Servicing the Services Sector

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Servicing the Services Sector a Volume 3, No. 3, March 2012, ISSN 2226-1095 Servicing the services sector • TNS on quality and management • ISO 50001 “ on fire ” a Contents Comment Comment Elisabeth Stampfl-Blaha, ISO Vice-President (technical management) Satisfaction guaranteed ! – A service-oriented ISO for satisfied customers ............ 1 Satisfaction guaranteed ! ISO Focus+ is published 10 times a year A service-oriented ISO for satisfied customers (single issues : July-August, World Scene November-December). It is available in English and French. International events and international standardization ............................................ 2 Bonus articles : ISO Update : Guest Interview Over its long history, ISO has strived to continually improve its International Standards via the ISO system James Brooks – TNS ................................................................................................. 3 products and processes in an environment that has remained any- is an important way to further customer The electronic edition (PDF file) ofISO satisfaction. When our member bodies Focus+ is accessible free of charge on the thing but constant. Meeting the needs and expectations of its custom- promote ISO standards and adopt them ISO Website Special Report ers explains ISO’s successes over the last 65 years – a tough challenge as national standards, together with ISO’s An annual subscription to the paper edition global relevance policy, our collective Smiling with confidence – Sustaining the service sector with standards ................ 8 given customers’ constantly evolving needs. costs 38 Swiss francs. effectiveness is enhanced. Mobile commerce – Paving the way in a fast-changing world ................................ 10 With the first year of the ISO Strate- We can learn from creative solutions No subject better illustrates ISO’s ability Publisher gic Plan 2011-2015 now complete, the already developed to meet customers’ to adapt with the times than the portfolio of ISO Central Secretariat Financial services messaging – Business benefits boosted by interoperability ....... 12 course has been set for progress. To build needs irrespective of institutional borders. International Standards to meet the needs (International Organization for of the services sector, the theme of this Standardization) a community of satisfied stakeholders, Clever, common and comprehensive solu- Bill shock ! Customer complaints down, satisfaction up .......................................... 17 issue of ISO Focus+. With the growth in 1, chemin de la Voie-Creuse ISO listens to customers, identifies their tions are needed for technical systems and this sector, emerging requirements have CH – 1211 Genève 20 Consumers speak out ! A framework for developing service standards .................. 20 needs, learns from them and acts accord- their respective business models. Switzerland ingly. My term as ISO Vice-President ISO understands key sector strategic given rise to new approaches to satisfy Tel. : +41 22 749 01 11 Servicing ICT – From information security to service management ....................... 23 (technical management) for 2012-2013 issues by working with industry leaders market players and economic partners. Fax : +41 22 733 34 30 will be no exception. to develop globally relevant, market- In the last five years, ISO has created E-mail : Top marks ! Bringing high-quality education and training to the learner ............... 27 Focus is both internal and external. driven International Standards. In 2011, some 40 new technical or project commit- tees, at least half related to services. These Welcome ! Working for tourists worldwide .............................................................. 30 Internally, standards that are “simpler, the partnership between the automotive Manager : Roger Frost faster, better” will be developed using sector and ISO reached an important moves form part of ISO’s commitment to Editor in Chief : Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis three routes : the ISO Chairs’ conferences milestone with the gathering of high-level continuously improve ISO’s end product. Assistant Editor : Maria Lazarte held every three years ; a unique face-to- industry leaders for the ISO President’s We are confident that these deliverables will Communication Officer : Sandrine Tranchard Centre-fold face interaction linking an exchange of Forum – “ The future of vehicles ”. respond to current market requirements. Artwork : Xela Damond, Pierre Granier Services in everyday life ..................................................................................... 24-25 views, experience and best practice by and Alexane Rosa Translation : Translation Services, the leaders of ISO committees. Secondly, the ISO Living Laboratory ISO Central Secretariat Planet ISO ISO understands key project, a software model of the end-to- sector strategic issues. News of the ISO system ............................................................................................ 33 Subscription enquiries : Sonia Rosas Friot end ISO standards development process ISO Central Secretariat to identify factors key to ISO’s future Tel. : +41 22 749 03 36 success. New ideas will be tried out, Such direct encounters between the ISO Management Solutions Fax : +41 22 749 09 47 new development approaches tested and system and industry customers define com- E-mail : ISO 50001 “ on fire ” – Energy management standard goes global .......................... 34 existing paradigms challenged to achieve mon responsibilities and set up the structure our goal to be the “ the world’s leading for large standardization programmes. A © ISO, 2012. All rights reserved. provider of high quality, globally relevant commitment must be made by all parties Standards in Action International Standards ”. to adhere to decisions taken and to deal The contents of ISO Focus+ are copyrighted Taking the pulse of market research – Ipsos uses ISO standards Finally, the TMB electronic newslet- with upcoming problems in a flexible way. and may not, whether in whole or in part, ter informs the technical community of In recent years, emerging economies have to promote culture of change ..................................................................................... 40 be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or key decisions and how these affect them. increased their involvement in ISO to reflect transmitted in any form or by any means, elec- Communications will be reviewed in the their growing economic importance. We tronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, coming year, so stay tuned. hope to see even more countries contributing without written permission of the Editor. 360° This drive for improvement extends to to the international standardization process. Drink up ! WHO uses ISO standards to monitor safe water .................................... 44 The articles in ISO Focus+ express the views ISO’s external network and our partner- As the scope of our agenda broadens, new of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect ships with over 600 international and partners join the ISO system and the benefits the views of ISO or of any of its members. regional organizations in liaison with that ISO standards can deliver to business, New Releases our technical committees. It is critical government and society are increasingly ISSN 2226-1095 The water challenge – How ISO standards help ....................................................... 47 to reach out to standards development recognized. Printed in Switzerland organizations outside the ISO system, be Last but not least : standards are not Going strong – ISO in figures ............................................................................. 48 they international, regional or national, developed to be left unread (in standards Elisabeth Stampfl-Blaha, ISO Vice-President Cover photo : ISO, 2012 to fora and consortia. bodies or elsewhere). The distribution of (technical management). Coming Up 49 ISO Focus+ March 2012 © ISO Focus+, 1 a World Scene Guest Interview was launched with the aim to increase awareness of, and knowledge about, standards and standardization. As a starting point for stimulating standardization activities in the country, Standards Malaysia organized a workshop on the develop- James Brooks ment of education about standardization for developing countries in Kuala Lumpur, in December 2011. The workshop was a collaborative platform to exchange and disseminate information. TNS The objectives were to get an update on the current state of knowl- edge ; promote the importance of education on standardization to universities and to industry ; initiate international joint research and publications in this domain ; and improve the image of standardization among all stakeholders. ames Brooks is TNS’ Workshop speakers emphasized not only the need for standardiza- J tion education, but gave practical advice on implementation, by using Global Operations Direc- modern concepts like design thinking and games. The first winners ISO to join World Economic Forum councils of the ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardization, China tor and was appointed to Jiliang University, Hangzhao, China (Prof. Song Mingshun) and the The growing awareness that ISO International Standards make Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Global Executive team practical contributions to tackling the challenges facing the interna- the Netherlands
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