favor have the advice of a man of large guaranty law, the protection which :cs 10.--7 I businesj en- v YtTfcy; better regulation an better restric- experience when business they miut otherwise find In a govern- '.Hi gooci aucriecx tions. terprises are being cons der J. WliM Is lie tor IudJxesOoaT ment bank. Mr. A. Hoblneon of Dramqmla. On- WOODMEX Mr. done to protect Besidis Is ad- OF TUB WORLD. he What has Taft these there a social The Democratic plan, therefore, tario, has been troubled for years Meet Every Friday fuut did not over Tl 1 depositors from s and vantage In being on good terms with Bvenlnf ii 1 contemplates a less radical change with Indication. recommends S e) . ri-- 11" speculation? he pro- the n who prominent In n4 At Sharp. " While refuses to mi are the Republican Chamberlain's Btomsvcb IJver ete-U- ng than tho plan. In bis and FOREST IN ELKiT THKATER. e No. he epptf wBre p p$o tect depos tors, he praises the bank world. Surely the big bank a notification speech Mr. Taft charged Tablets as "the beat medicine I eer Id. F. law, which Invites prestige will be worth enough to it the Democrats with being socialistic used." It troubled with Indigestion or B. W. Moore, a C speculation and stock Jobbing. In under the guaranty Fys'.em; it should in some of oonstiptioa (ire them trial. They D. EL declaring system begrudge their remedies. The charge Phillip, Clerk. that the proposed not the fcinailer banks th was not well founded, but I might are cerUUa to prove beneficial. They 401 West Lead Ave. by advantage de- tho Democrats "would remove all which the guaranty of are easy to take and pleasant In ef- VISmNO SOVBRBIONS VTEL-- aafcguarls against recklessness '11 posits will bring to them. fect. Price II cents. Samples free at COMM. banking," Mr. Tuft betrays an tgn )r- - I cannot pass from this subject (Continued ou Iage Six.) all druggists. f tagr rom. TTTOrn?QTTF. fTTTZEl? FTUDAT, AT7GUST 28, 1001. "J AT COLOMBO THEATRE RIO, ACROBA S. TO-NIG- HT MATINEESATURDAY AND SUNDAY

of the Improvements imperatively omcm5momomomomromcmymna m omccmomomomcomcmomccmommamoma m needed inIIIthe Highlands-- and, TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS CITY FATHERS SCORED Whereas, then- is a measure befora the cily council, In the event any im- provements arc e in the Hign-laiid- s, St. Louis Wool. BY IRATE PROPERTY to n Js ss compel re- ATTENTION MALOY'S and the St. Louis, Aug. Wool steady, spective prop, rtics to bear the burden unchanged. , and expense of the same; therefor., bo it Money Market. 11. solved, first, that we, the taxpay- New York, Aug. 2. Prime mer- ers and property ow ners in the H gii- cantile paper, 3 f 3 Vi percent; mon?y lands, demand that the city council on call easy, 1 per cent. NAT1VK CJUAI'I-- 3 MVS 23c prompt measures to permanent- (Comliimil I I'lite Unci take rtim ly protect our property from the The Metals. KATIVK l'iclb storm drainage. New York, Aug. 2$. Lead quiet, fit copper HUNTERS! appre- 14.57 4.62; like firm, 113. NATIVE PEACHES 3 UW 25c asked that the police should Resolved, second, that we emphat- tl hend the persons who cut the ically protest against assessing any Hi 13.76; silver, Bl'ic Mr. Stewart NATIVE PEAKS, IJ1 5c and punish them. property for any street improvements Grain and Provisions. We just in receipt of a Carload of acequia was broken by pur- arc Ammunition,'and said that the that may be made for drainage Chicago, Aug. 2S. Wheat Sept., KATIVK SWKKT POTATOES the water and that It broke near the poses. fill foundry 95c; Dec, 95 ii 95 14c. are now prepared to your orders for foundry flowed into the Resolved, third, we D.-c- , 3 MIS 2.V and that Insist that Corn Sept., 7is He; 66 Tic. grounds so that work there had to bo city expend, the the council shall for Oats Sept., 49 Vi ft)4Jc; Dec, phut down for several day. The wa- necessary grading and improvements 49c. Shells ter backed up from the foundry Into In the Highlands, an amount ot mon- Sept., $14.70; Oct., 114.80. Shot Gun Mr. eaid Pork the railroad yards. Stewart ey In proportion to the amount paid Lard Sept., 19.37H; Oct., $9.45. report made fur- that Ir. Wroth's a In taxes by the property owners ln the Bibs Sept., 1S.8 7H; Oct., $3.97 M. ther confusing statement when It said Highlands. Loaded with Black or Smokeless Powder, by that the acequia was not needed ltesolvcd, fourth, that It Is the sense t'hlciiiro Live-loc- k. pave the cit yet he proposed to Iron of this meeting that the office of Chicago, Aup. 28. Cat'-l- RecHptg Drop or Chilled Shot avenue so water would run down I: street commissioner be abolished and ?.nnO; steady to strong; beeves, 13.60 MALOY'S Into the acequia. the work of grading and Improving CT7.70; Texans. $3.f0 fi 5. CO; westerns, ' Col. A. W. Harris was called upon of our streets bo placed under the $3.30 (fJ 5.80; Blockers and feeders, SEE OUR ASSORTMENT AND GET OUR PRICES and responded by saying that in View direct supervision of the city engi- 12.60??4.60; cows and heifers, 11.750 PHONE 72 of the faet that so much of the city'. neer. 5.60; calves, 1:.. 25 ii 7.50. funds had been spent in other parts ltesolved, fifth, that we tender our Sheep Receipts 7.000; strong to of the city the people of the High- thanks ' to Councilman Ueorge 11. 10c higher; westerns, $2.50 fi 4.35; lands - certainly had grounds for a Learnard for the stand he took yarllne.. $ 4.25 fi 5.00; western lambs, kick when the cuuucil proposed tj the council In the Interests of the $3.60(0 6.25. McINTOSH CO. ases street improvement on the people of the Highlands and the per- HARDWARE against abutting property. ln our Xew Vork Stock. Highlands sistent efforts he has made momuo m m.momomcmcmcmomomo9cmomcmcBomom Amusements This statement brought forth rousing behalf. New York, Aug. 28. Follow Ing applause. Mr. Harris continued by Resolved, sixth, that we call upon were closing quotations on the st ock 4 saying that it did not look like a the people of the Highlands to unite exchange today: square deal, and there was more ap- and form a permanent organization Amalgamated Copper 8 0 V4 plause. to secure the Improvements and the Athcl.onrt 9 0 74 Private Ambulance At the conclusion of Col. HarrlV protection demanded for our proper- do. preferred 9 4H : F. H, Strong Crystal talk the resolutions which had been ties. Now York Central 10 6 Supt. Falrvlew and Theater drawn up by a special committee were J. o. nroFF, Pennsylvania 12 5i Santa Barbara called for. These were read by Sec- A. D. JOHNSON, Southern Pacific 10 : Funeral Director and Embalmer Cemeteries Week of Aug. 27 to Sept. 2 retary Ualles and caused some of the W. C. BRYCE, Union Pacific 16 2 Democrats in the audience to sit up W. W. HAVENS, United States Pteel 4 7 Office Stiwif Block 2nd and do. preferred 11 OH Lady Copper Avtnot. Telephones. and take notice. It was evident I W. GALLES. Toledo, OIUo and return The Original Merrymakers 1 Office 75, Residence 106. the resolutions could not be adopts The following amendment offered $60.95. Aug. 27 to 30, final lim- Attendant A genuine Colored Quartette of Kansas City Livestock. by. the meeting without a fight. by Mr. Stamm. was also voted to be it Sept 17. O. A. R. encamp- e Binders and comedians who present Included In the resolutions: Kansas City, Aug. 28. Cattle Re- Somebody nuned that the resolu- steers, ment. Limit may be extended. minstrel first part. was Resolved, that It Is the sense of ceipts 2.000; steady; southern tions be adopted and the motion $3.25fT 4.10; $2.25 W NEW MOVING PICTURES. this meeting that all moneys derived southern M. seconded and the question asked, but S.40; etockers feeders, $2.80 iff lloswell, Jf. and return US A from the park tax levy from this date 118.86, Aug. 27 to 31, GIVE CHANCE "Tlie CiimlHTMomo Baby." parliamentary rule were thrown 4.75; hulls, 12.40 ff 3.60; calves, 13.50 limited Iirlc-a-Brae- be used for of Highland 's Invenlion" aside and speeches were made for the benefit to Sept. 6th. Christian Church "Prof. park until such sum equal (fr6.60; western steers, 13.60 5.00; "Latcttt Style Airships" . half an hour 'before the motion was shall the Convention. To figure on that bill of lumber. amount already expended on Robin- western cows, 1 2.50 W 3.75. aiul brought to a vote. Each aragraph Hog.s Receipts 3.000; 5c higher; Our lumber comes from our owi "AtviiHed" upon separately. The para- son park. Ft. Wortli, Tex. and return was voted hulk of sales, 16.40 (JT 6.75; heavy, mills located In the best body ot Until Eurtlier Xotlce. graph relating to abolishing the of- 136.30. Aug. 29 to 30, final 11m. timber in New Merteo 16.50 fi 6.80; packers and hutchers, Sept. fice of street commissioner brought TEN 6.75; light, pigs, it 27. A large stock of dry spruce very crilici&m of CENTS All OVER $.40fi !6.106.60; forth some severe 13.50 W 5.25. dimension on hand. Why buy Tierncy. How- not Street Commissioner Sheep Receipts 1.500; 10c higher; T. E. PURDY, Agent the best when it It cneap ever, Mr. Tierncy was) not without THE HOUSE AT Jus' u CRYSTAL muttons, 13.75ff 4.20; lambs. 14.00W It will pay you to look into this. Colombo friend in the audience. Dr. Hope 5.85; range wethers, 13.504.25; fed Theater spoke for half an hour defending Mr. ewes, 13.25 4.00. Tierney, and pleaded with the meet- As the vaudeville which was out- 416 SOUTH SECOND Wt. RIO GRANDE LUMBER CO. ing not to be too hasty In Its action. lined for the Crystal for this week SATUROAV'S SPECIAL SALE. Genuine American Block Phone 471. A motion made by Dr. Hope to strike did patrons j not suit either the or the 2 pkes of Zest 15c Phone 8. Cor. 3rd and Marquette out that part of the resolutions re- management It was called off after Its St. milk, per 10c $6.50 per Ton was Charles .can ferring to street commissioner first nights' presentations and the 1 lb pkg of pitted prunes ,.10e Up-T- o Oate Moving Pictures Handscreened Lump ; defeated by a large majority. house will conduct a first class mov- Fancy sugar cured ham per lb... 16c Cerrillos and Illustrated Songs. T. E. Woolsey, of the forestry de- ing picture show at ten cents all over 3 pkgs of Jellycon 25c 4)4 partment, made a few remarks n the house until the next vaudeville 12 He pkgs of Vermicelli 10c $6.50 per ton Chang Night arrives, management Is Kvarv park Improvement but steered cleix which the H lb sliced dry beef ln glass 20c Qus-llty'an- Quantity Guarantiee of criticism, of the city council. trying to hasten by telegraphing. 25c Jar of pickles 20c MONTEZUMA Ixve Laughs at Locksmiths 4 M. P. Stamm was then called upon. Some of the newest and most pleasing 20c pkg of cocoanut 15c TRUST CO. CBptared by Telephone Mr..SUunm attempted to speak from Alms out are being shown this 3 cans of tamales ZoC change. Among these are "The Cum- 2 1- -4 o was sitting of lb cans of Runkels cocoa... 25c wp o Headless Horseman of Sleepy ( where he in tne rear the room, but the audience would not bersome Baby," "Latest Style Air- Fancy salmon In flat cans 15c TELEPHOM Hollow ship" Bric-a-Brac- 's Inven- tl L.BUQUCRQUK have It. lie w as compelled to take and "Prof. 3 pkgs of Shredded cocoanut 25c utrw Mexico tions." 1 lb pkg of pearl barley 7c Trio, conspicuous place near the chairman. Pouseca Acrobat Once started Mr. Stamm said some 3 pkgs of Cereta wheat 25c W. H. HAHN & 00. 35c can of Schillings Best baking very cruel things about the city coun- COLOMBO THEATER cil, the street department and the powder 30c "FOR CASH ONLY" carnal and surplus, $100,000 NEW SONGS atreet commissioner. He produced 25c can of corn beef 20c Out) 1 lb plug of Horse Shoe tobacco.. 