Olympique Lyonnais Groupe Organisation Chart As of 31 December 2008 95 Historical Highlights 97 Developments Since 1 July 2008 99 Future Outlook 105
CONTENTS Profile 1 Common goals 2 Highlights of the year 4 One group, five businesses 8 Corporate governance and management team 16 New stadium project, OL Land 18 Financial highlights 20 Shareholder information 22 Our priorities for 2008/09 24 Financial year 2007/08 and 1st half 2008/09 25 This document is an English-language translation of the French "document de reference" filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) under number R.09-078 on 6 October 2009, in compliance with Article 212-13 of the AMF’s General Regulation. Only the original French version can be used to support a financial transaction, provided it is accompanied by a prospectus (note d’opération) duly certified by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers. The document was produced by the issuer, and the signatories to it are responsible for its contents. Copies of this annual report may be obtained at the head office of OL Groupe: 350, avenue Jean Jaurès 69361 LYON Cedex 07, from its website (http://investisseur.olympiquelyonnais.com) or from the website of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (www.amf- france.org). PROFILE Organised around Olympique Lyonnais, the football club founded in 1950 and headed by Jean-Michel Aulas since 1987, OL Groupe is a leader in media and entertainment in France. Since the Group was created in 1999, it has built an innovative business model combining growth, a recurrent revenue stream and durability. It is articulated around five complementary sources of revenue: • Ticketing • Media rights • Partnerships and advertising • Brand-related revenue (derivative products, OL Images, etc.), • Player trading FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2007/08 Consolidated figures as of 30 June 2008 Revenue from businesses: €211.6 million Profit from ordinary activities: €27.1 million Group share of net profit: €19.9 million Net treasury: €100.5 million Equity: €164.8 million 256 employees 1 COMMON GOALS We combine an exceptional performance on the pitch with remarkable financial performance.
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