Sophia, the Wisdom of God

27 September – 3 October 2015 Sunday, Arrivals in St St Constantine and Helena 27 September

Monday, 28 September 10:00 INAUGURATION (in the Municipality of Varna) Welcome Metropolitan Ioan of Varna and Introduction Prof. Dr. Theresia Hainthaler Visit of the Archaeological Museum in Varna 14:30–16:00 Session 1 Chair: Theresia Hainthaler de Andia, Ysabel, L’enfance de la sagesse Perišić , Vladan, The concept of Sophia and Wisdom in Origen Arnold, Johannes, Martyrium als Weg zur Weisheit Gottes. Aspekte einer neuen Interpretation von Origenes’ Exhortatio ad martyrium 16:30–18:00 Session 2 Chair: Franz Mali Hainthaler, Theresia, ‘Christ, God’s Wisdom and God’s Power’ (1Cor 1.24) – Sophia Christology Böhm, Thomas, Der Fall der Sophia – Plotin und die Gnostiker Emmenegger, Gregor, Sophia in der valentinianischen Gnosis

2 Tuesday, 29 September 09:00–10:30 Session 3 Chair: Lenka Karfíková Christov, Ivan, Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in St. Gregory of Nazianzus Munteanu, Daniel, Sophia – the Wisdom of God in St. Gregory of Nyssa’s Theology Ribolov, Svetοslav, Sophia in Theodore of Mopsuestia’s Theology 11:00–12:30 Session 4 Chair: Ysabel de Andia Mattei, Paul, Proverbes 8, 22s. chez les Pères latins, de Tertullien à Ambroise et Augustin Hušek, Vit, Jerome’s Christological interpretation of Qoheleth Lenkaitytė, Mante, La sagesse de Dieu, la sagesse chrétienne et la sagesse des philosophes chez les premiers auteurs lériniens 14:30–16:00 Session 5 Chair: Franz Mali Karfiková, Lenka, Sapientiae amor: Die Weisheit in Augustins Gesprächen aus Cassiciacum Fokin, Alexey, The Wisdom of God as “Ars Dei” in St Augustine: between Neo-Platonism and Christianity Grossi, Vittorino, Livre de la Sagesse 18,14–15 nella soteriologia di Agostino d’Ippona

3 16:30–18:00 Session 6 Chair: Thomas Böhm Mali, Franz, Wie verhalten sich „sapientia huius mundi“ und „Dei sapientia“ zueinander? Notizen zum Verständnis von Weisheit bei Gregor dem Großen Mikhaylov, Petr, Sophia the Wisdom of God in Greek Hexaemeron (from St Basil to the Middle Ages)

Wednesday, 30 September 09:00–10:30 Session 7 Chair: Ysabel de Andia Buda, Daniel, Sophia by Theophil of Antioch Stavrou, Michel, Sagesse incréée et sagesse créée dans la vision théologique de saint Athanase d’Alexandrie Stępień, Tomasz, Created or uncreated Wisdom. Arguments on Christ as the Wisdom of God in the polemic of Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa against Eunomius 11:00–12:30 Session 8 Chair: Theresia Hainthaler Gonnet, Dominique, «Car la sagesse est Dieu lui-même» (Isaac le Syrien, Discours 85). La sagesse de Dieu chez Isaac Ioan, Ovidiu, Geist und Weisheit. Zum Weisheitsverständnis in der syrischen Mystik Mooney, Hilary, Wisdom in the writings of John Scottus Eriugena

4 14:30–16:00 Session 9 Chair: Ivan Christov Bey, Ilya, Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in [Pseudo-] Dionysius and Maximus the Confessor Louth, Andrew, Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in St Maximos the Confessor Archim. Athanasij, Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in St. Patriarch Photius 16:30–18:00 Session 10 Chair: Lenka Karfíková Argárate, Pablo, Sophia dans les écrits de Siméon le Nouveau Théologien Kapriev, Georgi, Die Begegnung Moses’ mit Christus (Gregorios Palamas, Triades, II, 3, 55)

Thursday, 1 October 9:00–18:00 Divine Liturgy with H.E. Metropolitan Ioan Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God, Visit to the capitals of the First Bulgarian Kingdom and Veliki Preslav

5 Friday, 2 October 09:00–10:30 Session 11 Chair: Ivan Christov Fr. Angel, Pavlov, Pavel, Sophia in the Eastern Church Fathers Counteraction against Dualism Stoyadinov, Mariyan, The patristic argumentation in Sophiology: pro et contra. 11:00–12:30 Concluding Session Chairs: Theresia Hainthaler and Ivan Christov 14:30–18:00 Visit to the Park Museum “Vladislav Varnenchik”

Saturday, Departures 3 October

6 list of participants

1. Prof. Dr. Ysabel de Andia (Paris, France) 2. Rev. Angel Angelov (, ) 3. Prof. Dr. Pablo Argárate (Graz, Austria) 4. Rev. Prof. Dr. Johannes Arnold (Frankfurt, Germany) 5. Archim. Athanasij (Athens - Sofia, Bulgaria) 6. Dr. Ilya Bey (Kiev, Ukraine) 7. Prof. Dr. Thomas Böhm (Freiburg i.B., Germany) 8. Rev. Dr. Daniel Buda (Geneva - Sibiu, Romania) 9. Prof. Dr. Ivan Christov (Sofia, Bulgaria) 10. PD Dr. Gregor Emmenegger (Fribourg, Switzerland) 11. Dr. Alex R. Fokin (Moscow, Russia) 12. Rev. Dr. Dominique Gonnet SJ (Lyon, France) 13. Rev. Prof. Dr. Vittorino Grossi OSA (Rome, Italy) 14. Prof. Dr. Theresia Hainthaler (Frankfurt, Germany) 15. Dr. Vit Hušek (Olomouc, Czech Republic) 16. Rev. Dr. Ovidiu Ioan (Marburg - Sibiu, Romania) 17. Prof. Dr. Georgi Kapriev (Sofia, Bulgaria) 18. Prof. Dr. Lenka Karfíková (Prague, Czech Republic) 19. Rev. Prof. Dr. Franz Mali (Fribourg, Switzerland) 20. Dr. Lenkaitytė Ostermann, Mante (Fribourg, Switzerland) 21. Rev. Prof. Dr. Andrew Louth (Durham, Great Britain) 22. Prof. Dr. Paul Mattei (Lyon, France) 23. Dr. Petr Mikhaylov (Moscow, Russia) 24. Prof. Dr. Hilary Mooney (Weingarten/Germany – Dublin/Ireland) 25. Prof. Dr. Daniel Munteanu (Bamberg – Targoviste, Romania) 26. Prof. Dr. Pavel Pavlov (Sofia, Bulgaria) 27. Rev. Prof. Dr. Vladan Perišić (Belgrade, Serbia) 28. Prof. Dr. Svetοslav Ribolov (Sofia, Bulgaria) 29. Prof. Dr. Michel Stavrou (Paris, France) 30. Rev. Prof. Dr. Tomasz Stępień (Warsaw, Poland) 31. Prof. Dr. Mariyan Stoyadinov (, Bulgaria) 32. Christina Sutter (Fribourg, Switzerland)

7 With gratitude to

Diocese of Varna and Veliki Preslav

Religious Confessions Directorate – Council of Ministers, Republic of Bulgaria