40c figures showing that over 17, had Fonseca trio J. G. Gould, Tenor. been spent on park Improvement in The of acrobats are 11.00 bottle of Horllck's Malted still drawing good Co- the city during the past five years crowds at the Milk 75c MATINEE SAT. AND SUNDAY. one lombo. They remain showing at that 4 lbs of washing soda 10c and not dollar of that amount had Sunday night. com- gone to the Highland park. He said theater until A THE MAZE. plete change of pictures and Illus- VM. KIEKE, m that such action as that was unfair lroprletor. m IN1ERES1 ALLOWED ON SAVINGS songs DEPOSITS discrimination. "But why shouldn't trated will be made tonight. : the get everything?" he The vaudeville stunt on the bill this The Increasing sales of our Black Fourth ward week has no In DENTISTS t shouted. "They have the mayor, the resulted ln Increase Cat stockings prove their superiority prices and popular prices of ten an1 over every other brnn.l on the mar-- ; Room 12 chairnian of the street conun it tee, the twenty cents i naxajGaxDajoajO are ROLLER SKATING RINK street commissioner and two mem- still the rule. ket. They give absolute satisfaction 3omuoscxama osKMoaKysoaoacmyscmoaKmoscm There will be matinees tomorrow because they wear, they fit and are bers of the park board. What we Sunday. tomorrow N T. Armijo Bldg want is a more intelligent adminis and The matinee fast colored. All sizes for men, women tration." will be children's matinee and the and children. Prices range from 12H admission will be 6 cents, Sundiy cents for plain stockings to 60 cents Mr. Stamm said that the action of evening will close the engagement of for lace hose. C. May's Shoe Store, ' THE CHAMPION 6R0CCRY CO. the city council in Ignoring the High- the Mexican acrobats. 314 West Central avenue. was no Judgment, nor Rational lands Brom.t Proprietor Fust error of Mattauccl a difference of opinion, and It was Grocery and Meat Market, Statleand Fancy inexcusable. There were more speeches by J. W. Groceries Anderson, A. D. Johnson, Bank Dr. Wilson Saturday Special Spring Chick n and others. When Col. Borradallc eM-ei- 4 Weat began to tell a story about somebody New York Central Lines T.Jara: Phone SI ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. In Lo Angeles there were impatient calls for a vote on the resolutions. TO TTf I : Alderman Learnard was asked to ffTfff.T f f If express his opinion on tlie ot Only One Moving Picture matter ST. VINCENT ACADEMY Performance abolishing the ofllce of street com- At tt:S0 P. M. missioner and placing the street work Capital ana New I AND of the city under the supervision of York BOARDING HAY SCHOOL United States Romance In a Gypsy Camp the city engineer. Mr. Learnard Surplus The Old Maid's Parrot seemed loth to gie an op nlun on the Tie "DIFFERENT" Route z For Young Ladies and Misses.; Depository Arabian Dajrger matter. He said thai lie had not $250,000 I Family of ChU considered it. He said, however, that s In Charge of the the city engineer tt a vely capable SISTERS OF CHARITY UJUJSUeKjeK)0Kje The Man Tliat Fights the lire of niij). i intending the umk. Why? For AU Eternity That clause of tne resolution thank- 1 Corner 6th St. and New Yoik Ave ing Mr. Morning, Afternoon and Even- Learnard for tne f.ght lie in- BUILDERS' AND FINISHERS' ing Session. made in the city council for tlie It Lands f For Particulars, Addres SUPPLIES terests ot the op- You "IN" New York City Highlands ruceivcj o 1ST Kit MTKKIOK. ADMISSION 10 il.-o-n. g CENTa position li H Slierwin-William- .mi lr. Hut lr. - Nilr aud rhiiago Lumber. s Paint Nome Bet- Wilson was the on'y one In the meet- Grand Central Station ter Hnlhlln Haprr, I'laster. I J me, (..laso, ing voting no Omen l. Sah. Doors. Kwv, when tne matter was Kt., Etc. put to a Vole. Only railroad terminal in New Vork. Kijrht in the heart Tii-i- w TO KUEia'MUX. .i.s a preamble on tlie res- ot t he hotel and residence district. Ktihway station under Kvcryuiit; knows between SCHOOL NEEDS olutions as oiiginally written, that C. same roof. Fifteen minutes to llrookhn w ithout change. homestead and reserves of various J. BALDRIDCE 423 South First critK'ix ng Street Commissioner kinds, the open range has departed. Ti. y. -- in. saying lie was Incompetent All you have to do s- and that every sheep owner, to be FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ami ungeiitlt manly and asking for his successful must own his own land. ! nioval. clau.-- e w Get 'ibis as stricken on the train "IN" Chicago or St Louis Solid bodies of land with perfect title Our Prices All Bargains out by a niajori:y vote of the meet- ing. Get off the train "IN" New York are very scarce, and there never can ED. FOURNELLE be any more. I can offer a eolld Team Harness, all leather. .. gooj Ka.l pencils f, Til.- - resolutions as adopted follow: Then you're there tract of first class grazing land, most- Team Harness, Concord 14 ! I Whereas, the wa:er comes pouring 3 extra good a.1 pencils 5c ly summer grazing, containing 25,030 Team Harness, Concord heavy. down the entire length unci breadth "LAKE SHORE" acres, on the Cebolleta grant, fifty Carpenter St Very large pencil 6c 11 tablets of the giilands from the mesa Albuquerque, ab- Team Harness, double buggy. above, Vis Chicago miles west of with Pencil b"x 6o aft.r each successive Sturm, solutely perfect title, moderate and Builder $19.00 to II4.I practically The Route of M20th Century at making arroyas of our Limited" price and on easy terns eheep dip Single Surrey Harness 17.00 to Large school bags 10c highways; and, Attended to II.ft "MICHIGAN CVNTRAL" within half mile, Jobbing Promptly Single Buggy Harness 8.11 to t nice handkerchiefs Sc Whereas, the city authorities have tf f7mm Such tracts are so few that prices done noth ng In the past fifteen years Via Chicago Single Express Har- g are certain to Increase. This tract Fhones: Shop lOtio; Ilesidence K2 IS 00 Leys' extra mil knee pants 5oc to prnti-v- us by diverting the heavy ness. '. to T 'Niaara Kails Iloutc" and similar ones. If there are any, Celebrated Askew Sad- Everything in -- hoes for boys an I .norm drainage from our properties, will be sure to sell at the Irrigation and permitting the water to take its Ship Corner Fourth St. and Copper Ave. dles. 4.10 to (Iris. "BIG FOUR ROUTE" congresa If not sold before. Capitalists Best grade of leather Id all harness) curse. Inundating our grounds, un- appreciate the solidity ot such Invest- Hoys' wi ll in,ili' school suits II 7 0 dermining or overflowing our Via t. Louin ana forla ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. and saddles. UO walks, ments, with the certainty of Increased to 13. at the washing out streets, to the dJmage Parts of harness kept In stock. t EDWIN TEARS, Colorado Passenger Aft. I017-J7t- h Street value. If anyone ln New Mexico de- Unless you trade with us we bott and detriment of our property; and. sires to own range It must be CASH BUYERS' U.UCJ Whereas, ty DENVER, COLORADO his lose mosey. the policy of the c bought before the congress. Th'--s ex- STAGE TO JE3IEZ LEAVES 122 Nartb ieood council seems to be to expend an WARREN J. LYNCH, Pass. Traffic Manager, CHICAGO notice la Inserted to draw attention ill TH0S. F. KELEHER cessively undue proportion of city to an opportunity. V. Bradford WEOT XLD EVERY MOIlSUia AF VOL lxIJ)K. pnr funds ln the Lowlands, to the neglect Trlnce, Santa Fe. N. M. t O'CLOCK- - 408 West Railroad Avenue 4 rGK flVJS. 1 minAY, ArcrsT 2. ims. TTrnr"Fpnn.; CTTIZEtf. of our ancestors of the seventeenth v THE PUTNEYS century. lr. ira Carl right In tlitt character tne old fashioned scliuol master Hotels and Resorts tr larrieu out one ci EL PASO EXHIBIT adver- FROM 6000-MIL- E prmcipal un.i most ilillkult rules. If You INeed an Extra Bed For Information concerning any of tho place lot - tised In thin column and for deacrlptlvo literature, Tut? .'resbytei iuii male nuartet, elm- call at The Citizen office or write to the Advertising iu. .itr ihu luiul life and character' Sluice Mmlo In Horticultural Itulhli'iig - t gave ex- Manager, Albrnuerque Cltlien. Albuquerque. N. II. imii in m extreme, several Panoramic View Rig feature. TRIP cellent selection. Mr. 11. J. Collins, sang us Col ;la H.rdstye, Uiu beJutilui W. R. Humphries Hum- a Sung at Twilight," of the il old ballad "Just phries company of Kl Paso, Is responded to an encore, Mrs. C. Photo LONG REACH BAN ITARICM, Long Beach, CaL A medical and aur-glr-al und In the city making arrangemtnts for great SANITARIUM Penetrated Efete East as Far . Frank us Aunt Deborah Klttery, the exhibit Pass City proposes to aanltarlum conducted on the BATTLE CREEK uppeured In u charming old fashioned the plan. Overlooks the ocean. QUIET. REFINED and MODERN. Bpacloua make at the International exposition as Rochester. New York tsown and King "1 Dreumej 1 Dwelt roof garden and sun parlor. Tennis and other outdoor amusements. Ide- responding here during the meeting of the Six- go Get in Marble Hulls" with teenth National Irrigation congress. al place to for rest, recreation or recuperation. Visitors welcome. and Didn't Get Arrested. Through ' The solo off car at Tenth street. Special summer rates. Booklet free. W. RAT Coming the Ke. Mr. Humphries Is working under the work of the evening as ulso the cnor- -' SIMPSON, Manager. commendable,! direction of the Kl Paso Chamber of us work was most Commerce and has been Instructed to After being absent from among the numoers enc.i ng especial i this will months, In they make an exhibit representative of the for your company during Fair Week, be jut three which time applause being; "World e Piece,", city of Kl regardless over 6.0U0 miles be- Paso of cost. have traveled "An uld Style Piece," ".strike the! Following Instructions, Mt. Hum- the article for ycu. Steel Couches and Davenports tween this city and Rochester, N. Y., ".My Advice,"' - STONE HOTEL Cymbal," Orandnia's phries Is sparing neither energy nor . Robert L. Putney and party have re- "Old . The Anvil Chorus," Grimes'' w rTFrri:?-f i y, - .i means In preparing the El Paso ex- turned home. ana "Auld Lang syne. ine laner hibit JEMEZ HOT SPRINGS The party, consisting of Mr. Put ballad wus sung by Mr. Margaret ney, two sons, R. L, The board of control has placed the wife and and Cartwrlght as Irene Sparking and Mr. northwest corner of the Horticultural Dodson made the Journey in a big Houston as Father Perrlw Inkle, and from $5.50 up to $17.50 touring car, which, despite building at Mr. Humphries' disposal. 1 0RIGINAL Thomas proted one of the song hits of the The chief feature of the exfilblt will the difficult roads of New Mexico and evening. ' BATH HOUSES In making the be & panoramic view of the Pass City Colorado succeeded The closing number, "Home, Swert and surrounding: country forty feet round trlD with less than a dosen strongest Stape line from Bernalillo Home," was one of the long and several feet high. This pic- break downs. numbers and the appreciation of the ture will be placed on a portable wall to Jemez Hot Springs in Leaving Lamy at day break Thura audience was plainly proven by their SEE WINDOW DISPLAY morning party here twelve feet hluh and forty feet long. one day. Stage leaves Ber- day the arrived repeated encores. The proceeds of the as- p. m., car and along with It will be a large nalillo Tuesday A Saturday last night at 7:30 the mak concert will be given over to charity separate SO of Journey sortment of views of the Ing the last miles the interests. principal buildings and factories of In leas than twelve hours, over some a Suggestion. ' Laniy and Dr. Rollins Make tho Pass City. In the alcove formed TICKETS SOLD AT pretty bad roads between The Olde Folkos concerte rendered by Mr. Humphries ";, vw. !.."