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Page 01 March 27.Indd ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Thursday 27 March 2014 26 Jumadal I 1435 - Volume 19 Number 5616 Price: QR2 MPHC signs Qatar grouped CBQ to distribute with Iran dividends and UAE Business | 17 Sport | 28 [email protected] | [email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 122 floating Arabs call for Syria political solution objects may be Leaders at Kuwait summit announce total rejection of call to consider Israel a Jewish state from MH370 KUALA LUMPUR: Satellite KUWAIT CITY: Arab leaders a political solution,” Kuwait’s imagery showing more than called yesterday for a political Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah 122 possible objects floating in solution to the conflict in Syria Khaled Al Sabah told a press con- a patch of the southern Indian sidestepping Saudi-backed ference following the summit. Ocean offers the most credible demands for greater military Yet the leaders of the 22-mem- lead yet in the hunt for the miss- support for rebel forces to tip ber Arab League condemned the ing Malaysian airliner, the coun- the balance in the war. regime, while reaffirming their try’s transport minister has said. But they were fully united support for the opposition. The items, estimated to meas- in their support for Palestinian “We strongly condemn the ure between one and 23 metres, refusal to recognise Israel as a massacres committed by the were spotted close to where Jewish state, a flashpoint issue Syrian regime against unarmed Chinese and Australian aircraft threatening to derail US-brokered people,” the statement said, reaf- earlier sighted possible debris, peace talks. firming “total support for the Hishammuddin Hussein added. Syria’s opposition National Syrian National Coalition as a Extra vessels and aircraft Coalition chief Ahmed Jarba had legitimate representative of the arrived in the search zone around called at Tuesday’s opening of the Syrian people.” 2,500km south-west of Perth yes- two-day summit in Kuwait for the The Syrian government’s bru- terday, as crews resumed work rebels to be supplied with “sophis- tal repression of protests that after gale-force winds and heavy ticated” weaponry. erupted in March 2011 resulted rain forced them to leave the area. And Saudi Crown Prince in its suspension from the Cairo- But forecasters warned the mul- Salman bin Abdulaziz, whose based Arab League. tinational hunt might have to be country is a key backer of the Yet while last year’s sum- suspended again today because of revolt against Syrian President mit allocated Syria’s seat to the rough weather. THE GUARDIAN Bashar Al Assad, said the world National Coalition, it remained See also page 12 was “betraying” rebels by failing vacant at the Kuwait meeting and to arm them and leaving them will remain so until the opposi- The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs H E Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Zaid Al Mahmoud “easy prey.” tion meets legal and technical with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the Arab League Summit in Kuwait yesterday. Manila, rebels to But the final declaration by the requirements. summit called instead for a politi- A clearly dissatisfied Jarba sign deal today cal solution to the three-year con- told the opening session that the Meanwhile, Safi criticised the the peace process in the early Barack Obama in Washington flict, which has cost more than decision “sends a message to the summit for failing to condemn 1990s. But Prime Minister last week, told the summit that MANILA: The biggest Muslim 146,000 lives. Assad regime encouraging it to Iran and Lebanese Shia militia Benjamin Netanyahu now insists Palestinians “reject even dis- rebel group in the Philippines “We call for a political solution continue to kill Syrians.” Hezbollah for sending troops to they acknowledge Israel as the cussing the issue.” will sign a peace deal today to the crisis in Syria based on Spokesman Louay Safi said dif- back Assad. national homeland of the Jewish Netanyahu has placed the rec- aimed at ending four decades the Geneva I communique,” they ferences among Arab foreign min- The declaration echoed UN people, a move that would effec- ognition dispute at the forefront of deadly conflict that has con- said, urging the United Nations to isters at a meeting on Sunday had peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, tively torpedo the “right of of the talks, describing Arab demned millions in the nation’s renew its efforts after the failure prevented the National Coalition who called for a political solution return” for Palestinian refugees. rejection of the Jewish state as far south to brutal poverty. of Geneva talks. from taking the seat. and urged an “end to the supply US Secretary of State John the “root of the conflict.” The agreement