." Bernalillo the bended wall at that. so skillfully In the opera house last j fine trip," exclaimed wlll place chairs and tables and ?g W. L. TRIMBLE'S "We had a evening, is worthy of more than a swings furniture. win ALBERT FABER A. t. OTERO, Fro. Mr. Putney today. "Everywhere of mission The re passing notice. dows will be draped making the place along the route, both going and every artistic- people welcomed us, Not only wa.s number shady and cool and comfortable. Pass turning, the ally done but every number was most City literature will be given away AN IDEAL 8UMMEK AND HEALTH RESORT. sending greetings to other cities us. fact, the Journey so enthusiastically received. from the booth. through In Mr. Ktlltor, there Is one o'o- - Mr. Humphries planned to us our supply of ad- Now, has also dene-on-the-Pec- os Impressed that In city Is vital- In jectives are exhausted so I cannot at Joct which the entire have an El Paso headquarters the Cliff ly Interested. I refer to tho effort city for the entertainment of El Paso pine-cla- this time give credit to a talk of the Located among d hills on the Pecos river, Itt miles from Row biMng made to establish a detention people and any visitors whosoever 8. hunting trii ." station on the main line of the A. T. A F. Oood and fishing Mr, home and support the same properly. may care to rub up against El Paso most delightful resort In New Mexico. We meet Wed- Mrs. Putney and children and makes this the trains trip, In fact, This must bo carried on to a success- people and El Paso literature. A Mex. nesday and Saturdays. Parties coming on days not stated kindly write me. Dodson'also enjoyed the My suggestion Is may to considerably better than I did. As ful termination. lean band be secured make Rates 1. to per day. (8.00 per week. Meals 10c. Transportation from station eaa this: music at the city headquarters during ll.UU. Mrs. H. E. Bergmann, Rows, N, M. exDected we encountered congress. Mexico, some of the Let the good people who rendered the entire ten days of the roads In New but program last evening be Mr. Humphries says Albuquer- beaten paths In Kansas and Mlssour the excellent that we went Invlti-- to repeat the same at an early que will have more peoplg here to were little better at the time Paso had WE MONEY Heavy made the mud a date for the above named object, the shine visitors shoes than El east. rains maintaining the de- - visitors during the congress held various places so deep that the car furnishing and of - - . nere Iew year K I HOLLENBECK HOTEL could not proceed 'with Its own mo tentlon home. In speaking all who AIM TO Cheerfully S. tion. I feel safe for A. C. Bilicke ANGELES John Mitchell w LOS A very Interesting feature of the took part hen I say they will gladly HOTEL ARRIVALS. consent Everybody will trip, and which speaks of the dura- PLEASE REFUNDED TWO NEW LEVATORS NEW FURNITVRP, bility of the Thomas cars, is that on nd there can be realized splendid Alvarado. of the tires made the entire round assistance for the purpose named. The Jerry B. Farrls, Santa Fe; I. J. Cus- riRE-PROOFIN- O NEW PLUMBING NEW trip without a puncture, while the opera house management, the press ter, San Bernardino, Calif.; W. W. every organization In the city Fifty Thousand Dollars Worth of Improvements made thi9 season for other three gave out before leaving and Beckwith, N. Y.; T. C. Garllngton, JCcEveciecce, Comfort and Safety, territorial soil. will heartily respond. Las Vegas; Jos. Dickey, Chicago; C. 'i "Rains, washouts and other freaks I would suggest that tne tickets be F. Jenks, Boston; M. J. Smith, Kan- No Runaways With Headquarters New Mexico of the rain god caused us a great deal placed at B0 cents, and no compli sas City; R. H. Sims, Valley Ranch, for of trouble between La Junta and Can. mentary pasteboards given. Pecos; F. E. Gassln, Denver; W. Frol-le- r, Electric Cars to acd from Railway Depots, also Beech and Mcuttain Re- yoncito. Near Trinidad the Purga-tolr- e DR. ROLLINS. Raton; O. O. Guam, St. Louis; J. sorts, stop at our deer The Hcllttxck Hotel Cafe it Wore rtpular 1 han Ever river, beyonds its banks, caused R. Cook, L. O. Kraft, Topeka; W. us to ford many streams and seek Franklin, Colorado Springs; Harvte BAKER LOOKS STUDE roundabout routes. ALBUQUERQUE Duval, Santa Fe; J. W. Johnston, Visa "Between Raton and Canyonclto len; B. R. Berrerd, Oakland, Calif.; other smaller streams, swollen by B. Hermes SantaFe, B. Cyprian. Ber High Grade heavy rains aided in delaying our re GOOD 10 WARE nalillo; a Luna, Los Lunas; J. M turn. At Conyonclto we were com Levin, Kansas City; W. D. Alvernon. . H. COX, The Plumber pelled to remain all Tuesday as a re New York; J. W. Barnett, Alabama; suit of a cloudburst which destroyed "1 am greatly surprised at the size Mary A. Babcock and brother, Kell the road to Lamy. We reached Lamy of Albuquerque," said Charles Ware, N. M.; C. A. Moore, St. Paul; Ira A HARNESS PLUMBING, HEATING, GAS AND STEAMFITTING late that night, resting at Lamy all superintendent of the Nebraska divis- Berman, New York. day Wednesday. Our run from Lamy ion of the Union Pacific railway, who Sturgc. The Best Harness Made Climax Garden Hose, guaranteed the most durable. here was a record breaker, a remind is here for his health, Mr. Ware, ac- II. Pohlman, New Orleans; M. P. what-- ' accomplished In Latest things in Enamel Bathroom Fixtures. '". . . er of we the companied by Mrs.'Waie are spend Kempenich, Peralta; S. Sellgman, states." ing two months In the Sunshine ter- Vegas; W. Putney Bernalillo; F. Flals Las F. 1020 401 West Ave. While in Chicago Mr. Join ritory, upon the advice of physicians. Forester. Kansas City; J. K. Nelson, Phone Central ed two clubs, an auto and aeronautic "At Las Vegas they Informed me S. Hunt, Ciovis; H. F. Sutherland, club, the Culcago Auto club and the that Albuquerque was a small town, Amarlllo; J. W. Hartman, Las Vegas; Erie Aeronautic club. with millions of 'skeeters' but so far I Ed. MacKechin, F. S. Mitchell, Dal I have no complaint to make of the mmmm las; J. F. Kelly, Wlllard; Cora Allen, gharri--!- ' THE cousin Albuquerque seems alive and Battle Creek, Mich.; Gertrude Fakker, Co ANOTHER RARE 1REAI but for the fact that I must return to Holland, Mich.; E. I. Reynolds, Pa Albuquerque Lumber Omaha soon, I would I'ke to remain Paw, Mich.; D. M. Howell, Denver; for the Irrigation congress." M. Lewis, Denver. HARDWARE AND RANCH SUPPLIES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TONIGHT Superintendent Ware Is traveling In I ATJR1NK Union Pacific business car Car No. Savoy. i 01, which arrived here last night from Mary L, Hayden, Pittsburg; E. A. Lumber, Cement and Rex Flintkote Roofing Hester, El Paso; Mrs. L. W, Estus, 6!ass, Mrs. Frank ami ITof. Glbbs Will Pre Las Vegas, where he remained for to stay Omaha; Beth Vanler, Ccwles; J. R. Very two weeks. He plans In the sent Attractive lrgrm. Duke City about a week. From here Twining, Bcleu; Mrs. Bait and daugh First and Marquette Alboqocrqoc, New Mexico ter, Santa Fe; Clyde McKlnlcy, Den he will go to Santa Fe and then back "OLD RSJUABLfli." BBTABLIflHirrjt )M1 The rink promises a rare treat for to Omaha, his headquarters. ver. t tonight as Mrs. Frank, soprano, will I Cralge. be accompanied with violin oblagato, Mrs. I. Los Angeles; I $.-.- ItKWARD. J. Johnston. L. B. PUTNEY by Prof. Oibbs. in the beautiful se- Five dollars reward will be paid for Geo. D. Hern, Fairfield; V. P. Abeyta, t WITH AMPLE MEANS AND UNSURPASSED FACILITIES lection "For All Eternity," the pic information leading to the apprehen- Trinidad; Leslie Hinds, Chas. E. O tures will be the same as those shown sion Al. Cornelius or Cornelinsen, Hinds, Louisburg. night. of I THE WHOLESALE GROCER last age about 2o. height 6 weight Grand Central. THE, No session since the rink opened Mrs. John Donohue, Edw. C. Don one 145; blue eyes, light hair, smooth FLOUR, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS has been more pleasing than the face, quite badly blotched and pim- ohue, John W. Donohue, E. P. Don1 last night, the films were varied In ohue, Faso; W. II. Hogan, Wm ! of pled. When last seen at 4 p. m., El tm COMMERCE character and each was a work of M. Jones, Las Vegas; J. A. Qulngley Carries th largest and Moat Exclusive Stock of Staple GracertM BANK 2 7, on N-.- August tmd black suit, black OP VLBUQUKRQDE. art. The attendance has been phe- and wife, Las Vegas; R. J. Tobey, Los ..mJ ths Southwest. ever rink opened derby hat and blue calico shirt. nomenal since the Trainmen take notice. Angeles; G. J. Neth, Las Vegas; L. Extends to Depositors Every Proper Accommodation and is constantly Increasing. Maxwell, Las Vegas; C. J. Hunter, following was presented J. A. WOOD, Hotel Denver. AND FREIGHT WAGONS W Solicits New Accounts The bill N. M. San Marciai; C. G. Sutton, El Paso. FARM and "Romance of a Oypsy Camp." depict- Albuquerque, ordering son ing an Irate father his the Round Table club TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. AVENUE. ALBUQUERQUE. N. from home, on account of the latters The boys of ; RAILROAD a mother's devoted will meet at the Christian church CAPITAL. S150.000 dissolute habits, Monday evening 7 o'clock, August FOR RENT Four well furnished love is beautifully shown, the at tender 31. Special by Miss rooms for housekeeping, gas range, story ending In a romance anil pretty work given or ice 9 ano Woodman. electric lights, pantry 2 closets. r r directors love story. rockers, bath, etc. at 324 South SOLOMON LUNA, President "An Old Maid's Parrot." convulsed For bran feed give your stork Kan- Edith street In Highlands. I have REMOVED REMOVED with laughter as she w S. STklCKLER, Vice President and Cashier the audience sas Hen I Itran. clean, freHh and no children; no sick. DE T. COURTNEY, showered her rather beaten affection liealtliy. A great producer of milk WITT W. J. JOHNSON, Assistant Cashier' on her pet parrot and when the latter Ideal for horsea, coin and poultry. CLAIRVOYANT AND TRANCE escaped, the chase and capture were up supervision of the William Mcintosh, J. C. Baldridge, amusing. Put under the Indeed Mate Hoard of Health. No smutty Has moved his officesMEDIUMwill from now on ses Blackwell, O. E. Cromwell. "The Arabian Dagger" waB decid and his trlsnds u A. M. wheat, refuse oats and corn nor mill clients at No. Copper ara. Mr. Courtney's wall known powaraatMt edly thrilling. Hcvlng ground In UiU bran. Tlie Ill Family Is certainly no advertisement, as his wonderful gifts have been proven to tk "The of Cats" Kmpire Mills furnUli cash guarantee OV WORLD. upon cne of the most novel pictures ever STRICTLY PEOPLE THE KNOWN Ha gives advice all af- with each and every sack. For any fair of Life, Love, Law, Marriage, Mining, Real Estate and, la faet. produced. H showed this national - illssullKfactlon your money la return- all matters pertaining- to the Issues of Life. household pet In his various moods 602-C0- 4 ed. K. W. South First St. IZS W. Copper Ave. Tel. 1011. Honrs to II; I to T a. aa, and playful antics In a way to delight Phone 10. Montezuma Grocery & Liquor Co. the children especially. SCHOOL ROOKS AM) SUPPLIES THIRD IIAWLF.YS ON CORNER. COPPER and "010E FOLKS CONCERIE" AT THE Groceries Liquors Round Table meeting Sunday aft- Imported and Domestic and ernoon at 4 o'clock at the Christian DR. CHAS. A. WAS SIMPLY CHEAT FRANK church on Rroadway. All boys are This is the time of year Physician Surgeon Lucca Olive Oil a Specialty, Liquor by the Invited to come. Program by. Miss and Pure Woodman. ymi use Sl'ICE. Glass or Gallon, Heer ty the Hottle or Case, Family Dr. Rollins SuggewH That It ho ROOMS 4 AND 5 HARNETT HLDG. Trade Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. IV ir i lie licientloii Home The Ladies of the a. A. R. wll! We make a specialty For Children. serve dinner Saturday at Elks' ban- Hours 9 to II A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. 7 to 8 P.M. or Send for Solicitor. 1'hone quet hall, commencing at ll:3o. in the line we carry, Call, l'hoiie 1029 4 The "OMu Folks Concerte," given Among other good things there will ! 4 and TURK SPICK is TFLEPHONE 1079. . i t ewiing in the Elks' opera house be a strictly New England dish was decidedly the most novel and de- everyone likes. one of our hobbies lightful entertainment ever given In Albuquerque. The large au- For tli" lxt work or. fctitrt - Give the order to one ditorium was completely filled and In pa I ron 14- Ilnhhs Laundry C. answer t) the demands of the aull-enc- e of our order men, or Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Works and others who were unable to The ficrman Lodge nf ITarnuarl sea Cdll us - - It P. II ALL, Proprietor. attend the promoters are seriously will give their last picnic fnr this by Convenience Comfort Security considering repeating the concert at son at Schwartzrnan & WIth's grove Pulleys, Grade Baia. Babbit Metal; Columns and Iron Fronts for Aug. 30. Wagons will leave UU'laings. an early date. Sun. lay, RHONE 761 One of the most striking features corner Central rind Second 8:30 a. m. and Brass Castings; Ore. Coal and Lumber Cars; Shaftings. cos- 1 p. m. All members are Invited Iron of the evening was the elaborate and telephone makes the The telephone Repair of Mining and Mill Machinery a Specialty. l a rljiht to Invite, Th rerve tumes of the singers, and the forty to attend an have lighter, jarea less your health, track. Albuquerque, N. M. one - us duties ths prolongs roar Ufa Foundry east side of railroad members of the chorus who assisted. llieii'l. i ii..- iuiiiiiu.1, a.j " the worrlxa fewer. and protects your koase. bon- Win. chair anil T1 The hoop skirts, old fashioned der of committee. Io!de 1 1 "T"J'-"T--'TT-r- firm nets, powdered wigs and long false man. I curls made an instantaneous hit with C.&A. Coffee Co. IVOCGII A MOCKING BIRD WIIISTLK tba audience. The appointments of KOVUII DH V. YOU NEED A TKLBP IK NE IN TOUR HOU1 The reason we do e much you we right .IVF.N AWAY TO KACJI CHILD tne entire evening were strictly in ac. Do know what this means? If 107 S 2rd St- .- Phone 761 DRY work U beoaoM do It explain It to and at the price you cannot afford to WHO Ill'YS TIIFIH SCHOOL cordance with the title of the musical not ak our drivers to THE COLORADO TELEPHONE CC. have It done at boana. DOOKS AT HAWLEYS OX THE and were carried out In detail with you. IMPERIAL LAUNDRY. I ORNKIl. the manners, dress, beliefs and modes IMPERIAL LArXDKV. IMorc six. AUronn..rK en ins FRIDAY, AIGIST 28, 1908.

CARVE YOUR NAME-BUT-- BE CAREFUL WHERE BRYAN ATTACKS rv n POSTAL BANK Mr. Business Man Let us present SYSTEM a few facts on the subject of advertising for your consideration

(IVhiUiiihvI Itoiii I'll no Throe.) Next to having goods of meriMo sell is the importance of letting the reply by charging him with advocat- public know that you have them. Here is where careful thought should ing an unnoce.siia.ry extension of thu enter into the government's sphere of activity In the proposition. Much money is wasted by the thoughtless establishment of the postal savings choice of advertising bank, when the guaranteed bank mediums. In every city is the clever solicitor for would answer the same purpose with- programs, calendars, handbills, and all sorts of schemes in out any considerable Increase In the which your ad number of government employes. I may look pretty, but where it is not read, and consequently b !ngs no would rather see the banks attend to the banking business than to have It returns. When you buy newspaper space you are sure that your advertise transferred to the government, and will go I prefer to have tho banking ment into the homes of the subscribers and will be read by them business done by the banks rather and, if you have what they want, than by the government, 1 urge the they will come to your store and buy guaranty of deposits as tha easiest The same good judgment should govern in solution of our dlfilcultles. your choice of newspapers. There are only 20,000 banks, while We maintain that the evening paper is the better medium, because it goes there are 15,00,000 depositors, and I do nut hesltute t declare that in a to the home at a time whenthe entire family has time to read it and plan conflict between the two the deposi- a tors have a prior claim to considera- shopping trip for next day tions. If we estimate the average number of stockholders of each bank at seventy-fiv- e and that Is a liberal estimate the total number of stock- holders would only be a mlllion and a half, or one-tent- h as many as there The Albuquerque Citizen are depositors. The stockholder Is not compelled to buy stock while the depositor is compelled to use the home in banks, both for his own sake aiul for Goes into the the evening and is read there where the whole fam- tho sake of the community, for only a to see by using the batiks can he keep his ily has chance it. A morning paper is often carried to the office money a part of the circulating me- by the man of the house, who does not have dium. The guaranty law therefore time to read the ads, but only brings the greatest good to the great- skims over the news headings. est number, as well as to those who have the greater equity upon their We have a large number of letters giving the opinions of big Blue. advertis- Is ers who use evening papers almost exclusively. will J There nother reason why the jWe publish these claim of the depositor Is superior to from day to day. Their views the claim of the stockholder. The letters are valuable. AMiUe tlio president was listening to the sermon In Ills clinrvli at Oyster Hay, recently, Archie Roosevelt cut stockholder has a voice ln the selec- wlUi a new penknife Uie Initials of his 8o1mk1 teacher In the mahogany ew. ArcJilo got soundly iuikod. tion of the bank officials; the deposi- Ncs I (em. tor has not. If any one must lose, therefore, as the result of bad man- KOTHSC1I1LD A CO. agement, it ought to be the stock- Chicago. JOS. HOME CO. trict. As the famous blanket forma- that at the Silver Piiin.-e.s- s mine the holder rather than the depositor. "It la my opinion that the evening PittHburg. tion of ore bodies a thick- carload of ore fur testing pur And. 1 venture to ask, "In case of special sale to mate the attains if the bankers papers are more thoroughly read in them ness of some thlrtyflve feet In this poses is being prepared for shipment will not trust each other why should home and this Is effective, the new must be pub- E the the aim ot the lished In large space MING mine. It Is undoubtedly true, as stated to LeadVille. and that two similar car they expect the depositors to trust the advertiser." FRED A. SLATER. the afternoon RSI by the engineers, the new Hawk. loads are being ma le up by the Sars-- banks? Mgr. before." GEORGE HAMMOND, that Adv. eye mill, when constructed, should Held management. H is also stated We are fortunate, however. In that Adv. Mgr. have enough ore to keep It busy for til a t the contract has been signed we are not compelled to be- choose TIIE BAILEY CO. SIMPSON-CRAWFOR- ON A LARGE jears to come. - . which Insures the Installation of the tween Justice to the depositor and Cleveland. D CO. I Sliver Wave tramway at a very early justice to the stockholder, for as has New York City. "Evening by all means. Eighty "We consider Montezuma, Colo., Aug. 28. The "ate. been shown before, the plan which per cent of department store custom- the evening paper the Montezuma Milling & Transportation I e propose aoes 10 - best medium for department store nui only justice ers are women. They read the even- , la to! Mansfield. Ariz., Aug. 28. John A advertising." a. B. PECK. comDanv. which under contract ' uotn, nut Drings advantage to both. lng papers." v,- -t .v. - . . - . TrnMor of Denver. th well known SCAIE nauuia me triune vuipui ui a iiuiii- -i " More than that, the plan which we J. 8. M'CARRENS, Adv. Mgr. Adv. Mgr. ber of the leading mines of this dia- - mlnlns engineer, states that In his propose protects the banker and It ' copper group, trlct, including the Silver Princess, P'nn tne aianmieu is h's only protection against the es- THE BENNETT CO. - ltn sufficient development work can THE FAIR" Omalta. Silver Wave. SarBflelrl and Chautau- tablishment of a government bank, Cincinnati. qua, Is sparing no effort to place be rated among the large copper with Indefinite encroachments upon "The evening paper I beat! Sure!" mines or me worm. Mr. irayior aiso "Best result from evening paper. WM. KLUXE. JR.. Adv. Mgr. Colorado Property Will Soon their big new plant In readiness for the banker's business. With the The only time I use morning paper bv 1st. 1909. states that the new Mansfield smelter a actual oneratlon Janurv guaranteed bank established, govern- Is Sunday, for Monday's business. Bal- ws ' noW ready for operation. OALIiENDEIt, M'AUSIiAN A TROUP Begin Shipments-Ne- of the date named in the company's ment savings banks would only be ance of the week the evening paper contract with the mine operators. needed In the towns and villages CO. Ooldfield, Nev., Aug. 28 The do the work to my entire satisfac- Providence. "Western Mining Camps. With this end In view the milling where there were no guaranteed tion." W. H. ld management re- SCHRADER, "We consider evening paper company is now having ore taken for banks. Mgr. the testing purposes ports 65 ore obtained from a 6 to Adv. better a a general thing, for It l from the properties If we had to choose between the usually Montezuma, Colo., Aug. 23. It Is mentioned. It Is also stated by the vein. This .company's Velvet Interests the home paper." Ieufe Is now making a splendid of the bank and the Inter- LEASCItE BROS. WM. C. ELLIOT, Adv. Mgr. mow definitely stated that Montezuma l renton Tramway company s man show ests of the community, we would be resumption agement with favorable weather!1" anJ 'a attracting much attention Erie. i Is practically ready for that compelled to protect the interests of "We consider evening paper , production on a large scale; and this fall they should easily be able to among local operators. A number of the WM. HENGEHER CO. of or he community first; but here, too, we best by all means, finding by Inquiry - will probably surprise no one to start the new tramway by December ,lin siriaes recently reported are Buffalo. It significance as extending are fortunate, for we are not driven that the people do not have time or , heavy shipments going for- 1st. This tramway is now being the "We do most of our advertising In learn of to this alternative. That which pro take time ln the morning to a long before winter. In one stal ed bv them tn nnnnant lha vnrl. l,ruven ore ra ui irm umniu tects community protects look the evening paper." ward Among most Important of these the the paper through." H. T. LEASURE. i alone, the Silver Princess, there ous mines of the district with the the bank DB F. PORTER, Adv. Mgr. mine Is the big vein encountered on the also, for when here are several I . H over $800,000 worth of ore blocked milling plant. banks ln the community, the failure Ill in sight, and manage- - Victor and Commonwealth properties. ont and the of bringing of one often causes a run upon the meet is now preparing a carload of Dawson, Yukon Ter., Aug. 28. This strike has the effect others1, Insolvency one the Gold Horn well and the of ore for shipment to Leadville. The Something of the magnitude of the Velvet and the bank ts menace to gold-bearin- g zone; no such a the solvency first section of the big new concen- gold dredging operations contem- within the and of others small amount of satisfaction Is being that the solvent banks often trating mill Is being rushed to com- plated In this section may be Inferred together - - expressed among enterprising lease Join and assume the liabill- pletion, and It is estimated that enor- from an application recently filed es of the Insolvent one for their own I arty is the champion ot the farmer, saving to the various Monte- - with the gold commissioner of the operators in the vicinity. The two mous City- - Gold protection. As an Illustration of this. the laboring man, the business man, J. D. Eakln, by new territory for the largest amount leaseholds of the Kansas p President Caaa. - suma mines will be effected this company I point to the action of the Chicago the professional man, and the cham-- Mellni, Star.