between the An international conference in “The new Arab decision reaf- of arms to all parties”. Kerry is facing an uphill bat- For the Palestinians, the issue Moro Islamic Liberation Front the Swiss city in 2012 had called firms the previous decision... but Separately, Arab leaders tle to keep the floundering is intimately entwined with the and President Aquino’s govern- for a “peaceful transition” in the implementation was hin- announced their “total rejection peace talks on track beyond an fate of their refugees who were ment envisages a new, south- Syria without specifying the fate dered due to disputes between of the call to consider Israel a April 29 deadline. Palestinian forced out of their homes or ern autonomous region for the of Assad. Arab foreign ministers,” Safi told Jewish state.” The Palestinians president Mahmoud Abbas, fled in 1948 when Israel became Philippines’ Muslim minority. “We have no alternative to reporters. recognised Israel at the start of fresh from talks with President a state. AFP AFP Rains flood low-lying areas of Doha Sisi sheds uniform, DOHA: Heavy rains disrupted life in the city yesterday, leav- ing many low-lying areas inun- to run for president dated, especially one of the tunnels on Salwa Road. The Qatar Décor underpass on CAIRO: Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, in a country of 85 million that is Salwa Road was flooded by the the Egyptian general who steeped in poverty. downpour that lashed the country ousted his country’s first freely- “I cannot make miracles. since the late hours of Tuesday. elected leader, declared his Rather, I propose hard work and A number of motorists head- candidacy yesterday for a presi- self-denial,” he said. “We must ing from Doha to Industrial Area dential election he is expected be truthful with ourselves: our were caught in the tunnel for to win easily. country faces great challenges. hours as water rose waist-high Sisi, who toppled the Muslim Our economy is weak. There are after intermittent rains contin- Brotherhood’s Mohamed Mursi millions of youths who suffer from ued until afternoon yesterday. last July after mass protests unemployment in Egypt. This is Social networking sites were against his rule, vowed to fight unacceptable.” abuzz with reports and com- what he called the terrorist If Sisi is elected, as widely ments about the flooding, with threat facing Egypt, a reference expected, it would mark a return people posting pictures of half- to attacks that have spiralled to the days when Egypt was led sunk vehicles that got stuck in since last summer. by men from the military — a the deluge. Traffic came to a “True, today is my last day in pattern interrupted by Mursi’s standstill on the highway during military uniform, but I will con- one year in office after he won peak hours. tinue to fight every day for an the first democratic presiden- Police later closed the Qatar Egypt free of fear and terrorism,” tial election. Sisi would assume Décor underpass temporar- said Sisi, still wearing his military leadership of a country reeling ily and diverted traffic to other fatigues, in a televised speech. from three years of political roads, causing congestion in the Sisi had to resign his posts of turmoil. Since Mursi’s removal area. Despite efforts by the Public army chief and minister of defence from power, Egypt has suffered Works Authority (Ashghal) to so he could contest the election. the worst internal strife in its pump out water from the under- Seeking to cap some of the sky- modern history. pass, the traffic disruption con- high expectations, Sisi warned REUTERS tinued until evening. Vehicles caught in a flooded underpass on Salwa Road after heavy rains in Doha yesterday. he could not perform “miracles” See also page 10 Ashghal said yesterday that the flooding was caused due to incom- the water to the sea as planned,” senior official of the Civil Aviation of the country received moder- plete work on the underground Ashghal said in a statement. Authority. The Ministry of ate to heavy rains yesterday. The drainage network on Salwa Road. Ashghal said it had deployed Interior on its Twitter account downpour is not likely to continue New planet found in solar system “Salwa Road has an efficient tanks and suction pumps imme- informed the public about the today, although there is a chance and deep water drainage sys- diately to handle the waterlogging temporary closure of the Salwa of light rains in some areas. CAPE CANAVERAL: Sedna and VP 113 are the first tem including pipes with large as “the pipes reached their maxi- Road tunnel and advised motor- “We are yet to obtain data Astronomers have found a objects found in a region of the diametres, providing high drain- mum capacity within a very short ists to exercise caution while driv- about the rain in different areas.
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