- mill Is expected of water asked for by any company field are considered to hold banks. on O. Qloml, Vice President. O. Baeheebl, Treaamrar. one The an especially favorable position with In assuming the liabilities of of the banker as well. No class -- reduce five tons of ore Into one, for power purposes In the entire the Walsh banks, a heavy loss to is outside of the benefits of Uw, to i fen-ne- to the recent discoveries. at this . thus effecting a saving in transporta- - This application was made themselves. for It bestows Its blessings upon all. Consolidated Liquor - Company Hon charges of something like 80 per by the Yukon Basin Gold Dredging There Is another advantage which Why has the Republican party besn . enor-imo- ui company ee-nt- At the Sliver Princess an for water rights on the Why James Lee Got Well. the guaranty of depositors brings to so quick to respond to the demands accessor Stewart river Everybody ln Zanesvllle, O, knows t amount of work has been at Fraser Falls. 'with a the banks It protects the reserves of Wall street an so slow to yield to MELIN1 EAKIN, "illil full equipment ade view to developing electrical power Mrs. Mary Lee of rural route 8. She and BAGHECHI GIOMJ and deposited In other banks. During the the demands ot the masses? There HMOLKBALK DKALKRm quate with the known resources or for dredges, trams, lighting plants writes: "My husband, James Lee, panic last fall the reserves caused the are two reasons: first, the Republican IN property is soon to be installed. and various other purposes connected firmly believes he owes his life to the most of the trouble. The small banks party has allowed itself to become the en- use Dr. King's Discovery. with the operation of this giant of New Hlf wanted to withdraw their reserves-fro- the servant of the favor-seekin- g cor- terprise. is proposed to develop this lungs were ao severely affected that Wines, Liquors Denver, Colo., Aug. 28 W. E. Det-t- y. It the city banks, and the big porations, and second, too many Re- and Cigars power by means wheels. consumption seemed Inevitable, when the well known Arizona mining of turbine banks In the cities were not prepared publican leaders look at question Wt tvrytblaa to Included in the company's applica- a friend recommended New Discov- to meet the With deposits from the aristocratic standpoint, the litp la ttoek outfit tbo engineer, has recently been In Sumnit ery. re- strain. most fastidious bar oomploto purpose examining tion Is the right to sell power, light We tried It. and Its use has Kuaranteed there would be no runs standpoint of the few rather than County for the of stored him to perfect health." Dr Have h.-- appoint agent of producing properties of and heat within the Yukon territory, n local banks and no sudden with from the Democratic standpoint. th exclusive In the Sonthweet for Jos. a. some the thus Indicating the plans of King's New Discovery is the king of m. Lemp and HU Louis A. U. C. Breweries: Yrthvtone, Sulphide of Colorado. His the drawal of reserves. standpoint of the many. They legis- t.n-e- n tae Belt launching of a commercial enterprise throat and lung remedies. For coughs River. W. II. Mc Brayer's Oedar Brook, Loni Hunter T .report on the Wellington lead and And to add still another advan late upon the theory that society Is Monarch, and otber brands ot wliiHkle too numerous to of somewhat extraordinary propor-t- l and colds It has no equal. The first tage the guaranteed bank by drawing suspended from the top, they mention. sine mine, located a short distance dose gives relief. Try it! Sold and WE ARE ens. i under monay from hiding by prevent- - fail, therefore, to understand either NOT COMPOCXDER8 .'from is of special guarantee all dealers. 10c S1.00 and en- at and ng runs- on banks, greatly the evils afflict the body politic But sell owing to the fact that this Phocn'x. Ariz.. Aug. 28. ln view Trial bottle free. the would that the straight article s received from, the best Wlosnee hand-Mn- g essen the need of emergency cur or the remedies that are needed. The Distilleries and Breweries in tne United terprise is being equipped for as-:i- y States. Call aad lnspset oi the splendid showing made !y rency. Democratic party, viewing questions our Stock and prices, or writ for Catalogue a heavy tonnage of high grade Two Queens Illustrated and Pries and otherwise at the NOTICE. I capital of from the standpoint ot the whole List. Issued to dealers only s) ore. and shows promise of taking its riiup of near Wlnkelman In have selected the the mines & Noneman, state of Kansas as most approp- - people, easily sees which Repub- plaj e among the big producers of the the Saddle district, re- The firm of Chauvln the that Mountain the painters 114 r ate place delivery lican leaders do not discover, Its riate. Engineer Defty states that company's stoek-ho- and decorators, at South for the of ai and cent of the l - i erne Wellington ore bodies are strong very Third etreet, has dissolved partner- speech upon this subject because lies begn with the relief of the the j.'is is of special Interest. At 4 11 V M I , . I. V, bKIa - your neighbor upon average man. Is secret, If large, and aggregate high In ,..., .,, ...... 1.. t i In Dt,nBKt. ' '"l1- " ' Ul.'O a111 OlO HIlmMl the south has This the set- - be primacy our imarketable mineral contents. The an entirely new set was! "hnuld be presented promptly for been a pioneer In this reform. Her ecrct there of the of of officers tlement. Mr. has bought Inn. as you rarty In matters of reform. LIGHTNING HAY heavy work on the Wellington mill Is elected who It Is believed will adopt Chauvln the know, has been such a PRESSES practically completed, and this plant Interest of Mr. Noneman and will signal success that deposits have been When Solomon was Invited to an energetic course In the matter of ad- would, i expected to be In operation at a continue the business at the same drawn across the line from your state choose what he he asked for pushing development operations to an understanding ' ery early date. It Is believed that early completion. dress, guaranteeing satisfaction to all Into Oklahma. The alarm cause) by heart, that he Wellington dump ores will bring old and new customers. this Invasion of your banking terri- inipht discern between the good and A NONEMAN. be- 7 per In 1000-to- n lots, CHAUVIN tory caused your governor to Include the had. and he was toll that, ton and that Denver, Colo., Aug. 28. Late In- shipping ores will bring some- In his call for a special session a cause he has chosen wisdom rather the formation Ju-- received here from K'S (IOOD AM) thing like HO per ton, as Indicated H ICR rnKAM of the passage of a Iiw than riches or long life, he should Montezuma, big new Summit CI-- : liy receipted smelter returns. The the CltKXM KOUV WALTON'S similar to that of Oklahoma. When have, not only wisdom, but riches and county silver camp, Is to the effect in- length days as so floeked-ou- t now In sight in the juva store. the legislature met, however, the of well. And when ore a party property Is said tj amount to 120,000 fluence of the large banks was suffi- determines to seek first that tens. cient to prevent the needed legisla- which benefits the common people. It tion, and your state still suffers. The finds tliat in acting In the Interest of mm. ECZEMA, common people, promotes CURES I eAple of an object ttie it also Cripple Creek. Colo., Aug. 28. Kansas have had The : a the welfare of the smaller classes of s.nklng ma on they know the necessity for work the ri shaft law guaranteeing deposits. They which rest upon the masses, for when the Delmonlco has been progressing ETC. a the producers of wealth prosper, uteadily with a view to reaching the ACNE.TETTER l.ave been its buneflclent results In state; they have seen fifty-fo- their prosperity Is shared by every '.tlUO-fo- property filter level. The entire The skin is an index to the quality of the blool. Eczema, Acne, Tetter, rational banks tHk'ng advantage ot element of society. WE HAVE THE RIGHT DEAL FOR YOU Is to be level. .pel in a pydtematlc rasht-s- . eruptions, etc., show some manner. pimples, that unhealthy humor or acid the state system and reaping a rich ' impurity is diseasing and corrupting the circulation, so that instead of reward. They have heard the echo Fort Bayard, N. M.. Aug. II, 190V. eupph inn nourishment and strength to the fine, delicate tissues of the skin, of the hi w that has been struck at Sealed proposals in triplicate for on WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND WHOLESALE PRICE Llneoliu illc, Okla., Aug, 2S Owing ft is continually pouring out its acrid and unhealthy accumulations. the national banks ot Oklahoma by of two sower extensions and to the pre.-en-t advancing tendency of External applications of Halves, washes, lotions, etc., the attorney general's ruling, which the installation of one fire hydrant at zinc markets a number may relieve some of the lead mil the itching and other discomfort caused by skin troubles, and for this reason denies to such banks the right to this post will be received here until of large operators are engaged In share ln benefits of state 11 a. m., Sept., 1. 1908, then 214 North should be used, but such humor-lade- n the the and handling treatment cannot reach the blood, . preparations for a guaranty system that echo being opem-d- Information furnished on output the fall and and therefore cannot cure. A thorough cleansing of the blood is the only J. Korber & Co. Second Street normal by cure f S. the surrender of charters national application. U. S. reserve right 'o winter. At the Hawkeye mine very ir skin diseases. S. S., a purely vegetable preparation, is the beat become state accept any or proposals and quickest remedy. down tanks which prefer ti or reject all progress Is to be noted. In this It Roes into the circulation and neutralizes tanks rather than surrender the hen-etl- u or any part thereof. Envelope con- CTiine no less than seven drifts have and leniovts the acids, impurities and humors, thoroughly purities the ot the guaranty system. They taining proposals should be endorsed St-i!- n opened up. the development op- - circulation and permanently cures kin diseases of every kiud. When have also seen how the influence of "Sewer Extension, ' and addressed to , ('rations having been continuous and S. S. S. l is driven the humors and impurities from the blood, and cooled a few big banks, concentrated upon a Copt. S. P. Vestal, Const, tj. M. - I This mine has al- and clean-- the at-i-- heated circulation, every symptom passes away, the li glslature. ran defeat the wishes of iaiy been market. iig Its ores in pay-- t skin is nourished with rich, healthful blood and the trouble cured, as the smaller banks and the desire of It Is not what you pay for advertisi- .nil uuatitltles: In fact it la un der- - the cause ii.i.i been removed, book on skin diseases and any medical advice the depositors all over the state. ng, but what advertising PAT3 Citizen Want Ads for Results .a'ood that the Hawkeye ores com- -' free to all who write. I submit that In this effort to make YOU, that makes It valuable. Our tn and top prices tn the Quapaw dis tuD SWIIT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. all bank secure, the Democratic rate are lowest for equal service. ATRrQUFKQTTE CITIZEN. PAGE SEmcc f FRIDAY, AV'Gt'ST 2, 10. MAJOR LEAGUE ae4.


Clubs Won, Lost. P. C. 67 43 .699 (:t. Louis 66 48 .679 SALESMEN PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS XTXITXTXXXTXXXXXTXTXXXnM PHYSICIANS Cleveland 61 49 .646 WANTED 63 60 .660 Hgh salesmen for Chicago WANTED class DR. Philadelphia 63 66 .4S6 WANTED A young man as clerk In New Era Safety Accounting System MONEY to LOAN Navajo Blankets SOLOMON L. BTJRTCOf 63 62 .461 general store, must speak spanisn. for banks, merchants and profes- Boston sal- Physician Washington 4 4 65 .404 Stats references, experience and sionals. Wonderful opportunity. On Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Horses, and Sargeoak. Clti-se- n. A C 3T 74 ary wanted. Apply P. O. car & 2516 new shipment, .333 Co., Wabash New York Plow Motter Wagons and other Chattels, also on Highland Ave., Chicago. SALARIES AND WAREHOSB RE- fine patterns and office 610 Boat CEIPTS, as low as $10 and as high as Street. Phone 1026. Bmmm The ClUsen la a Nutioual League WANTED Salesmen for guaranteed Right prices at Clubs Won. Lost. P. C. Female Help All prices. $200. Loans ars quickly made and paper. la either used automobiles. Cars DRS, BRONSON home It New York 69 43 .616 rebuilt and guaranteed llke new by strictly private. Time: One month A HBOXcKxsT delivered ry earrter a 6S .696 WANTED Woman to do the cooking to one year given. Goods remain In Chicago ... 46 family manufacturers. High commissions. Homeopathic the he a la enrrted Pittsburg .. 67 46 .693 and housework for private opportunity. Auto Clearing your possession. Our rates ars reas- Davis &Zearing Physicians aa.1 good pay. L. E. Folds, 101 Great bor- by business Philadelphia 69, 61 .636 In city; House, 240 Michigan Ave.. Chicago. onable. Call and see us before home the W. Gold. rowing. The House Furnishers Over Venn's Drug gtorew day'e work Cincinnati . 66 69 .487 want ntg Kbm bla 65 .435 LADY SEWERS Make sanitary belts WANTED Representative. Wa . . TUK HOCSIIOVX.D IX3AN CO. . . W. Gold Office 628; Residence 16681. Boston .... 60 representative handle Ford au- 20S Av: ia jme and I STATS . . 42 71 .372 at home; materials furnished; 116 a to Steamship tickets to nd from all St. Louis tomobiles In Albuquerque and vi- TIIKRK. A morning P" Brooklyn . . 41 71 .306 per hundred. Particulars stamped parts of the world. envelope. Dept. 951, Dearborn cinity. Live hustler can easily clear Rooms, $ and 4, Grant Bldg. DENTISTS pcr la asoally carried $2,000 In season. with refer- Western League, Specialty Co., Chicago. Write 303 West Railroad Ave. OOOOCXOOOCKXXXXXXrKXXXXXXX) down town by the heed Clubs Won. Lost. P. C. ences at once. Ford Motor Company PRIVATE OFFICES DR. J. Dept. H, Detroit. Michigan. FOR RENT 23 room room- E. KRAFT of the famil 7 and bur Omaha 71 49 .532 RENT Open Evenings. ing house, new and modern; - t. 63 .6(6 FOR rtedly read. Sioux City 69 WANTEL Capable salesman to cov- will tie ready about Sept. 1, H. Dental Surgery Lincoln 65 60 .626 Newly furnished rooms. er New Mexico and Arlsona with FOR RENT a store roosns, 64 62 .60S FOR RENT Miscellaneous Denver traveling or office men. staple line. High commissions with else S.lxRO ft. J good tooaUoev, Rooms 2 and t, Barnett 65 65 .458 suitable for Pueblo street. 8100 monthly advance Permanent FOR SALE --Rooming house, Over O'Rlelly'a Drug Stevev .360 No sick. 607 S. Second AGENTS WANTED To sen guaran- Dts Moines 45 80 - . w - pos'tlon to right . man. Jess II. 28 rooms, doing good Appointment made by aassl RENT Large, cool, lurniwiwJ teed safety rasor; prise 10c; big bnstneeat FOR Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. buys centrally located; reasone far Phone 744. I YESTERDAY'S GAMES. rooms, 612 N. SeconqSU profits; every man who shaves guaranteed Supply Co., 2017 selling. FOR RENT Rooms lor nousexeep- - WANTED Salesmen for one. Standard EDMUND ALGER, used automobiles, all prices, cars Whitman at., Cincinnati. Ohio. FOR SALE Modern 8 room J. VMM. American League. ing. 624 West Central. Rent rea residence, brick, good location, Eoston R. H. E. rebuilt and guaranteed like new by sex, earn la no read At sonable. Call at rear. WANTEDAliets7either on terms or cash; 84,000. Office hours, 0 a. m. to 12:M p. Tbe CUisea . S 8 0 manufacturers, high commissions, ex- - St. Louis . $60 to $100 per week selling Get Travelers' Accident 1:80 to 5 p. an. barrtedly, but thorough- 8 great opportunity. Auto. Clearing pongee silk a and Boston SALE aulsttely embroidered Tleallh Policy. Money to Appointments snsaU. advertise, Bailey and .16Hedrlck; FOR House, 240 Michigan Ave., Chi- patterns, patterns, Loan. made by ly, so that all Batteries: waist dress M. Ik SCHTJTT, West reeefrej attar Young and Crlger. cago. drawn work waists. National Im Se Central Avenue. Pboehe el aaeate their SALE3 Underwood typewriter 210 South Second Street. Second game R. H. E. FOR WANTED Salesman, experienced In porting Co., Desk D, 699 Broadway. of attention. It prevent Mlllett Studio. - St. Louis $35. any line to sell general trade in New Torn. LAWYERS atore aewa Untie 1 tbe DUblOn .870 FOR SALE A fine Hardman piano, New Mexico. An unexcelled spe AGENTS wanted for tbe most rapid ahead, string tbe proe-peotl- Batteries: Dineen and .18Stephens; good as new, beautiful tone. A cialty proposition. Commissions ell ins household necessity oa IC W. D. BRYAN purchaser time to Cicotte and Criger. chance to possess an instrument of with $36.00 weekly, advance for earth. Every woman buys one on MORE BARGAINS IN RANCHES. half what Attorney plan a ebopplng tour for unexcelled make at Just expenses. The Continental Jewelry sight Send . 10 cents for sample at Law Nillonul League. It la worth. On exhibit at Whit-son- 's Co., Cleveland. Ohio. and full Information to Sales Man- the next morning. Sec- At Chicago R. H. E. Music Store. 124 South WANTED Live, energetic men for ager, 182 Brlnckerhoof Ave., Utlca, Fifteen acrea of very good land Office First National Bank 5 11 1 Albuquerque. Albuquerque, Chicago ond street, exclusive territory agency of "In- New Tork. tinder Irrigation, four snilea north N. IC New York 1 9 2 Burner converts days' credit. Kilns; Hoys' Suit worth $3.00, for 81.49. dex" Kerosene HONEST AGENTS It of town, well fenced with barbed Batteries: PfeUter and etrongen cocal oil into gas gives one hun- New circular ready. Soaps selling K. W. DOI1SON School 6hoea, best and . iViltae and Bresnahan. W.-lte- wire and cedar posts; 8750.08 Regular S2.25 Shoes, for dred candlepower burns on man- better than ever. Parker made. cash. Attorney At Cincinnati R. H. E. Norent and low expenaee make it tle Instantaneous seller. Write at Chemical Co.. Chicago. at Law T once. Coast Lighting Company, 4 9 6 us sell lower price WORD Inserts classified Cinciniiuli possible for to at $1.:; PER Office, 7 0 any place town, 92n Yesler Way, Seattle. ads. In 26 leading papers in U. 8. Cromwell Block, Boston tlm.n other in it Albuquerque, Wise advertisers patron- Spade Yolz und Schlel; will pay you to walk out to 61C West SALESMAN First class all round Send for list The Dake Advertis- N. If. street. ise The Citizen because Tuckey, Ferguson and Graham. Central. hustler to cover unoccupied terri- ing Agency, 427 South Mala Fifty seres first class Irrigated MAIIARAM. tory selling staple line to retail Los Angelas. IRA M. BOND they know their adver- At St. Louis R. H. E. E. land, miles from city, 1 6 1 trade. Technical knowledge un- peo. three the are seen and St. Louis MARRY your choice. Particular Attorney Lavs tisements Brooklyn 2 6 0 necessary. Permanent to right pie, everywhere. Introduced with- nncler high state of cultivation, at read at tlie lionies In tlie Wil- - OF JULY man. $30.00 weely. Expenses ad- large Batteries: Bebee and Ludwlg; MONTH out publicity; no fakes; details free. fenwd nlth barbed wire and Pensions, Land Cop; If they vanced. Frank R. Jennings, Sales A. box 1238, Los a, Patents, evening, and are helm and Bergen. Address, C, cedar Hwt; price per acre, 87S.OO. Caveats, Letter Patents, something worthy Manager, Chicago. Oal. offering Western League, WAS THE COIDM Marks, Claims. baa ONE exclusive agent for every town AGENTS Introduce SOPASTE to 33 N. M WaatUngtoa of attention, their ad E. made-to-measu- F Street, At Omaha R. H. to take orders for re factories, railroad shops, etc. Re- K accomplished Ita mission. Omaha men women; $100 ,661 suits fjr and morse grease dirt quickly; Immense Aitotit 100 acres of first ciase D. Sioux City Albu- - monthly more easily earned; THOS. K. MADDISON ,028Oondlng; New Mexico generally, and or aalea; amaslng profits. Parker Irrigated Und, located four miles Batteries: Sanders and particular, en sample outfit, 260 styles newest Co., Chicago. aueruue in has been Chemical north of town. 50 acres under Attorney Law Furchner, Alderman and Shea. best summer weather this woolens, in handsome carrying case, at to Joying the (last year was planted Office 117 West Gold Aveam H. E. year in the memory ot man. Accora free of cost. Opportunity to estab- cultivation At Des Moines R. growing busi- MALE HELP I 8 11 0 lug to the report of the unuea biaies lish prosperous and In wheat), well fenced wltb four Des Moines ness without Investment, Full In- JOHN W. WILSOJF Lincoln 0 7 2 weather bureau the month of July ulrfM and cedar posts, main ditch territory has ex structions with every outfit. Apply ASTHMA, hay fever sufferers, I have 35 Batteries: Wltherup and Heckln was the coldest the a liquid cures. you runs through land, title perfect. Attorney at Law. ger: perienced. The report says: today. Thf Eagle Tailoring Co., found that If Tlie Citizen has never Wasson and Zinran. 212-11- in m Bank Bldg. Albuquerqne, K. M 1908, a mean tempera Dept. 3T. 8 Franklin St.. Chi- want free bottle send six cents Price for the whole tract, for Second game R. H. E. July, with ' given premium! to sub- wun one ex- cago. stamps for postage. Address T. short time only 86500.00. This Des Moines 7 11 8 ture of 70.8 degrees, Rapids, 471 (Referee in la subscribed July covered $ $ Gorham, Grand Mica. la scribers, but Lincoln $ 7 1 ception, was the coldest SALESMEN AND AGENTS I Sheperd Bldg. a snap for somebody. ornce phone 1171. State to and paid for on Its Batteries: Nelson and Heckin- - bv the section records, juiy, iuo $50.00 per week and over can be i Nov- WANTED Traveling men and solici aewa a, showing ger; Jones and Welgart. hud a mean of 70.2 degrees, ana made selling New Campaign merit the lowest mean temperature since elties from now unt'l election. 8ells tors calling on druggists, confection- ARCHITECT that Ita aubscribera' bare H. year there were suf stores, county picnics and ers, etc., covering Albuquerque and At Denver R. E. 1895 the first to fairs, F. W. SPENCER money with which to bay Denver IS 20 8 ficient stations in operation to give a private famtllea Complete line of surrounding territory and states, to A. MONTOYA what they want from Pueblo 16 15 6 truthworthy mean for the territory, samples, charges prepaid, for 80c. carry our celebrated Una ot choco- RerJ Estate and Loans. Notary lates on good commission basis. legitimate nu. Batteries: Ackley, Bohannon, Ad- An examlnalon of the records shows Order today. Chicago Novelty Co., Public Sit W. Gold Ave. merobt McDonough; Hoaska, Gal- - July. 1908, had a very low mean 60 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Bowes Allegrettl, 2 River 8t, Chi- tlie people ams and that cago. 1821 Soutfl Walter at. These are gano, James and Smith. temperature, not because there were WANTED A real genome salesman. The Cftlaeo Invitee to some especially cold days, but on ac- a man who haa ability and who will WANTED By jobbing house, men to your store. American Association. count of the weather being uniformly work for ua aa hard and consclen sell rugs, linoleum, etc., on commis INSURANCE At Milwaukee: Milwaukee 3, Kan and moderately cool throughout tne tously as he would for himself, to sion. Men calling upon email trade sas City 4. corresponding month in represent exclusively preferred. Comparatively little L. E. month. The us In Arlsona FOLDS B. A. SLBTSTS3t At Minneapolis: Minneapolis 2, St. ion, und all the others that in any and New Mexico. We have a large. weight or bulk to sample. Care Paul 1. annroached the low record of In every way "Linoleum." room 1201, No. 108 REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE well known and first Insurance, Va At Louisville: Louisville 2, Toledo 7. 19U8. had periods that were com class line Calendars, Advertis Fulton street. New Tork. f Real Eatatev - sf PwbUe At Indianapolis: Indianapolis 1, Co- paratively warm, but also had days ing Specialties and Druggists La Wanted sai esman, experienced la z lumbus 0. ' unusually cool weather to bring any line, to sell genersl In AND LOANS of bels and Boxes, and our line la se trade monthly mean to a relatively low New Mexico. Liberal commissions Rooms 18 and 14, th attractive and varied that each and Albaquerojna, N. 1L, The Citizen employs a Excellent Ilealtb Advice. noint. In the matter of rainfall 'he every business In every town In the with $86 weekly advance. One Mrs. M. M. Davison, of No. 878 month was not unusual; in the last country, regard to slse, caa salesman earned $1,262.68, his first Representative of New York Life man whose burinem It la says without Co.; & Gilford Ave., San Jose, Cat. ih.rtH,.n vears there have been four be successfully solicited. Our goods two months with us. The Contin- Insurance The Fidelity A. B. WALKKB to look after your adver-Usin- g "The worth of Electrio Bitters aa a a higher average rainfall very ental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Casuality Co. of New York. headache, Julles with are attractive, but no more se wants. lie will general family remedy, for an,! in each of these cases the aver than our ressonsble prices, and we Fire insurance placed in the best fire torpor liver In , write your copy If you biliousness and of th was considerably higher than know from the experience of others AGENTS Companies. Secretary Mataal Building and bowels Is so pronounced that I i'e 1!08. Five of the last thirteen Offlo wiah. If not. he will see say fa, July, who have been and are now In our WANTED Wa want an agent In 209 10$t Cold Av: am prompted to a word In its .i h.i.l a Kreat number of rainy 817 West Central Av your ads are "set seeking nlies employ that any bright hustling every town or county to sell our Pboam 600 that vor, for the benefit of those iavs. msn who good average ability beet afflictions. There is has Kerosene Mantis Gas Burners, up" to look their relief from such Th onlv counties in which the and Is wiling to work caa make mors health for the dtgestiv organs month adaptable to most No. 8 or 8 collar and he will attend to tpmneraturo averaKe for the with us from $60 to $110 per week. any In a bottle of Electric Bitters than was creater than the normal wer oil lamp, burns grade kerosene. tltem from day to day. any remedy I know of." Bold Must be ready to com manes work Light 100 candle power. Better and llalr Dresser and CbJro disc. lr other thnsa of the northwest San Juan once. Commissions at liberal. Our gas Lib- op-po- sit under guarantee at all dealers. 60c MeKlnley and Valencia. Elsewher cheaper than or electricity. Mrs. Bambini, at her parlore company was organised In 1882. We eral commission, exclusive terri- next to the average ranged from 1.1 degree We the Alvarado and door For Bora We. are capitalised for $200,000. tory. 609-6- 6 Fifth avenue, Chicago. to 4.0 degrees below the normal. At we St urges' cafe, la prepared to give "I have found Bucklen's Arnica stats this simply to show that thorough scalp treatment, do hair-- most stations the highest thermom are responsible mean Salve to be the proper thing to occurred and business. DEAFNESS CANNOT RE CURED dressing, treat corns, bunion and in- as well aa for healing dine- of the month you do. It III psy you to write E for sore feet, days. low- If by local applications, ss they cannot growing nails. She gives maasagi curing the first fifteen The burns, sores, cuts and all manner of ma Sales Manager, Merchants Publish. reacb the diseased portion of the ear. treatment and manicuring. Mrs, abrasions." writes Mr. W. Btoit of est reading was recorded at the Ing Co., Kalamasoo, Mich. iOnclos There la only one wsy to cure deaf- rem-'itl.- s. Bambini's own preparation of com you advertising In proper Jority of stati'Jiis between the 1st an ness, and that Is by constitutional Are East Poland, Maine. It Is the this advertisement with your appll Deafness l caused by an In- plexlon cream builds ap the akin and eotn-petit- ors the 4th. Tle Cttlsenr Your thing too for piles. Try It! Sold un cation. flamed condition of the mucous lining improves the complexion, and Is guarantee all dealers. The Dreclpitat!fn was below th of tbe Eustachian Tube. When this are, and are der at Is you a rumbling guaranteed not to be Injurious. Shs normal in localities of the northeast ClironlQ IlarrtMea Ctomrl. tube Inflamed bave by 1L Do you otn sound or Imperfect hearing and wben also prepares hair tonic that cures lrofltlng Our shirt and collar work tj per iiorthwest and southwest. In the "My father has for years been It Is entirely r'osel, lleafneaa If M 1 excess and prevents dandruff and hair fall think conservative buM-ne- ss feot. Our "IKJMESTIO FINISH or nMrts of the territory the troubled with chronic diarrhoea, and result, and unless the Innammatloi. Aa marked. Thunderstorm lie taken rut luid this tube resionKI to ing out; restores life to dead hair; men are pending the proper thing. We lead others was quite triei every means possible to effect a condition, removes moles, ere freciuent, and several station Its normal timrtng will b warts and superfluous money wlurre Utey are follow. cure, without avail," writes John H. Ot'Strnyrd forever; nine cases out of ten hair. For any blemish of the face IMPERIAL LAUNDRY CO. in,i ihptu on everv day of the m"nth Zlrkle of Phillppl, W. Va. "He saw are caused tiy t'ntarrn, wblcn Is notn Ki sn Inflamed call and consult Mrs. Bambini. ut getting resultsT Get o During tlie first ten days severe luca Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar- but condition of the you looking something? Re numerous an mucous surfaces. ui tlie swim and watcb Are for miuirei at rhoea Remedy advertised In the Phil- We will give One Hundred Dollars for Want ads printed hi the Citizen your bunlner grow. member the want columns of The widely separated poltns. lppl Republican and decided to try any case of Deafness (caused by it be by s wIU bring reeults. Evening Citizen are for your especial Prtvipilutlwi. The result la one bottle cured him thnt cannot cured Hall th Catarrh Cure. r,end for circulars free. benefit. It talk to the people and The avrrase precipitation f"r in he has not suffered with the dis- K. J C'HKNKV CO., Toledo, O. they talk to you. territory deU-- mined from the rec ease for eighteen months. Before Hold Vy Druggists. 7bc. ..r.l ,,f 7r, ,n 2.79 Inches, Take Halls amtl mis for constipa- t:itiin aklng this remedy he was a constant tion Entrance examinations for the pub- fir 0 33 inch above the normal ami aufferer. He Is now sound and well, 88 eH 8e lic school of Albuquerque will be held ii -- 'i inch m..r thhn tor July, 1907 and although sixty years old. can do Very Resolved that orders N Second, wa IXHt Pl'RE ICE CREAM. Serious supplies of any and khvAe at the First Third and Fourth The greatest monthly amount much work as a young man." Sold all wa is DON'S JERSET Is purposes 81 ward schools and alf at the Central 8.2 1 inches at Wlnsor's; the least by all druggists. IH It a very serious matter to ask aad for all be eaads ot si hool on Mondjy. August 31, begin Bloomfiel I. The greater FAIt.M for one a the regular requisition hhank 0.47 Inch at medicine and have the ' rins at 9 a. m. All grades below the am unt that Ml In any 24 conseru If you want the best stockings oi wrong one given you. For this of the Irrigation Congress pro- - e ghth go to the schools. All 2.98 at Carls the buy our Black Sat Style Tided for that purpose, said V ward tive hours was Inches market teaaon we urge you buying and grades above the Seventh grade go to on 24th. The average num 15 for boys and Style 10 for girls. la requisition must be signed by at Is the Best bad the KILLtheCCUCH to be the Central school. All pupils who are tier of d ys with 0 01 Inch or m They are 25c a pair. We also have a careful to get the genuine chairman of ths auditing eosa- - uncertain about classification shoull was 9. spleiijla grade of the same make at and CURE the LUNCS atlttee, or In his absence by the K. In order to be classified. Tues 15c. are absolutely fast. C. acting ehalrman; bUla B attend Colors BUck-drS)gH- T that all Advertising day, September 1, school opens. Slie Ukea Good Tiling. May's eh,ie store, 314 West Central laearred most he properly 81 Mr. E Smitn of Wset avenue. with Toachered before payment aad s? Is not what you pay for adverts rhi P Liver Medicine It FrankHn. Maine, says: "I Uks good andited at any meeting of the S itiK, but what advertising PAT r.'e c f rslia-b- le adopted Dr. King" Granulat'-- Hore F.)es OirerL Tbe reputation this old, auditing committee, by 8 Yt)l7. It valuable. Oit thinss and have n? ths Medium that makes our family laxatlvs "For twenty years I suffered from V medicine, for constipation, In- chairman of said committee, er T f equal service. New Life PtUa as raus are lowest ir because they are good and a bad esse of granulated sore eyes. t digestion and liver trouble, is firm- la his absence by th acting 88 medicine, does not Imitate do work without making a fust ayj Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. PHiri. ly established. It chairman. CI their a gentleman r iifM other medicine. It is better than in An lulwrtiitemriit la Tbe Gttt- - about It" Thess painless purifiers "In February. 190S. ask. r BOTH OLD SPITZ. & d me try Chamberlain's Salve. I ll.U wilttl ' others, or it would not bo the fa- Chairvenut a) Is an Invitation extended to i at all dealers. 26c. to LfV- I vu .l Duught box two-thir- f vorite livsr powder, with a larger D. a one and used about L MACVHERSCi. 1 all our readers. We Invite my eyes not sale than all others combined. lnrire m.ilorliv of the people to FEE'S GOOD ICE CREAM AND of It and have OEOROB ARNOT. Albuquerque your store, ICE CREAM MJOA. WALTON'S given me any trouble since." This SOLD IN TOWN Ft raj DIECd STORK. salve is for sale by all druggists. aaaf i Vtr9mr - I I m a seesaw

mm if "ff'Tlir'tTiii iITi laTltssruHaj w m f lAOB EIGHT. nUMV, AtGVST 28, I90S,

for blood, as both teams are more DO YOUR EYES TROUBLE YOU T than anxious to be the representing rmmmmmmmmmmmmmm team. Vast Experience the Our in FREE! Optical Profession Quality Assures you absolute comfort in Glasses Ground and Kitted by 114 With School Book and Rcliool Sup. BEBBER OPTICAL CO., EXCLUSIVE OHiiCIANS , piles. 110 South Second Street. Established JWU "UR FIRST CONSIDERATION in offering Special Offering: of School Shoes Lense Grinding Done on the Premises merchandise to our patrons is quality. We Every school child this therefore confine ourselves to the leading lines of ths year who buys School country lines which are tine-trie- d and worthy. ", Books and School Sup- Our Shoes for Hoys and Girls wear because only ests of the Chaves county exhibit aft the strongest leather is used in their manufac- PERSONAL the irrigation congress. plies from us, will get a ture and they are sewed together to stay sewed. Louis Mahan, who has been visit- handsome Pocket Web- ing his grandmother, Mrs. Davis, of of Hart Schaffner & Marx We will stitch up fre charge any pair that North street, will Sun- ster's Dictionary; or RAO R A P II S Second leave Make the Standard High of should happen to rip. At the same time they PA day night for Alamogordo to attend Companion Grade Clothing the look dressy and fit perfectly. Made in all the school. Scholars United States Our fall lines are arriving and are More popular leathers: Viei Kid, Box Calf, Kanga- Insure In the Occidental Life. C. W. Granner, a prominent Insur- FREE. than that, being placed on sale. roo or Patent Colt, Lace or Button. It. II. Sims of the Valley ranch on ance man of this city, connected with we sell you the cele- the Pecos Is in the city on business. Thomas Seward, general agent for brated Indian Chief Tab- Hats-Stets- as on Hugo Seaberg, a prominent bual-m-- the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Knox Hats man of Itatou, Id In the city on company, leaves this evening for Chi- let for Sc. The largest cago, Have been on the market for half a FOR GIRLS business. where he will enter college, and Pencil Tablet sold for a century and are e to 11 ii'.; to 2 2'.; toO Fresh home dresunsd cpring chick- take up the study of medicine, later fully guaranteed. Prices within the reach of all. ens, hotis and spring duck at the specializing la dentistry, nlckle. 5125-52,2- 51,75-52,5- 0 $3.00, 51,00 51,85, San Joe Market today. George 11. Leland of Providence, $4.00 and $5.00 Max mer- It. I., who has been in the city tho I'aul Kcmpcnlch, general past Engi- STRONG'S BOOK chant of lVralta, N. M., Is a visitor few days conferring with STORE. Hanan ShoesDouglas Shoes In the city today. neer Gladding concerning the sewer Phone 1104. Next Door to P. O. FOR BOYS system, left Otis morning for the east. The old reliable in their respective classes every rA Morrison Stewart has returned 10 Mr. is principal to 13 1.1',,' 2 2h to Leland assistant Onr work Is RIGHT every flo pair 8 to to the city from a visit with II. 3. Luts, Samuel Gruy, tho Providence sewer replaced free of charge if they fail to satisfy. k"e agent at Helen. part menu Hubtm laundry Co 51,15-52,00- , 51,25-52,25- , 51,50-52,5- 0 fanta expert, , Miss Helen Ward returned today, A snake measuring over five feet after spending the summer wUh from heud to tail, was brought a friends in Ohio and Kansas. to the city this morning by a native, . SIMON STERN Fresh shipment Concord grapes aV rancher in tile Sandia Sun Jose Market. ' mountains. Tho replilo was killed THE CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHIER Fred Kalint, who represents a big by Uiu rancher as ft was about to SKINNER'S Clearing-Ou- t Sale mercantile f rm of Denver, Colo., left strike a friend of the man, and is last night for San MarclaL an elegant spec, men of a ra tiler, hav- MMf ing ten tf tt The L.arnurd & Iindemann Hoys' rallies. GROCERY f band will ho.d a pract ce ton gut at Albert Moore, the youth who was B. H. Briggs & Co. Millinery iie quartera on UulJ avenue. ai rested here upon comprint of the "Summer Las Vegas police, who accuse him of Standard Mra. Ben Helhvlg yester- returned t. ailug day from Magdalena, Datil a wuidi valued ut $13u, and Green Beans and other ovneil by J. t,. Moore of city, When we tell you that this announcement means southern points in New Mexico. that Plumbing and DRUGGIST has beeii he.d to U'o San Miguel Stylishly Trimmed Hats as low as 7 , cents and A. A. Jones, national committeeman county grand jury. When arraigned 10c Pound Heating Co. $1.00, you should make a bee line for our store for New Mexico of the Democratic before Justice of the Peace lirown in party, la expected here tomorrow. g ALVARADO PHARMACY and save half on your purchase. the Meadow City, .Moore denied eteai-in- Sweet The flyer arrived here th! after- tlie watch, his Eastern Potatoes 412 West Central Ave. i and declared that Corner Gold Ave, and 1st St. noon one hour and twenty-fiv- e min- brother stole the t inepleee. He ad- t PHONE 61 utes late, due to trouble east of Ra- mits, however, selling the watch. He 3 lbs. for 25c. OUR HATS LOOK WELL AND WEAR WELL ton. is confined in the county Jail at Las HIGHLAND PHARMACY Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wilson, of South Vegas. His trial will come up in the Bananas Oranges street, left la.t evening tor j latter part of November. Rio Grande Valley IAnd Co. Occidental Building' Denver, where they will in remain the To reciprocate tho many klndiujsses Black and White Grapes BORRADAILE Miss Lutz future. extended them during their recent JOHN Bring U Your Prescriptions South Street J. It. Coik of Clovis, master me- - visit in this city, Mr. and Mrs. Urrin 208 Second chaiiic for the. Santa Fe, arrived In Taylor and sou of Holton, Kan., en ALL THE FINEST Albuquerque last evening for a short tertained thu following guests at din- NATIVE FRUITS Real Estate and InvewmeiiU business visit. j ner Wednesday evening at the Alva-rad- o Colleect Rents of City Realty ' I. J. Custer, of San Bornardin J, hotel and a most enjoyable even Office, Corner Ave ing was spent Third and Gold Finest Ice Cream Santa Fe coast lima storekeeper, Is by all present: Mr. and. Phone 645 Albuquerque, K. 11 spending a few days in the city on Mrs. Thomas McMlllen, Mr. and Mrs. f an inspection trip. D. K. B. Sel'ers and son, Mr. and SKINNER'S Mrs. George and Coldest Soda REFRIGERATORS AT COST Ellsworth Ingalls, United States at- - K. Neher, Miss Lola 205 South First Street THIRD STREET Nelier, Schoen-eck- er torney, has returned from a vUlt at Frank Neher, Louis A. Atchison, C'ty, and Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Taylor City Kansas and other, son. in the points in Kansas. j and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Meat Market $ 9.00 Ice Box $ 7.00 son departed for their home In Kan- J. 11. McCollum, principal of the sas yesterday morning were very W. L. TRIMBLE & CO Fourth ward school, has returned and HI Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meat J Refrigerator much pleased with this city and Its Steam Sausage Factory. 5.00 n.60 from a several weeks' visit with people and intend visiting here friends at Amity, Pa. LIVEHT. SALE. FEED AND EA11L KLKINWORT Vann Drug Co again in the near xuture. Masonic Buil.Uiig. 19.00 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. William Stamps re TRANSFER STABLES. Nortb Third turned this week from Minnesota, Seventy families residing near Re- serve, N. M a majority being ranch- 25.00 20.00 where they have been the past few and Mules Fioujrnt ana a visiting ers, will leave New Mexico shortly fop weeks friends. eastern Arizona, cuanged. a Miss Dunne, where they will Fauna after spending' establish permanent homes. Mrs. past H the four months with friends William F. Cobert of Reserve, who t EST TOnitNOtTTSt IN THB CI? , "5.17 s. and relatives In Wisconsin, returned here visiting sister, Mrs. M. eoond S'reet between Central J L. BELL CO. Rftst. to Albuquerque yesterday. her F. CODDnr vanu Lyon, is the author of the above in- Miss Rose T. Dee has returned to formation. Mr. Cobert plans to re- the city from a visit with relatives main in Albuquerque for a month, at Berkeley, San Francisco and other until her mother, Mra Rutherford, Good large cities in California. returns from Denver, where she Is Whitney Company A. D. Read, acting supervisor of the visiting her two sons. According to Manzano national forest, has returned Mrs. Cobert, the reason for the people ROOM and BOARD from an extensive field trip through leaving New Mexico Is that the soil In the eastern portion of the forest. eastern Arizona affords belter grazing grounds, besides being more adequate $4.00 a Week Up WholesaleHardware Leslie Westerman, connected with for agricultural pursuits. the American Lumber company, left MRS. M. E. NORRIS Stoves, Tinware, Enameled Ironware, Iron Pipe, Pumps, Valves, Thursday for a few weeks' visit with Danny Padllla has about completed Mine and Mill Supplies, etc, relatives and friends at Adrian, Mich. arrangements for the three players 110 East Coal Avenue Fittings, Belting, who will assist his team in the tour Mrs. W. L. Hawkins and daughter. nament during congress week, and Miss Hazel, have returned to their IMPLEMENTS AND FARM MACHINERY he Is now rejoicing In the fact that WAGONS. home here after a few months' visit he will have one of the strongest with relatives and friends In Missouri.! teams which will be brought here this Highland Livery SOLICITED - ALaUQUERQUe, N. . Frank Trotter has moved his gro- fall. On the other hand the Brown MAIL ORDERS cery les making arrangements bambrook nnos. store to the next store east, 118 are also Phone 596. 11a John Bt Gold avenue, where Is now pre- with several noted players In this sea he 'e turnouts. Hint driver pared to receive old and new custom- tion of the country. The first of the In the city. Proprietors of "Sadie," LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE ers. series of three games which decides the plclnn wagon. the representing team for Bernalillo 311-31- Mrs. Bessie and son Edgar W. J. PATTERSON 3 V0sl Sllvr Avon Jaffa county for the tournament will be returned to this city Wednesday even- . Albuquerque, N. M. ing after a ten weeks vacation spent played Sunday afternoon, and, Judg-- TELEPHONE 37 I Ing at Ocean Park and Los Angeles, from the enthusiasm being evlnc Calif. , ed by the local fans, an addition will be required to the grand stand at J. A. Graham of Roswell left for Traction park so that all may see the his home yesterday after a visit of a game. Both teams are In tip-to- p 9 f Eovs9 School 1 few days in Albuquerque in the Inter shape and the contest Sunday will be Little Girls, 1 CMHFC ! CHAFING DISHES This Little Range Just received a lure shipment. Haven't room for them, and are making special low prices this week to move them The Diamond Cential Ave. L-V- FREE! JTT CAN YOU Palace CCDCrvl I I Albuquerque IMPROVE ITT We have tried, are trying, to im- ooooy ikjx prove quality our and SHOE FOR oyooooofoc eooco o'joojc the of bread ? If THE STRONGEST rolls not that we are ashamed of it. .Can you draw, little girl so you maybe but that we want to make It even the proud possessor of this miniature"BuckV BOYS ON THE MARKET IS j better than It la That'e why It'a aa food a It la. When It'a betterIf range a perfect little stov Your Opportunity ever It can be It won't be higher In OUR MESSENGER price and you will get the benefit. We are going to going to give it away abso- to buy Summer Millenary at a very low price lutely free on September 19 to the little girl ALL SIZES $1.75 AND $2.50 I is no v. We have a limited number of very Pioneer Bakery, of fourteen years or under who draws the pretty Trimmed and l'attern Hats which we 207 South First SL best reproduction of the "Huck's" trademark are closing out this week. Our HaN carry here shown. r with them the assurance of being correct. THORNTON THE CLEANER Come to our store today register your name and get a pretty little booklet which will I MISS C. P. CRANE Cleana any and everything and doe tell you all about the contest. Stetson Shoes for Men X MILLINKRY AND DRKSSM AKING PARLORS It right. The beat In the eouthweat All he aska U a trial. Clothe cleaned, 5 COK. CENTRAL and HI TII I'MONK, 944 repaired and presnd. Just call Ul 10. Work. :i7 8. Walter. $6.00 and $6.50 408 Wttt Railtosd Avnu0 ;fXOU(XCXXOCXXXO(X Don't Forget The 5 For First Class Work and Prompt Delivery t E. L. WASHBURN CO...... CALL... ALBUQUERQUE PLANING MILL 5 THE OLDIST MILL IN TUB C1T1 122 S. Second 119 W. Gold HUSBS LAUNDRY COJl When lit iieed of amah, door, tram 206 East Central Avenue 2 V'HITE WAGONS eta. fktwea work a specialty, aaa &unUi Flra atreet. TeaeplMMie) L